View Full Version : Account Problems

19-10-2012, 09:37 PM
Hi all bros.

Just creating a thread here to seek advise on how to help my friend..

He got an account than after that he win... the next day he log in all become 0 credit still must pay upline. obviously somebody log in his plate.. best part here is when the agent give him the default password he never change.. so basically if the agent decides to guess to log in with the default pw he can log in..

i told him theres no way to get the money as he must blame himself for not changing.. but than the point is we from the statement can see the ip address of the unknow guy who anyhow press..

is there anyway to find the address of the ip belonging to?

20-10-2012, 09:01 AM
I think your friend can do nothing except reasoning with the agent. Than again, if it is the agent that did so, he would probably had prepared 101 reasons and excuses. Bottom line, bet with trustworthy agents.

20-10-2012, 11:16 AM
Hi bro

Agents are able to change your passwords anytime and login to your account, if needed.

Chose a reliable agent!


Hi all bros.

Just creating a thread here to seek advise on how to help my friend..

He got an account than after that he win... the next day he log in all become 0 credit still must pay upline. obviously somebody log in his plate.. best part here is when the agent give him the default password he never change.. so basically if the agent decides to guess to log in with the default pw he can log in..

i told him theres no way to get the money as he must blame himself for not changing.. but than the point is we from the statement can see the ip address of the unknow guy who anyhow press..

is there anyway to find the address of the ip belonging to?

17-07-2013, 01:55 PM
The worst scenario is more then 2 person sharing the account . This become a tricky situation. The best thing is change ur password and nv share with anybody so account credit disappear u know it is the agent

17-07-2013, 04:30 PM
remember to use strong password too.

Dont use 123asd, 111qqq etc.