sudah ke kampong dia blm?
atau keluarga dia di batam/balai?
niat nya apa... apa perlu di tanya, pasti mau loe jd suami nya lah,
tapi... ingat bs kenal dan sopan sm kelaurga nya, jgn terlalu dekat..
kenal sih kenal, tapi loe loe gue gue (keep a distance..)
Harus slalu ingat, loe nikah sm anak nya, bukan nikah sm keluarga nya
Cewek di btm sangat pengen menikah dengan orang singapur karena abang dari singapur tidak hanya kaya tapi juga peduli untuk mereka banget.
Iya setuju sama kamu, kalo hubungan terlalu dekat sama keluarganya, nanti susah banget menolak permintaan mereka.
sudah ke kampong dia blm?
atau keluarga dia di batam/balai?
niat nya apa... apa perlu di tanya, pasti mau loe jd suami nya lah,
tapi... ingat bs kenal dan sopan sm kelaurga nya, jgn terlalu dekat..
kenal sih kenal, tapi loe loe gue gue (keep a distance..)
Harus slalu ingat, loe nikah sm anak nya, bukan nikah sm keluarga nya
Blum sich mas, sdh bnyk x dia mohon ama gue ikut dia ke kampung.. Gue ksh alasan terus... Gue gk berani percaya ama cew mlm... Mana gwa tau dia bicara kyk gini dgn berapa bnyk cowok..
I just came back from a 2 days / 1 night trip from Batam. I was surprised that many of the ceweks in the joint showed a black face when I tried to pick them due to the fact that I am an SG Indian. I am not the typical Indian, I am Westernized having spent most of my life living in Canada and I have always treated any gals that I book very well and they all are happy to have my company. Any bros can shed light on this? This was my maiden trip there I was throughly annoyed by the racist behaviour shown towards me by the ceweks there. Any advice or suggestions are welcome! Thanks in advance...
To my understanding, (from TBK at least). A lot of them have had negative experiences with our darker skin brudders. Esp the younger lot of guys who tend to come in groups and wreck chaos at the hotel after drinking. Some of them ask for sex excessively and are stingy with tips..
No offence but to the feedback I've gotten from papi and cew in TBK, the majority of these guys do not hail from Singapore.
While I don't feel it's fair to stereotype, humans will be humans. You might have better luck in TBK where the majority of chiongsters seem to be Malays and Indians..
Blum sich mas, sdh bnyk x dia mohon ama gue ikut dia ke kampung.. Gue ksh alasan terus... Gue gk berani percaya ama cew mlm... Mana gwa tau dia bicara kyk gini dgn berapa bnyk cowok..
Dulu, pacar gua (pebantu) juga ajakin saya ke kampung dia di puwokerto, java tengah daerah Jogjakarta bertemu sama keluarganya. Tapi saya juga takut, kalo sampai sana harus beliin barang-barang banyak untuk mereka.
Saya bisa bayangkan pasti mereka terus minta duit dari gua. Kalo kayak gitu, saya tentu setengah mati dong.
Kalo ngak kasih juga ngak enak. Jadi saya bohongin dia gua gak bisa dapat cuti karena tempat kerja sibuk sekali.
Kalo ikut dia balik ke kampong pasti saya bisa bangkrut !
Can any bro here share wats the damage now for a trip to batam based on a one day event.. as my intention going there is to bonk till I wear out and some spa thingy and be back by the last ferry. Any sifu care to give some tips..?
I have not been to batam for almost 5 years already. Whats the price for booking cewek now? Can we can the price of 300rb now? hehe. Recently my friends stayed at lovinainn for the budget. Is it nice hotel? how bout Amir hotel at harbour bay?
I just came back from a 2 days / 1 night trip from Batam. I was surprised that many of the ceweks in the joint showed a black face when I tried to pick them due to the fact that I am an SG Indian. I am not the typical Indian, I am Westernized having spent most of my life living in Canada and I have always treated any gals that I book very well and they all are happy to have my company. Any bros can shed light on this? This was my maiden trip there I was throughly annoyed by the racist behaviour shown towards me by the ceweks there. Any advice or suggestions are welcome! Thanks in advance...
Spend more time with them and let them get to know you.
I have a Malaysian Indian friend, he's always travelling and working around the world, very ang mo style type, and he's got many many cewek girlfriends...
Mana gwa tau dia bicara kyk gini dgn berapa bnyk cowok..
dont need to khwatir so much, take it as holiday lor..
as long the orang tua is not in batam or jkt, there is no harm meeting them. First trip there, they wont ask for anything. Most kampong old ppl, all very humble, you will be treated like VVIP there, even you dont give them anything.
i visited more than 10 ceweks kampong, enjoy every trip..