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Old 16-01-2015, 03:29 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Introduction to sai gon

Nguyen trai street
Nguyen Trai is one of the main shopping streets running from district 1 to district 5. It is named after an illustrious scholar, a poet and a master tactician of the ancient Vietnam. It gather numerous fashion and gift shops, restaurants and spas.

Old 16-01-2015, 03:45 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Introduction to sai gon

Ban co market at Q3
Located off Ban Co Street between Nguyen Dinh Chieu and Dien Bien Phu, Ban Co market is a world in itself. There are no foreigners here, only local Viets getting on with their daily lives. Speaking English is not an option.

You can clothes of all types, gold jewellery, handbags, fruit, plenty of fresh seafood, meat, medications, cakes, material, vegetables, crockery, and many other items. There are dozens of local eating places and local cafes. Like many markets in Vietnam, the person who sells, say, bananas will be in a completely different part of the market to the person who sells limes. You have to wander around and eventually find them. But that is part of the fun. It’s never dull.

Last edited by hoang; 16-01-2015 at 04:02 AM.
Old 16-01-2015, 03:51 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Introduction to sai gon

Russian Market, 328 Vo Van Kiet, District 1

The newest centre for bargains in HCMC, the Russian Market, like its name implies, caters to visitors from Russia. Boasting the largest stock of discounted winter gear in Saigon, you can renew your wardrobe of ski jackets and accessories at a fraction of the cost back home. The merchandise is disorganised and may require some digging around to find the right piece. Larger shoe sizes are also available.

In addition to cold-weather wear, the Russian Market on Ben Chuong Duong in Saigon's District 1 sells sportswear, jackets, casual wear, shoes, souvenirs, suitcases and more. Pick up a women's t-shirt for about VND60,000. Children's clothing should cost around VND30,000 and up. Trousers and dresses are priced at about VND100,000, and high-quality jackets sell for about VND950,000. Note that HCMC's Russian Market stocks larger sized clothing.

Old 16-01-2015, 10:59 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by hoang View Post
Who is your master?
Good things should come slow
Use your brain to think

Now this thread become fish market.
All welcome to up and will return.
Old 16-01-2015, 02:03 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Hi all, this is probably the first time that I have ever posted in international forums which I normally don't when I go overseas because most of the place that I went was brought to by my local friends in their respective countries.. This time round it was quite an eye opening for me as I've never thought of going to hcmc Vietnam if not for a friend's wedding. Basically I felt that it is quite different from Bangkok in terms of their culture and night life. I've heard people saying that massages is everywhere but when I was in district 1, it is not as easy as it sounds, you really need to look beyond the streets as there's alot of decent massage but for those looking for happy ending in district 1, you need to search for quite a while. Luckily for me, on my 4th day, I took a vinasun taxi and asked the driver any good massage place to recommend and he brought me an my friend to a spa which is like 10mind walk from new world hotel where I was staying. Pricing wise I felt its abit steep as compared to other district which other broa have mentioned before. 200000dong for 1hr and 400000dong for 2hj, but the girls was quite pretty and syt. I will continued experience in next post.
Old 16-01-2015, 02:44 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by enova View Post
1st Night.
my friend was pissed off that the girls kept on ordering misc stuff that kept on racking up the bill so we left after an hour. I think we could have easily roamed the girls if we wanted to and bring them back.

This is teh SOP, they will always do this in most places as a norm unless u show knowledge and control them its there job to rack up the bill its not tehre job to service u..secondly its tehre job to make u feel like u can easily roam and bring back...when it comes time they will give excuse this that...i would liek to know iof can easily roam why DIDNT...the tip is the same regardless u roam or not...i can understand not bringing them back

We then went to Gossip cause the bellboy at the hotel recommended the place. I'm not sure whats the protocol there, we got a table and some drinks and the girls came over. We apparently can tip if we wanted to, i didnt tip mine cause there was really no service and cant communicate. I would recommend not to go back there unless you got loads of cash to burn. But some girls are really pretty and tall

If you call them over and then didnt tip them thats bad form...dont wanan tip send them away so they can earn elsewhere

. When we went to the 2nd place we had to go into an alley and brought us to some 2 star hotel like place. We sat downstairs at the lobby and he would call girls to come over from various "bars". Think the charges were 1m per shot. We wanted LT and the guy told us that not many girls wanna do LT, so we left since the only girl that wanted to do LT was not to our liking.

When we walked out another guy came and told us to sit at the cafe to choose the girls. We sat there, he kept on emphasizing that the girls are not motorbike girls but bar girls.. Anyway, while sitting on coconut juice, girls from the "bars" would arrive on motorbikes and come sit infront of us in the cafe, finally i settled on one but my friends didnt. Apparently the humsup taxi driver also had this thing going on at another location but we didnt go.

Im 99% sure i know where tis is its off dong khow, opp a big hotel, 3-4 doors down from a well known clubs...anyway its a outright lie these girls are from bars..they all hardened moto girls, tho they do have nece bodies..just hardened nite i sat at teh cafe watched the guys who used tehre services..NONE came out looking happy

3rd Night.
Oh ya, my friends went to Le Duyen 1 as mentioned in H88 guide. They went there a second time cause the first day they had good service. They also went to the spa at vien dong hotel, they said it was good too.

At night we met up with 2 viet chinese girls we met during lunch, actually we met one of them and she said she would bring us around. We were hoping she would bring some young hot viet chinese girls, but she brought her biao jie, we roughly guess their age to be about 37 years old.

37yrs old is like grandmother!!!

We went to the highest beer garden called One Plus Beer Club, this place is not bad. Looks like a very local place with lots of girl servers, i think you can hook some of the servers. One of the 19 year old servers was very into me.. too young liao... My friend told me and it was the first time i realise, alot of the viet girls would bend towards you and their bra/breast would freely touch you, the 19 year old was doing that to me the whole night

Of u think u could hook why didnt u try, u can always bail last minute...tis is the mistake all inexperienced men make, just because a girl is nice to u, doenst mean anything...they are nice because thats how they earn tips even if they give u their number and make all the promises in the world...and n ot to disagree with you but you can hook these girls just like if u go into a hospital u cna hook any nurse any doctor jsut as long as u have enough money enough good looks enough charm....preferably all three....dont think them using tehre feminine charms to make u feel more liberal with your money means they easy to hook

Anyway we left and checked out Canalis and Fuse. Didnt get a bottle and we realise it would be wasted.

Anyway, here are my beginners observation. If you want to find LT/overnight maybe HCM is not the best place. If you wanna find ST, there are some options around. Personally i think that hooking is great especially if you have time there. My friends had good chemistry at the massage places so they are working their magic now.
YES HCMC vn int the best place to get long time its costs 5-6x the ST rate...and girls dont normally go for that option...but its relatively easy to find..same as sex St its easy...just a qustion is are u paying local rates and are u gonna get value...1mill or 60sing etc, and u getting half the value of a cat 150 girl...maybe diminished looks or dimininshed service... UNLESS u have local knowlege
Old 16-01-2015, 02:46 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

As a example of local knowlege i met this girl this morning...300k +90k room, unrushed didnt try kissing but cunnilingus, decent bj and unrushed bonk...

Old 16-01-2015, 02:46 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Old 16-01-2015, 02:51 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by hoang View Post
Take a break from posting tourist activity.
Introduction to freelance gal (gai goi)

This 21 yr girl asking price for 400K per shot at Q10.
Cute teens looks with a little fats on body

Please dont ask me for contact, i am not OKT.

is this girl like teh pic and is her servcie good?...what she willing to do not do
Old 16-01-2015, 03:14 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Now this thread is becoming a zoo whereby all animals come to make love. Only one person acting and directing all episodes.

This girl nice and pretty cost only 500k ST. Test drive her this morning.

All welcome to up and will return.
Old 16-01-2015, 04:50 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

The usual sex are given by these freelance hooker but to said about their service are always subject to individual. It has been always the way where there are both positive and negative FR on the same girl.

This man they like they may give more and that man they dont like they rush to finish the job. What is the point of reading a positive FR but get a poor treatment from the same girl then start to doubt the motive of the positive FR.

Originally Posted by mutantchicken View Post
is this girl like teh pic and is her servcie good?...what she willing to do not do

Last edited by hoang; 16-01-2015 at 05:02 PM.
Old 16-01-2015, 04:57 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Introduction to sai gon market

Danh Sinh market (Army market)
Located just a short walk from Pham Ngu Lao on Yersin Street, Dan Sinh Market specializes in selling war surplus and military style clothing and items.

You can find at Dan Sinh Market anything that you might possibly need for a weekend family camping trip or a burgeoning private army.

Whether you need a gas mask, stretcher, canteen, duffel bag or the all important flack jacket, Dan Sinh Market is likely to stock it.

Location: 336 Nguyen Cong Tru, 104 Yersin Street, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City

Last edited by hoang; 16-01-2015 at 07:01 PM.
Old 16-01-2015, 05:00 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Do not understand what you mean
As mention by thread starter, this thread is for sharing anything on HCM and Vietnam as a whole.

Originally Posted by vespalx125 View Post
Use your brain to think

Now this thread become fish market.
Old 16-01-2015, 05:11 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Introduction to sai gon market

Tân Định market
Tân Định is an old market in Ho Chi Minh City with a diverse selection of items. Since in the early 1960s, it has been commonly referred to as the market for the rich. Nowadays, elderly people come to here mainly to look for old acquaintances to talk about the good old days.

Location: Hai Ba Trung Street, District/Quan 1, Ho Chi Minh City

Old 16-01-2015, 05:26 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Introduction to sai gon market

Tân Bình market
Tân Bình is a good market not only for wholesalers but also for retailers who trade in fabric, clothing and fashion accessories. The items are of a reasonable quality and the prices are quite cheap, especially when you buy in quantities. Therefor, many provincial merchants come here for shopping.

Location: 6/20 Cay Keo, Hiep Tan, Tan Phu District, Ho Chi Minh City

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