Re: Thread for Flammig/Exchange Points/Copy Frs/Complained.
Bro ebonkie, you are not steady at all. If in this exchange points thread you do not wished small fly like me to up you. Pls put it in your signature what is the minimum points bros could up you in order to get the 20 points return by you. Rather than up me back by a +4 points back.
bro ReDraw, yitian10818, SikWaiSin and Lukasgoessteady. Do you guys get the same fate like me who was being up by CLONES from Ebonkie as I realised he did up you guys?
I am not very hard up for points as i also up bros like leobeer, tiaw88 and solarium who are only 1 and 2 pointers.
But you shouldn't make use of your premium 20 points to attract bros to up you and in return up them back accordingly to their points.
Pls also note that SBF rule no. 10. Those caught registering multiple nicks in order to build up their "war chest" to abuse the system will be placed in moderation mode. Maybe exceptional will be given to you just becauses you are a pay sponsor.
Bros who going to up him expecting him to return you with 20 premium points. I think unless you are 10 pointers and above then there is a chance
Any up be it Big or small will be return. Please PM if I forgotten.
Best FL - jingjing from haonan25
Just up - ebonkie, leobeer
Next up - tiaw88, solarium