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Old 08-11-2015, 07:38 PM
natto3 natto3 is offline
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

That's ok bro. I already got my dick sucked before I go.
As he was staying at the Silverland group I assumed he wanted a spa type massage.
Old 09-11-2015, 10:40 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by natto3 View Post
That's ok bro. I already got my dick sucked before I go.
As he was staying at the Silverland group I assumed he wanted a spa type massage.
Well, perhaps but you can never get too much of a good thing.

You are probably correct about what he meant. It's funny that we have talked about his post so much while there's no evidence he has even come back here to look at our replies.

so 950 for 2 people means 475 per massage, and if that was happy ending then actually it would be a good price for district 1, especially downtown. But of course it's not for happy ending. Anyway. There are a couple places on Nguyen Phi Khanh (technically district 1 but in an area most people think of as district 3) where that costs 400. If you go to that short street and just walk along, the places will find you.

Last edited by Wendella; 09-11-2015 at 07:20 PM.
Old 09-11-2015, 03:54 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by elijahkyk View Post
I dont have much info about cheong places, even though I am working or stationed here in Ho Chi Minh, Mr Hurricane88 knows I seldom moves out of my so-called "comfort zone".

But will try to post when I have something of substance to post about.

1st time visitors here, again, a small piece of advise, do not flash your smartphones around, do not answer calls while walking on the street, if not, you will find your smartphones disappear even before you know it.

I second that. Lost my iPhone 6 Plus last trip there. One minute I was looking at it the next it is gone from my pocket.
Old 10-11-2015, 03:48 PM
HeatguyAlvin HeatguyAlvin is offline
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

hello bros. I'm heading to vietnam soon but it seems i can't find much information about fls except about those at Hoa Binh Park and how people normally get their stuff stolen and the girl disappears whilst you are bathing.

Though I did found out about kaka spa, liberty 2, Minh tam 2, Vien Dong Spa and ben's ny...... newbie here can someone share if there are massage places with full services? .

New to cheonging in HCM!

Last edited by HeatguyAlvin; 10-11-2015 at 04:00 PM.
Old 10-11-2015, 04:25 PM
Wendella Wendella is offline
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by HeatguyAlvin View Post
hello bros. I'm heading to vietnam soon but it seems i can't find much information about fls except about those at Hoa Binh Park and how people normally get their stuff stolen and the girl disappears whilst you are bathing.

Though I did found out about kaka spa, liberty 2, Minh tam 2, Vien Dong Spa and ben's ny...... newbie here can someone share if there are massage places with full services? .

New to cheonging in HCM!
If you go back to about Oct 25 in this thread, I wrote a lot about the website girls here, it's a big thing now here.

Densha wrote a lot about massage places a few pages before that.

Edit: Sorry I meant Densha wrote about KARAOKE places. Someone else wrote about massage places but not sure who. Maybe Vespa01.

Last edited by Wendella; 10-11-2015 at 09:19 PM.
Old 10-11-2015, 11:54 PM
loopjoop loopjoop is offline
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by hoian View Post
Sometime back I mentioned meeting some nice WLs and willing to share the contacts. However recent events have made me change my mind. Most of the ppl ask for fun (they just curious and want to see the photos), hence wasting my time and the girl's.

The worst thing happened last night. This guy aces9999 PMed me, sounded desperate, and tcss with me on Wechat. Finally, I relented and contacted the gal for approval, and gave him the gal's contact. Guess what? He arranged for the gal to meet him at some cheap motel called Luc Phuc in Dist 1. He claims he is staying at Eastin Saigon in Phu Nhuan which is a 5-star hotel and not gal-friendly (Eastin is actually 2- or 3-star). The gal waited from 10.20pm till around 11.30pm while constantly calling me and asking where is the guy. I am not even her pimp and earn zero from this, yet I get this kind of problems. In the end, I apologised profusely to the gal, asked her not to wait any longer, just go home.

The least he could do was to wechat me or the gal to say he has changed his mind and ask the gal not to wait... instead of fly aeroplane. That's basic courtesy.

My conclusion is this. I will NOT offer to help anyone in future (and I know now why the seniors are also doing the same). Any good lobangs, I will definitely keep for myself. No sharing. In fact, besides these 2 gals, I have a few other contacts - one gal who looks like a model with D-cup boobs.

I have since checked aces9999 history and it seems he ONLY asked for lobangs & contacts everywhere but have absolutely nothing to contribute. Anyway pls all stop PM me. I will NOT reply. U have ppl like aces9999 to thank for me being selfish from now on.
sighed. market spoilt by 1 fellow
Old 11-11-2015, 01:14 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Since you already know tv, u can just switch on your Wechat and try your luck. I don't wish to be inconvenienced again, hope u understand.

Originally Posted by loopjoop View Post
sighed. market spoilt by 1 fellow
Old 12-11-2015, 07:07 AM
HeatguyAlvin HeatguyAlvin is offline
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by Wendella View Post
If you go back to about Oct 25 in this thread, I wrote a lot about the website girls here, it's a big thing now here.

Densha wrote a lot about massage places a few pages before that.

Edit: Sorry I meant Densha wrote about KARAOKE places. Someone else wrote about massage places but not sure who. Maybe Vespa01.
Thanks bro! Which website do you normally book from ah? All the viet language making me blur.

I've seen in some other forums that there are full service massages around the "korean town". any one can shed some light for me?
Old 12-11-2015, 07:09 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by loopjoop View Post
sighed. market spoilt by 1 fellow
yeah lor scumbags sia this kind of people. spoiling fun for others
Old 12-11-2015, 11:29 AM
Wendella Wendella is offline
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by HeatguyAlvin View Post
Thanks bro! Which website do you normally book from ah? All the viet language making me blur.

I've seen in some other forums that there are full service massages around the "korean town". any one can shed some light for me?
I have used danchoi and kynu when it had a different name before, but thiendia is very popular too now.

I wrote in the instructions, if you use google chrome browser it can translate much of the website for you into English instantly. Forget about reading the long descriptions they are nonsense anyway. The services don't really vary that much and seem to be written mostly in English (HJ, BJ, FS, etc.). Al lyou really need to know is the price, see the photos, and which area is she in. Those are easy to see even in Vietnamese.

Korean -- those keep moving around, you have to make friends with someone here who knows and they tell you. Not easy to get that info. I knew where they all were last year and then they all got shut down. There's also a few in the Tan Phong area of District 7, I bet if you go there and wander about, you will find them.
Old 12-11-2015, 11:48 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Does anyone here use Wechat to pick up girls?

I heard a lot about how the girl who shows up to meet you is usually not the same as the one in the wechat profile. I'm curious about one girl in particular but dont' want to speak in the forum about it.

So if you are a wechat user, maybe PM me and we talk that way.
Old 12-11-2015, 12:06 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Sometimes u get lucky. The trick is to look at their history. If there is none, chances are the photos are fake.

If the gal has lots of pics having drinks with friends, travelling etc... chances are its real.

Or you can just ask point-blank to request for real pics.
E cho a nhin hinh anh that duoc ko?
The gal will usually comply.

Originally Posted by Wendella View Post
Does anyone here use Wechat to pick up girls?

I heard a lot about how the girl who shows up to meet you is usually not the same as the one in the wechat profile. I'm curious about one girl in particular but dont' want to speak in the forum about it.

So if you are a wechat user, maybe PM me and we talk that way.
Old 12-11-2015, 01:19 PM
HeatguyAlvin HeatguyAlvin is offline
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Thumbs up Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by Wendella View Post
I have used danchoi and kynu when it had a different name before, but thiendia is very popular too now.

I wrote in the instructions, if you use google chrome browser it can translate much of the website for you into English instantly. Forget about reading the long descriptions they are nonsense anyway. The services don't really vary that much and seem to be written mostly in English (HJ, BJ, FS, etc.). Al lyou really need to know is the price, see the photos, and which area is she in. Those are easy to see even in Vietnamese.

Korean -- those keep moving around, you have to make friends with someone here who knows and they tell you. Not easy to get that info. I knew where they all were last year and then they all got shut down. There's also a few in the Tan Phong area of District 7, I bet if you go there and wander about, you will find them.
thank you very much for all your help brother. so far the most helpful responses in this thread from you. I wish i had more power to up you . really needed some new help in this unfamiliar playground. If you ever go to jb or batam and need some help, feel free to pm me.

Last edited by HeatguyAlvin; 12-11-2015 at 01:27 PM. Reason: additional questions - do we need to tip ? or do we just pay 400k listed on the website bro
Old 12-11-2015, 01:31 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by Wendella View Post
Does anyone here use Wechat to pick up girls?

I heard a lot about how the girl who shows up to meet you is usually not the same as the one in the wechat profile. I'm curious about one girl in particular but dont' want to speak in the forum about it.

So if you are a wechat user, maybe PM me and we talk that way.
most of the wechat girls 90% never look like the photos. I'm quoting my experience outside vietnam and it's already bad enough. esp in taiwan or china lol. almost impossible to check their history as well because every of these girls never use their personal accounts for their side jobs. if you talking about chit chatting with locals different lah. fl bad story liao most of the time lol
Old 12-11-2015, 01:48 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by HeatguyAlvin View Post
thank you very much for all your help brother. so far the most helpful responses in this thread from you. I wish i had more power to up you . really needed some new help in this unfamiliar playground. If you ever go to jb or batam and need some help, feel free to pm me.
Helped to up you and now you have power.

Remember to up back.
Minimum 8 points to exchange. Sure return favour.

If any person upped me and I have yet to return please pm me with your lastest URL.

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