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Old 14-05-2014, 11:22 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

I get lots pm asking for info and when i say no then i get abused both here and the ango mo site so i want to address some of these accusations.
Forum is for sharing
Firstly lets just assume as you said this is the forum for sharing, lets look at the posting of the so called regulars who are complaining about me, YOU, you have been here probably the longest here, and yet apart from you posts about HBT bars, thats about it, so the conclusion is that either you have lots more info that you are NOT sharing, or that you have been one lazy bugger, who now feel disgruntled that someone had bothered to go out and look for fun and refuses to share with you. This is the same conclusion for most of the other regulars who you mentioned, i mean for gods sakes americanthief, posts abt khanh linh how it was crap and overpriced says he doenst care if people go there and overpay as its crap, then goes on abt how he "gave" that to me and im obligated to give my good locations back in return. Secondly this may be a forum for sharing, it doesnt mean its sharing without conditions or restrictions, and whilst you feel its safer to remain anonymous, thats your decision, i will also NOT reveal useful information to people i havent met, or as in that was one of my conditions, as personally you could be the very same douchebag i have issues with in real life, as well as on here, or to extend that line of thought you could be the local cong an or some religious NGO, or some journo trying to write a expose, so regardless of the actual facts I wont and i dont have any obligation to share recklessly. Thirdly YOU might be too useless to find pricing information helpful, but believe it or not there are guys with information about locations they havent tried yet and they do find my info useful, so dont be so egocentric, that you think because you are impotent and find something unhelpful, others are in your shoes.
So I am still awaiting your posts about something new and useful, rather than your usual whining about people not sharing however since you are so demanding, i have decided to do more FR of my usual standard.
I have been going to this massage place for a few years now and i have some really excellent experiences here, recently i got my hands on 2 ve moi.
This means its free if u use the standard room and u get a 100k discount if you ise the vip room, normally its 100/200k for the two.
I go in use the sauna tell the guys i want a young pretty girl, and sure enough a tall slim 7 gets delivered, its all going well, except when its time for the bj, firstky she uses the towel to cover her face when doing the bbbj, i mean wtf, next she would gove a bj then STOP just when it was feeling good, and then proceed to do a DRY hj, it was actually hurting, i was telling her these problems but she wouldnt listen, finally teh straw that broke the camels back was when she gave me a ultimatum, that this was the last bj she was gonna do as she was tired blah blah..that was it i told her to stop as it was a shit bj and that it actually hurt and if she was going to give me a ultimatum then we can just stop..she then proceeded to offer to get another girl..i said what for so i have to tip you AND the otehr girl..she said no i didnt have to tip her...i was tempted to test her on that point but regardless i am a fair but firm guy so for he efforts i tipped her only 100k, which is half the standard tip of 200k for a bbbj. Not happy but with a hit of 100k cant complain too much.
Yesterday i again decided to try this massage place again , instead i payed extra 100k using my free ticket to get teh vip room, here there is a private sauna and the girl bathes u. So blah blah time for the bj, she is again using teh towel to hide, i know if i mention it she gonna say its their policiy and she could get fined blah blah, so i ignore, AGAIN teh stopping to do hj, but at least this girl tried to follow my direction, she howver didnt allow me penetration to finger fuck her, just touch her entrance and the end of it i gave her 200k which matches the ticket of the room, i know its a bit low but gievn her mediocre perfomance thats should be all she gets, she then did the whole song and dance abt how she normally gets 300k, i said heres another 50k, if u did a proper bj and let me touch u then you prob would have got 300k, she then screams at me for being stingy blah blah. total expense was 350k for a bbbj, but it was prob acceptible if it was 200k, but for 350k i expected more. So I get lots of misses, in my experience and teh hits are the ones i post here, now again for people who are leeches just wanting to take and not give back, or give back about things that is commonly known ie benny, hbt, apo etc, why the hell should i share to those people? Total hypocrisy openly talk about sharing but its one way traffic from their pov
Old 14-05-2014, 11:28 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by MIFAcafe View Post
It is important to be guided in HCM, otherwise ones experience will make the tour a nightmare.

A lot of people try going solo or in a group on free and easy..... it will be tough.

Even nowadays I still got over charge in Bia Om; let alone a first time traveller.

Most sinkees are calculative if not all. So far I spend average of V15m to V20m per trip when I go with H88. I still treat him like a teacher; teaching me what he knew about VN. Hence I really love to treat him to restaurants while he buy me beer at beer store.

Some brothers we meet up before going to HCM, only have a budget of V7-8m for a 5 days cheongs trip, which I think they are either poor in calculus or mentally disoriented.

I would think paying for knowing and learning is good. Rather than paying like a fool and get conned going solo.

A lot of people want free guided tour...... even if you pay our share in Bia Om, we still need to tip the gals we sit with. Think about it; not only we are wasting money; we are also wasting time.

So please before scolding anyone for profiteering or okt; please put forward some number or break down of the money or profit involve.
IF the hotel is already paid for then budget 7-8m is enough for 5 days if you know your way around
3 standard meals + drinks 100k/day
1 cafe at syt plus her tip 50k/day
1 bonk at brothel from a 7/10 800k = 1mill a day

now you can swap you bonk for 4 bbbj at a cafe om, or 3 bbbj at hot toc, or 2 bbbj at massage etc etc or u can swap bonk for a seafood meal or a meal with syt waitress and eat suckling pig/hot pot etc etc
Old 14-05-2014, 11:31 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Only if guided.....

Then how about your share of food; drinks and fun?

If you are guiding; then I expect that amount to go up at least 50%. Hence still V12m.

I been to 1 bbbj shop. I do not like it; but least I have tried once. Least I will do is go Bia Om and get a gal back. Which will cost avg V3m per trip incl gal overnight.

I love going to cafe; when I buy a round for gals; my bill will hit V300k incl tips to at least 2 gals.

Diff people play differently.

Originally Posted by mutantchicken View Post
IF the hotel is already paid for then budget 7-8m is enough for 5 days if you know your way around
3 standard meals + drinks 100k/day
1 cafe at syt plus her tip 50k/day
1 bonk at brothel from a 7/10 800k = 1mill a day

now you can swap you bonk for 4 bbbj at a cafe om, or 3 bbbj at hot toc, or 2 bbbj at massage etc etc or u can swap bonk for a seafood meal or a meal with syt waitress and eat suckling pig/hot pot etc etc
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Old 14-05-2014, 11:35 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by MIFAcafe View Post
Only if guided.....

Then how about your share of food; drinks and fun?

If you are guiding; then I expect that amount to go up at least 50%. Hence still V12m.
thats why they looking for FREE guide , something that both I and h88 used to do, when we were stupid in my post i said IF YOU KNOW YOUR WAY AROUND, then budget 7-8mill is adequate....the smart thing would be to use a guide for 1 day, cost 2 mill then spend the other 4 days doing their own thing using the info learnt..but then it cant be said samsters are smart hahah
Old 14-05-2014, 12:06 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by mutantchicken View Post
So I get lots of misses, in my experience and teh hits are the ones i post here, now again for people who are leeches just wanting to take and not give back, or give back about things that is commonly known ie benny, hbt, apo etc, why the hell should i share to those people? Total hypocrisy openly talk about sharing but its one way traffic from their pov
see this is what I meant too...we spent our own time and $$$ to go try out the various entertainment and nite life places...plenty of misses and over-charged...then a newbie came along and asked to share...newbie benefited from our experiences...and just pay their own why do we need to guide them there...

one simple example 1...recently I went to Can Tho...checked out the local bia om...using taxi and xe om as guide...I have to pay them...then I also test drive the bia om...was over-charged for the beer...but I kept silent because I was experience I found was after half and hour whereby the mummy and gals accessing me to be nice fresh meat to be slaughtered....they took off their clothes and both gals were busy have fun caressing the breasts and nipples that I wished I had 4 hands to I paid my dues when I noticed they drained the beer so fast...and hit me with 1mil tit bits charge which I could have escape paying if I tell them to take away before hand...anyway I paid to learn the place and went test drive with my own time and $$$....

example 2..we nego a flat LT rate with mummy in hcm...mummy wanted 2.5mil with 300k tips for gals sitting fees...we promised to support mummy and told her we bring the LT became 2mil plus 300k tips sitting fees...we did all these using our own money and how can newbies just come to share the cost...hahaha...

morale of story...why do we share with newbies which we dun know them or they dun even make an effort to know me...

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Old 14-05-2014, 12:50 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

If you guys don't mind....!

I've been going to Chang Ping in Dongguan, China practically weekly for years - from the time when there were hardly any foreigners there at all.
Those early days, I'd always been welcoming of newbies and did do a lot of free guiding, arranging Ktv, bbs, sauna get togethers etc. And at first I did enjoy the camaraderie etc.

But as you outlined, as time passes, all the nonsense and taking too much advantage of my good nature just got to me. Worse, all these guys expecting free handouts without even bothering to do any of their own research, reading etc... And getting all huffy when they get no response!!

But then, fortuitously, a friend was in need of employment and I turned him on to "guiding" as a reasonable vocation and I introduced him to all my connections, even helped him negotiate deals etc. I of course never profited from any of his endeavors - financially or otherwise - but have for the past few years just turned all newbie requests to meet up away and instead just refer them to my friend. In fact in the years since, this "guide" industry in Dongguan had flourished and there is now a huge choice of services and I now routinely just tell newbies to pick their own guides.

On the other hand, I still do try to give as much information and guidance on the various boards I belong to - as my way of repaying back for some of the information I do get from others posting such. But Sbf I must say - is unusual in how militant and demanding members are/can be; as if it's their God given right to demand!! And worse, bands of mass zappers, sycophants and guys who think that they are Taikors and entitled to strictly enforce what can or cannot be written! Amazing!

Anyway, I DO greatly appreciate the spirit of sharing that is quite apparent - and enjoyable - in this thread and would like to take this opportunity to specifically thank hurricane88 as well as mutant chicken etc.

I'm after all, personally in bad need of new mongering haunts myself!! LOL

Just my own druthers and POV.

Old 14-05-2014, 01:56 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

something to share.....

due to the recent South China Sea issues between China n Vietnam...lots of street protest has been perform in Hcmc and Hanoi..worse to come is the protest in Binh Duong province,agitated protesters damage company properties of those which they thought belong to China national in VSIP,whereas some of these actually belong to Taiwan,Malaysia,Singapore,Korea national etc...

wondering if the agitated protesters will whack China nationals out on the streets....
Old 14-05-2014, 02:49 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by Hurricane88 View Post
haha...right to the dots...described exactly what I wanted to say...

for me is simple...why do I want to bring newbies or ppl I dun know to go chiong...that person may not have been briefed what to do...and can quibble over a few hundreds thousands of dongs...lagi worst he forget to bring enough money...he started making negative remarks about gals are not pretty and then he wanted all the gals for cheap...when comes to pay tips he simply do not add mummy and papasan tips...then I have to dig into my pocket and pay them because i made the arrangement...and still need them to arrange for my good friends next time...

Bro H88

Wow..... It been a while since my last login due to my increase of workload.

After reading so many posts, feel that if you want to cheong, why afraid of paying a bit more. I would dare to say I'm old bird when I had gone to vn for abt 9 ~ 10 yrs. Please if you really need H88 and others senior samter help, please don't waste their time and efforts. Please be honest and more generous. Please bring more when you cheong and if you really had budget, let them know 1st.
Happy Bonkings and Must Remeber to Pay $$$ Orh !!!

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Ai Yeu Toi Suot kiep????

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Old 14-05-2014, 03:13 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by SEAJ View Post

Anyway, I DO greatly appreciate the spirit of sharing that is quite apparent - and enjoyable - in this thread and would like to take this opportunity to specifically thank hurricane88 as well as mutant chicken etc.


Originally Posted by FireShark View Post
Bro H88

Wow..... It been a while since my last login due to my increase of workload.

After reading so many posts, feel that if you want to cheong, why afraid of paying a bit more. I would dare to say I'm old bird when I had gone to vn for abt 9 ~ 10 yrs. Please if you really need H88 and others senior samter help, please don't waste their time and efforts. Please be honest and more generous. Please bring more when you cheong and if you really had budget, let them know 1st.
thank you for your support...just tell you one guy I met in sinkie last year...he only has a budget of S$ 450.00 (exclude air fare but include hotel for 4D3N) and he wanted to try all I told him not enough...haha...told him that he can only go brothel for bbbj and ktv gals overnight...also he cannot eat restaurants and only road side food and cafe...

advised him to stay back in sinkie land go GL...
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Old 14-05-2014, 03:42 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by Hurricane88 View Post
thank you for your support...just tell you one guy I met in sinkie last year...he only has a budget of S$ 450.00 (exclude air fare but include hotel for 4D3N) and he wanted to try all I told him not enough...haha...told him that he can only go brothel for bbbj and ktv gals overnight...also he cannot eat restaurants and only road side food and cafe...

advised him to stay back in sinkie land go GL...
whats wrong with eating road side food thats often the best tasting and if u know where to go u can get model quality girls at brothel rather than the 6/10 girls for overnight at ktv, also get excellent service from 7-8's at bbbj places
Old 14-05-2014, 03:43 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by Hurricane88 View Post
thank you for your support...just tell you one guy I met in sinkie last year...he only has a budget of S$ 450.00 (exclude air fare but include hotel for 4D3N) and he wanted to try all I told him not enough...haha...told him that he can only go brothel for bbbj and ktv gals overnight...also he cannot eat restaurants and only road side food and cafe...

advised him to stay back in sinkie land go GL...
Bro H88

S$450, tell him to stay at home "suot cat: can le

I had 1 group of friends who spoilt market in HCM.
LT normally give the vb USD150 ~ 200. Tips for mummy normally 1Mill. They go they by buget airline but spend a lot of money on liqor, food, and vb.
One even more ridiculous, pay 1 each USD 300 for LT Tarma but that guy is filthy rich; now retired at late 40s. Collecting rentals enough for him to spend a month.
Happy Bonkings and Must Remeber to Pay $$$ Orh !!!

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Ai Yeu Toi Suot kiep????

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Old 14-05-2014, 03:58 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by mutantchicken View Post
whats wrong with eating road side food thats often the best tasting and if u know where to go u can get model quality girls at brothel rather than the 6/10 girls for overnight at ktv, also get excellent service from 7-8's at bbbj places
mc...nothing wrong...but he wanted to try those dishes like lamb stew, black herbal chicken and duck noodle soup...and he wanted to try ktv besides I told him he need to ask you to help because I am not keen in brothels...and no lobang in brothels after raid...haha...luckily he decides not to call you...
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Old 14-05-2014, 04:35 PM
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Arrow Ho Chi Minh Cheong Budget

Originally Posted by Hurricane88 View Post
just tell you one guy I met in sinkie last year...he only has a budget of S$ 450.00 (exclude air fare but include hotel for 4D3N) and he wanted to try all I told him not enough...haha...told him that he can only go brothel for bbbj and ktv gals overnight...also he cannot eat restaurants and only road side food and cafe...
S$450 budget can be done but only US$15 Hotel, Brothels, BBBJ joints, Discos (light beer drinking), simple food, take bus, etc.
No KTVs, fancy restaurants, discos (hard liquor drinking), taxis, etc.

My Ho Chi Minh 4D/3N cheong expenses are always around S$400-500 excluding air tickets.
Me poor man.

Originally Posted by Hurricane88 View Post
but he wanted to try those dishes like lamb stew, black herbal chicken and duck noodle soup...and he wanted to try ktv besides brothels...
With his 4D/3N budget of S$450 and wanted to do all the high spending activities it's very unrealistic.
If I were you I'll tell him off and refer him to play in Riau Islands instead.
Old 14-05-2014, 04:39 PM
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Re: Ho Chi Minh Cheong Budget

Originally Posted by TonyCheong View Post
S$450 budget can be done but only US$15 Hotel, Brothels, BBBJ joints, Discos (light drinking), simple food, take bus, etc.

No KTVs, fancy restaurants, drinking hard liquor in discos, taxis, etc.

My Ho Chi Minh 4D/3N cheong expenses are always around S$400-500 excluding air tickets.
yes...he wants me to bring him...why do I need to go such places and pay my own $$$...waste my time better bring him next time...I asked him to look for you...

btw, that is my budget too...
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Old 14-05-2014, 04:47 PM
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TonyCheong is a splendid one to beholdTonyCheong is a splendid one to beholdTonyCheong is a splendid one to beholdTonyCheong is a splendid one to beholdTonyCheong is a splendid one to beholdTonyCheong is a splendid one to beholdTonyCheong is a splendid one to behold
Arrow Ho Chi Minh Cheong Budget

Originally Posted by Hurricane88 View Post
you better bring him next time...I asked him to look for you...
No problem I'll bring him to Riau Islands.
All he have to do is sponsor my return ferry tickets.

Originally Posted by Hurricane88 View Post
btw, that is my budget too...
Haha we've something in common.

I stay in South China but I also spend like local folks.
I don't like to spoil local market.
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