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Old 17-03-2014, 09:54 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by Hurricane88 View Post
overall plenty of rests to escape the dry weather and hazy sinkie land...
Seems like you brought the rain back with you.
Old 17-03-2014, 10:06 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Cafe May in HCMC, Vietnam

Originally Posted by NguyenNhi View Post
Dear all seniors,

I am new to the forum but not that new to HCMC. Just did not know that there is such a forum. Anyway, I thought to start off, I should introduce to all of you my favorite night out - Cafe May which is near my house in Nguyen Tri Phuong, P9, Q10.

For Singaporeans, you can find the famous Chicken Rice and Prawn Mee along the same road, the Taiwan Embassy is around here too.

So what to expect?

And the Crowd is

Always Full by 8PM.

Most girls are available for bangs but take awhile and lots of skills. If you speak no Tieng Viet, expect to be Carrot Chopped before you can bed anyone.

But be careful, there are underage girls around.

Please support if you like; maybe you'll find me there almost every night.
Thx for ur contribution... Have fun in HCM!
I muz say the quality r btr than those in Bali, Bangkok & Pattaya...
Các cụ đã nói.
Muốn giàu thì nuôi cá.
Muốn khá thì nuôi heo.
Muốn nghèo thì nuôi gái.

Last edited by s@ms@m; 17-03-2014 at 10:19 PM.
Old 17-03-2014, 10:32 PM
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Re: Cafe May in HCMC, Vietnam

Originally Posted by NguyenNhi View Post
Dear all seniors,

I am new to the forum but not that new to HCMC. Just did not know that there is such a forum. Anyway, I thought to start off, I should introduce to all of you my favorite night out - Cafe May which is near my house in Nguyen Tri Phuong, P9, Q10.

For Singaporeans, you can find the famous Chicken Rice and Prawn Mee along the same road, the Taiwan Embassy is around here too.

So what to expect?

And the Crowd is

Always Full by 8PM.

Most girls are available for bangs but take awhile and lots of skills. If you speak no Tieng Viet, expect to be Carrot Chopped before you can bed anyone.

But be careful, there are underage girls around.

Please support if you like; maybe you'll find me there almost every night.

all 3 gals are the DJ spinning there but not the waiteress right
Old 17-03-2014, 10:34 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by XXed View Post
how to om and rabba in front of other people? hmmm something singaporeans are familiar with in jc and gl pubs

thought Sinkie more familiar with each individual gal sucking right in the room of Echo
Old 17-03-2014, 10:51 PM
NguyenNhi NguyenNhi is offline
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

To Mr. Volcano,

Yes, the girls do DJ but I would say that they aren't really DJ-ing. Most of the times, they sit with their regulars too, chilling. I don't know why but images are limited on each post so I could not post more but I guess you are looking for those that simply do waitress / sit around ones huh?

A few look as follows:

Day time no handy panty, you get these but they off work at 3PM:

I am still new to the forum, don't know why my other posts did not appear on the thread.
Old 18-03-2014, 12:23 AM
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Re: Cafe May in HCMC, Vietnam

Originally Posted by volcano View Post
all 3 gals are the DJ spinning there but not the waiteress right
those pics taken from cafe may facebook page...that character talking crap...its like me sating cho ro BV cho ray..with time effort luck you can also bang doctors nurses and pharmacist as they also available. What this character is actually referring to is youc an try to date them...they not available for bang like a girl is a brothel is available!!!
Old 18-03-2014, 12:48 AM
NguyenNhi NguyenNhi is offline
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Re: Cafe May in HCMC, Vietnam

Originally Posted by mutantchicken View Post
those pics taken from cafe may facebook page...that character talking crap...its like me sating cho ro BV cho ray..with time effort luck you can also bang doctors nurses and pharmacist as they also available. What this character is actually referring to is youc an try to date them...they not available for bang like a girl is a brothel is available!!!
Dear Mr. Mutantchicken, you are very fierce wah! I did not say I took those photos, you just assume. I just share what I know and those girls are really at the cafe but you came right at it rather negatively. I don't understand but you definitely impress me on how much you can bed girls. Last but not least, peace, leave some room for a meetup if possible. Thank you.
Old 18-03-2014, 12:55 AM
NguyenNhi NguyenNhi is offline
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

I am just a new bird, trying to share what I know. Please do not shoot me down like a kuku bird. Thank you. I am in no way a better man, seniors here are definitely the best. I am just a small small bird, learning to fly. Got a pm that advised me not to reveal address of location in open forum, sorry i did not know that there is such a rule. Won't do it next time.
Old 18-03-2014, 12:59 AM
NguyenNhi NguyenNhi is offline
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

& yes, some if the girls are on facebook especially the DJs. They also do blog shop, anyone keen can go befriend them. Think Mr. Mutantchicken may already be a friend to some girls there.
Old 18-03-2014, 04:46 AM
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Re: Cafe May in HCMC, Vietnam

Originally Posted by mutantchicken View Post
those pics taken from cafe may facebook page...that character talking crap...its like me sating cho ro BV cho ray..with time effort luck you can also bang doctors nurses and pharmacist as they also available. What this character is actually referring to is youc an try to date them...they not available for bang like a girl is a brothel is available!!!

possible download from FB as i dont think he able to go into the serving area to take pix
Old 18-03-2014, 04:53 AM
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Re: Cafe May in HCMC, Vietnam

Originally Posted by NguyenNhi View Post
Dear Mr. Mutantchicken, you are very fierce wah! I did not say I took those photos, you just assume. I just share what I know and those girls are really at the cafe but you came right at it rather negatively. I don't understand but you definitely impress me on how much you can bed girls. Last but not least, peace, leave some room for a meetup if possible. Thank you.
My issue is with this comment "
Most girls are available for bangs but take awhile and lots of skills. If you speak no Tieng Viet, expect to be Carrot Chopped before you can bed anyone."

By natural extension I can GO ANYWHERE, supermarket, doctors surgery, law office and there will be MOST girls available for banging given enough time /skill/ money invested, i mean how many married women, divorce their husbands, cheat on their husbands for another man with greater time/skill/money...thats called dating romancing seduction etc, by you making such a comment refering to that cafe, all it does is make guys who are not experience or familiar with cheonging, think they can go there smile like a idiot use their translating apps, and generally use the foreign currency as the equiliser for whatever lack of time /skill they have. It would take a fool not to acknowledge that saying u can try to date them has a different impact than saying most girls are avail for banging with investment in time and skill. I mean there are pitiful guys who think going to GL is fishing and is a sign of how skillful they are with women. Ok if i am wrong and you have banged these girls, them please fill us in with your strategy, ie with cost per date, where u take them, how old are the girls, how many dates, you own skill set ie appearance language abilities, professional capacity, no need for names and identifying details. Only with that information may others emulate your success. But if im not mistaken, this is more likely a case of you seeing that the girls are friendly to you, dressed provocatively, maybe you have heard its possible and then you have counted your chickens before they hatched. Or maybe you have actually bought these girl a 20mill bike or telephone, thats another way to bang them. Please clarify your position?
Old 18-03-2014, 05:03 AM
NguyenNhi NguyenNhi is offline
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Re: Cafe May in HCMC, Vietnam

I belong to the latter. Bought handphone, buy supper and tip good kind. That is why you impressed me on how much you can really hook girls up by browsing your posts. I really have much to learn.
Old 18-03-2014, 12:40 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

All build into your skill of KC gals. No such thing as home ground advantage.

Once you have a set of procedure that work on bringing gals back to your room, you just fine tune those exact skill.

Now I try to bring gals back to room without them talking about money. And I just pay in term of a dinner plus cab ride home..... But when gals start to talk money when we in the room, I will treat them like a WL. Fuck and fuck off.

To walk into a spa, cafe, massage joint, KTV and get gals are nothing to a lot of bros here, but still there are lots of brothers do not know how to ask gals.

Originally Posted by NguyenNhi View Post
The thread is interesting and I was browsing through for an hour or so. Mr. Mutantchicken really impress me & make me feel that I am a loser. I speak Tieng Viet, have Vietnamese blood in me, ride an airblade and on occassions drive a small chevrolet spark, but was never as lucky as Mr. Mutantchicken. Only once got a foot spa girl who throws herself at me but she was only like a 4/10 so kind of expected. Really looking forward to learn more ...
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Old 18-03-2014, 12:44 PM
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Re: Cafe May in HCMC, Vietnam

Originally Posted by NguyenNhi View Post
I belong to the latter. Bought handphone, buy supper and tip good kind. That is why you impressed me on how much you can really hook girls up by browsing your posts. I really have much to learn.
Main thing is that you achieved your goals and be happy.
We are not in a competition in HCM to banged gals at the lowest price.

To me time is more important than money as I am only there 4-5 days every trip.

So now I go there just to eat , drink and tour Vietnam. Most of the night I will chase the my gal away to have a good night sleep as VB can make me get insomnia. (she can play game and text message till 4am.)

A lot of bros thought this is a OKT thread, if you does think so..... You are in a wrong thread.
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Last edited by MIFAcafe; 18-03-2014 at 01:07 PM.
Old 18-03-2014, 03:03 PM
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Re: Cafe May in HCMC, Vietnam

Originally Posted by NguyenNhi View Post
I belong to the latter. Bought handphone, buy supper and tip good kind. That is why you impressed me on how much you can really hook girls up by browsing your posts. I really have much to learn.
How much is hand much tip......what kind of supper and how much...

U hid plenty of info...this is misleading...dun really agreed with u that cafe gals all can bang easily...try not to misled us...this is not sharing...
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