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Old 21-12-2015, 11:44 AM
Goldenhair Goldenhair is offline
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

On 23/12, i be going to a resturant,much like our seafood resturant. As not SBF forumers go to these joints, i am now asking if any fellow countrymen would like to go with me and a couple of my local vn friends to eat and drink there. Its basically a private room where seafood and such is served. With GROs. A bit of social flirting and such. No stripping or any other hanky panky. But whether you can seduce the GROs to go out with you after she off work, is up to the chemistry between you 2. So if anyone would like to check it out, just send PM to me. For seasoned VN cheongsters, the place is at Cao Thang. Neu ai co di cay nay nha hang choi, ban nen biet la so gi nha hang roi.
Old 21-12-2015, 02:01 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Mot nguoi khoang bao nhieu tien, ban oi?

Originally Posted by Goldenhair View Post
... Cao Thang. Neu ai co di cay nay nha hang choi, ban nen biet la so gi nha hang roi.
Old 21-12-2015, 02:08 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Beware my this retard son hoian will not have money to pay you unless you give him a treat.

Originally Posted by Goldenhair View Post
Check it out, just send PM to me. For seasoned VN cheongsters, the place is at Cao Thang. Neu ai co di cay nay nha hang choi, ban nen biet la so gi nha hang roi.
Originally Posted by hoian View Post
Mot nguoi khoang bao nhieu tien, ban oi?
Old 21-12-2015, 04:00 PM
Goldenhair Goldenhair is offline
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by hoian View Post
Mot nguoi khoang bao nhieu tien, ban oi?
Troi oi...nha hang ko la toi mo, vi vay toi ko biet. Nhung ban toi noi ko ton kem. Phai thay moi nguoi an gi. Ban toi chi noi tip du 300k di 500k 1 con gai. Toi nghi dua 1tr/nguoi la du roi. 1tr bao gom an va uong bia. Ban toi ko uong ruou do hay khac. Chi bia.
Moi nguoi y chi la chung ta an toi, choc con gai. Nhung nha hang 11-12gio se kin mieng. Ko mo qua khuya.
Old 21-12-2015, 04:12 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by Goldenhair View Post
Troi oi...nha hang ko la toi mo, vi vay toi ko biet. Nhung ban toi noi ko ton kem. Phai thay moi nguoi an gi. Ban toi chi noi tip du 300k di 500k 1 con gai. Toi nghi dua 1tr/nguoi la du roi. 1tr bao gom an va uong bia. Ban toi ko uong ruou do hay khac. Chi bia.
Moi nguoi y chi la chung ta an toi, choc con gai. Nhung nha hang 11-12gio se kin mieng. Ko mo qua khuya.
Ban biet viet tieng viet qioi wa...

1.3tr dc lam nhieu o Viet Nam rui...toi ngeo qua...

chuc ban choi dc zui wa di...nho giu suc khoe nha...
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Old 21-12-2015, 07:12 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Khoang 1 tr la ko mac. Da dung roi... cam on nhe.
Neu muon dâm tac gai o do la dc ko?

Originally Posted by Goldenhair View Post
Troi oi...nha hang ko la toi mo, vi vay toi ko biet. Nhung ban toi noi ko ton kem. Phai thay moi nguoi an gi. Ban toi chi noi tip du 300k di 500k 1 con gai. Toi nghi dua 1tr/nguoi la du roi. 1tr bao gom an va uong bia. Ban toi ko uong ruou do hay khac. Chi bia.
Moi nguoi y chi la chung ta an toi, choc con gai. Nhung nha hang 11-12gio se kin mieng. Ko mo qua khuya.
Old 21-12-2015, 07:26 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by hoian View Post
Khoang 1 tr la ko mac. Da dung roi... cam on nhe.
Neu muon dâm tac gai o do la dc ko?
chua dong tien con gai nua...con gai tien tip 300 de 500 ngan...
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Old 21-12-2015, 09:30 PM
Phoenix66 Phoenix66 is offline
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by imate View Post
VIP rooms are usually a waste of money. You pay extra just for an attached shower and steam bath. ML would just wait till you are literally steamed then help you bathe. I rather they just cut to the massage and then the GQ at the end.

This HC is my usual playground when I was there. Entrance is standard rate and tips for HJ usually between 300-400K, but need some investments in order to find the gems. I do believe there are some hidden gems there still since my last visit a year ago.

Just hope fellow cheongsters do not spoil market like Vien Dong or Dainam. There MLs now will not do HJ for anything less than 500K. Can still dare to ask for 1 million for HJ, cannot have full autoroam and show black face! KNN, 1 million can go FJ already!
Yup went to Vien Dong, Dainam once which is also my last time. So many other options available and the ladies never ask me how much tips I'm giving until they finish the deed. And I never give anything beyond 300k as tips for just HJ and these gals didn't complaint too.
Old 22-12-2015, 08:21 AM
thee_pierrot thee_pierrot is offline
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by imate View Post
VIP rooms are usually a waste of money. You pay extra just for an attached shower and steam bath. ML would just wait till you are literally steamed then help you bathe. I rather they just cut to the massage and then the GQ at the end.

This HC is my usual playground when I was there. Entrance is standard rate and tips for HJ usually between 300-400K, but need some investments in order to find the gems. I do believe there are some hidden gems there still since my last visit a year ago.

Just hope fellow cheongsters do not spoil market like Vien Dong or Dainam. There MLs now will not do HJ for anything less than 500K. Can still dare to ask for 1 million for HJ, cannot have full autoroam and show black face! KNN, 1 million can go FJ already!
Fully agree that tips should go beyond 400dong. It's just HJ. Very rarely, these girls offer FJ or boom boom...
Old 23-12-2015, 01:47 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by Phoenix66 View Post
Yup went to Vien Dong, Dainam once which is also my last time. So many other options available and the ladies never ask me how much tips I'm giving until they finish the deed. And I never give anything beyond 300k as tips for just HJ and these gals didn't complaint too.
I would actually always ask before the deed. I remember my first time in Hanoi, I was asked to pay 800K for a HJ, which I did because she blocked the door and refused to let me out. Said she will complain that I touched her. I just paid, not wanting trouble on my first visit.

I would always ask her how much, if she says up to me, I will tell her dont complain if I only give 50K tip. I feel it is best to just be clear and avoid an unhappy situation. End of the day, we are there for a 'release'.

Originally Posted by thee_pierrot View Post
Fully agree that tips should go beyond 400dong. It's just HJ. Very rarely, these girls offer FJ or boom boom...
You still can find places that offer boom boom, but like I mentioned it will be further out of D1. Anyway vietnam can be considered quite an affordable country to cheong in. Even if have to pay for lessons in order to find the gems, not as expensive as Bangkok or Malaysia.

If I had my way, I wont even pay more than 300K for a HJ. I would actually recommend not paying more than 300K at that playground if possible. An example of a playground with lots of choices but market spoilt is the HCs near Intercon Saigon. Now the standard rate is about 500-700K for a HJ because those Jap fuckers spoil the whole market.
I mate. Do you?
Old 23-12-2015, 01:41 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by dealmaker View Post
Thanks for the information once again. I guessed there will always be school fees to be paid for most 1st timers. I still benefitted in return regardless if I was paying a bit more.

Money can be earned back. It is good to gain some field experience so that I will be more smarter the next time round.
Tried a wechat girl during my last trip, imho waste of money. Huge fake tits, looks-wise 70% resemblance from photos, and that was after i insisted on video call first. Service is SOP, a lil catbath followed by bj with cap. Then its ky up and bonk till unload. Feels very mechanical, and she did ask for tips, so gave like 100k on top of the 1m.

If you insist on callin 1 to yr room, pls lock up all yr valuables in yr safe first, wallet hp notebook etc. And try to get the chick to video call, least u'll know what to expect
Old 23-12-2015, 07:50 PM
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Originally Posted by singlun View Post
Will be going on Xmas Eve.. any bros organising any countdown programs ?
I am there on 25th Dec , want to meet? Let me know
Old 23-12-2015, 07:53 PM
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Originally Posted by Phoenix66 View Post
Will be in HCMC from 26-30 Dec...Anyone there during this period?
Me , will be there 25~28th Dec, any bro, there during this period , can link up
Old 23-12-2015, 08:10 PM
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Originally Posted by ndy_lai View Post
any info on this, currently in HCM (solo) looking to visit this club,
pr girl? tips? security staff tips?drink price?

If you go to gossip, the place is closed, there will bs someone who will direct you here, no matter how you order, your bill will come up to 2million dong, we only order beer, my friend drink 8 bottles, and 2million plus
Old 24-12-2015, 12:30 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

If I need to find girls for overnight in hcm, can any bros advise me of any good lobang? Thanks.
Please leave your nick when u upped my points and I will return favour asap. Thanks.
Exchange of points are welcome too but with minimum of 5 pointers.

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