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Old 26-07-2014, 04:12 PM
mutantchicken mutantchicken is offline
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

seems to be a lot of work for the mods...and asking/making people opnely declare, how u make then do that...i dont know i prefer a more laissez-faire approach. seriously i really cant feel any sympathy for the lazy or the stupid, and thats the only cateogory guys can fall in if they are cheated by stealth agents, like if u know the price and u know the market rates, when u go into a group ktv session and suddenly the price is double the market rate then you know must know u are the victum...then u should go on and report such activities on the forum damn to the zapps and what not, tehre are ways to b uild up ur points and worse case you make a new account and abandone the old. I myself have been the victum of h88 and his friends hahah but that was due to my agreessive posts abt zero to hero types...but did i quit did i cry foul...just continue just like you did after tey zap you. They win only if the victums let they bully the victims into silence. The problem is that noone is willing to speak openly becaus ethey think ok i been scammed i wont meet him again, damn to any other who might be scammed in future...but then they are the same ones being quoted as sharing is caring. It goes back to their lazyness, stupidity and if i dare say it selfishness...i mean think about it, you go to a NEW country, you bring nothing except your beggar bowl, and you expects someone who knows the country who has his own friends and life, to drop everything and take you around town, share the bills evenly, what all for the spirit of charity? Well call me cynical but i think those charitable types are very rare, and in TIME they will see the futility of such charitiable acts and stop that behaviour will end after deptrai, ME, h88, even SEAJ yourself i sorry i still believe that the solution to the stealth agents lies with newbies...anything too good to be true is often a lie
Old 26-07-2014, 04:15 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by SEAJ View Post
May as well go for broke. LOL!

I now put to you the question as to why in the world would seniors here actually state that you are NOT willing to share your knowledge with others?

If you’re not gonna share with us, then what’s the point for you to be on here? Just to tell everybody that you’re so full of knowledge and that everybody else must give you respect?If you seniors here really ARE wanting others to NOT spoil your playground, shouldn’t you instead inform others how to NOT become carrot head by fully disclosing what are the prices, which places are good and deserve to be patronized, which will screw us etc? Steer us newbies from overpaying and that way you then have the right to chastise anybody you see acting like a Big Swinging Dick.

Right now, you guys DO chastise – but have you done YOUR part to inform others what is acceptable or not?

Apologize for continuing on here, but ……! And for sure I am NOT just trying to pick fights/controversies etc. as I TRULY enjoy and think that SBF is a great forum; just making suggestions as I do want this forum to go to greater strength.

IM here to DO WHAT you are doing , ie to tcss, express my opinions haha..i do often correct misconceptions and DEFINATELY I correct incorrect pricings and I DO SHARE food and non cheong information..which is more than those who are here JUST to ask info and to leech, or to JUST TCSS
I take a slight offense at the " tell eveyone" they have to respect me line...i have never postes like im a senior, if anything the only time someone knows im a senior, is when h88 or someone slese arrows me...if and when i post its to inform others of the options available to them in vietnam and more importantly the correct price.
This is teh same problem i had in another forum..and to use an analogy, so for example in the california gold rush days, if a friend canme to you and say hey look SEAJ i found GOLD in california, and look how much its worth and how much money i had to spend in equipments, rather than say thank MC, you would reply look MC unless you are going to give me the EXACT GPS coordinates of whre i can find gold, you should just SHUT da Fcuk up, as im too lazy to go out and just digg? Or would you say thanks man, ill take that info and find my own destiny...some guys would rather live in ignorance about lifes other options ratehr than accpets its challanges and go out and find stuff. Or maybe they know their own limitations and so seeing others live and experience a life they want for themselves they get annoyed and frustrated. GO out find the gold, come back to me and ill exchange locations of these gold mines. If noone likes my posts, ill be like everone else and just post tcss and asking questions...look at the otehr fourms and see how useful they are;;
Ps Whats a Girls friendly hotel, where can i change money and get the best rates, can you pass me the bumber of a beautifal big breasted girls who will do anal for under 40usd a nite, im thinking of staying at hotel zyx, is there any fun near there...

Last edited by mutantchicken; 26-07-2014 at 04:29 PM.
Old 26-07-2014, 04:34 PM
SEAJ SEAJ is offline
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by mutantchicken View Post
seems to be a lot of work for the mods...and asking/making people opnely declare, how u make then do that...i dont know i prefer a more laissez-faire approach. seriously i really cant feel any sympathy for the lazy or the stupid, ……….. damn to the zapps and what not………….. The problem is that noone is willing to speak openly becaus …………. you bring nothing …………. expects someone who ………, to drop everything and take you around town……….. sorry i still believe that the solution to the stealth agents lies with newbies...anything too good to be true is often a lie
Too much work for the Mods? Who asked them to agree to be mods?! And as “laissez faire” as SBF is – right now, how much work is there actually??!! But OK – yeah – another suggestion to Boss directly here!! Boss, pay your Mods well/better still!! That way you can ask them to take up more of the heavy lifting that I see you still constantly doing YOURSELF! LOL

And I’m not talking about sympathy for naïve mongers etc but that SBF has basically given these stealth agents Carte Blanche to do whatever they can come up with to screw these guys. And half of these “victims” I’d speculate don’t even know that they’re actually victims – simply because senior do NOT share information!

And yeah, I said damn to the points and knock on wood/thanks to many decent posters here, I’ve been able to NOT be in the red – but how many guys are as stubborn/dunder-headed as I – especially given that this IS just a forum and of no real consequence (I sometimes wonder about myself…..!!).

And again I say I AM definitely for good honest “practitioners” who ARE invaluable as you guys DO save us money, steer us away from problems, are right there when problems do arise. Nothing at all against honest guys who can and do make a very decent living doing this honestly. What I am against are these stealth agents who ends up being the only ones supposedly sharing and caring on SBF…and just do so to get the naïve reader into their web of deceit. So NO, I don’t expect anybody should be a freebie agent doing it from goodness. I know this is nonsense for as you rightly point out, I myself had been victim of the goodness of my heart too!! LOL


Ps "I take a slight offense at the " tell eveyone" they have to respect me line .." Ooops, my apologies, hard feelings on my part from what actually happened on another thread, not here! Sorry
CROOK AGENTS: 55055, vbkk, SEAsiaJoe, TonyCheong2, sex crusader, $$$$$$$$$$.
EVIL CLONES: sanuuk, osamabinladin, Snacky, various "..doggy.."
IDIOTS/TOTAL LOONIES: ahtecklim, etct88, MGplayer, Xiaoqiang74.
Old 26-07-2014, 04:35 PM
mutantchicken mutantchicken is offline
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

To direct it back to YOU SEAJ, what are you doing on this thread, you havent contributed any information, you have also chastized other if anything more than i have, and you also having corrected mistunderstandings, food places or any non cheong anctivities thing i have done, so why are you here in teh vn thread...but be aware this is just me redirecting you question back at you i appreciate any posting that isnt asling already anwered questiosn and any non innane tcss
Old 26-07-2014, 04:37 PM
mutantchicken mutantchicken is offline
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by SEAJ View Post
Too much work for the Mods? Who asked them to agree to be mods?! And as “laissez faire” as SBF is – right now, how much work is there actually??!! But OK – yeah – another suggestion to Boss directly here!! Boss, pay your Mods well/better still!! That way you can ask them to take up more of the heavy lifting that I see you still constantly doing YOURSELF! LOL

And I’m not talking about sympathy for naïve mongers etc but that SBF has basically given these stealth agents Carte Blanche to do whatever they can come up with to screw these guys. And half of these “victims” I’d speculate don’t even know that they’re actually victims – simply because senior do NOT share information!

And yeah, I said damn to the points and knock on wood/thanks to many decent posters here, I’ve been able to NOT be in the red – but how many guys are as stubborn/dunder-headed as I – especially given that this IS just a forum and of no real consequence (I sometimes wonder about myself…..!!).

And again I say I AM definitely for good honest “practitioners” who ARE invaluable as you guys DO save us money, steer us away from problems, are right there when problems do arise. Nothing at all against honest guys who can and do make a very decent living doing this honestly. What I am against are these stealth agents who ends up being the only ones supposedly sharing and caring on SBF…and just do so to get the naïve reader into their web of deceit. So NO, I don’t expect anybody should be a freebie agent doing it from goodness. I know this is nonsense for as you rightly point out, I myself had been victim of the goodness of my heart too!! LOL

READ MY POSTS. when i field report the pirce i pay is if you do with a stealth agent and the pirce is more then yes you are being cheated...but you do need to research and read my post to know the price...look at jerkface Fr even the bloody meals have a price!!!..and a total tally of money spent and each activity..ud have to be a moron and still get cheated by stealth agents
Old 26-07-2014, 04:58 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by mutantchicken View Post
To direct it back to YOU SEAJ, what are you doing on this thread, you havent contributed any information, you have also chastized other if anything more than i have, and you also having corrected mistunderstandings, food places or any non cheong anctivities thing i have done, so why are you here in teh vn thread...but be aware this is just me redirecting you question back at you i appreciate any posting that isnt asling already anwered questiosn and any non innane tcss
Great question!! Something I should ask myself - at least, why I still do read this thread.

Originally it was to find/check out the Vietnam scene for as you know, my own hunting grounds is now Kaput. and whilst I have no immediate plans to go to Vietnam for a variety of reasons, I still am very interested as I probably will sooner or later go down there. Also, I have a Viet Khieu friend who I'll probably go down with/await his travel plans.

As for "chastising" anybody, please do note that its usually in response to something or another that has been brought up already. Plus the fact that I do know that a very even handed and fair Mod is actually monitoring this particular thread..... and thus anything I say would hopefully at least get the attention of somebody who CAN do something about it. And errrrr... you REALLY think I'm chastising anybody? Time for apologies again I guess!! LOL

CROOK AGENTS: 55055, vbkk, SEAsiaJoe, TonyCheong2, sex crusader, $$$$$$$$$$.
EVIL CLONES: sanuuk, osamabinladin, Snacky, various "..doggy.."
IDIOTS/TOTAL LOONIES: ahtecklim, etct88, MGplayer, Xiaoqiang74.
Old 26-07-2014, 05:01 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by mutantchicken View Post
READ MY POSTS. when i field report the pirce i pay is if you do with a stealth agent and the pirce is more then yes you are being cheated...but you do need to research and read my post to know the price...look at jerkface Fr even the bloody meals have a price!!!..and a total tally of money spent and each activity..ud have to be a moron and still get cheated by stealth agents
Ahhhhhh....yessssss..... but have you checked out some of the other International threads?

What a farkin' jungle!! And the rule and not the exception in some of these!!

CROOK AGENTS: 55055, vbkk, SEAsiaJoe, TonyCheong2, sex crusader, $$$$$$$$$$.
EVIL CLONES: sanuuk, osamabinladin, Snacky, various "..doggy.."
IDIOTS/TOTAL LOONIES: ahtecklim, etct88, MGplayer, Xiaoqiang74.
Old 26-07-2014, 05:16 PM
Armadillo123 Armadillo123 is offline
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by Hurricane88 View Post
hope this is just a guideline for discussion and nothing is final...

we all knew that Vietnam is a communist country and prostitution is sensitive places that cater to local (non-tourist) we try to be secretive...share only among reliable cheongsters...reason simple, these are playground for those living in HCM and frequent travellers...dun want to spoil the market...

sensitive places....we shared quietly using pm (dun post openly) among those who frequent hcm...means travel from one place to another in hcm is not a problem...preferably speak a bit tieng viet...
- cafe om that offer bbbj
- salon joints that offer Bbbj
- ktown joints that offer Fj
- local lounge that offer FL
- local bia om that offer FL
- local cafe that offer FL
- local restaurants that offer FL
- local massage that offer Fj/Bbbj
< anyone wants to contributie more >

those open public places (those found in my signature self-help)
- HBT billiard bars
- Discos
- Music Bars/Clubs/Lounge
- Cafe
- Movie Cinema
- Hotels
- Restaurants
- Salons
- Massage that is and offers Hj
- Massage and spa clean and offer Hj
< anyone wants to contributie more >

hope seniors can contribute...
The guide is about a year ago; Does it connect?
Old 26-07-2014, 06:04 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by SEAJ View Post
Ahhhhhh....yessssss..... but have you checked out some of the other International threads?

What a farkin' jungle!! And the rule and not the exception in some of these!!

haha...among the jungle...there are a sea of information for anyone to sieve through...just by can compile your own list of chiong places in each cities..this is the way SBF had been and always will be...only lazy people dun bother to read and willing to pay extra or engaged agent...
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Old 26-07-2014, 06:34 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by Hurricane88 View Post
haha...among the jungle...there are a sea of information for anyone to sieve through...just by can compile your own list of chiong places in each cities..this is the way SBF had been and always will be...only lazy people dun bother to read and willing to pay extra or engaged agent...

But off target actually….. as all my mongering years, I’ve never really used ANY agents at all. Mostly I get dragged out by friends or else I ask them to take me; and if I don’t go with anybody, then I DO do my own research etc.

Hurricane – you and I, I think we’re probably of the same era and started when mongering dollars were not that plentiful and thus we – or at least I - have the habit of making sure that I get the biggest bang for the dollar. Old habits die hard!

But we also need to keep up with the times – and the fact of the matter is that the younger mongers these days are more used to instant feedback on searches for information. Yes, as you pointed out, SBF has always been like this – but such will probably drive most younger mongers nuts …. and you stand to lose yet another member. Who in this era has got the time or patience to sieve through all the supposed information on here – especially when there’s just sooooo much crap posted by these stealth agents. Just look at the thread on your neighboring country – just about all the supposed information are posted by nicks of questionable nature and the rest just aggressive and vile stealth agent wars!!

Oh, I’m perfectly OK as I DO have the time etc but it’s others here that I strongly suggest that Boss should at least give a fair shake to - by at least trying to weed out these stealth agents. Right now, you are complicit in allowing them to use SBF to spin their web of deceit to trick YOUR members but worse - you guys are NOT even making any advertising dollars out of them!!

CROOK AGENTS: 55055, vbkk, SEAsiaJoe, TonyCheong2, sex crusader, $$$$$$$$$$.
EVIL CLONES: sanuuk, osamabinladin, Snacky, various "..doggy.."
IDIOTS/TOTAL LOONIES: ahtecklim, etct88, MGplayer, Xiaoqiang74.
Old 26-07-2014, 10:19 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by SEAJ View Post

Oh, I’m perfectly OK as I DO have the time etc but it’s others here that I strongly suggest that Boss should at least give a fair shake to - by at least trying to weed out these stealth agents. Right now, you are complicit in allowing them to use SBF to spin their web of deceit to trick YOUR members but worse - you guys are NOT even making any advertising dollars out of them!!

expose all the stealth agents...recently all the so called agent are writing forums to share without who benefit...all of us...
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Old 26-07-2014, 10:42 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by SEAJ View Post

Hurricane – you and I, I think we’re probably of the same era and started when mongering dollars were not that plentiful and thus we – or at least I - have the habit of making sure that I get the biggest bang for the dollar. Old habits die hard!
haha..we are different in many ways...let me tell you...

this year Hungry Ghost Festival which starts tomorrow...a group of donors had successfully donated total 85mil Dong (SGD 5k) to the 3 charities...

1. Bien Vien Nhi Dong 1 - 500 patients/families received milk, biscuit and 50k dong
2. 100 poor families in D8 - received 5kg rice, 1 soya sauce and 20k dong
3 Old Folks home in D8 - 27 old folks received milk, biscuit and 100k dong

Many thanks to all the knew who you are...
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Old 26-07-2014, 10:55 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by Hurricane88 View Post
haha..we are different in many ways...let me tell you...

this year Hungry Ghost Festival which starts tomorrow...a group of donors had successfully donated total 85mil Dong (SGD 5k) to the 3 charities...

1. Bien Vien Nhi Dong 1 - 500 patients/families received milk, biscuit and 50k dong
2. 100 poor families in D8 - received 5kg rice, 1 soya sauce and 20k dong
3 Old Folks home in D8 - 27 old folks received milk, biscuit and 100k dong

Many thanks to all the knew who you are...
Respect !!
Old 26-07-2014, 11:06 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by Hurricane88 View Post
expose all the stealth agents...recently all the so called agent are writing forums to share without who benefit...all of us...
Sorry – don’t understand.
Please explain how any of us benefit from ANY of the crap that these stealth agents are posting up. Cain’t figure it out
Originally Posted by Hurricane88 View Post
haha..we are different in many ways...let me tell you...

this year Hungry Ghost Festival which starts tomorrow...a group of donors had successfully donated total 85mil Dong (SGD 5k) .......
errrr.... mongering and charity/charitable works I've always kept totally separate- just my own druthers.
Mongering, whilst not really significant money now for me, but still one that's totally selfish spending and thus yes, I do STILL try to get the biggest bang for my dollar when mongering.

And I also do my own charities my own way. Again my own druthers.

CROOK AGENTS: 55055, vbkk, SEAsiaJoe, TonyCheong2, sex crusader, $$$$$$$$$$.
EVIL CLONES: sanuuk, osamabinladin, Snacky, various "..doggy.."
IDIOTS/TOTAL LOONIES: ahtecklim, etct88, MGplayer, Xiaoqiang74.

Last edited by SEAJ; 27-07-2014 at 02:02 AM.
Old 27-07-2014, 12:40 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Saw some queries about Vietjet, I took Vietjet recently to HCM. Was a last minute booking, one way from SIN to SGN is about $100. The flight arrived late and landed late one hour as a result. Budget flight that sells food and drinks on board, reasonable charges compared to other budget airlines. Ok to take if you are not a sucker for on-time arrivals. Departs from T3.
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