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Old 01-04-2015, 10:46 PM
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Re: Events in CP 2 and Dongguan Happenings

Originally Posted by sanuuk View Post
Tiagong that your drinking is very powderful wor! Can i join your grp?
谁说的?I get drunk beri fast
Old 02-04-2015, 01:42 AM
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Re: Events in CP 2 and Dongguan Happenings

Originally Posted by Michael View Post
谁说的?I get drunk beri fast
我说滴!u all drink jug by jug !能不醉吗?


7 pointers and above
Old 02-04-2015, 08:31 AM
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Re: Events in CP 2 and Dongguan Happenings

Dropping by DG tomorrow for a week to visit friends

Old 03-04-2015, 11:22 AM
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Re: Events in CP 2 and Dongguan Happenings

Originally Posted by sex crusader View Post
我说滴!u all drink jug by jug !能不醉吗?
Have i drank with you before? I must have KO liao, can't remember anything.
Old 03-04-2015, 03:05 PM
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Re: Events in CP 2 and Dongguan Happenings

Originally Posted by sanuuk View Post
Tiagong that your drinking is very powderful wor! Can i join your grp?
Originally Posted by sex crusader View Post
我说滴!u all drink jug by jug !能不醉吗?
Originally Posted by Michael View Post
Have i drank with you before? I must have KO liao, can't remember anything.
Haha seems there are many 酒神 around!

Originally Posted by sexrookie View Post
Dropping by DG tomorrow for a week to visit friends
Visiting male or female friends?
Weather so hot!
Old 03-04-2015, 05:29 PM
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Re: Events in CP 2 and Dongguan Happenings

Dahe shopping mall next to Gome last day today.

Poor Chang Ping.

CROOK AGENTS: 55055, vbkk, SEAsiaJoe, TonyCheong2, sex crusader, $$$$$$$$$$.
EVIL CLONES: sanuuk, osamabinladin, Snacky, various "..doggy.."
IDIOTS/TOTAL LOONIES: ahtecklim, etct88, MGplayer, Xiaoqiang74.
Old 03-04-2015, 05:51 PM
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Re: Events in CP 2 and Dongguan Happenings

东莞73岁老汉包养20岁失足女 遭对方谋财害命
头条新闻南方都市报 [微博] 韩成良2015-04-03 11:16我要分享 267

南都讯 记者韩成良 通讯员黄彩华 20岁出头的“失足女”阿美(化名)被东莞厚街73岁的陈老汉包养。两人相处仅20来天,阿美便和男友合谋 到陈老汉家抢劫,导致陈老汉窒息死亡。案发9年后阿美自首。日前,东莞中院终审判阿美有期徒刑 四年。


法院查明,2002年12月22日,73岁的东莞陈老汉被发现在厚街家中死亡,卧室一片杂乱,衣物撒了一地 。陈的尸体平躺在床上,双手、双脚被透明胶带捆绑,嘴部用粉红色枕巾堵住,枕巾外还捆上了一层 透明胶带。

直到9年后2011年10月,腆着大肚子的孕妇阿美向贵州警方自首,称陈老汉死亡当天,她曾参与抢劫。阿美 向警方交代,2002年12月初,20岁出头的她在陈老汉家附近卖淫时与陈结识。陈老汉让阿美到他家做家务 ,并跟他同居。偶尔陈老汉会给她100元花。


陈老汉没想到,他抱得“美人归”同时,正在引狼入室。原来阿美有个男朋友阿金。2002年12月21日晚上 10点多,陈老汉已睡着,阿美按照事先约定在家等着阿金前来抢劫。

很快,阿金带着三个同伙来到陈老汉家门外,吹了几声口哨。阿美立刻开门,阿金等4人冲进屋后,将陈老汉按在 床上,陈惊醒后还没来得及发出声响,便被人掐住了脖子,而后又被人用枕巾堵住嘴,再用透明胶封住,双手双脚 也被人捆绑。

之后阿金等人开始翻箱倒柜,将搜得的现金约2500元、一枚黄金戒指全部拿走,阿美也一同离开了陈老汉家。 第二天下午,陈老汉尸体被人发现。警方查明,就在抢劫当晚,陈老汉因窒息死亡。


直到2011年10月25日,案发9年后,阿美才主动向贵州公安机关投案,当时因怀孕被取保候审,后生下一 名男婴。2012年11月9日,东莞市第二市区检察院对阿美批捕。2014年3月26日,阿美向厚街警方投 案。据她供述,2008年她回到老家,才得知陈老汉死亡一事,当时据事发已时隔6年。

东莞市第二法院一审认定审理后认为,阿美犯抢劫罪,判处有期徒刑四年,并处罚金3000元。后阿美不服上诉 。日前,东莞中院二审驳回阿美的上诉,维持原判。

dongguan old man murdered by young mistress and her boyfriend
in china do not bao or trust any WLs easily, one may lose one's money or even lose one's life
Old 04-04-2015, 11:33 AM
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Re: Events in CP 2 and Dongguan Happenings

hi , i'm planning to GZ next month and maybe make some nights in CP, How cp today..? is it still the same ? i mean all sauna is closed , and no more Mixktv, is it still fun in CP..?

thanks before bro
Old 04-04-2015, 12:55 PM
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Re: Events in CP 2 and Dongguan Happenings

Originally Posted by saunalovers View Post
hi , i'm planning to GZ next month and maybe make some nights in CP, How cp today..? is it still the same ? i mean all sauna is closed , and no more Mixktv, is it still fun in CP..?
If I may....

Suggest that you contact one of the advertisers at top of the main International page.

Just about everything is NOT the same in the whole of Southern China and you should get the latest/most accurate information from these honest agents instead of your quite DYI approach. It's too dangerous these days doing this and you'll probably save some money instead of being lured by undeclared stealth agents with such approach.

And up to last week, no sauna/mix KTV as we used to know it in CP anymore - Heck, I could not even find ANY KTV's with girls at the ready as we used to know it! CP is only still OK if you have your own sources, Sigh.....

CROOK AGENTS: 55055, vbkk, SEAsiaJoe, TonyCheong2, sex crusader, $$$$$$$$$$.
EVIL CLONES: sanuuk, osamabinladin, Snacky, various "..doggy.."
IDIOTS/TOTAL LOONIES: ahtecklim, etct88, MGplayer, Xiaoqiang74.
Old 04-04-2015, 01:43 PM
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Re: Events in CP 2 and Dongguan Happenings

Originally Posted by saunalovers View Post
How cp today..? is it still the same ? i mean all sauna is closed , and no more Mixktv, is it still fun in CP..?
Basically Changping and the whole of Dongguan City is still hibernating. No signs of recovery yet.

Good luck.
Weather so hot!
Old 05-04-2015, 01:22 AM
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Re: Events in CP 2 and Dongguan Happenings

Di hao Hui does not have "volcano" officially but u can negotiate with the girl. Unlike sg pop the question to the girl and ask. Can u tug my dick, how much will it cost. Can u have sex with me how much does it cost. Also Generally the more u pay the better the girl will look, get the most expensive package and insist on a chip girl
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Old 05-04-2015, 02:48 AM
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Re: Events in CP 2 and Dongguan Happenings

Originally Posted by kryogenics View Post
Di hao Hui does not have "volcano" officially but u can negotiate with the girl. Unlike sg pop the question to the girl and ask. Can u tug my dick, how much will it cost. Can u have sex with me how much does it cost. Also Generally the more u pay the better the girl will look, get the most expensive package and insist on a chip girl
So you went Di Hao Hui afterall. Got happy ending or no happy ending? I think that's what most of us here would like to find out!
Old 05-04-2015, 04:19 PM
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Re: Events in CP 2 and Dongguan Happenings

Originally Posted by sex crusader View Post
Maila! u bring me better la! Later ppl will say i bring you to the agents and get free drinks wor!u bring me to AC la...i promised to pay you commission and free drinks!Maybe know a trick or two from the locals there how to be a better stealth agent! Btw, long time no hear your concert liao!
taikor, going to AC is not for drinking, i already 戒酒 for long liao, you don't 诱惑 me lah.

nowadays i am quite busy with media interviews, every week got coverage on newspaper and tv, no time for concert leh.
---- next cp trip: sometimes in august ----

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Old 05-04-2015, 06:57 PM
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Re: Events in CP 2 and Dongguan Happenings

For 100 tip u get nice happy ending and if u ask nicely can touch nei nei.

All u need is the balls to ask. At most kena reject no monetary loss
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Old 05-04-2015, 06:58 PM
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Re: Events in CP 2 and Dongguan Happenings

Hfic: of course I got the happy ending
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