Re: Beijing Recommendations
民警对海淀区的香水湾高档商务会馆进行突击检查,现场抓获正在提供黄色服务的服务员。据了解,女服务员身穿 不同颜色的工作服,穿红衣的服务员做足疗,穿白色衣服的做推油按摩,但是一但交了钱提供的服务便会大不一样 。
The above is a so called "high end Business Center" commonly known as "会馆" or "洗浴" or what we called "sauna place" that has just been raided 2 days ago. Location is at Beijing, Haidian District, 香水湾.
Seems like raids like these are very common in Beijing nowadays.
Bros in Beijing please be careful when visiting these places.
Just my gentle reminder.