Fresh and very tasty and intoxicating CNY bonk....
Mei Er(2041)
Unlike that fella Max_Priest with his sinister unscrupulous unethical real agenda in SBF and his recent lame pathetic 'No Name Fr' n 'Operation Code Word' gimmicks which btw are totally worthless in disproving his true sinister intent of receiving or trying to receive RAW SEX fm the GL WLs in exchange for posting FR/Info in SBF on them,because Max_Priest had already admitted that the GL WLs know about his SBF persona... I on the otherhand promote Genuine No Agenda Sharing in SBF....
For those who r interested...stay tuned to find out more on whether Max_Priest's only true agenda is to just purely support the WLs in SBF without receiving or trying to receive RAW SEX in return fm the WLs in the HOTTEST NEWS IN GEYLANG DAILY & Gossips thread