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Old 12-06-2016, 07:06 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Bo la lot

321 Vo Van tan, Quan 3
Bo La lot or Betel Wrapped Beef is a Vietnamese dish of minced beef, wrapped in wild betel (la lot) leaves, grilled over charcoal, and eaten wrapped in rice paper and dressed with herbs, sauces, and chilies.

You can find this street food around Saigon.
It is difficult not to fall in love with this dish.

Last edited by Sexforyou; 12-06-2016 at 07:24 AM.
Old 12-06-2016, 07:20 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

So what did you eat when you travel to Vietnam?
Sex follow by eating Pho, then continue sex follow by eating spring roll?

Most people only think about Pho and spring roll but there are many more interesting food in Vietnam.
In fact i try to minimise food post after some guy complain my food post cover their sex related post.

Most of us are short term traveller to Vietnam, even if your purpose is sex tour, most of us can't have sex 24hr.
Many will want to take time out to taste the local food.

Originally Posted by duckking View Post
so take your nice pictures on pho and spring rolls and go elsewhere.

Last edited by Sexforyou; 12-06-2016 at 07:53 AM.
Old 12-06-2016, 07:48 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by singlun View Post
was in hcm the previous weekend. apologies for the late reports.
first day, got a girl from kynu. name Nhu, 25yo, 500k. got a room in ks tuan vu,q10 as told and waited for her. came in 10mins and well, 6/10 with bright red lips.

on my 3rd day, used kynu and had a hard time getting girls. beep the girl and about 20min later, a girl in surgery face mask appeared at the door. a 6.5/10 with a pair of huge milk bottles.
Thanks for your genuine report unlike some guy here. This is consistent with me and my friends experience with website girls. The girls look at most average to slightly above average. What is worst when you reject, you need to pay for the room and waste your time going there to wait. So end up you tend to settle for girls who look average.

Originally Posted by Hurricane88 View Post
my friend said very nice and good...really depends on day and timing...most of the gals heavily make-up...when we there around 7pm have 8 gals to choose...
I went to these places to view girls before, some are good looking and the best thing we can select girls.
In terms of quality, much better than those website girls.
Old 12-06-2016, 10:25 AM
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Re: Field report: Pham Hung Street, Binh Chanh

Originally Posted by TomMAffolter View Post
why isnt it time to collect your social security payments yet so you have no time, i have been here long before you so if anything you should get lost, this is my native country, whats your reason to be here? Got priced out of AC isnt it?

Here is a student that your and hoian can pccc over because you will never be able to access her, her OLD FAT loser surcharge would be more than you can afford, for normal people she is available fro 500k


No use posting nice pics n cheap attractive stories without locations, we all know your cheap despicable tricks.
U r Just a pimp trying to lure unsuspecting newbies to contact u n buy your sexguide services. How pathetic?
Wendella is right, we don't need guide if we post enough info here.
And attacks from guides like u will come whenever good sex info is posted.
U hv no shame at all.
I don't even bother reading your attacks or rebuking cause you r not worthy to waste time on.

Good, keep posting n exposing yourself so more newbies know u, just a pc of chicken shit.
Old 12-06-2016, 10:58 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Lets fap to the pictures, its free.

Old 12-06-2016, 12:13 PM
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Originally Posted by datou View Post
No use posting nice pics n cheap attractive stories without locations, we all know your cheap despicable tricks.
U r Just a pimp trying to lure unsuspecting newbies to contact u n buy your sexguide services. How pathetic?
Wendella is right, we don't need guide if we post enough info here.
And attacks from guides like u will come whenever good sex info is posted.
U hv no shame at all.
I don't even bother reading your attacks or rebuking cause you r not worthy to waste time on.

Good, keep posting n exposing yourself so more newbies know u, just a pc of chicken shit.
Naise! New to this thread but totally agree with what you say. Cheap and nice but no location. He's worse than Google! Lmfao!
Old 12-06-2016, 04:38 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Ya in your dreams, perhaps. We all know how ugly u look & any gal would be disgusted to even share breathing space with u.

Except for the ugly whores in dark alleys, they have no choice but to squeeze their eyes shut and imagine u to be a human being instead of an animal that u are.

Those pics were obviously ripped from the internet. Only a fool would believe a VN gal would randomly pick a stranger off the streets and pose for him naked so that he can post her pics online. U think every foreigner is a dumb ass like your former customer lausung?

Btw if the gal's really from Dong Nai, what accent was she speaking in?

Originally Posted by TomMAffolter View Post
I met this gal online and after a week of chatting she invite me accompany her to a friends wedding in vungtau...
Old 12-06-2016, 08:21 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

So who is the dumb ass? The expert who claim he doesn't date English-speaking girl but pm newbie asking for contact and meetup
You are making a fool of

Originally Posted by hoian View Post
Those pics were obviously ripped from the internet. Only a fool would believe a VN gal would randomly pick a stranger off the streets and pose for him naked so that he can post her pics online. U think every foreigner is a dumb ass like your former customer lausung?
If you dont venture into the unknown, you wont gain much.
Old 12-06-2016, 08:37 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Welcome back Mr LIAR. I thought u gave up on VN after being cheated by your pimp of US$150 when he brought u to Geylang-style back lanes with ugly prostitutes.

U also swore u will never use pimp services again but here we go again... lol.

Originally Posted by lausung View Post
So who is the dumb ass? The expert who claim he doesn't date English-speaking girl but pm newbie asking for contact and meetup
You are making a fool of
Old 12-06-2016, 09:22 PM
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Re: Field report: Pham Hung Street, Binh Chanh

Originally Posted by TomMAffolter View Post
HAHA whats hilarious is that with people like you who so willing to spoil the market who would be stupid to share, look at the posts over last 3 yrs what new sharings has been posted, In fact the sharing wendella has posted originated from ME, he post that dont need guide but then he pm ME first asking for info which i told him to go to duong GFU, then later he pm a guy i took around begging for locations pretending to be a nice guy, but of course he was only given rubbish, and so after wendella saw that it was no good he then passed to yeah go pay 500k for girls other guys pay 150k thinking you have got a good deal. Whats a smart guy, ps if i was a guide i STILL wouldnt take you around, with you stupidity you would be a liability.
You say that in bold but you do something else, typical hypocrite, and notice I DIDNT attack the post, i actually told you the correct pricing of both NPK and the "good" info, its just when you express you stupid attitiude of not following given rate, feeling that you should be able to parasite off other people finds and then pay whatever you want, thats when i called you out for being stupid

If someone is afraid of others spoiling his playground or market, he will never post his good lobangs n keep it a secret.
U on th other hand post them without locations.

So who is hillarious?

Whats wrong w people paying or tipping more if he is happy or like the girl? It's his money not yours.
The stupid guy is u who want people to pay according to u.
Who the fxxk u think u r?
Old 12-06-2016, 10:04 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Cool down guys, no one can win an argument here. Some movies to cleanse the fight.

Now showing Conjuring 2 in galaxy cinema and cinestar. Ticket as cheap as 45-55K if you watch on certain days or time.

The Conjuring 2

The Storyline :

The real life paranormal investigations of Ed and Lorraine Warren made it to the big screen in the 2013 horror hit The Conjuring. And soon the married couple of demonologists will return with The Conjuring 2: The Enfield Poltergeist.

The case began in the titular Northern suburb of London, England in 1977. There, divorced single mother Margaret Hodgson lived with her four children, who ranged in age from seven to 13. But their happy home life was turned on its head when bizarre phenomena began to occur. The Hodgson children began to complain that their beds shake in the night, a chest of drawers moves in the dark, and mysterious knocking sounds resound throughout the halls. Later, LEGOs would be seen soaring through the air. At first, Margaret believed her kids were making it up, or pitching LEGOs about themselves. But as things escalated, she couldn't ignore that something strange was going on.

This was not a case of a haunted home, as much as haunted children. Both of Hodgson's daughters claimed to have been stalked by this poltergeist, tormented at school or when visiting with friends. Margaret began to fear that her eleven-year-old Janet was the key focus of this spirit's attention. This made some skeptical that the girl was pulling an elaborate prank. But how do you explain Janet's levitating above her bed?

A series of skeptics and investigators came to the Hodgson home, including Ed and Lorraine Warren. All in all, it seems good source material for summer scares. Or at the very least, a better start point than the hastily made spin-off Annabelle, which has nonetheless thrived pulling in $244 million worldwide in just six weeks. Still, with the return of Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga, we expect much more of The Conjuring 2: The Enfield Poltergeist.

...and the trailer :

Best to watch this horror movie with girls so you get to hug her when she is scare.
Old 13-06-2016, 12:37 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Banh mi thit nuong

37 Nguyen trai, Quan 1
Banh mi or Baguette is a common food in Vietnam. What I like about this stall, most will use cold ham as filling but this particular stall use BBQ meat.

This street stall open in the evening around 5pm, there are no seat available, only takeaway. You will see many local stop their bike and shout to place order, will be difficult if you try to queue for food like in Singapore.

Old 13-06-2016, 11:44 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)


Just go enjoy your whatever-job and fuck off. This forum is so peaceful until you came back. We don't need asshole like you coming here picking a fight with everyone.

Fuck man... having to read so much nonsense early in the morning.. why does Sam keep letting you in?
Old 13-06-2016, 12:14 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by TomMAffolter View Post
generally dissappointing your parents.
Do keep your comments to the directed person and not beyond that. Thank you.
KliK sInI >>>IndO C3W3
Old 13-06-2016, 01:51 PM
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Re: Field report: Pham Hung Street, Binh Chanh

Originally Posted by TomMAffolter View Post
This is how fucked stupid you are, and im not even talking from my point of view but lets say Hottochunter, so he spent time to field test this place, he then spent hs time posting about this place. Now you come along and even though he has made it clear the price is 200k, and has mentioned that he might be comming back. YOU come along and intend to enjoy his FIND, actually the chain of custody is this ME-lausung-wendella-hottochunter then possibly YOU, and from your comments you very well plan on spoiling the market if a) you find it borthersome if you have to haggle so as you say you dont mind paying a extra 50-100k
or b)you are happy or like the girl

So what it comes down to is you are one disrespectful and ungrateful bastard who goes and takes peoples work then without respect and consideration INTENDS to spoil the market. SELFISHLY ignoring how it may affect the very guys who intro you these good info.
Whats worse is that you dont think there is anything wrong, and then you have issues with people like me who dont want to share because of people like you. The fact i replied to you post abt the correct pricing at NPK was to do YOU a favour, so you can save money, no benefit to me if you get overcharged.

But dont worry tommorrow i will go to these places I will inform the girls and the owner at the two largest shops, that i will be introducing their shop to many foreigners both sillyporeans and angmoh, and i will be telling them to charge you guys 500k as you are "more than willing to pay extra" further you are too stupid to haggle, and that you are fat old and ugly so need to be charged a surcharge for being such. I will remind them that you guys have wasted 100k each way by taxi or have gone quite a distance to get there so its unlikely you will walk away. So why not double their money over stupid guys. No need to thank me as i have saved you the hassle of haveing to haggle. Furtehr im just expiditing what would happen naturally over time should guys liek you start going to such places. And to the samster pming for contacts etc, you have THIS guy to thanks for the lack of information on this thread

Long reply again which i don't bother.
Get lost lah, low life pimp.

Last edited by datou; 13-06-2016 at 02:18 PM.
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