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Old 19-03-2014, 10:58 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by mutantchicken View Post
NOt sure how relevant it is to post it here, but recently i have started to reevaluate how im living my life and i have decided to start doing some charitable work here in hcmc, i have joined a grp and theyseem legit with real work done not just collect money and misuse the fund. I actually contributed the money axlx3 goave me for my services. This post is about firsly asking if anyone wants to contribute to this charity and earn karma, those who have read my posts and have met know know that even though i might be seen as rude and blunt etc, im HONEST, so you know that any money you pass to me for the charity will be used for the poor and needy. I know H88 has done a similar thing, but my grp does things 1-2 a month, sometiems they make meals for the homeless, rice boxes or sometimes just banh mi, other times the buy parcels of 10kg rice, box of instant noodles, botytle cooking oil and deliver this package for the poor.
Originally Posted by weew View Post
Glad to hear that you are involve in charity and it is always good to give back to the society to help the less fortunate. Serve as a gentle reminder on how fortunate we are to be able to give and money well spent on good causes.

No amount is too small while monetary is not the only way to contribute.
MC - good to donate to charity and build good karma...never late to do so...

doing charity is all VOLUNTARY...received few PMs to contact them regarding doing charity..

my point is simple...why ask me to contact you and not the other way round...why not you contact me as willing DONOR...also meeting me in hcm does not mean that I am obligated to bring you go chiong to find gals...if any donor who wants to do charity think l am obligated to bring you chiong find gals then pls dun need to contact me...

my friends who volunteer to donate will just ask when and where...if he cannot be there on the specific dates then he pass me the money to do on behalf...all legitimate with receipts to show how much we bought and items we purchased...I will not want to be cursed with bad karma by squandering friends money intended for charity...

already have friends who bough air tickets to do charity together for the coming hungry ghost festival...^^
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Old 19-03-2014, 02:39 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by Hurricane88 View Post
MC - good to donate to charity and build good karma...never late to do so...

doing charity is all VOLUNTARY...received few PMs to contact them regarding doing charity..

my point is simple...why ask me to contact you and not the other way round...why not you contact me as willing DONOR...also meeting me in hcm does not mean that I am obligated to bring you go chiong to find gals...if any donor who wants to do charity think l am obligated to bring you chiong find gals then pls dun need to contact me...

my friends who volunteer to donate will just ask when and where...if he cannot be there on the specific dates then he pass me the money to do on behalf...all legitimate with receipts to show how much we bought and items we purchased...I will not want to be cursed with bad karma by squandering friends money intended for charity...

already have friends who bough air tickets to do charity together for the coming hungry ghost festival...^^
im more HOSPITABLE if Samster are willing to donate, i will contact you and i will be obligated to bring you cheong to find girls hahha..thats is my offer anyway...if you dont want to donate ONLY then would i be inhospitable, but for now when i am collecting money for those in worse circumstances i will be..when i was collecting money for myself i def wasnt. hahha
Old 19-03-2014, 03:44 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by mutantchicken View Post
im more HOSPITABLE if Samster are willing to donate, i will contact you and i will be obligated to bring you cheong to find girls hahha..thats is my offer anyway...if you dont want to donate ONLY then would i be inhospitable, but for now when i am collecting money for those in worse circumstances i will be..when i was collecting money for myself i def wasnt. hahha
MC, any suggestion on how to donate in such a way the fund will be best use?
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Old 19-03-2014, 08:18 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by MIFAcafe View Post
MC, any suggestion on how to donate in such a way the fund will be best use?
Im not exactly sure what you mean, i can only guess, what i think you are asking. The question in my mind is to ask WHAT do you think is acceptible behaviour and what are the aims you want to achieve?

Forexample, in Australia, i cam accross charities that would collect millions of dollars, they gave their staff market acceptable, thought not market competive salaries so the people the attarct were not the best and brightest but the lazy ones who want to have a easy job and live overseas on a expat salary, they also spent quite laviously on staff parties and had as their offices villas in pp, luang prabang etc etc. In my estimatition id be suprised if 50% of their collection donations actually makes it to the needy. That is not the charity i would support, others would say 50% of something is better than 100% of nothing. Well that is true but im sure if the vast maority of the public knew how they spent their money, there wouldnt be so much support.

I was also involve in another charity whose organisers did it purely for their ego's to be praised as good souls, again im not to comfortable with people who do it for such selfish aims, but thats purely me. This charity also did things which i think is foolish, ie buy bicyles for students, ie the gifted students. My personal feeling on this is that now the first priority is survival and having adequate nutrition, things like bycyles are not a priority.

Do you see my point?

So when you ask me this question, my answer is are u comfortable with whjo u dealing with so u know they will use the donations efficiently even if tehre wasnt fraud involved, secondly are they using it for goals you comfortable with.
I assume in h88 case he uses the donations to buy food and water etc and give to the hospital/orphanage and they will distribute it to the needy, if you are happy with H88 and the hospital? I wouldnt be confortable giveing cash to the hospital, but if you are confortable that hospital staff wont divert the rice for their own use then i dont see any problems continuing how you have done it with h88.

My own group, admitted i have just joined and im not an organiser, i just know as i have mentioned, they set a target, the current target is 300 parcels consisting of 10kg rice, 1 box noodles, bottle cooking oil and 1 case water, they said this will cost 200k, and via friends on fb and outside people voluntarily donate, i donates only 500k, but i see guys donate 1.5m, 3mill etc. They will then use this to buy and divide up the goods, they ahve organsed with a temple in tra vinh where on that day the poor and needy will arrive to collect the good. On other occasions they buy rice and tau hu etc, cook and make rice boxes then go to a hospital and give it directly to th poor sick people. I have seen pictures of them staying up all nite cooking and preparings and then handing out the rice boxes. This i think i feel secure as they are directly giving it to the needy. I have meet them once and have talked and seem pics of their work. I suppose what makes me feel comfortable is a feeling only and the fact that when i meet them they didnt try to take advantage of me as a foreigner, nor did they try to get me to contribute more when io said 500k they said if thats all u can help, then we thank you and accept it. I will watch and observe them before i start donating bigger amounts, if anyone does pass me money i will be keeping it safe in the short term untill i know these guys are legit, but so far i have a good feeling.

Hopefully that answered your question
Old 19-03-2014, 08:48 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by mutantchicken View Post
I wouldnt be confortable giveing cash to the hospital, but if you are confortable that hospital staff wont divert the rice for their own use then i dont see any problems continuing how you have done it with h88.
we dun give cash to hospital or raw uncooked rice...we give out to needy people who had their loved one staying in the hospital...we asked a caterer to pack 150 of dinner with 2 veg and 1 meat with soup...last year was 17k per packet...

how we determine who are the local contact went to the hospital to determine who are needy people who need help...and the free dinner...she hand the needy a dinner voucher...the needy were told when and what time to collect the dun give us space to handout the we use a temple nearby which gives out 8,000 free meals daily to hand out the food...decent02 and I together with local helpers gave out 150 packets of dinner to needys within 2 addition we donated sacks of cooking ingredients such as salt, aji-no-moto and sugar to the temple...

We bought ingredients raw uncooked rice, noodles and oil...for the children home in cu chi as reported during the TET charity donations...the home required 25kg of rice per day to feed all kids including helpers...spent almost 10 mil tampons per month...

We intend to do the hospital, children and old folks home during hungry ghost festival...provided we have enough funds...

we may rotate the homes to other as each home gets some help...

Each donor donated 5 mil per charity not only I helped to give out food but also give out my own money...^^

this is why I had scaled down my chionging...^^

some friends are flying in to help during this coming charity donations...
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Old 19-03-2014, 11:00 PM
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Arrow Maxim's

Originally Posted by naemlo View Post
I belong to the later stage, rest n relax... I normally stay around Ben Thanh market and will not purposely travel long distance because the gers there are pretty or whatever. Ask me purposely go all the way to airport or D7 or wherever to look for sex or pretty gers, I will say, I rather go chill out with a beer in D1 even tho beer is more ex.
Yah you can go to Maxim's (Dong Khoi) for ballroom dancing.
Old 20-03-2014, 06:35 PM
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Re: Maxim's

Originally Posted by TonyCheong View Post
Yah you can go to Maxim's (Dong Khoi) for ballroom dancing.

thats an expensive place for Uncles to enjoy ballroom dancing...
Old 21-03-2014, 02:19 PM
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Re: Maxim's

Originally Posted by TonyCheong View Post
Yah you can go to Maxim's (Dong Khoi) for ballroom dancing.
I rather go 29.
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Old 21-03-2014, 03:51 PM
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Arrow Maxim's

Originally Posted by volcano View Post
thats an expensive place for Uncles to enjoy ballroom dancing...
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I rather go 29.
Old 22-03-2014, 05:40 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

I will be back in HCMC in the first week of April. Does anyone have any updates on the Hot Toc and other venues crackdown? Also any recommended massage parlours (especially in Binh Duong)? Phighter has given me one good lead for there, but any others welcomed.

Old 22-03-2014, 05:34 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

bad news...USD up means VND up...haha...less dong to spend when we change SGD to Dong...

anyone there can give us the rate...
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Old 23-03-2014, 08:36 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by TomMAffolter View Post
Hi guys I like my girls really young if you know what I mean, so if you guys can direct me to girls that JUST turned 18 so i dont get in trouble with the law THAT would be great.
Much appreciated.

Thomas M Affolter
You cannot be just registered today and then you posted the same msg above in all the threads namely...CP, Angeles City, HCM, Hanoi, Wechat...and was zapped 8 points off...seriously I am not sure what to think of you....

in his profile...he claimed to be a USA attorney...
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Old 23-03-2014, 08:53 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

I have a quick 8 hours lay over in Sai Gon. Any bros can suggest me a good place to find a pretty one please?

I'm thinking of 91 HBT, or 29 DK, but not sure how good they are now. Do you know what time they open? Any suggestion?

Old 23-03-2014, 12:29 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by Hurricane88 View Post
You cannot be just registered today and then you posted the same msg above in all the threads namely...CP, Angeles City, HCM, Hanoi, Wechat...and was zapped 8 points off...seriously I am not sure what to think of you....

in his profile...he claimed to be a USA attorney...
Just ignore such people.

Thank you for sharing my NICK.
Old 23-03-2014, 12:37 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by Hurricane88 View Post
You cannot be just registered today and then you posted the same msg above in all the threads namely...CP, Angeles City, HCM, Hanoi, Wechat...and was zapped 8 points off...seriously I am not sure what to think of you....

in his profile...he claimed to be a USA attorney...
Guess mentally, something is wrong with him. Just ignore him.

Originally Posted by vietsampler View Post
I'm thinking of 91 HBT, or 29 DK, but not sure how good they are now. Do you know what time they open? Any suggestion?
What did u mean by "how good they are"? In term of drinks, girls, sex, location??
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