Originally Posted by Gunas
Hi Bro Nono
Here have some questions hope you can help.
1. For Alisan KTV, what time can the girl leave with you if you want to bonk her in your own hotel room?
2. And say if you want to just bonk one time and not bring them back whole night, can that be arranged? eg say meet the lady at 9 pm, bring her to room do 1 hour that's all?
Hi bro,the below link should help you on the type of girls in Alishan KTV by bro Ndnd :
Everything can be arranged in the KTV,bro. So long you talk to either the mami or the girl who sits with you. Please note that prices may varies from time to time. The girls can usually leave after you booked from the KTV officially.
More information on KTVs in Batam by bro Ianlim and bro Boaring for your reference so as to prepare yourself when you are there :
Hope the info helps.
At this point,may i ask you for a small favor?
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Yes,i am asking you to help me Edit your own post becos you have unknowingly quoted my whole post.
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Unless its REALLY REALLY necessary,please refrain from Quoting another person's entire post.
Hoping for your understanding here.
Sincerely thank you. (if you are reading this)