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Old 27-08-2013, 06:20 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by fcukger View Post
troj... thj kg??

knn..u machiam same as Vietnam ginna...write also use 'J' instead of 'I'...
Old 27-08-2013, 11:25 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by mutantchicken View Post
quick say i prefer bbbj is a understatement on avergae i get 3-4 bj a week so conservatively i get over 100bbbj a wehn i say WOW to a bbj then u know its something worth mentioning. Tho admittedly i factor in the cost of a bj ie 5-10 each im not honna complain, im not be like those newbies who come here expect somethimng from a porn vid for 10 dolar, but when u do and its TEN dollars...well its def worth a mention.

So today i went to a bbbj massage that i have been aware of for years but i never went to because frankly its quite well known amongst the local i expected not great service, but since i ahd a free ticket i decided what not.
normal cost is 100k normal 300k vip, the facilities a little old but hey u going for the bj. I doidnt get any girls numbers so i requested a random..the girl they sent me was ok..prob 27yr old, slim a cup...but as it was a experiement unless she was ugly i would accept she was abt 6.5.
Friendly chit chat some flirtation, but basically slightly betetr than piano massage.
After the ,massage she asked me to lay on my stomach again shere she licks teh whole of my back and neck, then she licked my ass crack and the part thats a bit lower than ur balls but before ur ass. She did that for 5mins..felt good.
Then she fliped me over and sucked and licked my balsl and inner thight for anotehr 10mins alternating between my nipples and also pay attention to my shaft.
Then she started giving a wet sloppy blow job with me all teh whilsyt watching her deepthroat my dick. I was feeling ehr wet slick pussy andmassaginger her buttocks...this contined for another 10 mins before i came...she keep sucking till the moment i came it wasnt a pure cim, but she took the first hit.
Over all very god feeling, tipped 200k, and she hugged me till i said i wanted to leave. Her number was number 7, supposedly num,ber 33 and 29 have big tits, 30 is good servcie and i saw a bunch of cute 18yr old cuties wheni walked out. Thumbs up from me
wow, sounds like something worth trying. and for you to give out the girls no hahahaha. freeload ^_^

good fr
Old 27-08-2013, 11:31 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by mutantchicken View Post
Here is part TCSS part is clear the world is changing...i have been reading this thread and places like XXX since late 90's, and back then places like this was kinda exclusive where committed cheongsters/mongers would come online and share and more importantly SWAP tips. And in those times places like chang ping, AC, soi cowboy was still unknown and undeveloped well especially for a guy in his early 20's.

NOW those places are old, and pretty commercialised, and any reports on those places is mere repetition. So pretty much the threads are filled with chit chat, trolling arguements, reports designed to boost up egos, or filled by newbiews too lazy to rtff and just ask question. There isnt any real reports on new territory.
Its a known fact that expats and foreigners only access a tiny fraction of the services available to the local population regardless where u are in the world, and as cocky as it is, i believe that my reports are relating to very little foreigner exposed terrain.

As such its in my own interest to protect it given what i have seen happened to other locations that have been broadcast to the internet public.
Lately i have been selective to whom i have revealed information to not merely by eitehr pm them the location or by posting it openly but by actually meeting them and taking them there, naturally for my time i expected some small compensation but even this has proved unsatisfactory.
I shall further elaborate recently i met up with two groups of newbies, wolalaeh and his mate and soccorfreak and his mate.
So wolalaeh hasnt made a FR yet, so the arguemnt that i should give share info is pretty weak given that i have shared but these people dont bother to share either, next is i take him to a massage with a bj, they both try to overpay even after i told them how much to tip, and wolaleah is so clumbsy he cant even organise the bj ie shut up and when needed point your dick to her mouth.
Soccorfreak is the same hasnt made a FR yet, and when i took him to the babarshop for the bj, whilst they didnt try to overtip, he couldnt sit there shut up and point dick top her mouth so he also didnt get a bj.
So thats my problem, even when i guide newbies they eitehr try to over tip or they let the girls do less for teh same how is that not going to spoil my playground.

Further how is sharing going to benefit me even if there isnt a disfavour to me.
I had two guys sniper79 and amox get annoyed with me when i refused to share with them, they said i shouldnt think they are freeloaders etc, well guys if u havent made any useful contributions in the past, so u cant use the brotherhood arguement and then u pm me asking for the adress...without offering anything in return...then shit THAT is freeloading, even if you think paying for ur self doenst make u a freeloader.

Anyway my last note is, if i havent met u in the past, then dont ask me to show u around unless u prepared to pay commercial rates, and if i ahve met u then my previous arrangement will continue.
Well i have learnt alot during my last trip there and i suppose there's alot more to see in my next trip. Perhaps nowadays people are just expecting to be spoonfed AND expecting free lunch breakfast and dinner. I certainly hope i haven't done anything to pissed you off for taking me around. Sometimes money cant buy you the experience you're gonna get there.

Eg: i would have been chopped like carrot and still not experience the thrill of riding on a bike and getting surrounded by gals or okt on xe om and having the chance to look and choose which girl to go for and having someone to negotiate and talked to them while feeling safe. thats one of the experience i felt is worth more then the money i've spent.
Old 27-08-2013, 11:41 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by iSaigon View Post
Wow finally the free loading clowns player79 spoken !!! Worse , I can't really understand what he is trying to say!??? Anyway I will try to even though I might be wrong .

End of day it can be summarized as following:

1. Sgporean which are dumb enough to maintain a gf in Vietnam and giving them enough money to stray, please make sure you are earning enough , some of these girls have a monthly income of 3k and above from the various bfs. Don't be as dumb as player79 which is not earning alot yet burnt his money away despite warning given by other seniors.

2. Those morons which are misled to think hcmc is a place of cheap fucks anf you can be a king here to boost your sorry ego. So sorry to burst your egg , please look for another places as you won't be able to go any places without others bringing you around and worse , the blind leading the blinder thinking they are able to bring others spoiling their own markets and leading to seniors cutting them off.

3. Those which can't even afford to spend 1k and above for a 3-5 days trip , my suggestion , get your fucks in geylang , it is so much cheap than wasting your money on a plane tix and a hotel room when your main purpose is just for cheap fucks. You won't enjoy yourself if you are some niao ji and think people will tell you freeloaders infos just because you call them "bros". Problem is my mother don't have so many children for people to call me bro and I do not even know them in the first place. For those morons please wake up your idea and fuxk off from this topic and cross away Vietnam if you are looking to for cheapo chiong.
I would have given you an up if im not late to give it to you for this post.

Something i couldn't agree more is that if you think HCMC is a place you can get cheap fuck for top model hot vietnamese girl then dont come here because you'll be dead disappointed. I believe those days when cheonging in HCM is cheap is no longer here due to many people just like to overpay or sponsoring too many girls to make it a trend now in HCM, therefore it is not possible to get cheap services anymore unless you are taken by a senior to places where its not polluted yet

If you are paying top dollar for a fj in HCM, you might as well do it in your own country. For eg: if you are willing to pay 1m its = RM 150 in malaysia, and for that price i already can easily get a FJ whereby we can talk and chat and still do what you do in HCM, plus i get to choose if i want thai, viet, china, cambodia etc etc. So why the need to spend for hotel and air tix and having the inconvenience to travel and not knowing the language there?

And this is just talking about paying 1m VND as oppose to some who might even pay more for less service.

The only reason i like to go HCM is to explore and feel what its like to be living and cheonging like a local. Eat, walk, see, talk, feel, play like a local. To experience something not possible to see in my own country. Like going to an outskirt place far from the city, getting a chio girl to sit on your lap while you sip on your coffee and further exploring her everywhere for a mere 100k. That old wooden creepy almost breaking down lookalike house is not somewhere i would even dare to look furthermore to go in and try these services is a thing only beyond crazy people would do. and for 100k? i couldn't even buy a girl a good meal in my home country.

So do your own maths before you think that chionging in HCM is dirt cheap.
Old 27-08-2013, 11:57 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by mutantchicken View Post
btw i know a place pretty gals fj 400k, place i took jerkface but dont expect good servcie for that...wham bam get out quick..i even got gal for 300k..only good for cheap thrills...rather get a bbj massage for 300k
LOL, so you tried the 400k girls? well for 300k a fck, nothing you can complain about im sure ^_^
Old 28-08-2013, 12:04 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by mutantchicken View Post
We have all heard abt vietnams different cafe styles, cafe van phong, cafe san trong, cafe vuong, cafe vong, cafe goc, cafe om--rabba, cafe om --bbbj, cafe dj etc etc
I have found a new concept cafe fuck..

This is actually i kind of found before though it was of a form i didnt find appealing due to cost, distance and the formate. Basically what it was is 3 yrs ago i found a cafe om...rabba style..and some gals were willing to get on your bike go to the hotel across the road, u could fuck them for 400k then afterwards pay them and leave.

What i wanted was to find a cafe u could fuck inside the cafe. Today i found such a place, though just be aware not all gals will fuck and you need to kc them a bit ie be reasonable attractive to a young gal, be able to make the laugh etc etc.
The way it works is u go into the public area, a girl sits down and she asked if she can join u..if u say yes she brings back a tray with a few drinks...and she leads u to a more private room...there she will chit chat and u can grope her she will play with ur is where u try to convince her to fuck, if thing go well or even if it doenst she will try to get 6-7 drinks form u...costing abt 30k if u lucky u can fuck for abt 200k, if u unlucky then u could have groped a girls for 200k.
The gals are young, tho some a fattys, again a few cuties but in the 5-6 range.
This is ok for the experience, fuck a young gals standing doggy in a cafe, for 200k( 150k if u lucky) or pick up a street walker also abt 5-6in loks mid 20;s age cost 250k including the room.
Seen in that perspective its not exactly worth recommending but it is a new experience something that others havent reported before.
haha listening to this makes me wanna go there again soon. A good experience i would say, and im actually also thought of trying that, just dont know if it exist such a place.

But from your report, without a good command of tieng viet, its most likely not possible to kc a girl into fj?

Im learning viet now, but very slowly and simple viet. Got myself a chio co giao hahahaha
Old 28-08-2013, 12:12 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

also surprising to know that sgd is declining against the VND because RM is at the worst exchange against SGD and didn't change much against VND.

anyway just for info, RM against SGD was at high 2.59 today spot rate. guess i shouldn't visit sgd anytime soon T_T
Old 28-08-2013, 01:40 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by jerkface View Post
Im learning viet now, but very slowly and simple viet. Got myself a chio co giao hahahaha
I think you will progress fast
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Old 28-08-2013, 09:21 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by jerkface View Post
wow, sounds like something worth trying. and for you to give out fr
Dun quote whole long it next time i will zap...tired to keep reminding...
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Old 28-08-2013, 02:06 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

drinking iced coffee and my eyes eating ice cream now..

i wondering gals nowadays are over nutrition or is the magic of wonder bra..
Old 28-08-2013, 02:15 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by volcano View Post
drinking iced coffee and my eyes eating ice cream now..

i wondering gals nowadays are over nutrition or is the magic of wonder bra..
or maybe your eyes have shrink
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Old 28-08-2013, 03:35 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by decent02 View Post
or maybe your eyes have shrink

wait till i conduct physical examination and i will let u know the actual reason behind it...
Old 29-08-2013, 12:26 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Hey i am a newbie and i am in HCM now for business trip. Hoping to explore the BBBJ place too. Better 2 SG folks than 1. So wanna go find it together?
Old 29-08-2013, 01:34 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

I have heard a few guys make the excuse that the cant recce new places as they dont have the time it doenst matter that they have been comming here since 2007 staying for a week and comming once a month.

I show you what 5 hours can i let the cafe i go to at 4pm, filled my bike worth 50k of petrol and i went for a ride, close to one hour later i arrived at the street thanks to google map, by this time it was dark so it was clear to see which cafe were cafe om, i road up that street for about 2 km so i had a good idea what shops had the beter looking gals.

The first shop i wnet to i eyed a young gal..turns out to be 22yrs old slim small size a cups very tight pussy. I go to teh back after have a drink and i confirm the price, she says its 100k...she then said that if she did it "nhiet tinh" will i give her a extra 30k..i joked back that she just do it to the best of her ability and ill tip her what i think its worth..this joking went back and forth 5 mins..finally i said just do it as time running out...she was a real good bargainer..anyway the bj was pretty good all mouth and continous,,,so even tho she tried to bargain it was all in good fun...130k for a 6.5pointer good bj, tight wet pussy and i got some more intell from her.

I then went to another cafe next...this one was set up different with hammocks..and in the past this style offered some fs...again tere was a decent looking gal but she said no sex available...but cost drink was 15k...

Next i hit up some locals guys to see if they knew where i can get sex rather than just bj, i hit him leaving a cafe..again no luck.
Finally i hot up a xe om guy..and he pointed me int the right direction..unfortunately teh girls were older and in my eyes unattractive, tho in hindsight they werent any worse than some of the girls i have seen being paraded as gf of samsters i have met..cost 300k for a fuck in a upstairs loft...didnt look fun.

Then i drove home and i counted prob 20 other cafe oms in that 20km ride home, but before i reached home i saw a 7.5pointer, turns out she was 28, but she had genuine c cups on a small frame..i definately had to try that...cost 120k, decent bj ball licking but more hj than id like, aslo she claimed to be getting her period so pussy was off limites but great ass and great tits, so i came in the end.

I got home at 9pm, with a empty petrol tank and information on 15-20 new places and first hand info on that guy who im refering to, and u know who u are..seems like its just laziness and that you wnat someone else to do the work so u can leech off...surely you dont think by offering to buy me a coffee, that i would share that info just like that...
Old 29-08-2013, 01:37 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Cafe om with a BJ vs hot toc with a BJ

I have been accused by so many guys of posting useless posts but then the same guys would be asking information that I had previously provided.

Hot toc with BJ.

Basically its a barbarshop that you can get a BBBJ upstairs, unlike Volpones assertion, its not that easy to find, and sure you can go into every barbarshop you see and go in and say blowjob and see if you get any resposne, but most guys have better tact and want to be seen to be sane, and sure he could have been lucky and struck it lucky first go, but I don't think everyone would be so lucky if it was so easy then this thread would be filled with spots rather than just benny and a few others for the past 10 yrs.

Basically the underlining premise is you get a BJ and it last for 30mins. But the catch is finding where the girls are pretty and do good service and where they might CIM or where they don't want to make you bargain for it, will they give you a BJ or rather just a HJ. Cost is between 150k to 500k the upper limit relates to foreigner prices like volpones 400k, tho some places charge 400k becuase you get 1hr and you can cum twice with cim etc. The advantage is that ist cleaner, has aircom, the girls generally prettier and they more centrally located.

Cafe om with BJ.

Here its a cafe, you get a drink and a BJ at the back on the tile floor, on a garden chair, on a rattan mat or a dirty matress. It all depends, you get 20min and a BBBJ. Again if you know what to look for its easy to find, but where are the pretty gals, how do you endure you don't get ripped off, how do you ensure they don't just give you a HJ etc, that's the tricky point, and how do you find them, by doing S loops down every street in Saigon? The pro of this joint is it cheaper, it used to be half the price of barbar shops now the rate is 100-130k, so not that cheap, its faster and dirtier, but the advantage is that you can go window shopping, you can go in take a drink costs you 20k look around at the gals take your time then if not appeals to you then you can leave. Try doing that at a hot toc where you will be pressured to make a choice quickly. And you can find hidden gems and they generally not as commerical as the barbar shop gals.

I remember one guy who posted how after a few times of sticking his head into hot toc looking around then leaving, the next time he stopped by they told he to go away and refused him service, so I would not suggest anyone doing what volpone says ie go to any barbarshop and then walk in and say blowjob. It could be rather embarrasing if it happens to be the wrong time and place.
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