The Legal Geylang (prostitute) SceneHad a great time with a government approved broad in Geylang? Tell us all about it! No FREELANCE crap here please. Legal commercial sex only. Threads about illegal Geylang whores carry a reputation point penalty.
The below silly and beloved Omnia-Worshipper infers that the pathetic Omnia has made a mistake and is now repenting ... This silly fella is at least more straight-forward even though he acted pathetically here when I exposed the dirty & unscrupulous truth about his idol, Omnia ... Bwahahaha ...
Originally Posted by FEDERER801
blad ... blah ... .....pot calling the kettle black.... blad .... blah ...
Ppl here got eyes to see one......We are not stupid....everyone makes one is perfect! Main thing is must learn from mistake and never commit it again....blah ... blah ...
__________________ There's a dark side to male sexuality that operates on an intrinsically primitive level.Unleash it and you can't help but see evidence of raw, uncontrollable emotion ...
Re: Omnia is sinister, hypocritical, unethical and a liar!
Don't drag me into your battlefield as i am not interested in taking side.
i only have fuck buddies and i am not into man in case you wonder so both of you doesn't fit the bill.
If both of you enjoy such fight, i suggest you start a thread and not disrupt the reading pleasure of others.....Thanks in advance
Originally Posted by max_priest
You are absolutely right re your post above ... We all can ill afford to trust anyone ... Especially your pathetic buddy, Omnia ... I have made a great mistake in accepting him as one of my PM buddy in the past ... Anyway, moving forward I have to be extra cautious ...
This fiasco is started by your pathetic buddy, Omnia and it was in this thread set up by him ... All the solid evidence that this pathetic clown Omnia is a hypocrite, is unscrupulous and a liar are all stacked up within this thread ... In addition, the evidence on Omnia having a hidden agenda to promote the WL of this house is also stacked up here in crystal form ... I therefore strongly believe the argument/comment/discussion on Omnia who acted like a "pimp" has a hidden agenda here should rightfully and appropriately be continued in this thread. I don't see the reason as to why I should migrate to another thread to attack him and unravel the dirty truth about Omnia. Moreover, it was in this thread Omnia was the one who bombarded me in a hostile fashion when I made a decent query about the significant variations in the FRs in this thread ... He obviously has received extra special sexual gratification in exchange to promote this WL in question aggressively ... I am sure all you guys know what I mean when I mentioned "sexual Gratification" ...
Oops ... I now realised as to why he is so determine to try to "persuade" me to migrate my argument/discussion/attack to another thread ... Am not surprised as he can't bear to see his thread specially set up by him for the one and only WL of this house being self-destructed & demolished eventually . It is as good as seeing his aggressive and relentless effort to promote this WL down the drain ... This further prove that he has a hidden agenda ... Very obvious indeed ... To reiterate, other than a pimp, I don't see any bona fide samsters would cut and paste others FRs on a WL in a thread specially setup by a samster for a one and only WL of the shop ...
***Speak the truth and only the truth can set you free.***
Re: Omnia is sinister, hypocritical, unethical and a liar!
Originally Posted by baotohk
Don't drag me into your battlefield as i am not interested in taking side.
i only have fuck buddies and i am not into man in case you wonder so both of you doesn't fit the bill.
If both of you enjoy such fight, i suggest you start a thread and not disrupt the reading pleasure of others.....Thanks in advance
U not "into man"? I only like to "go into women". Btw, do I fit the bill?
If you want to screw another man's wife, take a look at the consequences!
Thank God The_Hustler have not been 'seen or heard' in the scene anymore. Hehe. Just me..humping and bumping with my real person and not using some hideous pseudo identity garnering ill gains.
I trust u can handle and destroy
Your below buddy, Omnia was talking about himself ... He is unscrupulous, unethical, a hypocrite and a liar ... All the solid evidence against him are stacked up in this thread which happened to be created by him ... He acted like a pimp to aggressively promote a one and only WL of this shop ... And yet he dares to tell anyone he is a agenda free contributor. He is a liar! ... In fact writing FR here is already considered having agenda be it for a good course or not ...
So you sure he can destroy these people just by spamming and trolling? My toe is giggling non-stop ... LOL!!
Originally Posted by omnia
Long time no hear fm u buddy, hope all is well at yr end!...
aiyah u sld know me by now after all these years...i cannot stand sinister, unscrupulous, unethical, hypocritical behaviour in SBF...
.... Blah .... Blah ....
naturally i will be dealing wif all the abv issues in due course...
__________________ There's a dark side to male sexuality that operates on an intrinsically primitive level.Unleash it and you can't help but see evidence of raw, uncontrollable emotion ...
Re: Omnia is sinister, hypocritical, unethical and a liar!
Originally Posted by baotohk
Don't drag me into your battlefield as i am not interested in taking side.
i only have fuck buddies and i am not into man in case you wonder so both of you doesn't fit the bill.
If both of you enjoy such fight, i suggest you start a thread and not disrupt the reading pleasure of others.....Thanks in advance
He is a silly clown ... Juz like the guy he worships ...
Originally Posted by baotohk
Blah ... Blah ... as i am not interested in taking side.
i only have fuck buddies and i am not into man in case you wonder so both of you doesn't fit the bill.
If both of you enjoy such fight, suggest you ... blah .... blah .....Thanks in advance
You know what? The moment when I read the silly post below of that Omnia-Worshipper, he is as good as saying his idol is also childish ... This is because Baotohk's reply is referring to Omnia and me ... This is the second time he made this blunder ... LOL!
When a fella is born a dumbo, he is forever a dumbo ... I am afraid there is no medicine to rectify this problem ...
The below silly fella should jolly well look himself in the mirror first before he scolded another (i.e. BG) a stupid person ... To put it bluntly, this fella is a disgrace to mankind ...
Respect begets Respect ...
Originally Posted by FEDERER801
concur with u....some ppl just too childish
Originally Posted by FEDERER801
..... this idiotic BG stepped on my toes multiple times and never even apologised to me for his grave mistake for accusing me of something i never do...To me, he is the dumbest samster i ever seen....easily suspicious and naive....always want to be in the good shoes of senior respect for bootlickers.... blah ... blah ... Unless he makes a personal apology to me in this forum, i may consider to reply to his messages.....
In this forum .... blah ... blah ...waste of my time to reply to them....
__________________ There's a dark side to male sexuality that operates on an intrinsically primitive level.Unleash it and you can't help but see evidence of raw, uncontrollable emotion ...
that fella Max_Priest can continue being the SPAM KING in this 1807 thread if he so wishes...remember any news is good ironically all Max_Priest (NOT ME) is doing is continuing to give publicity to Ling Ling(1807) n 1807...!!
as for Max_Priest's other false, erroneous, laughable, pathetic n deluded claims in his abv SPAM posts that hv NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do wif this 1807 thread...
pls tune in to the more appropriate thread i.e.HOTTEST NEWS IN GEYLANG DAILY & Gossips thread which shall contain my reply in due addition to finding out more on whether Max_Priest's only true agenda in SBF is to just purely support the WLs without receiving or trying to receive RAW SEX in return fm the WLs....btw only for Samsters who are interested hor...
that fella Max_Priest can continue being the SPAM KING in this 1807 thread if he so wishes...remember any news is good ironically all Max_Priest (NOT ME) is doing is continuing to give publicity to Ling Ling(1807) n 1807...!!
as for Max_Priest's other false, erroneous, laughable, pathetic n deluded claims in his abv SPAM posts that hv NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do wif this 1807 thread...
pls tune in to the more appropriate thread i.e.HOTTEST NEWS IN GEYLANG DAILY & Gossips thread which shall contain my reply in due addition to finding out more on whether Max_Priest's only true agenda in SBF is to just purely support the WLs without receiving or trying to receive RAW SEX in return fm the WLs....btw only for Samsters who are interested hor...
Thanks to this clown, Ling Ling is getting alot of unwanted attention man....wahahaha....good for her business.....
As for me, i just do not understand why some ppl think having alot of reputation points equate to respect......My cock is giggling nonstop......Respect must be earned for what u have done and said and how u conduct yourself as a human being be it in forum or real world.....In my whole life, i always dislike people who backstab or sabo others or being two-headed snake....I am a very straightforward person.....this kind of losers i will avoid at all costs.....Very sad this kind of people exist everywhere even in this forum.....
In my whole life, i always dislike people who backstab or sabo others or being two-headed snake
lol, me too I also dislike such people. there are too many ppl appeared to be nice in front of u but at the back doing something opposite of what he was saying. In the end he gotta eat back his words
lol, me too I also dislike such people. there are too many ppl appeared to be nice in front of u but at the back doing something opposite of what he was saying. In the end he gotta eat back his words
Well, Good will always triumph over evil.....It is the same now too.....Nowadays i am tuning to this forum longer than usual....this clown is really entertaining....i going to see what this clown is going to say usual it always barks.....cant wait.....He really bring the SABO game to a new level i never see before....
Now let me make this Saturday a hot one for Max_Priest...since he had no qualms over revealing the contents of my PMs in SBF(Max_Priest started this first) to lamely n pathetically try but fail to throw 'dirt' at me...i shall now do likewise but in my case i shall paste the complete PM as incontrovertible proof...n i dare to say after reading this post Max_Priest will hv great difficulty trying to deny that he is indeed a sinister, sly, cunning, unscrupulous, liar n hypocrite(the rest of the adjectives i shall leave to the main show in due course!!)...
... as for being "cautious"...i wld say u r the most dangerous sinister character in SBF(together wif yr apparent buddy Alejandro88/King.Cobra), so on the contrary, all Samsters/Chiongsters sld be extremely cautious when having any dealings wif you as you are nothing but a dangerous, sinister, cunning, manipulative, deluded, unscrupulous, unethical, hypocrite n liar who plays games with real life issues, performs public harassment, intimidation/threats (tantamount to criminal intimidation at times) n lies (through yr teeth) to satisfy yr desires n lust for raw/excellent svcs fm the gullible GL ...
Let me set the record straight, unlike you, I have not revealed contents of PMs in cut and paste form or do a screenshot of others PM in the forum ... In addition, I would never do that that involves innocent parties who are not my enemies ...
You are a horribly & highly dangerous sinister, a hypocrite, a downright unscrupulous and despicable person with the audacity to involve and embarass innocent samsters (i.e. Nato & Unfit) by doing that ... These 2 individuals are not even your enemies!
You did this just because you wanna clear your name & using this as an ammunition to make use of Nato & Unfit to attack me ... and your "name" is even worse than shit! As Sammyboyfor mentioned below, PM messages are supposed to be private ... whether you cut & paste or do a screen shot of the PM, it is unethical and despicable ... certainly against the SBF protocol! It is tantamount to "hitting under the belt". Read Sammyboyfor's post below! Omnia, you certainly are a scum of the earth (juz to borrow the words from Boss Sammyboyfor) ... This action of yours speaks volume of what kinda scum you are ...
I remember you told Alejandro88 not to bring in innocent party (i.e. Cuntking) in the previous war you have had with Alejandro88 years ago ... "People who live in Glass Houses shouldn't throw stones" ...
I can also do likewise to cut & paste and/or do a print shot of your past PM saying bad things of other samsters but I would never resort to such unscrupulous and despicable way to embarrass innocent samsters who are not my enemies.
To prove the authenticity of the PM re Unfit and Nato, I challenge you to do a PrintScreen shot of the full PMs (including your respond to this PM as well) ... Don't forget that this kinda PM message can easily be doctored ... Below is an example ...
Originally Posted by Omnia
Federal is worshipping me! OMG!
Now he is trying to tell everyone that Alejandro88/KCobra, etc. are my buddies and desperately trying to get the enemies of these two individuals to attack me ... I would say this is lame tactics ... Next, he will tell everyone that they are my clones like a couple of jokers ...
Those samsters who are currently in association with this Omnia fella, be very very careful as he would archive (and may doctor your PM) to use against you to his advantage ... And he has no qualms to bring in innocent parties (buddies and aquaintances alike) without the thought that his action might embarrass them juz to clear his shit name and win his war. He can be nice to you guys during good times but wait till one day when you go against him, he will not hesitate to use these PM of yours to attack you. He archives PM because he harbours evil thoughts of attacking you in the future ... You guys are warned! I have made the biggest mistake in SBF by accepting this unscrupulous and despicable Omnia as one of my PM buddies in the past ...
Omnia said I performed harassment and threatened an individual but I didn't reveal the real name of this individual in the open ... If he owns up there is nothing I can do ... Moreover I m doing this for a humane course ... This individual was spouting malicious & false allegation that a WL from a shop in L18 was suffering from STD ... The pitiful and helpless WL's livelihood was jeopardised as a result of his malicious act. I have to do the last resort to stop him if not, he would never stop at all cost knowing his modus operadi very well ... He has done that to Tina (ex-WL of 1809) but unfortunately no one came out to help her ... I do not wish to rake up this past issue or reveal the name of the cuplrit as he has since apologised to me in the open as well as via PM ... It seems that Omnia is siding the culprit till now and someone (who is in association with Omnia) told me Omnia is in fact in cahoot with this culprit on a alot of other issues (gang zapping, etc.) besides this particular one because he apparently was trying to cloud and playdown the situation when I was trying to stop this culprit from his malicious act ...
In conclusion, Omnia, don't ever think you are much better than me as a samster ... If you said I am a hypocrite, a sinister, unscrupulous .... You are not far from that too ... In fact you are a highly evil and dangerous person because to archive (and may doctor as well) your ex buddies plus present buddies PM goes to illustrate that you harbour evil thoughts of using these archived PM to attack them in the future if they step on your toes ... Tsk ... Tsk ... You are nothing more than a low level scum ... You're no different from the samster whom Boss Sammyboyfor chided at below ...
Originally Posted by sammyboyfor
You're not clearing your name with your actions. Your "name" is in even worse shit.
First you clone zap someone who has done absolutely nothing wrong to you simply because you're told to do so in exchange for some naughty pictures.
When you're caught for the act, you then reveal the nick that made the request even though you were specifically requested NOT to reveal it. Private messages are supposed to remain private.. To post a screenshot is the ultimate act of betrayal..
You then ask me to take action against Keewee for making the request in the first place and make out that you are a victim in this whole sordid affair. In other words, you feel that if you're going down, you want to drag others down with you.
You certainly are the scum of the earth. I feel sorry for anyone who has any dealings with you in the real world.
ALL THIS DRAMA JUST FOR SOME IMAGES OF A PUSSY!!!??? What a pathetic world we live in today.
__________________ There's a dark side to male sexuality that operates on an intrinsically primitive level.Unleash it and you can't help but see evidence of raw, uncontrollable emotion ...
Omnia is a hypocrite, a sinister, a liar and a scum of the earth!
To reiterate, it is noteworthy that this fiasco was started by Omnia in this thread and all the evidences against Omnia being a hypocrite, despicable, a sinister, a liar and a scum of the earth (who has no qualms to betray or embarrass fellow innocent samsters, his ex- and present buddies) are stacked up clearly within this thread. As mentioned a few times, facts are facts and they don't lie ... It is therefore very appropriate and rightful for me to bombard him in this thread!
Omnia obviously is trying very desperately hard to coerce me to migrate my intense & fruitful bombardment from this thread to another as he is the one who set up this thread for the one and only WL (of L1807) whom he is trying to promote aggressively like her pimp ... He is apparently converting himself from a bona fide samster to a low-level pimp just because of a piece of raw & publicly used pussy ... What ashamed! LOL!
Please allow me to continue to bombard Omnia in the following post ... I shall add a little juicy bit about him as well ... Do stay tune if you guys are keen ...
__________________ There's a dark side to male sexuality that operates on an intrinsically primitive level.Unleash it and you can't help but see evidence of raw, uncontrollable emotion ...
Re: Omnia is a hypocrite, a sinister, a liar and a scum of the earth!
Originally Posted by max_priest
Let me set the record straight, unlike you, I have not revealed contents of PMs in cut and paste form or do a screenshot of others PM in the forum ... In addition, I would never do that that involves innocent parties who are not my enemies ...
You are a horribly & highly dangerous sinister, a hypocrite, a downright unscrupulous and despicable person with the audacity to involve and embarass innocent samsters (i.e. Nato & Unfit) by doing that ... These 2 individuals are not even your enemies!
You did this just because you wanna clear your name & using this as an ammunition to make use of Nato & Unfit to attack me ... and your "name" is even worse than shit! As Sammyboyfor mentioned below, PM messages are supposed to be private ... whether you cut & paste or do a screen shot of the PM, it is unethical and despicable ... certainly against the SBF protocol! It is tantamount to "hitting under the belt". Read Sammyboyfor's post below! Omnia, you certainly are a scum of the earth (juz to borrow the words from Boss Sammyboyfor) ... This action of yours speaks volume of what kinda scum you are ...
I remember you told Alejandro88 not to bring in innocent party (i.e. Cuntking) in the previous war you have had with Alejandro88 years ago ... "People who live in Glass Houses shouldn't throw stones" ...
I can also do likewise to cut & paste and/or do a print shot of your past PM saying bad things of other samsters but I would never resort to such unscrupulous and despicable way to embarrass innocent samsters who are not my enemies.
To prove the authenticity of the PM re Unfit and Nato, I challenge you to do a PrintScreen shot of the full PMs (including your respond to this PM as well) ... Don't forget that this kinda PM message can easily be doctored ... Below is an example ...
Now he is trying to tell everyone that Alejandro88/KCobra, etc. are my buddies and desperately trying to get the enemies of these two individuals to attack me ... I would say this is lame tactics ... Next, he will tell everyone that they are my clones like a couple of jokers ...
Those samsters who are currently in association with this Omnia fella, be very very careful as he would archive (and may doctor your PM) to use against you to his advantage ... And he has no qualms to bring in innocent parties (buddies and aquaintances alike) without the thought that his action might embarrass them juz to clear his shit name and win his war. He can be nice to you guys during good times but wait till one day when you go against him, he will not hesitate to use these PM of yours to attack you. He archives PM because he harbours evil thoughts of attacking you in the future ... You guys are warned! I have made the biggest mistake in SBF by accepting this unscrupulous and despicable Omnia as one of my PM buddies in the past ...
Omnia said I performed harassment and threatened an individual but I didn't reveal the real name of this individual in the open ... If he owns up there is nothing I can do ... Moreover I m doing this for a humane course ... This individual was spouting malicious & false allegation that a WL from a shop in L18 was suffering from STD ... The pitiful and helpless WL's livelihood was jeopardised as a result of his malicious act. I have to do the last resort to stop him if not, he would never stop at all cost knowing his modus operadi very well ... He has done that to Tina (ex-WL of 1809) but unfortunately no one came out to help her ... I do not wish to rake up this past issue or reveal the name of the cuplrit as he has since apologised to me in the open as well as via PM ... It seems that Omnia is siding the culprit till now and someone (who is in association with Omnia) told me Omnia is in fact in cahoot with this culprit on a alot of other issues (gang zapping, etc.) besides this particular one because he apparently was trying to cloud and playdown the situation when I was trying to stop this culprit from his malicious act ...
In conclusion, Omnia, don't ever think you are much better than me as a samster ... If you said I am a hypocrite, a sinister, unscrupulous .... You are not far from that too ... In fact you are a highly evil and dangerous person because to archive (and may doctor as well) your ex buddies plus present buddies PM goes to illustrate that you harbour evil thoughts of using these archived PM to attack them in the future if they step on your toes ... Tsk ... Tsk ... You are nothing more than a low level scum ... You're no different from the samster whom Boss Sammyboyfor chided at below ...
Originally Posted by max_priest
To reiterate, it is noteworthy that this fiasco was started by Omnia in this thread and all the evidences against Omnia being a hypocrite, despicable, a sinister, a liar and a scum of the earth (who has no qualms to betray or embarrass fellow innocent samsters, his ex- and present buddies) are stacked up clearly within this thread. As mentioned a few times, facts are facts and they don't lie ... It is therefore very appropriate and rightful for me to bombard him in this thread!
Omnia obviously is trying very desperately hard to coerce me to migrate my intense & fruitful bombardment from this thread to another as he is the one who set up this thread for the one and only WL (of L1807) whom he is trying to promote aggressively like her pimp ... He is apparently converting himself from a bona fide samster to a low-level pimp just because of a piece of raw & publicly used pussy ... What ashamed! LOL!
Please allow me to continue to bombard Omnia in the following post ... I shall add a little juicy bit about him as well ... Do stay tune if you guys are keen ...