Originally Posted by jihongkia
Sinple you are not at there around so you do not know any. Fr can be paid nowadays isn't? So which truth which untrue who know? What i get from stiring thing then? Girl earn more earn less concern me? Ans in no. Okt earn more earn less concern me? Ans is no. I as chiongster simple find pay fuck go. Simple as that. Who the heck will be cool when you got chase out?
Of course I not there lah, stables only provide tarma but don't have DP service. If you know of one please intro.
Anyway, there's always two sides of the same coin. You say her service bad, she chase you out etc etc, but why is it that you're the only one who had this problem and everyone else seems to get the full 90 mins? Never ask yourself that before ah?
Also, good FR can be paid, bad FR can also be paid. I'm not trying to throw dirt on you, as I've seen your FRs before and they look legit to me. What I'm saying is maybe you should take a chill pill and try to settle with the OKT directly. It's great you let us know your experience, but right now it just looks like you're trying a little too hard to wreck the stable imo.