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ken6890 12-05-2018 01:53 PM

Re: Best Juagen Master In Amk = Ling Ling Jie
Support 玲姐and camping for more mr

Islands 12-05-2018 02:18 PM

Re: Best Juagen Master In Amk = Ling Ling Jie
Report Looks good. Will try one day

Arlong 12-05-2018 06:03 PM

Re: Best Juagen Master In Amk = Ling Ling Jie
Intro to bro’s a very rare lady for massage and juagen , she is highly recommended by her RTM customer for her skillful massage . 玲玲姐 is famous while she operate in changi v massage palour a few years back , Alot of bro’s go for her superb juagen service. Juagen can help problem like early ejaculation ,prolong ejaculation and prostate theraphy, her professional massage will really relieve ur muscle tension and bodyache. Call her to engage her service now!!

Contact : 97823801

Location: Central

Age: 30+yrs
Looks: NA
Boobs: NA

Service Provided

Head/Neck/Shoulder Massage [头,颈,肩部按摩] 100% Satisfaction

Full Body Chinese Medical Oil Massage [中医经络推油法] 100% Satisfaction

Authentic Chinese Acupressure/Shiatsu Massage [正宗中式按摩和指压] 100% Satisfaction

Back Kneeling [跪背] 100% Satisfaction

Health & Body Care Therapy [肾部理疗和保健] 100% Satisfaction

Juagen[抓根] 100% Satisfaction

What She Don’t Do:

Fuck Job & Other Services Not Listed Above

Damage for Massage:

$100/One Massage Package With 1 Juagen/60 Min

$100/1次按摩和抓根服务/60 分钟

Contact Ling Ling Jie: 97823801


Originally Posted by FatPaPa (Post 16893855)
Prostate Care Treatment : 前列线保养 ★★★★★

This treatment will be done and perform by Ling Ling Jie The Master.

What Are the Benefits of Prostate Massage Therapy?

Prostate massage therapy
Prostate massage therapy is the practice of massaging the male prostate either for medical or therapeutic reasons. The use of prostate massage therapy is anecdotally supported for a range of conditions. These conditions include erectile dysfunction and chronic prostatitis.

What are the benefits of prostate massage therapy?
Prostatic massage is thought to help clear the prostatic duct. This duct, or pipeline, runs between your prostate and the rest of your reproductive and urinary system. Massaging may produce a spontaneous secretion of fluid. This secretion may help clear this duct of any fluids. This could help eliminate any symptoms you’re experiencing.

Summary of the above statement.

1. This therapy may clear your prostatic duct.
2. Clearing excess fluid may reduce or relieve your symptoms.

What conditions can prostate massage therapy help?
Most studies that have looked at the use of prostate massage have been very small and not decisive. For that reason, some doctors may not support the use of prostate massage.

However, certain groups of men may benefit from prostate massage. Men with the following conditions may find symptomatic relief when they use prostate massage:

Painful ejaculation

Massage therapy may ease fluid blockages in your reproductive system. These kinks may cause you to experience discomfort or pain while ejaculating. Massage might eliminate them.

Erectile dysfunction

Before today’s more modern treatment options, men used massage therapy and prostate stimulation to treat erectile dysfunction (ED). Some men still use it today along with other ED treatments or alone. More mainstream ED treatments include medications, pumps, and implants.

Urine flow

The prostate surrounds your urethra. As swelling and inflammation in the prostate increase, the prostate may begin to interfere with or even cut off your flow of urine. If prostate massage therapy helps eliminate some of that swelling, your urine flow may improve.


Before antibiotics and more specialized treatments were available, massage therapy was the primary treatment for prostatitis. Now that doctors understand a bit more about the multitude of disorders that make up the prostatitis diagnosis, treatments have become more specialized.

What to expect during a prostate massage

During a prostate massage, the person performing the massage will insert a gloved, lubricated finger into your rectum. She’ll gently press on, or massage, the prostate for awhile. The massage might be uncomfortable for a few moments, as she is pushing in and thus you will drip out ' dirty fluid '.

More explanations will be done by Ling Ling Jie

ken6890 13-05-2018 08:32 AM

Re: Best Juagen Master In Amk = Ling Ling Jie
Support 玲姐and camping for more mr

Arlong 13-05-2018 12:01 PM

Re: Best Juagen Master In Amk = Ling Ling Jie

Originally Posted by saltyOman (Post 16366976)
Went for my monthly maintenance and Master Ling ask me to write JGR. Although I feel regular already no need write but I think she deserve a refresh JGR.

Master Ling has groomed 3 new disciples with different strengths. I have tried all their skills. Obviously Master Ling is the ultimate but her disciples are good as well and has improved over time. Linda gives good back massage and JG with a sensual twist. Yanzi has powerful hands for those who wants extra hard back massage and inner thigh massage. Her JG style is versatile depending on how you like it. Then there is Qing jie who also give a hard back massage which I like and slightly more aggressive JG like kuku bird going for gym session.

For guys who are more adventurous, you can try Master Ling prostrate massage for an additional $150 which only Master Ling can execute. I only tried once though and Master Ling say my kuku in good condition so don't need anymore unless IA IA when firing.

Highly recommended for guys who want to keep their tool in tip top war ready condition and like hard back massage!


Originally Posted by aDeCaLs (Post 16319027)
Went for follow-up about a week ago.
Due to error in noting down of bookings, kenna double-bookings.
So ended up 3 people massaged me over the 1 hour.

Yanzi did the back massage.
She is very very strong.
If you can't take hard massage, don't ask for her to tell her to softer a lot.
I'm used to hard massages and I think she's damn hard.

Ling Ling Jie did the initial JG for me.
She was very distracted. Kept messaging on her phone.
As usual, need to top-up to poke ass.
She say my case damn jialut. :(
When paying for top-up, she taught me how to fap properly.
And told me to try and abstain from release.
At least try to limit to once a week. Sianz.

After she poke finish my ass, Qing Jie who massaged me the first time I was there, took over to finish up.

Might go back once in awhile to maintain, but not so often.
Constraint by time and money.


Originally Posted by chibimoyashi (Post 16397342)
My virgin experience with JG. Serviced by one of Ling Ling Jie's disciple (didnt get her name) who told my ducts are pretty rabak like many knots stick tgt. She nvr see before this jialat one, suggested i go for the qian lie xian to fix. I poor boy so tell her i come next time when got money. Good control and strength from her very professional. Halfway through Ling Ling Jie came in to check and she explained to me why my thigh area painful. Then she press press my shaft there fking pain like tearing. After that she press my thigh again no pain liao. Told me cause i pcc wrong method, then taught me how. Also recommended me to go for the prostate massage because my pubic area pain, say injured during sex. Told her will come back when got money.

Overall very professional service, have yet to test the results but feels good and energetic down there. Definitely RTS. Recommend all to give it a try


Originally Posted by oldboi83 (Post 16402148)
My very first sharing bros :o

Made a booking with lingling jie and was served by yanzi jie. I had shoulder, neck, back massage and a juagen. It was really painful and i was sweating out, so was yanzi as she was really putting in alot efforts to loosen my problematic areas. she slowly massage and loosen part by part and gradually less painful and i felt quite comfortable that i had the feeling of wanting to sleep already.

Then moved on to juagen, starting was extremely pain and my legs nearly fly up but she kept working at it and magically felt so good and the pain gradually lessen n slowly disappear too. she said that i pcc too much and its not good for my manhood and shared with some pointers to take note of with regards to pcc. she recommended me to go for prostrate massage next round to further unblock my areas and improve my lower regions health. I was advised not to ejaculate or bath for the next 2 hours after the juagen ended. I was served a cup of warm water before leaving.

Overall, i am really very happy for my first virgin experience of having a massage and juagen and im really pleased with yanzi for her efforts and friendliness. For other bros out there who is like me never try before and wish to go for some authentic massage and manhood treatment, i really recommend trying out lingling jie and yanzi jie. ;)

thanks for support

ken6890 13-05-2018 02:20 PM

Re: Best Juagen Master In Amk = Ling Ling Jie
Support 玲姐and camping for more mr

Arlong 13-05-2018 05:01 PM

Re: Best Juagen Master In Amk = Ling Ling Jie

Originally Posted by yumihisoka (Post 16740136)
Thanks ts for recommendation.

I went when she was free and had no customer. Unfortunately ling ling wasn't able to massage me so i experienced her disciple for massage n jg.

Massage as good as those $140 shiatsu massage. Got strength and she pressed on the right spots to ease my soreness and tension. Not like other ML who play masak masak with the oil on your back waiting to ask you the GQ.

JG was not as painful as i was expecting, and i didn't feel like shooting at all.
Like other fr mentioned, ling ling was able to tell the problem with my tired dong and recommended prostate massage as mine was in bad shape.

Will rtm either for prostate massage alone or body massage with prostate massage to get my sausage in better shape.
Not cheap but its the price of maintenance.

Overall very satisfied with the massage.
P.s. ling ling only speak mandarin


Originally Posted by Jamester999 (Post 16775080)
Sorry for the late FR.

Up until now, i have tried yanzi x 3 times full hour juagen.
1 x time prostate treatment by ling ling.
1 x time juagen by new lady (duno her name..)

At first, a bit skeptical coz hard to find good ones.
In the beginning, after i went 2 times juagen within 4 days, very buey dahan so quickly find fj.
Really can perform very well. Action is smooth. Last time i fj halfway will maybe slowly no performance and end up hj. But not after the juagen.

For yanzai full hour session, there will be mix of painful moments (mostly beginning), sensual moment and those non-painful rubba moments. Painful ones will be coz she pulling ur vein.. at first pain for me, then towards the end better coz loose a bit already. Sensual will be when she use her fingers an carress ur region abit just to see if ur dick is responsive, is part of her diagnostic. Then the other moments is when she will kind of massage ur region, around cock, on the cock etc. It feels good for me coz can feel the blood circulation better. And she even incorperate some jelqing into it. Bros can google it. Throughout the sesson she will altenate between mostly these 3 type. I really feel good after that.
According to her, maybe she rank 2nd in terms of pain and strength after ling ling. Im happy with her.. dont dare try ling ling lol.

For ling ling prostate threatment. Fcking expensive. 150 for 2 min. But its really eye opener.. i nvr knew got such kind of treatment therapy. I googled it, is legit stuff.
I think she does it very well coz the liquid from my cock really drips out. She applied her power strength at the right spot. Ownself very hard to do one..
And the so callee pain that i experienced is not same type of pain as the juagen. Like many bros already mentioned, its like macham wanna pee or shit. But i have to say, its NOT EXACTLY the same. Else it would be a piece of cake, as i pee and shit all the time. The feeling is like inside somewhere inside (maybe ur prostate gland?)became very very sensitive until you feel ur pee or shit might come out. Is very hard to get used to.. i have to ask her to hurry up. In the end after that, pressing some spots above my groin isnt that pain anymore. It is legit therapy.. in my opinion. I think bros who suspect they got unhealthy cock, should do it at least ONCE.

Finally, recently i went find yanzi again.
BUT heard she flew back china .. not sure when come back. So bobian try a new lady. Seems like got alot of new ladies. I forgot the name of the one i tried.
She looks ok and got big boob lol. But is milf la.
Being new, she is considered not bad at all (the next day i can shoot until above my head). But to be honest, yanzi still my fav. Something about her flow in the juagen. When yanzi do, very strong and smooth. This new girl not bad, but no have he jelqing included hahaha.

Thats end of my Fr.


Originally Posted by Rangerous (Post 16787467)
Juagen... I first tried this last year and sad to say I’m addicted to it! I’ve been searching everywhere and trying out at different places and even went to JB... their treatment were never close to ling ling jie Real Juagen Treatment!

As she just went thru a surgery, I was introduced to her new “syt” type disciple... i doubted her skills... but was assured by Lingjie that she can do the job. Indeed it was a sensual treatment and more Shiok to let my dick rubba by “syt”... half way she says there’s a blockage and I do not believe her, so I Requested lingjie to come and do QC! Somehow surprised that She was able to diagnosed how I got the injury... assurance givrn and treatment resumes!

For now, I will not go to try other places as Lingjie Spa has a valid license and equipped with necessary fire safety prevention and evacuation plan..! Making it a very safe place to visit!

Great thanks to TS for the recommendations!


Originally Posted by saltyOman (Post 16813433)
Got a msg from 玲玲姐 to try the skill of her new disciple. She say this disciple 小妹 is a fast learner and ask me to try her for my regular monthly kukujiao spa session.

Very personable when I met 小妹. Good at chatting so no moment of boredom during the massage and JG session, very interactive. Her body language and JG strokes makes me fantasize about those Japanese AV massage palour sexcapades. Want to hanky panky but 玲玲姐 will scold so I 乖乖 let 小妹 JG my stiff kukujiao. Aside from my naughty thoughts, her skill is good considering she is a new disciple. She has a different style from Linda, 燕子 and 清姐. Look forward to more new disciples from 玲玲姐.


Originally Posted by mecolour (Post 16821565)
Make appointment with 玲玲姐,but pre select 小妹 to do jg.1st jg i very shy, 小妹 ,told me strip naked and cover with towel. All set to go. 小妹 said 让我进来啊, i blur i thought she say poke her. But i on medicine abit confused, then later i understand oh like that ,she seat and use the oil to jg my 小鸡鸡。Then she jg until she feel something on the ball bearing 小妹 ask you grow something extra ah, i reply 多个小鸡鸡吗?Then both of us laugh, she carry jg, then she feel something weird near my right side groin. She press i shouted pain pain , she immediately shout for 玲玲姐, the pro doctor come liao. 玲玲姐 diagnosis she said you need you need prostrate remedy. Then she explain all the details about it. I agree , she on her gloves like a specialist doctor going for operation . She ask me flip over like doggie style, then finger slowly go in like you do those 陶器 pole like that slowly poke in. I shouted ah knn sibei pain. 小妹 then offer said 抓住我的手,i hold her hand and keep shouting as 玲玲姐 going for second round. I look reversed all the slimy and clear clot of sperms flowing out slowly. While i thought it over, then come 3rd round knn. I shouted more louder then previous 2 times holding 小妹 手。 Then 玲玲姐 said come back 1 more time you will be okie liao. Then 小妹 get me a cup of water drink to relax after the prostrate. Next 玲玲姐 walk back to the counter. 小妹 continued her jg as per normal. This time more jialat liao, she cannot concentrate well. She ask how come you always 一柱擎天 .i reply 我不知道。 I suggested ask 玲玲姐 come in to check again.玲玲姐 said this is normal lah his body condition very good , almost peak. Just when 玲玲姐 was explaining all her medical knowledge with me , no more 一柱擎天 liao. After she left 小妹 carry on her jg as her normal. But again the 一柱擎天 situation resurfacing . And then in that funny situation she continued her jg and we tcss until the end.
Overall : 8.9/10
小妹 skills level : 9/10
She look better in real life then photo. (Syt + milf )
service paid : worth the money for prostrate and jg.
Conclusion : if you dont go for jg and prostrate you will regret for life . This is serious if you never go for it, touch wood something happen to your 小鸡鸡,who can you blame?

thanks for support

ken6890 13-05-2018 06:34 PM

Re: Best Juagen Master In Amk = Ling Ling Jie
Support 玲姐and camping for more mr

Arlong 14-05-2018 07:42 AM

Re: Best Juagen Master In Amk = Ling Ling Jie
bump bump bump

Contact Ling Ling Jie: 97823801

ken6890 14-05-2018 11:35 AM

Re: Best Juagen Master In Amk = Ling Ling Jie
玲姐and camping for more mr

nuckkie 14-05-2018 02:20 PM

Re: Best Juagen Master In Amk = Ling Ling Jie
Just finished a JG session with yanzi. My first ever JG and it felt good. The JG was amazing. Initially thought it was going to be very painful, but it wasn't painful afterall. Slight discomfort at first, but afterwards, all great. Despite the language barrier, i was served well. She mentioned my tool is still good and healthy and gave me advice oh how to PCC and have a proper sex. Lingling came in towards the end to check if i need an urgent Prostate massage. As it was healthy, she mentioned it was fine to come next week for prostate. Nothing urgent. Overall, great experience. Next up, prostate massage. :)

ken6890 14-05-2018 03:40 PM

Re: Best Juagen Master In Amk = Ling Ling Jie

Originally Posted by nuckkie (Post 17347722)
Just finished a JG session with yanzi. My first ever JG and it felt good. The JG was amazing. Initially thought it was going to be very painful, but it wasn't painful afterall. Slight discomfort at first, but afterwards, all great. Despite the language barrier, i was served well. She mentioned my tool is still good and healthy and gave me advice oh how to PCC and have a proper sex. Lingling came in towards the end to check if i need an urgent Prostate massage. As it was healthy, she mentioned it was fine to come next week for prostate. Nothing urgent. Overall, great experience. Next up, prostate massage. :)

Nice mr , up you 36 points ,cheer

Arlong 14-05-2018 05:44 PM

Re: Best Juagen Master In Amk = Ling Ling Jie
bump bump bump

Contact Ling Ling Jie: 97823801

Arlong 14-05-2018 07:17 PM

Re: Best Juagen Master In Amk = Ling Ling Jie

Originally Posted by saltyOman (Post 16366976)
Went for my monthly maintenance and Master Ling ask me to write JGR. Although I feel regular already no need write but I think she deserve a refresh JGR.

Master Ling has groomed 3 new disciples with different strengths. I have tried all their skills. Obviously Master Ling is the ultimate but her disciples are good as well and has improved over time. Linda gives good back massage and JG with a sensual twist. Yanzi has powerful hands for those who wants extra hard back massage and inner thigh massage. Her JG style is versatile depending on how you like it. Then there is Qing jie who also give a hard back massage which I like and slightly more aggressive JG like kuku bird going for gym session.

For guys who are more adventurous, you can try Master Ling prostrate massage for an additional $150 which only Master Ling can execute. I only tried once though and Master Ling say my kuku in good condition so don't need anymore unless IA IA when firing.

Highly recommended for guys who want to keep their tool in tip top war ready condition and like hard back massage!


Originally Posted by aDeCaLs (Post 16319027)
Went for follow-up about a week ago.
Due to error in noting down of bookings, kenna double-bookings.
So ended up 3 people massaged me over the 1 hour.

Yanzi did the back massage.
She is very very strong.
If you can't take hard massage, don't ask for her to tell her to softer a lot.
I'm used to hard massages and I think she's damn hard.

Ling Ling Jie did the initial JG for me.
She was very distracted. Kept messaging on her phone.
As usual, need to top-up to poke ass.
She say my case damn jialut. :(
When paying for top-up, she taught me how to fap properly.
And told me to try and abstain from release.
At least try to limit to once a week. Sianz.

After she poke finish my ass, Qing Jie who massaged me the first time I was there, took over to finish up.

Might go back once in awhile to maintain, but not so often.
Constraint by time and money.


Originally Posted by chibimoyashi (Post 16397342)
My virgin experience with JG. Serviced by one of Ling Ling Jie's disciple (didnt get her name) who told my ducts are pretty rabak like many knots stick tgt. She nvr see before this jialat one, suggested i go for the qian lie xian to fix. I poor boy so tell her i come next time when got money. Good control and strength from her very professional. Halfway through Ling Ling Jie came in to check and she explained to me why my thigh area painful. Then she press press my shaft there fking pain like tearing. After that she press my thigh again no pain liao. Told me cause i pcc wrong method, then taught me how. Also recommended me to go for the prostate massage because my pubic area pain, say injured during sex. Told her will come back when got money.

Overall very professional service, have yet to test the results but feels good and energetic down there. Definitely RTS. Recommend all to give it a try


Originally Posted by oldboi83 (Post 16402148)
My very first sharing bros :o

Made a booking with lingling jie and was served by yanzi jie. I had shoulder, neck, back massage and a juagen. It was really painful and i was sweating out, so was yanzi as she was really putting in alot efforts to loosen my problematic areas. she slowly massage and loosen part by part and gradually less painful and i felt quite comfortable that i had the feeling of wanting to sleep already.

Then moved on to juagen, starting was extremely pain and my legs nearly fly up but she kept working at it and magically felt so good and the pain gradually lessen n slowly disappear too. she said that i pcc too much and its not good for my manhood and shared with some pointers to take note of with regards to pcc. she recommended me to go for prostrate massage next round to further unblock my areas and improve my lower regions health. I was advised not to ejaculate or bath for the next 2 hours after the juagen ended. I was served a cup of warm water before leaving.

Overall, i am really very happy for my first virgin experience of having a massage and juagen and im really pleased with yanzi for her efforts and friendliness. For other bros out there who is like me never try before and wish to go for some authentic massage and manhood treatment, i really recommend trying out lingling jie and yanzi jie. ;)

thanks for support

ken6890 15-05-2018 07:32 AM

Re: Best Juagen Master In Amk = Ling Ling Jie
Support 玲姐and camping for more mr

Arlong 15-05-2018 10:01 AM

Re: Best Juagen Master In Amk = Ling Ling Jie
bump bump bump

Contact Ling Ling Jie: 97823801

ken6890 15-05-2018 12:05 PM

Re: Best Juagen Master In Amk = Ling Ling Jie
Support 玲姐and camping for more mr

Arlong 15-05-2018 02:01 PM

Re: Best Juagen Master In Amk = Ling Ling Jie

Originally Posted by ken6890 (Post 15436852)
MR for 玲玲姐

Finally managed to book famous JG master 玲玲姐 two days to service my little bro engine

玲玲姐is very friendly and chatty nice lady , her JG service and attitude is excellent , i would say she is the best JG master i ever met

After taking shower she ask me whether to take some massage first or direct to JG ? i reply please direct to concentrate to JG service my little bro as my main purpose is to that

So she start to do JG service , while she touch touch press press awhile on below she can actually told me what problem and which area will pain and what causes these pain ,told me the two side of my thigh will feel painful , when she lightly press it is really feel very painful ,after she explain that is because some of the root around the area was block

she than told me later after her JG service the pain will gone and ask me whether believe or not ? i was thinking sure or not so full of confidence , she told me if later after JG service if that area still feel pain she dont collect the service money from me 还痛不收费

After she continue the JG service and maintenance , ask me still feel painful or not , wow really magical 神奇,the pain really gone , i got to give thump up for her , and she also teach me the correct way to PCC , now than know PCC also got knowledge , really must thank her very much , a very wonderful session with her with learning knowledge too

RTM : Will sure look for her again

Overall for her service i will rate : 10/10 for her professional service

Highly recommend to those need real JG service and maintenance your little bro


Originally Posted by trademark (Post 15439688)
Managed to get a slot for jg.

Really got to thanks the TS for sharing such a gem. She just massage a few time on the thigh n can diagnosed where u will feel pain due to improper pcc. The pain is all gone after the 1hr session.

Friendly lady whom came out from retired to help bros correct their veins. Location is OK if u drive but a bit of walking from nearest mrt station. Enter from carpark area.

Highly recommended.


Originally Posted by soulmanseah (Post 15440519)
short FR on Ling Ling Jie
i tried her over the weekend. i had tried other JG before. All ended with HJ. However, Ling Ling Jie is different. She is the authentic type of JG. No nonsense. Not like those any how press press and HJ for you. So I’m quite impressed.
She is very frank, she tell me once she start to press my Di Di. Say I had HJ too much or could have HJ wrongly and ended “some veins are stuck” in my Di Di. I was like WOW! How the hell she knows….
She than tell me cannot anyhow anyhow PCC wan. Will spoiled your Di Di.. I grow so big first time a lady tell me the proper way of how to PCC “- _- .. I was like WT…
Than she say let me try something different. She put her hand in some cold metal cup than massage my Di Di.. than later she heat up another hand using some heating device like TCM… than cold n warm.. my Di Di ma li kita liao…. She say this is call “cold hot treatment” it is to stimulate the blood circulation in our Di Di… first time I had this “cold hot JG!”
Overall im very satisfied. She will explain this and that… so its an eye opener and educational for me.
DMG: 100/1h for normal JG. Cold hot JG treatment is 150/1h
Service: JG only. As mentioned she does pro JG no nonsense.
Ratings: 9/10, I think if she had some soft music those relaxing spa massage music will be fantastic. Than I will give 10/10!
RTS : why not ? return to service my Di Di. So that I can maintain it for optimal performance. Today I tried my newly “service weapon”… hmmm got some difference.. will try a few more times see will be more power or not ^^ that’s why than I decided to do this FR to share with more Bros since I feel some differences…


Originally Posted by Xammi (Post 15836638)
MR for Ling Ling 姐, but im new to massages so i would only base this MR on my subjective experience.

Massage is 10/10. She has lots of power, with reserve to spare. Word of advice, dont challange the power! Gets me at the right places. Can really feel it when she says im crooked here and crooked there. After massage, can feel the difference. Based on the back massage alone i will definitely go back.

Environment is 8/10. Clean therapy bed. Clean towels. No weird smell.

JG is 8/10 for now. Aging man. Boh pian. Everythin also pain. She tries her best to clear all blockages. Need to return for prostate line clearing. Will update on the performance result after JG.

All in all, an eye opener for me. But the much needed back massage is spot on. Professional and non-erotic. Im definitely introducing more people to her.


Originally Posted by yalpnez (Post 16104411)
Here's my humble MR.

If you are looking to get some sextisfaction from someone massaging your sensitive spots, with perhaps some treatment byproduct, then move on...

But if you are looking for actual care and treatment, then proceed...

I've experience a few other popular JG experts but I must say, this is the first one that brought no pleasure at all.

Place is easy to find and Ling Ling Jie is friendly. Going by public transport will prob require a few change of buses or 5-10 mins walk on foot. The entrance is also reasonably discreet.

I went in, took my shower and her disciple came in to attend to me. As the (painful) massage went along, we chatted freely and also talked about the various aspects of manhood care. Explaining why I was hurting in certain areas and all.

Midway, Lingling Jie came in and the disciple told her "her findings" and Lingling Jie took over too explain certain diagnosis to me as well as explain the need for prostate care. ($150 top-up here)

Having read the MRs here, I already knew what to expect.

I eventually decided to take up the top-up and it was one kind of an experience. Excruciating. I can only say that the effect of the treatment was immediate in accordance to what she said it would be. While not 100%, it was definitely a good 90%.

I do feel that they are genuine in their wanting to provide treatment. And though it was not a pleasurable experience (so to speak), this is indeed the place to go if you want to get treatment.

thanks for support the MR

ken6890 15-05-2018 04:17 PM

Re: Best Juagen Master In Amk = Ling Ling Jie
Support 玲姐and camping for more mr

Arlong 15-05-2018 06:22 PM

Re: Best Juagen Master In Amk = Ling Ling Jie
Intro to bro’s a very rare lady for massage and juagen , she is highly recommended by her RTM customer for her skillful massage . 玲玲姐 is famous while she operate in changi v massage palour a few years back , Alot of bro’s go for her superb juagen service. Juagen can help problem like early ejaculation ,prolong ejaculation and prostate theraphy, her professional massage will really relieve ur muscle tension and bodyache. Call her to engage her service now!!

Contact : 97823801

Location: Central

Age: 30+yrs
Looks: NA
Boobs: NA

Service Provided

Head/Neck/Shoulder Massage [头,颈,肩部按摩] 100% Satisfaction

Full Body Chinese Medical Oil Massage [中医经络推油法] 100% Satisfaction

Authentic Chinese Acupressure/Shiatsu Massage [正宗中式按摩和指压] 100% Satisfaction

Back Kneeling [跪背] 100% Satisfaction

Health & Body Care Therapy [肾部理疗和保健] 100% Satisfaction

Juagen[抓根] 100% Satisfaction

What She Don’t Do:

Fuck Job & Other Services Not Listed Above

Damage for Massage:

$100/One Massage Package With 1 Juagen/60 Min

$100/1次按摩和抓根服务/60 分钟

Contact Ling Ling Jie: 97823801


Originally Posted by FatPaPa (Post 16893855)
Prostate Care Treatment : 前列线保养 ★★★★★

This treatment will be done and perform by Ling Ling Jie The Master.

What Are the Benefits of Prostate Massage Therapy?

Prostate massage therapy
Prostate massage therapy is the practice of massaging the male prostate either for medical or therapeutic reasons. The use of prostate massage therapy is anecdotally supported for a range of conditions. These conditions include erectile dysfunction and chronic prostatitis.

What are the benefits of prostate massage therapy?
Prostatic massage is thought to help clear the prostatic duct. This duct, or pipeline, runs between your prostate and the rest of your reproductive and urinary system. Massaging may produce a spontaneous secretion of fluid. This secretion may help clear this duct of any fluids. This could help eliminate any symptoms you’re experiencing.

Summary of the above statement.

1. This therapy may clear your prostatic duct.
2. Clearing excess fluid may reduce or relieve your symptoms.

What conditions can prostate massage therapy help?
Most studies that have looked at the use of prostate massage have been very small and not decisive. For that reason, some doctors may not support the use of prostate massage.

However, certain groups of men may benefit from prostate massage. Men with the following conditions may find symptomatic relief when they use prostate massage:

Painful ejaculation

Massage therapy may ease fluid blockages in your reproductive system. These kinks may cause you to experience discomfort or pain while ejaculating. Massage might eliminate them.

Erectile dysfunction

Before today’s more modern treatment options, men used massage therapy and prostate stimulation to treat erectile dysfunction (ED). Some men still use it today along with other ED treatments or alone. More mainstream ED treatments include medications, pumps, and implants.

Urine flow

The prostate surrounds your urethra. As swelling and inflammation in the prostate increase, the prostate may begin to interfere with or even cut off your flow of urine. If prostate massage therapy helps eliminate some of that swelling, your urine flow may improve.


Before antibiotics and more specialized treatments were available, massage therapy was the primary treatment for prostatitis. Now that doctors understand a bit more about the multitude of disorders that make up the prostatitis diagnosis, treatments have become more specialized.

What to expect during a prostate massage

During a prostate massage, the person performing the massage will insert a gloved, lubricated finger into your rectum. She’ll gently press on, or massage, the prostate for awhile. The massage might be uncomfortable for a few moments, as she is pushing in and thus you will drip out ' dirty fluid '.

More explanations will be done by Ling Ling Jie

ken6890 16-05-2018 07:42 AM

Re: Best Juagen Master In Amk = Ling Ling Jie
Support 玲姐and camping for more mr

Arlong 16-05-2018 10:14 AM

Re: Best Juagen Master In Amk = Ling Ling Jie

Originally Posted by saltyOman (Post 16366976)
Went for my monthly maintenance and Master Ling ask me to write JGR. Although I feel regular already no need write but I think she deserve a refresh JGR.

Master Ling has groomed 3 new disciples with different strengths. I have tried all their skills. Obviously Master Ling is the ultimate but her disciples are good as well and has improved over time. Linda gives good back massage and JG with a sensual twist. Yanzi has powerful hands for those who wants extra hard back massage and inner thigh massage. Her JG style is versatile depending on how you like it. Then there is Qing jie who also give a hard back massage which I like and slightly more aggressive JG like kuku bird going for gym session.

For guys who are more adventurous, you can try Master Ling prostrate massage for an additional $150 which only Master Ling can execute. I only tried once though and Master Ling say my kuku in good condition so don't need anymore unless IA IA when firing.

Highly recommended for guys who want to keep their tool in tip top war ready condition and like hard back massage!


Originally Posted by aDeCaLs (Post 16319027)
Went for follow-up about a week ago.
Due to error in noting down of bookings, kenna double-bookings.
So ended up 3 people massaged me over the 1 hour.

Yanzi did the back massage.
She is very very strong.
If you can't take hard massage, don't ask for her to tell her to softer a lot.
I'm used to hard massages and I think she's damn hard.

Ling Ling Jie did the initial JG for me.
She was very distracted. Kept messaging on her phone.
As usual, need to top-up to poke ass.
She say my case damn jialut. :(
When paying for top-up, she taught me how to fap properly.
And told me to try and abstain from release.
At least try to limit to once a week. Sianz.

After she poke finish my ass, Qing Jie who massaged me the first time I was there, took over to finish up.

Might go back once in awhile to maintain, but not so often.
Constraint by time and money.


Originally Posted by chibimoyashi (Post 16397342)
My virgin experience with JG. Serviced by one of Ling Ling Jie's disciple (didnt get her name) who told my ducts are pretty rabak like many knots stick tgt. She nvr see before this jialat one, suggested i go for the qian lie xian to fix. I poor boy so tell her i come next time when got money. Good control and strength from her very professional. Halfway through Ling Ling Jie came in to check and she explained to me why my thigh area painful. Then she press press my shaft there fking pain like tearing. After that she press my thigh again no pain liao. Told me cause i pcc wrong method, then taught me how. Also recommended me to go for the prostate massage because my pubic area pain, say injured during sex. Told her will come back when got money.

Overall very professional service, have yet to test the results but feels good and energetic down there. Definitely RTS. Recommend all to give it a try


Originally Posted by oldboi83 (Post 16402148)
My very first sharing bros :o

Made a booking with lingling jie and was served by yanzi jie. I had shoulder, neck, back massage and a juagen. It was really painful and i was sweating out, so was yanzi as she was really putting in alot efforts to loosen my problematic areas. she slowly massage and loosen part by part and gradually less painful and i felt quite comfortable that i had the feeling of wanting to sleep already.

Then moved on to juagen, starting was extremely pain and my legs nearly fly up but she kept working at it and magically felt so good and the pain gradually lessen n slowly disappear too. she said that i pcc too much and its not good for my manhood and shared with some pointers to take note of with regards to pcc. she recommended me to go for prostrate massage next round to further unblock my areas and improve my lower regions health. I was advised not to ejaculate or bath for the next 2 hours after the juagen ended. I was served a cup of warm water before leaving.

Overall, i am really very happy for my first virgin experience of having a massage and juagen and im really pleased with yanzi for her efforts and friendliness. For other bros out there who is like me never try before and wish to go for some authentic massage and manhood treatment, i really recommend trying out lingling jie and yanzi jie. ;)

thanks for support

Arlong 16-05-2018 12:31 PM

Re: Best Juagen Master In Amk = Ling Ling Jie
bump bump bump

Contact Ling Ling Jie: 97823801

ken6890 16-05-2018 02:44 PM

Re: Best Juagen Master In Amk = Ling Ling Jie
Support 玲姐and camping for more mr

Arlong 16-05-2018 05:58 PM

Re: Best Juagen Master In Amk = Ling Ling Jie

Originally Posted by yumihisoka (Post 16740136)
Thanks ts for recommendation.

I went when she was free and had no customer. Unfortunately ling ling wasn't able to massage me so i experienced her disciple for massage n jg.

Massage as good as those $140 shiatsu massage. Got strength and she pressed on the right spots to ease my soreness and tension. Not like other ML who play masak masak with the oil on your back waiting to ask you the GQ.

JG was not as painful as i was expecting, and i didn't feel like shooting at all.
Like other fr mentioned, ling ling was able to tell the problem with my tired dong and recommended prostate massage as mine was in bad shape.

Will rtm either for prostate massage alone or body massage with prostate massage to get my sausage in better shape.
Not cheap but its the price of maintenance.

Overall very satisfied with the massage.
P.s. ling ling only speak mandarin


Originally Posted by Jamester999 (Post 16775080)
Sorry for the late FR.

Up until now, i have tried yanzi x 3 times full hour juagen.
1 x time prostate treatment by ling ling.
1 x time juagen by new lady (duno her name..)

At first, a bit skeptical coz hard to find good ones.
In the beginning, after i went 2 times juagen within 4 days, very buey dahan so quickly find fj.
Really can perform very well. Action is smooth. Last time i fj halfway will maybe slowly no performance and end up hj. But not after the juagen.

For yanzai full hour session, there will be mix of painful moments (mostly beginning), sensual moment and those non-painful rubba moments. Painful ones will be coz she pulling ur vein.. at first pain for me, then towards the end better coz loose a bit already. Sensual will be when she use her fingers an carress ur region abit just to see if ur dick is responsive, is part of her diagnostic. Then the other moments is when she will kind of massage ur region, around cock, on the cock etc. It feels good for me coz can feel the blood circulation better. And she even incorperate some jelqing into it. Bros can google it. Throughout the sesson she will altenate between mostly these 3 type. I really feel good after that.
According to her, maybe she rank 2nd in terms of pain and strength after ling ling. Im happy with her.. dont dare try ling ling lol.

For ling ling prostate threatment. Fcking expensive. 150 for 2 min. But its really eye opener.. i nvr knew got such kind of treatment therapy. I googled it, is legit stuff.
I think she does it very well coz the liquid from my cock really drips out. She applied her power strength at the right spot. Ownself very hard to do one..
And the so callee pain that i experienced is not same type of pain as the juagen. Like many bros already mentioned, its like macham wanna pee or shit. But i have to say, its NOT EXACTLY the same. Else it would be a piece of cake, as i pee and shit all the time. The feeling is like inside somewhere inside (maybe ur prostate gland?)became very very sensitive until you feel ur pee or shit might come out. Is very hard to get used to.. i have to ask her to hurry up. In the end after that, pressing some spots above my groin isnt that pain anymore. It is legit therapy.. in my opinion. I think bros who suspect they got unhealthy cock, should do it at least ONCE.

Finally, recently i went find yanzi again.
BUT heard she flew back china .. not sure when come back. So bobian try a new lady. Seems like got alot of new ladies. I forgot the name of the one i tried.
She looks ok and got big boob lol. But is milf la.
Being new, she is considered not bad at all (the next day i can shoot until above my head). But to be honest, yanzi still my fav. Something about her flow in the juagen. When yanzi do, very strong and smooth. This new girl not bad, but no have he jelqing included hahaha.

Thats end of my Fr.


Originally Posted by Rangerous (Post 16787467)
Juagen... I first tried this last year and sad to say I’m addicted to it! I’ve been searching everywhere and trying out at different places and even went to JB... their treatment were never close to ling ling jie Real Juagen Treatment!

As she just went thru a surgery, I was introduced to her new “syt” type disciple... i doubted her skills... but was assured by Lingjie that she can do the job. Indeed it was a sensual treatment and more Shiok to let my dick rubba by “syt”... half way she says there’s a blockage and I do not believe her, so I Requested lingjie to come and do QC! Somehow surprised that She was able to diagnosed how I got the injury... assurance givrn and treatment resumes!

For now, I will not go to try other places as Lingjie Spa has a valid license and equipped with necessary fire safety prevention and evacuation plan..! Making it a very safe place to visit!

Great thanks to TS for the recommendations!


Originally Posted by saltyOman (Post 16813433)
Got a msg from 玲玲姐 to try the skill of her new disciple. She say this disciple 小妹 is a fast learner and ask me to try her for my regular monthly kukujiao spa session.

Very personable when I met 小妹. Good at chatting so no moment of boredom during the massage and JG session, very interactive. Her body language and JG strokes makes me fantasize about those Japanese AV massage palour sexcapades. Want to hanky panky but 玲玲姐 will scold so I 乖乖 let 小妹 JG my stiff kukujiao. Aside from my naughty thoughts, her skill is good considering she is a new disciple. She has a different style from Linda, 燕子 and 清姐. Look forward to more new disciples from 玲玲姐.


Originally Posted by mecolour (Post 16821565)
Make appointment with 玲玲姐,but pre select 小妹 to do jg.1st jg i very shy, 小妹 ,told me strip naked and cover with towel. All set to go. 小妹 said 让我进来啊, i blur i thought she say poke her. But i on medicine abit confused, then later i understand oh like that ,she seat and use the oil to jg my 小鸡鸡。Then she jg until she feel something on the ball bearing 小妹 ask you grow something extra ah, i reply 多个小鸡鸡吗?Then both of us laugh, she carry jg, then she feel something weird near my right side groin. She press i shouted pain pain , she immediately shout for 玲玲姐, the pro doctor come liao. 玲玲姐 diagnosis she said you need you need prostrate remedy. Then she explain all the details about it. I agree , she on her gloves like a specialist doctor going for operation . She ask me flip over like doggie style, then finger slowly go in like you do those 陶器 pole like that slowly poke in. I shouted ah knn sibei pain. 小妹 then offer said 抓住我的手,i hold her hand and keep shouting as 玲玲姐 going for second round. I look reversed all the slimy and clear clot of sperms flowing out slowly. While i thought it over, then come 3rd round knn. I shouted more louder then previous 2 times holding 小妹 手。 Then 玲玲姐 said come back 1 more time you will be okie liao. Then 小妹 get me a cup of water drink to relax after the prostrate. Next 玲玲姐 walk back to the counter. 小妹 continued her jg as per normal. This time more jialat liao, she cannot concentrate well. She ask how come you always 一柱擎天 .i reply 我不知道。 I suggested ask 玲玲姐 come in to check again.玲玲姐 said this is normal lah his body condition very good , almost peak. Just when 玲玲姐 was explaining all her medical knowledge with me , no more 一柱擎天 liao. After she left 小妹 carry on her jg as her normal. But again the 一柱擎天 situation resurfacing . And then in that funny situation she continued her jg and we tcss until the end.
Overall : 8.9/10
小妹 skills level : 9/10
She look better in real life then photo. (Syt + milf )
service paid : worth the money for prostrate and jg.
Conclusion : if you dont go for jg and prostrate you will regret for life . This is serious if you never go for it, touch wood something happen to your 小鸡鸡,who can you blame?

thanks for support

Arlong 16-05-2018 07:26 PM

Re: Best Juagen Master In Amk = Ling Ling Jie
bump bump bump

Contact Ling Ling Jie: 97823801

pod777 17-05-2018 02:10 AM

Re: Best Juagen Master In Amk = Ling Ling Jie
Followed up Ling Ling Jie for 2nd prostrate massage and Jua Gen session with lisa. Prostrate massage done, all pain spots in right pubic area gone. Tahan a bit when she fingers 😜 The erection during JG until I paiseh sia, treatment results can not deny. Mari Kita straight away to max expansion. Thanks to TS for lobang. Mojo restored.

Prostrate Massage - $150/-
JuaGen - $100/-

ken6890 17-05-2018 07:34 AM

Re: Best Juagen Master In Amk = Ling Ling Jie
Support 玲姐and camping for more mr

Arlong 17-05-2018 01:41 PM

Re: Best Juagen Master In Amk = Ling Ling Jie
bump bump bump

Contact Ling Ling Jie: 97823801

Arlong 17-05-2018 06:01 PM

Re: Best Juagen Master In Amk = Ling Ling Jie

Originally Posted by pod777 (Post 17356506)
Followed up Ling Ling Jie for 2nd prostrate massage and Jua Gen session with lisa. Prostrate massage done, all pain spots in right pubic area gone. Tahan a bit when she fingers 😜 The erection during JG until I paiseh sia, treatment results can not deny. Mari Kita straight away to max expansion. Thanks to TS for lobang. Mojo restored.

Prostrate Massage - $150/-
JuaGen - $100/-

Thanks for the mr

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