My first time visiting Ling Ling.
But I am not a virgin at juagen. I have posted a number of MR at juagen joints few years back.
Long time no write MR so a bit long winded.
The place is a bit inconvenient if go by public transport but not difficult to find.
When I arrived, Ling Ling asked me whether it is okay for her disciple to massage for me, she will come in later to inspect me. I was okay with that.
It was a full hour of juagen massage. The disciple started to work on my didi. I must say the massage was not painful at all.
What was interesting was listening to the other disciple in the next bed (we are separated by a curtain only) serving another bro who came in 15 minutes before me. She sounded that she was trying to hard sell the bro into getting the qian lie xian (prostrate) massage saying that many who had problem with their didi are "cured" after receiving this treatment. She even said if the problem not cured, full refund.
Ling Ling then came into my side first. She pressed my groin and the area between my balls and the anus. She said the jin (tendon?) on my left groin is a bit off and she asked whether I feel pain when she pressed my left groin. Compared to the right groin, the left groin was a bit more painful when she pressed.
Ling Ling then proceeded to press deep into the area between my balls and anus, I felt a bit of sng sng (sour ache) feeling. Then she press my left groin again and that bit of pain was gone.
I was half expecting Ling Ling or the disciple to ask me to go for the qian lie xian (prostrate) massage but no, none of them asked me. Ling Ling said my didi is healthy and there is nothing that needs to be fixed, just normal servicing (bao jian) will do. She added that among all the customers, I am that rare 1 in 20 that actually has a healthy KKJ.
Ling Ling then went to the next bed to see the other bro. The other bro seems to have some real problem. I can hear Ling Ling pressing here and there and asked him pain or not. Ling Ling diagnosed that the other bro has some serious blockage and she asked if he is experiencing some problem with his didi. She then suggested that he come back again this week to have the qian lie xian (prostrate) treatment. Pain is 2 minutes but can cure him 70%.
Ling Ling then went out and I thought she would just leave it to her disciples to service the 2 men. After a few minutes, Ling Ling came into my side. I thought she also wanted to suggest that I come back for the qian lie xian treatment but no again - she did not. Ling Ling just came in to chit chat while watching (supervising?) her disciple work.
Ling Ling stood there talking to me, telling me that many men are very hiong (violent) when they piak piak until they "damaged" their KKJ unknowingly. She also told me that youngsters nowadays have easy access to porn and they pcc so much until they also "damaged" their kkj.
Ling Ling then said that my KKJ is healthy and I don't need any "repair", just regular servicing. I could then conclude that she and the other disciple were not hard selling the qian lie xian treatment, but only seriously wanting to treat those who need it.
Name: Disciple. Did not ask.
Looks: Pleasant.
Skills: Competent (She knows what she is doing).
Damage: $100
RTM: Yes. (Regular servicing

PS: Like many bros have written, this place is proper juagen didi treatment. No hanky panky.
Up my points if you like my MR!