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Old 23-01-2014, 02:29 PM
cheatdeath cheatdeath is offline
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

you should take the news article seriously, because there are a lot of them on the web. LOL. your just jealous that other guys dont need your service, and there is a huge and I mean huge selection for local guys to choose from, and thats the best part.

a lot of these village girls who come to the city and work at these coffee shops make 6+ million a month and they send most of the money home to their parents in the village to build a big house.

Originally Posted by mutantchicken View Post
so is this a case of you readimg something in a newspapaer and making it your fake life experice or you actually did this..cuz if its the later why bother quote a newspaper article that is in a language most guys here cant read...and the paper quites she goes with Guys she KNOWS and she wanst 800k ..why bother tehre are plenty fo freelancers avail for 500k..dont even have to wait till 10pm when she finshies work...seems this is anotehr example of you being a closet cheongster...u might even be a virgin

this guy tells us that he succeeded with this method, saying local guys with money have a harem..well this is teh same guys who thought he hit the jackpot when his bank offered him a measely 10k loan, and he was asking how long he can live like a king in thailand with this money.

And to answer there is no way to distinguish these girls and these types of cafe. The bottom mine is that in ANYjob these will be girls willing to fuck for cash, u cna find tese girls anywhere and everywhere..just need to time and effort..u can even make the "indecent" proposal to every girls u meet and im sure u will get yes in time.
My point is that if you want to not been seen as a pervert, or u wnat to get these girls as normal gf or u just wnat to be able to have a nice time "rua mat" then this avenue is not viable ESP when u have freelancers u can fuck for cheaper and more convenient time. Im the 5 yrs i have been here and the 1000's pof cafe girls i have known only teh most ugly plain janes will eb willing to fuck...the pretty ones have suickers tipping 100k-500k trying to seduce them and so they dont really need the cash for fucking. Thats not saying u cant make a gf out of them and fuck afterwards...but cheatdeaths idea of wooking a girls is satyinmg hey baby u so beaitifal u make me get a erection and i wanna fuck u...he also thinks he should go to thailand in midst of the demonstation meet a girls and talk politics and then this will get here hot and horney..check his post tell me is this a guy you wanna take seriously
Old 23-01-2014, 07:38 PM
phighter phighter is offline
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

cafe level 1 : pretty girl serve you drink and walk away
cafe level 2: pretty girl serve you drink then sit down next to you. if you ignore her, she will sit there and eat sunflower seeds
cafe level 3: pretty girl serve you drink, then sit on your lap and talk with you. if you pull out a smartphone she will demand to play games on it while sitting on your lap
cafe level 4: hj
cafe level 5: bj

now if there's a cafe level 6, sign me up! of course i realize not every girl there will go to hotel with customers, but if there's a consistently a "higher chance" - i'm in. anyways, planning to check out these streets soon =] i dont expect much as i probably won't tip anything at all... but we'll see.
Old 23-01-2014, 11:20 PM
cheatdeath cheatdeath is offline
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

the girls who work at these coffe shops get paid monthly, but their pay is not enough, so often they do work on the side, but the thing is this, these girls will only go with customers at their own will, so you might bang a chick on tuesday, but the next time she is willing to bang you is nextweek tuesday because she is not a desperate girl, so the systerm cant abuse and exploit her. That might suck, but there are so many coffee shops with so many girls coming up from the villages that local guys will always have plenty of girls to choose from.

You should tip, 100K tip is tiny compared to the service she is providing.
Originally Posted by phighter View Post
cafe level 1 : pretty girl serve you drink and walk away
cafe level 2: pretty girl serve you drink then sit down next to you. if you ignore her, she will sit there and eat sunflower seeds
cafe level 3: pretty girl serve you drink, then sit on your lap and talk with you. if you pull out a smartphone she will demand to play games on it while sitting on your lap
cafe level 4: hj
cafe level 5: bj

now if there's a cafe level 6, sign me up! of course i realize not every girl there will go to hotel with customers, but if there's a consistently a "higher chance" - i'm in. anyways, planning to check out these streets soon =] i dont expect much as i probably won't tip anything at all... but we'll see.
Old 24-01-2014, 12:06 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by Khungkhung View Post
Hi to all bros here. I'm in vietnam for the 3rd year alr is there a new ruling that we can't make visa for three months straight now can only 1 month cos for this pass three months I have been only extending it every month through my agent
if u hv company or company letter u can make 1yr-$100us
Old 24-01-2014, 12:20 AM
mutantchicken mutantchicken is offline
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by phighter View Post
cafe level 1 : pretty girl serve you drink and walk away
cafe level 2: pretty girl serve you drink then sit down next to you. if you ignore her, she will sit there and eat sunflower seeds
cafe level 3: pretty girl serve you drink, then sit on your lap and talk with you. if you pull out a smartphone she will demand to play games on it while sitting on your lap
cafe level 4: hj
cafe level 5: bj

now if there's a cafe level 6, sign me up! of course i realize not every girl there will go to hotel with customers, but if there's a consistently a "higher chance" - i'm in. anyways, planning to check out these streets soon =] i dont expect much as i probably won't tip anything at all... but we'll see.
yes i mentions tehre is a cafe level 6...but filled with plain young is u buy them drinks..each drink abt 20k...u but 10+ and u have a good chance of fucking them standing doggy...its out near binh duong...
but as i said before... the girls level 1-3..if you seduce them then good chance u will get fuck just liek anywhere..or u can indecently propose to fuck for xyz dolalrs, the going rate is 800-1mill from what i have heard...again i openly said this is what i have heard as i do the gf thing only...but in my view if i gonna pay 800k+, have to tip them 100k for teh chance AND wait till the get off work at 10-11pm..i might as well go freelancer avenue.
BUt here is teh thing adressing cheatdeath..he wanst to make up teh scenario he done it all before, just let him NAME teh cafes and teh streets where he has successfully pulled it off...i bet he wont even be able to do that..again i call bullshit on his..find a dark skimpy dress cafe girl...(they ALL do that).... tip 100k and say abracadra and yep she goes to hotel with u...

Btw there is a vn version of simngapores Petain street..mainly milfs tho soem pretty acceptible ones..cost 200k...but its ONLY for good for fastcum'ers
Old 24-01-2014, 12:27 AM
mutantchicken mutantchicken is offline
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by cheatdeath View Post
you should take the news article seriously, because there are a lot of them on the web. LOL. your just jealous that other guys dont need your service, and there is a huge and I mean huge selection for local guys to choose from, and thats the best part.

a lot of these village girls who come to the city and work at these coffee shops make 6+ million a month and they send most of the money home to their parents in the village to build a big house.
if your vietnamese is good as your english then its further proof of your the hell could u even intelligently use jelous in that sentence, if i have any feelings regarding people not needing my services then it would be annoyance or malice or spite, definately not jealous.

Maybe you could use envy if you are trying to say that im envious of other peoples success with women BUT The main difference between envy and jealousy is that envy is an emotion related to coveting what someone else has, while jealousy is the emotion related to fear that something you have will be taken away by someone else.

So please get a decent education rather than wasting your time reading tabloid type vietnamese news articles.
Old 24-01-2014, 01:23 AM
cheatdeath cheatdeath is offline
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

you want to know something funny mutant, in the news article, it mentions about a guy named Tuan, tuan introduced his friend to a girl in the coffe shop, and because she knew tuan she was willing to go with tuan's friend for 800K. Gee it sounds a lot like the kind of buissness that you do, so mutant theres no need for disco, just go to the coffe shop and pick a girl.

you are jealous because you cant convince these girls in the coffee shops to go with your customers but local guys who know how to speak vietnamese can.
Originally Posted by mutantchicken View Post
if your vietnamese is good as your english then its further proof of your the hell could u even intelligently use jelous in that sentence, if i have any feelings regarding people not needing my services then it would be annoyance or malice or spite, definately not jealous.

Maybe you could use envy if you are trying to say that im envious of other peoples success with women BUT The main difference between envy and jealousy is that envy is an emotion related to coveting what someone else has, while jealousy is the emotion related to fear that something you have will be taken away by someone else.

So please get a decent education rather than wasting your time reading tabloid type vietnamese news articles.
Old 24-01-2014, 07:19 AM
phighter phighter is offline
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

I've got an OKT around the corner that I use. The gang is set up on one of the notorious streets for action in HCMC. I regularly use him, however, he's been slacking lately.

He knows I like fresh girls, so he calls me when a new girl comes in (whether pretty or normal). I tell him I want him to filter the girls for me and don't call me for less pretty/cute girls, that I prefer pretty/cute over fresh. But he never listens, keeps calling me for every new girl.

So I've ditched him, went with another gang on the street (perhaps the same gang, not sure). They brought me a fairly cute girl, probably 24 years old, thin, b cup girl, light tan. Was planning to go 1 hour for 500k but she was quite cute so i switched to LT for 1.2M.

Upon arriving at my apartment (yes, I know its not recommended to bring WL back to your apartment, but its cleaner than the hourly hotels, i've got 24 hour security, and on more than one occasion the girl likes my room and ask to move in with me. i don't have expensive things so I usually accept and let her sleep with me for a few weeks, and I ask security guard to watch them).

Anyways, she sees my laptop and immediately ask to go on Garena. "What the fuck is Garena?" She subsequently installs and and starts listening to Vietnamese people karaoke in chatrooms. Then she switches over to watching Live Strems of League of Legends. LOL WTF! She was really into it - laughing and yelling at the players passionately as I unpassionately turn on the tv.

I told her I'd prefer live streams of something sexy, and she says she can do that. She jumps on a shadey chatroom website which she says her "brother" is the owner of, so she has an admin account. Turns on the webcam points it at me, then starts typing in vietnamese which roughly translates to "anyone wants to play? no one?" I yelled at her for bringing me to a gay chatroom, then she types "admin, get a girl to strip for us!" we click on a few live streams of vietnamese girls doing nothing, we switch back to LoL.

After letting her watch her League of Legends, we get to the real action which was great. Passionate with GFE experience.

Afterwards, she falls asleep, but she insists that we sleep with the blanket over our heads. I couldn't breath! But she kept insisting... she falls asleep and i quickly stick my head out. She slept like a cocoon the entire time.
Old 24-01-2014, 07:30 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by phighter View Post
I've got an OKT around the corner that I use. The gang is set up on one of the notorious streets for action in HCMC. I regularly use him, however, he's been slacking lately.
Thanks for your FR, about 3 mths back at HCM, there is one street OKT at D1 named ah San, he did manage to help me find girls to select & bonk around 1 am.. Price is not really cheap but i need a release so i ask him to send her girls to outside hotel lobby for me to choose.

He even claim he had underage girls but have to do it in transit hotel, not our own hotel. i think street girls are really hit and miss...depend on your luck if u can choose the right girl.
Old 24-01-2014, 09:50 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by pting View Post
He even claim he had underage girls but have to do it in transit hotel, not our own hotel.
It is good to avoid, condemn child sex.
Ma sao khong the tha thu cho nhau mot lan
Old 24-01-2014, 11:44 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

cafe level 0 - i have met before the girls dont even want to serve me drinks, i just wave and wave like an idiot

hot toc level 0 - i walk in say i want massage with "special" all girls sitting there say they dont want do

in both cases i am in t shirt, bermuda and slippers
Old 24-01-2014, 01:52 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by bolueeleh View Post
cafe level 0 - i have met before the girls dont even want to serve me drinks, i just wave and wave like an idiot

hot toc level 0 - i walk in say i want massage with "special" all girls sitting there say they dont want do

in both cases i am in t shirt, bermuda and slippers
lol, but that makes you look local :]
Old 24-01-2014, 09:28 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by naemlo View Post
It is good to avoid, condemn child sex.
This Pak fuLLy suPPort
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Old 24-01-2014, 11:06 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by naemlo View Post
It is good to avoid, condemn child sex.
I dont support child sex too but the one i refer to are those probably slightly underage abt 17yr. I saw the girl doesnt look underage though i did not choose her becoz need to use other hotel.
When mongering in poor countries, i believe many underage girl would pose as overage for convenient sake.
Old 24-01-2014, 11:46 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by phighter View Post
I've got an OKT around the corner that I use. The gang is set up on one of the notorious streets for action in HCMC. I regularly use him, however, he's been slacking lately.

He knows I like fresh girls, so he calls me when a new girl comes in (whether pretty or normal). I tell him I want him to filter the girls for me and don't call me for less pretty/cute girls, that I prefer pretty/cute over fresh. But he never listens, keeps calling me for every new girl.

So I've ditched him, went with another gang on the street (perhaps the same gang, not sure). They brought me a fairly cute girl, probably 24 years old, thin, b cup girl, light tan. Was planning to go 1 hour for 500k but she was quite cute so i switched to LT for 1.2M.

Upon arriving at my apartment (yes, I know its not recommended to bring WL back to your apartment, but its cleaner than the hourly hotels, i've got 24 hour security, and on more than one occasion the girl likes my room and ask to move in with me. i don't have expensive things so I usually accept and let her sleep with me for a few weeks, and I ask security guard to watch them).

Anyways, she sees my laptop and immediately ask to go on Garena. "What the fuck is Garena?" She subsequently installs and and starts listening to Vietnamese people karaoke in chatrooms. Then she switches over to watching Live Strems of League of Legends. LOL WTF! She was really into it - laughing and yelling at the players passionately as I unpassionately turn on the tv.

I told her I'd prefer live streams of something sexy, and she says she can do that. She jumps on a shadey chatroom website which she says her "brother" is the owner of, so she has an admin account. Turns on the webcam points it at me, then starts typing in vietnamese which roughly translates to "anyone wants to play? no one?" I yelled at her for bringing me to a gay chatroom, then she types "admin, get a girl to strip for us!" we click on a few live streams of vietnamese girls doing nothing, we switch back to LoL.

After letting her watch her League of Legends, we get to the real action which was great. Passionate with GFE experience.

Afterwards, she falls asleep, but she insists that we sleep with the blanket over our heads. I couldn't breath! But she kept insisting... she falls asleep and i quickly stick my head out. She slept like a cocoon the entire time.
Dude, you sound like you're in high school.

Jus yanking your chain.
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