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Old 27-07-2014, 02:50 PM
mutantchicken mutantchicken is offline
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by Hurricane88 View Post
I only share my schedule with friends only...
Originally Posted by SEAJ View Post
Thanks but no thanks. As I said previously, I do my charitable works my own way and I definitely separate such from my mongering activities, which of course includes surfing SBF.

OIC – thanks!
I guess there must be some who could benefit from reading these glossy infomercials; why would these stealth agents bother otherwise.

Just wonder how many guys eventually end up mired in their tangled webs.

what happened to sharing is caring help out the new guys hahahah
Old 27-07-2014, 03:01 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by mutantchicken View Post
what happened to sharing is caring help out the new guys hahahah
What - even have to share how I do my charity work?!
Besides which, aintcha the one who told me that all these newbies ain't worth helping?

Hey.....maybe.....just maybe....the guy is volunteering and H88 has announced:

"........Our next Charity Donations - TET 2015...half a years time...."

Whaddya think?!
Think our Johnnyboy gonna immediately respond to H88's clarion call?


Ps. I guess somebody must not like this post! I just got zapped for it. Fun and Games - LOL!
They gonna Zap you next MC?!
CROOK AGENTS: 55055, vbkk, SEAsiaJoe, TonyCheong2, sex crusader, $$$$$$$$$$.
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Last edited by SEAJ; 27-07-2014 at 03:20 PM.
Old 27-07-2014, 04:32 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Wasn't he asking abt cheong trips..yes I said newbies who don't read who expect spoonfeding who expect a free ride aren't worth were the one saying sharing is caring and here is a newbie asking u directly for help and you brush him why are u here on the forum if not to help..seaj are you just to tell us how much you know
Old 27-07-2014, 05:05 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by mutantchicken View Post
Wasn't he asking abt cheong trips..yes I said newbies who don't read who expect spoonfeding who expect a free ride aren't worth were the one saying sharing is caring and here is a newbie asking u directly for help and you brush him why are u here on the forum if not to help..seaj are you just to tell us how much you know
MC, MC, MC..... you must be going Chicken Blind from all the chickens on your door steps! LOL!

Read the convo trail properly! He was responding to my own way to do charity and nothing to do with mongering.

And besides which..... I ain't Directory Assistance!
I share whatever info/insight I may have by writing and posting it up - up to whomever if they got questions to look it up.
And if I feel like responding to any question, I do, if not, well, I just ignore.
I certainly would not go out of my way to berate anybody for asking anything..... I'll leave that to you and others!! Always plenty of takers to do this! MUAHAHAHAHA!!!
What's wrong with that?!
CROOK AGENTS: 55055, vbkk, SEAsiaJoe, TonyCheong2, sex crusader, $$$$$$$$$$.
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Old 28-07-2014, 05:09 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Title : Blind Date.

19 June 2014

Known a girl by the name of Cherry whom stay in LX. She told me she need to go back home on 24 June 2014 and ask me whether I am keen to meet her room mate whom is kind of lonely as her boyfriend has just break off with her 2 months ago.

I agree to meet her on the condition that she cannot come meet me if she still kind of attach to her ex-bf.

Meanwhile I connected to her thru Facebook and at the same time got her contact. Check out all her photos in FB and find her kind of cute and only at a young tender age of 21 , she should make a good eye candy when I bring her around on a date........
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Old 28-07-2014, 05:31 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

25 June 2014 4:15pm

The day........ Was kind of anxious and at the same time kind of tired after helping out in a Children hospital charity. I message my blind date and ask her to come direct to my hotel instead of meeting at the cafe she suggested......

From my hotel, I am looking at Bitexco building and at the same time wondering how my date look like in real person...........

Before I could think further I saw a taxi arrive at the hotel main entrance..... My phone start to ring. She tell me she is waiting in the taxi for me to go somewhere else........ But I was kind of tired and at the same time wonder the decency level of this girl...

I personally went down to the taxi, look at the meter and paid the driver V80k. I told Nhi "cho anh mot chut, anh di lam."
First look, I find her to be very attractive, have a nice smile and beautiful long hair. I open her door and I hold her hand instantly and her face start to turn red. I walk toward the lift and told her "ko co sao, em voi anh di phuong gap anh di lam, ko co lam gi."

Before long we reach our room...... I give her a quick kiss on the cheek and she was stunt. I was posting out charity events which just completed 2 hours ago.
Her eye brighten up as she thought I am lying about doing charity all along.

I was updating my Facebook on my bed, and she ease herself up and start exploring around my room. And to my surprise, after a while she is sitting beside me on my bed. I give her another kiss on the lip, and her ear turn red. And I cannot stop laughing.......

I am testing her all the way, I try to kiss her again and I notice she wouldn't open her month. I try again and her lip open slightly and we french a little..... At this precise moment, I know I reach my limit and I suggest we go to a cafe so we can chat further.......

(To be continue.........)

For those expert in TV, please do not correct me even if I type my TV wrongly. I am typing what I say precisely. Please PM me my TV mistake.

This is a true story....... there will not be Field report or sex scene in the story.
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Last edited by MIFAcafe; 28-07-2014 at 05:50 AM.
Old 28-07-2014, 03:56 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

I am not an expert either and was wondering what is "ko co sao...?"
I was told that "sao" if not pronounced properly (which applies to all foreigners) can also sound like "xau" which means ugly. In the north I think they say "ko sao do...?" Can some experts enlighten me? Thanks.

Originally Posted by MIFAcafe View Post
For those expert in TV, please do not correct me even if I type my TV wrongly. I am typing what I say precisely. Please PM me my TV mistake.
Old 28-07-2014, 04:39 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by hoian View Post
I am not an expert either and was wondering what is "ko co sao...?"
I was told that "sao" if not pronounced properly (which applies to all foreigners) can also sound like "xau" which means ugly. In the north I think they say "ko sao do...?" Can some experts enlighten me? Thanks.
" Ko co sao " is 没甚么, the writer told the girl nothing, ask the girl follow him to the room, but later the writer " cu cung ", he will say " chiu ko noi ".
Old 28-07-2014, 06:18 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Bro Mutantchicken,

Going to go HCMC this week. Searched for hot toc and seems like you're the authority on these bbbj places. I currently know of two: BN and MT, which I heard cost 320k (120k fee + 200k tips).

Any other recommended hot tocs?
Old 28-07-2014, 07:04 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Anh ko co xao em...... 我没有骗你。
Ko co Sao.... 不要紧。

Sorry for my poor TV. I learn around 6 months only.

Originally Posted by hoian View Post
I am not an expert either and was wondering what is "ko co sao...?"
Originally Posted by Seletar View Post
" Ko co sao " is 没甚么, the writer told the girl nothing, ask the girl follow him to the room, but later the writer " cu cung ", he will say " chiu ko noi ".
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Old 28-07-2014, 08:30 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Just returning from Hcm for a 4 days 3 nights trip for charity works n enjoyment with seniors..

reached HCM airport n follow senior instruction where to get an easy cab without any waiting time, as im there during peak hrs, the traffic r slow but the most headache matter is the cab driver horn all the way to my hotel... lol...

checked in hotel n seniorA brought me to a beer stall juz beside our hotel. first experience on the low stool whereby locals sit n talk cock along the roadside.. senior intro me to some of the locals, the boss of the cigarette stall n boss of beer stall n we start to drink beer, beer r so cheap in Vietnam, local beer beer range from 0.50cts to $1, tried my first taste of soup noodle.

seniorB suggest to go BIA OM for some drinks n get a gal for the night. reach BIA OM(KTV) at 9.30pm, waiter lead us to a very big VIP room, soon mummy arrived n self intro to us, mummy bring in 7 syt ladies, I chose2 ladies, start our drinking n singing. senior asked my to play with them, but im too shy hehe.. both ladies treat me well, feed, hug n kisses me.. as we need to do charity works the next day morning we asked for bill at 11pm. I choose 1 lady back to my room for LT.. (1.5 mil vnd)
total for the night is about 2.5mil vnd + 1.5mil LT.

once we reach room, we started to French, strip eachother very quickly, after bath, we lying on the bed trying to communicate with eachother n soon we start to French again, she start catbathing me while I playing her boobs n nipples.. she is so sensitive when I start licking n suck her nipples haha.. when I catbath to her stomach n wanted to go further down, she stopped me, soon I know is not fun anymore.. I juz proceed to bonk her ontop till I cum... after we both wash up n went to sleep.

Boobs: B
body: small build, 157 ht
age: 20
bj: na
fj: 5/10
gfe: 6/10.
Old 28-07-2014, 08:31 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

25th july

Wake up at 7am for a simple breakfast before we start our first charity destination.. seniorC ordered a wanton mee for me, drink CA PHE SUA DA( ice coffee).. omg!!!! Vietnamese really drink very very sweet coffee.. lol.

Reach kid hospital at 9am, the locals all crowd towards us, senior intro us local volunteers MsT n her mum... we started to pack the stuff fast.



1x50k vnd ang pao. total is 500 families

saw some really sad moments there while giving out gifts for them. the kid hospital do not have sufficient wards n beds for most of the kids, see many of them sleeping outside the ward corridor with juz a straw mat, tear almost flow out.. we r so lucky living in develop countries whereby u will nv have the chance to experience such sad incident. so please help the needies whenever u can, u r making somebody have a better n fruitful life with a very small amount of your money.

1pm, we headed to another charity destination..

1x5kg rice

1xsoya sauce

1x20kang pao. total is 100 poor families.

during the afternoon charity work, senior's girl friend bring a girl along... we intro eachother.. we have language barrier but I think she is pretty hehe.. so I try to talk to her using google translator. I try to hold her hand n receive no resistant from her.. hehe. soon I politely asked her if she wanna accompany me for the day n she say ok... all seniors keep laughing at me hahaha...

as we r all tired after a seafood dinner, we stay around hotel area for beers n coffee. my gal n I went back to room. once in room, we start to talk little n watch tv... soon she helped me to take off my clothings, me too take off her too la haha.. she lead me to the bathroom, both standing in the bathtub, see her naked body, firm boobs make me hard very fast. she start to soap my body n via versus.. love feeling her beautiful boobs n well shave pussy, use her boobs n preform a soft soapy massage on me hehe.. sooooo gd!!!!! we lie on the bed hugging eachother n soon we French deeply, she start licking my ear n neck.. oh!!!!!! im shivering!!!!! slowly to my nipples n bite them. OUCH!!! but SHIOK!!! She catbath me till my stomach... the feel is so gd.. n slowly goes down on me, using her tip of her tongue to lick my dick, I was like electrocuted by her touch.. n I moan softly... n start to bj me gently.. she keep licking n sucking my dick while I touching her wonderful firm boobs.. her nipples already harden for long time n when I feel I was about to cum, I ask her to stop n tell her is my turn to serve her hehe... French her deeply, slowly I go to her neck n to her boobs, she is so sensitive when I first lick her harden nipples, I can feel her goose pimple all coming out...she start to moan softly..oh...oh... ah... ah.. myself feel so excited when I heard her moan, I slowly catbath to her stomach, thigh, n toes.. she keep moaning n is getting loudly whenever I lick her.. I go between her legs n start to lick her pussy.. hmmm.... smell so nice!!!!! she was struggling when I licking her pussy n moan loudly OHHHHH...AHHHH...OHHHHH... I quickly cover her mouth afraid next door senior might hear us..ahaha..tell her not to moan so loud... I continue licking her pussy, she still moan loudly.. AHHHH.. AHHHHH...OHHHHHHH..I can feel her whole body shivering... I had enough for her pussy n proceed to her asshole.. (u guys will nv believe wat I say now haha but is really truth..) when I start licking the edge of her asshole, she suddenly FART infront of my face..OMG!!!!!! n is 2 FARTS!!!!! my dick suddenly soften n become moodless after this incident.. she keep laughing n apologized to me.. lol.. U GUYS EVER EXPERIENCE THIS? haha.. I stopped, get a drink for her n myself. after went back to bed again, she keep saying sorry to me for such bad experience.. soon she again give me a deep bj n cowboy me once my dick hard again.. WOW!!!she is damn a gd rider... play her boobs while she cowboy me, she moan again n again. I change to doggie..I know im cumming, after some strokes we change to missionary, lifted her legs real high n try to go in deep.. we cum together, ( dunno she real or bluff la) but I cum anyway lol... after washup n bed hugging till sleep...

age :27
body: slim, 165 ht
boobs : c-
gfe : 12/10
fj: read above Fr n u decide ok.. wat I say is all the true.. no XAO NHIEU NHIEU ( lying)
bbbj: refer above comment
the rest, sorry no sharing.... lol...

Last edited by jimfairy; 28-07-2014 at 08:49 PM.
Old 28-07-2014, 08:32 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

26th july
wake up at 7am, seniorC bought me a BANH MI( French loaf sandwich) n COM TAM (pork chop rice) n as usual ice coffee lol. I asked my gal to stay with me till my departure the next day, she happily hugged me...
today last charity work is at a old folk home nearby our hotel, we have prepared
1x100k vnd ang pao
10 cartons of instant cup porridge. total is 27 elderly.
the scenery of the old folk home is juz like a big garden, they will grow fruit trees, vegetables, poultries running around the premises... im so excited when I first saw a longan tree.. haha.. pineapple plants, jumbo trees n more lol...
the principle of the home welcome us warmly n soon all the uncles n aunties gather around us, we shake hand with them, although we do not understand what they say, but from their looks, we feel warm n gratitude from them.. after few elders preform singing for us n we listening with heart.. is really a very touching moments, guys!!!!
senior arranged a night dinner for all of us including local volunteer Ms T n her mum... sorry, I really must intro u guys abt tis small zichar stall handle by a Cantonese 5 stars hotel chef name AH MUN.. senior ordered his best dishes, ROASTED SUCKLING PIG, STEW LAMB IN POT, TOMATO WITH EGGS, VEGE WITH MUSHROOM, PRAWN WITH TANGHOON, SWEET N SOUR PORK, STEAM GAROUPER, VEGETARIAN NOODLES. all the dishes r soooo NGON!!! ( delicious) especially the prawn with tanghoon.. omg!!!!! is ever better den bonking!!!! haha.. u will nv try tis dishes anywhere in sg or msia... I will nv nv forget tis dish, plz guys, if u happen to b there, dun b shy, go in n order from AH MUN.. he speak gd Cantonese... the address is 45, AU CO, PHUONG 14, QUAN 11. shop name is QUAN AN BIA DINH. u go try n if u say not nice, I pay u back ok... no joke....
after we went back hotel, doing the same old things again.. drink beer or coffee lol..
as for my gal n me, sorry im here to do charity work, no bonking work haha.. no FR for tis day..

I wanna thxs all seniors for their guiding, advises.. pros n cons when at hcm... plz SENIORS.. I want to go again hahaha.... bring me along ok hehe...

PS: dun pm me for contacts of gals , ktv name n places, massage name n places, hotel name n not tat im selfish, is because is my first time there, I did not have their name cards or dun even know where is the place in, I only follow blindly where ever seniors go... sorry if I causes any inconvenience in this threads... cya!!!!

27th july

nothing much for today as im getting ready to check out, bid farewell with my gal unwillingly.will surely come for her again hehe... bid farewell to all seniors too, n quietly left for airport....
Old 28-07-2014, 09:09 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by jimfairy View Post
I wanna thxs all seniors for their guiding, advises.. pros n cons when at hcm... plz SENIORS.. I want to go again hahaha.... bring me along ok hehe...
haha...well said and you most welcum...sure good karma to you for doing good deeds...

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Old 28-07-2014, 09:41 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Jim won. I surrender.
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