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Old 10-04-2016, 08:52 PM
player79 player79 is offline
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Hi all brothers check with u all. i have Full service by many hcmc girl. The problem is that many of many bad chee bye smell under the blanket. Anyone know what is the reason? Try many 50% of the girls have bad smell once fully naked under the blanket. piss off by the strong smell. Any Brother know please advise. Thks
Old 10-04-2016, 08:57 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Probably the girl is giving full service to many guys one after another so they dont bother to wash cheebye clean.

Originally Posted by player79 View Post
Hi all brothers check with u all. i have Full service by many hcmc girl. The problem is that many of many bad chee bye smell under the blanket. Anyone know what is the reason?
Old 10-04-2016, 10:53 PM
Luke0skywalker Luke0skywalker is offline
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

In Vietnam, girls who go past 30 know they are spoiled goods, having no prospect of getting married. Even the attractive, educated, good earners face the prospects of spending the rest of their singles' lives in loneliness.

Outside of bars and the tourists' areas, you may find many attractive single women in their 30's and 40's wanting relationship but may be shy with foreigners. You just have to take the initiatives, showing them the gentle, caring, sensitive sides of your personality. You may end up with lots of bed partners.

I was in Cafe Dalat Pho on Nguyen Thi Minh Khai with a local friend. It's a huge, dark but cool, nice, clean quiet, classy cafe near dis 1. He motioned to me a couple tables each with 5 to 6 single women just sitting around, not talking, like they were waiting for someone. They were desperate single women in their 30's, 40's, waiting for guys to come over to make friends. My friend told me I can quickly hook one and go, but they were chunkier than I like. If the women don't have nice, tight, hard bodies with smooth skin, I would not be interest in sex or anything else with them.

But guys who like MILFs should be in hogs' heaven with all these sex-starved women. A few years back I was dating a very conservative good virginal girl in her mid 20's, so I was respectful and took it slow with her. We were making out on the couch when I finally got my hand into her crotch. Her pussy had swollen up and was oozing with warm, sticky fluid, like dipping the hand into a jar of warm honey. She was so horny she wanted to fuck all along.

I went to a few parties with local friends. An attractive divorcee in her 30's was staring at me with her big eyes all night, making it obvious that she wanted me to pick her up, like she was sex-starved, ready to devour me in bed. I was embarrassed. Hehe.
Old 10-04-2016, 11:44 PM
Luke0skywalker Luke0skywalker is offline
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Busting a prostitution ring involving beauty queens in HCMC

To show the bros how serious the authorities are about busting organized prostitution rings, below is a rough translation of a news article in May 2015.

Vice cops investigated this prostitution ring in HCMC for a few months, then followed them as they flew high-class beauty queens from HCMC to Quang Ninh for clients. The cops caught the 2 couples in the acts, having sex in their hotel rooms. Fines for the men were between US $25 to $50. Foreigners would most likely face deportation and visa restrictions. Fines for prostitutes are much lighter, between warnings to US $15, but repeat offenders are usually sent to correctional prisons for 3 years or more.

Discretion is well advised.

2 Hanoi's big-shot businessmen procured sex with "female jewel" for US $ 7,000 a night. How much were the fines?

28/ May /2015 23:48:01.

Immediately after being caught committing acts of prostitution at the hotel, the two couples were taken to investigating authorities for written statements and administrative fines.

As previously reported, afternoon 25/5, at a hotel in Ha Long (Quang Ninh), undercover police C45 caught two couples having paid sex acts. Soon, "mamasan" Tran Duc Thuy Lien (30 years old) was arrested while waiting at the hotel lobby for the businessmen to get money.

Of the 2 "long legs" being arrested, one is a former runner up beauty queen in the contest of a University in Hanoi and was dubbed "pearl female" for her exquisite beauty.

The other beauty was brought in by "mamasan" Thuy Lien as a "stand in," since a beauty queen, previously ordered by the businessman, had broken the "contract".

All "long legs" and "big shot businessmen" were taken to police headquarters for investigation to clarify. Here, after the written commitment not to repeat the violations, 4 persons were released, waiting for summons when necessary.

According to information on Zing, the authorities refused to release information about the fines they had to pay, but said each was fined "several hundred thousands".

Identities of the 2 big-shot businessmen who booked sex tours with the beauty queens in Halong were also unveiled. "They are the two wealthiest businessmen in Hanoi, a 34-year-old, his friend 29" - representative of Bureau 9, C45 said.

Under the laws, fines for procuring prostitutes are:

1. A fine of 500,000 to 1,000,000 for procuring prostitutes.

2. A fine of 2,000,000 to 5,000,000 for procuring prostitutes for group sex.

3. A fine of between 5,000,000 and 10,000,000 for enticing or coercing others to procure prostitutes.

Besides, the laws also clearly state: "A warning or a fine between VND 100,000 and VND 300,000 for offering acts of prostitution".

Thus, although the police office does not release the amount of the "long legs'" administrative fines, it can be estimated a warning or a fine of 100,000 VND to 300,000 VND was given the prostitutes.

In an interview on newspaper " Investment" on the issue of sanctioning buyers and sellers of sex acts, Vietnamese lawyer LE Ha, Director of law firm partnership Vinh Duc (City Bar Association. Hanoi) said: It is difficult to determine what is "depraved nature", thus can only fine up to 1 million.

Related to the incident, and police departments also urgently searched for Doan Thi Ngoc Minh (25 years old, in Hoc Mon district, Ho Chi Minh City), who is said to specialize in brokering high-class prostitutes, organizing " sex tour " throughout Vietnam for big-shot businessmen.

In early May, Lien and Minh received "orders" from the 2 big-shot businessmen of Hanoi in the amount US $ 14,000 for 2 days. The men requested a beauty queen, well-known singer and actress, but she canceled at the last minute, so "mamasan" found an unknown "long legs" to stand in.

Lien confessed of planning to pay only US $2000 for each girl for two days and taking the rest. However, the subjects were all arrested before receiving full payment.
Old 11-04-2016, 11:47 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Landed and checked into hotel safely. Took a Vinasun Taxi from TSN airport to Asian Ruby Central Hotel which is where I'm writing this post now.

Bought a Vinaphone 3G Sim card and paid 100,000 dong for 5gb of data. Without call, since the sales girl says data card can receive calls. Just not make calls out send SMS. Nowadays, still where got people use SMS.. Only Singtel is still living in its own world.

Having read that my hotel is supposedly Not Girl Friendly, I pretend pretend asked the counter girl about friends visiting, specifically mentioning it's a girl from other province. She says it's fine as long as visitor leave her id at the counter. Can even stay throughout my period of stay here...

Haven't got into any action yet. Just check in and had breakfast. Room is comfy for 3 star. Not bad start.

Anyone wanna meet up. This is my first trip here, so sorry, I don't have any contacts to exchange. But if wanna go chiong together, I can spare some time lor...
Old 11-04-2016, 12:03 PM
civic_jerk civic_jerk is offline
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Great to see this thread being back on track post your FRs when u get into actions? Hehehe.

Originally Posted by tomcat007 View Post
Landed and checked into hotel safely. Took a Vinasun Taxi from TSN airport to Asian Ruby Central Hotel which is where I'm writing this post now.

Bought a Vinaphone 3G Sim card and paid 100,000 dong for 5gb of data. Without call, since the sales girl says data card can receive calls. Just not make calls out send SMS. Nowadays, still where got people use SMS.. Only Singtel is still living in its own world.

Having read that my hotel is supposedly Not Girl Friendly, I pretend pretend asked the counter girl about friends visiting, specifically mentioning it's a girl from other province. She says it's fine as long as visitor leave her id at the counter. Can even stay throughout my period of stay here...

Haven't got into any action yet. Just check in and had breakfast. Room is comfy for 3 star. Not bad start.

Anyone wanna meet up. This is my first trip here, so sorry, I don't have any contacts to exchange. But if wanna go chiong together, I can spare some time lor...
Old 11-04-2016, 12:04 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Change SGD to Dong at 16400 at TSN airport.

Later go Benh Thanh market check the rate.
Old 11-04-2016, 04:10 PM
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Originally Posted by Fakeinnocent View Post
Hello all~
Haha, sounds heated when I seen the reply.
Dear hurricane~ I don't mean to snatch ur biz ya..don't misunderstand and if u got time in hcm we can hangout together~

For intro, maybe I list a few which are nearer, and the recent quality which I find not bad.

District 1 Dmax, queen, 81 Korean music restaurant
District 5 I think most familiar with 700 and 1127, so I recommend 166 in Nguyen bieu
District phu nhuan u all can try 250

For the charges wise, I say again I don't charge anything as I'm not into this business yet. This is just for me to know more buddy and play together. I apologized for not giving someone a fuck if u come to me and talk to me as if I owe u something yea.

As for the rest~ just find me if u need

I know this is an old post but can you tell me the address of the Cafe om in Phu Nhuan district please.
I am living there now and can't find any.

Thank you!
Old 11-04-2016, 04:13 PM
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Cafe Om in HCMC?

Hey, does anyone know of a good Cafe Om place in HCMC?
Preferably in the Phu Nhuan district.
Old 11-04-2016, 04:32 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Yo guru. is this too expensive? Lost touch of HCMC "norms". Been a while since heading there. Anyone knows if this hotel is gal friendly? Any pointers are welcome

Originally Posted by TomMAffolter View Post
i wouldnt think so but given those prices even if there was a special i wouldnt accept it for that price
Old 11-04-2016, 04:50 PM
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Re: Cafe Om in HCMC?

Originally Posted by HornyIrish View Post
Hey, does anyone know of a good Cafe Om place in HCMC?
Preferably in the Phu Nhuan district.
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Old 11-04-2016, 05:33 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Back from Ben Thanh. Asked a couple of shops. Only one quote for SGD whereas the rest only will change USD. The one who wrote SGD only offered 16,000. Don't make sense since I'm getting 16,400 at airport.

Went to the stretch of shops on the same side of my hotel... One shop offered 16,600. Made my change and now back to hotel.
Old 11-04-2016, 08:27 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by TomMAffolter View Post
if she has a very offensive smelling vagina its a good chance she has a STI of some kind, that requires antibiotics, the character who suggested using vagisil is of questionable intelligence as vagisil has ZERO anti microbial properties its a ph balanced daily wash used for daily hygeine, once there is a infection its of zero use. If you want something of a wash then something like a iodine douche would be slightly better, but oral course of antibiotics would be the ideal solution. If you really want to be safe, thats is what i would do, if you want to risk it make sure u use a condome, then afterwards swab all contact areas you made with her with a iodine antiseptic solution
Thks brother for your reply. I have meet a few girl with smelly chee bye smell. Now i know. Thks
Old 12-04-2016, 12:47 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Just came back from Hcmc and thus have a question for the regulars. I was in Hcmc last month for 4 days and went there again last Friday for a 3 days trip. When I reached the immigration last Friday, the officer suddenly asked if the guy behind is with me. I said no and he asked what am I there for? I told him visit relative and he stamped my passport. This is the first time I've been questioned this way as I travel quite often to Asean countries on a monthly basis. Are the immigration in Vietnam very anal about multiple entries on a monthly basis?
Old 12-04-2016, 01:14 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Thank you very much Bro. Actually I just managed to check in to my hotel and realised it's in next to the famous apocalypse. Wonder if there is a cover charge to go in? Was at napoly just now with a business FRD. Gosh the gals there are good.

Also I walk Ard and saw a "pink" lighted shop and seems like a "fish tank" style of fuck shop. Really tempted to try it out. Any guru to share more pointers? Will up you in return the least I could do.

Originally Posted by TomMAffolter View Post
the norm is
tourist price for hj in massage 180-220k for normal room, tip 200-250k for hj may start bargaining at 500 or even 1 mill, vip room 500k, then tip 400-500k, start bargaining at 1m

local hj is 80-100k ticket, hj is 100-150k no need bargaining....some more high class palces same as cost as d1 but girls dont bargain, even some place girls are FULLY naked or topless and they paint your body first b4 the hj

then tehre are the bbbj places as well...generally ticket is 150k, bbbj is 200-250...depending on shop girls may or maynot start at higher price for u to bargain

So that massage place u ask abt where a clean massag is 700k on its service page pricelist...nah ill pass
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