Originally Posted by broessex
Not trying to side with anyone here, but I find this a little hard to believe leh.
If the girl has consistently bad reviews and FR, I can understand, but this girl has been QC-ed by a few Bros here (even the legendary KOC), and so far her reviews have been great. I know sometimes FL won't be 100% tip top all the time, but to give attitude and to chase a customer out before time is up, some more 30 mins to spare? That's very unusual.
These girls are controlled by their OKT and I doubt they'll play punk in their first few days of work here. Last 1-2 days got ORD mood I can understand.
I believe there's more to this story than just what you have posted here. Like I and many other Bros have said before, experience during session may vary, but this looks to be like the extreme outlier here. There's probably something you also did during the session that resulted in the experience you received.
My 2 cents.
Sinple you are not at there around so you do not know any. Fr can be paid nowadays isn't? So which truth which untrue who know? What i get from stiring thing then? Girl earn more earn less concern me? Ans in no. Okt earn more earn less concern me? Ans is no. I as chiongster simple find pay fuck go. Simple as that. Who the heck will be cool when you got chase out?