Originally Posted by friedchickennub
Lmao sorry but I find it a bit incredulous that people don't know they can retract their foreskin. If cannot retract at all cos too tight it's called phimosis, need to see doctor alr this one. Just try to gently pull back your foreskin, if painful then don't forcibly pull back.
No need to see a doc actually, i used to have phimosis too but after some stretching exercises every alternate days(around 15-20mins) for about 2-3 weeks, then your foreskin(for me it was the very tip of the foreskin that was too tight) will naturally stretch out and then you can retract it properly..at least that's how i fixed mine..just note you'll have to take it slow initially and your foreskin might get slightly swollen if you overstretch it so give it some rest for a few days when that happens.