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Old 03-02-2017, 01:18 PM
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Re: Great Bonks

To the kind Bro that didn't leave his name and upped my points, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Happy Bonking everyone!

Recently went to book nana from titaniumbabes, haven't posted an fr yet, but she's great, guaranteed.

She's leaving in a couple of days! I'm going to catch her again tonight
Old 03-02-2017, 02:43 PM
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Re: Great Bonks

Is there any FR on Biss from Pornstars?
Old 03-02-2017, 02:46 PM
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Re: Great Bonks

Best from doll
Face: 7. 5/10 – Chinese looking thai/90% look like pic
Body: 7.5/10 – typical slim petite
Skin: 8.5/10 – Chinese smooth fair skin
Boobs: 7.5/10 – C/D cup, and it’s enhanced
BBBJ: 8/10 – slow and smooth deep suck
DFK: 9/10 – allows
Fingering: 7/10 – Allowed
Pussy: 7.5/10 – just right
FJ: 8/10 – 1x cim and 1x doggie
Moan: 7.5/10 – Av horny type
GFE: 8/10 – she can speak English so the chemistry was there already.
Damage: As per advertised on web
Rush: No rush : Probably not but for others
Overall: 8/10
Old 03-02-2017, 02:53 PM
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Re: Great Bonks

Originally Posted by logmeinla View Post
Which stable is this emcee under? Looks pretty.

This girl call Pine came in December under Devil house.
so i wonder is it the same girl under this thread
Old 03-02-2017, 03:05 PM
peiyee80 peiyee80 is offline
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Re: Great Bonks

Originally Posted by ejazz View Post
Is this emcee last time from Devil Hose call Pine?
Are they the same girl?

I miss pine/ melo
But emcee is definatly not her. Too tall and pine prettier
Old 03-02-2017, 03:07 PM
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Re: Great Bonks

Originally Posted by Doldrums View Post
There isnt any stable that will consistently give you girls which perform well, you still need to judge from frs and personal preferences.

The only way to shortlist which frs are more accurate to your tastes are by elimination. If you tried a girl based on an fr by some bro here which did not match up to your expectations, then just add that bro to block. You wont need to read his FR again and be confused or cheated... Eventually you will be left with only a small group of frs which match your preferences.

That's unnecessarily stringent. FLs are also human (surprise surprise), and your basic grooming / bad breath / politeness also plays a huge part in determining what level of service you will get. Unfortunately, paying the bonk rate doesn't guarantee all the listed services.

Also, speaking about services, OKT listed services should be taken with a pinch of salt - most ladies have no idea what their OKT write on their profiles. So don't be surprised, manage your expectations.

Personally, I'm always dressed up, groomed, minted and fragranced when I chiong. Reduces the risk of anti-selection from the ladies' side. Even those ladies that have so-so FRs I don't seem to have a problem with getting passable service. I do however avoid those that are outright bad FRs.

My 2cents.

Where you are right now in life, is the result of all the decisions you have made up till this point.
Old 03-02-2017, 03:36 PM
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Re: Great Bonks


I am a boob lover guy and that means flat tummy, thin/sexy arms + legs.

Any FR for the following BUSTY ladies?

Cherry from Siam Angels:

Bovy from Siam Angels:

Biss from PornStars:

Kim of CandyShop:

Fame of Candyshop:

Best of Doll88:

Nuch of Devilhouse:

I want to avoid being a chubby-chaser as I have been a victim of a couple already. Probably 2 chubbychasers from TomYam69 before and 1 from another stable.

Any help bros is appreciated!
great success!
Old 03-02-2017, 06:13 PM
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Re: Great Bonks

Any bros remember Ploy from wonderland is prev under what name ah?
Old 03-02-2017, 07:12 PM
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Re: Great Bonks

Date: 01/02/2017
Time: 1615hrs
Stable: Teeruklover
Location: not near mrt, discreet, ask bro Sk.
Girl: Bebe from Chiang Rai
Tone: Chinese tone.
Look: pic in red dress is closest.
Body: not fat, not too thin, juz nice
Boobs: confirm A
Finger: no issues with fingering
French: Deep Frenching with me. If u lik frenching, take her.
Paint: this time nv try
Pussy: trim hair
Bj: I told her I don't wan
Massage: not piano, got effort but not pro kind
Comms: very good English

Bro Sk as always, fast, responsive n reliable. No problem with me so far.

The deed:
Bath nothing happening, but she scare the water touch her hair n face (got makeup), help me wash n I too help her hold her hair. Lolx
Back to room, she say she cold becos of Aircon, I told her later I'll make her hot. Mayb I'm feeling playful today, keep talking n disturb her, she start by kiss/licking my nipple, I let her do it for 1-2min then i grab her n pin her down n show her who's the boss
I grab her hand, lick her nip n start frenching. When I'm licking her A boobs, she tell me she don't have silicone. I too put her hand to my little bro n tell her mine oso no silicone.
From small peck to frenching then she wanted to bbbj me but I told her there's no need. She give me a thump up, I joke with her saying I scare later she can't close her mouth becos of mouth cramped. She cap me n start by riding me, then change to missionary cos she tired. I cover her with blanket but she push away saying she's hot le. Hahaha
After 1st shot, we proceed to clear ourselves n she offered me massage, halfway into the massage, i told her I prefer to cuddle n talk. She's very open, tell u where she's been, her previous experience in sg and she can really joke too. TCSS awhile le then we start with small peck again to start the ball rolling, this time round, I bang her till we both exhausted n sweaty but I still can't shoot (still hard-on ok). She ask me: you got problem is it??
I take her hands n touch my hard-on.
Me: u think got problem??
But I tired le so ask her to HJ me while I finger her. Oso can't come. So bo pian, told her to stop n go bath.
Think my refractory period slower.
Next time must eat more zine b4 going.

Summary: she's a nice & experience girl in this field. Her gfe is super good, can keep laughing n talk abt anything.
Pink n haru looks better (saw them when going for my bath)
She told me she got abt 5 customer each day. But when I come here to see b4 booking, no FR leh. Those bro pls contribute leh.
"This FR is 2days late"

Up me or zap me. Choice is urs
I only write what I do/see/felt
Old 03-02-2017, 09:26 PM
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Re: Great Bonks

I noticed some stables increasing their prices to $160 or $170.
What a joke.
Singaporeans complain their jobs are being taken by foreigners. Who is to be blamed?
Old 03-02-2017, 10:09 PM
peiyee80 peiyee80 is offline
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Re: Great Bonks

Originally Posted by LeeHsienLoong View Post
I noticed some stables increasing their prices to $160 or $170.
What a joke.
Some $180 now!
Old 03-02-2017, 10:16 PM
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Re: Great Bonks

FR for Haru from TeeRukLover stable

Been quite a few FR on her already and have to say that they are mostly accurate. Pretty, slim and fair syt with the right amount of the innocent cute look (I find her shy look is extremely arousing when she is cat-bathing or blowing me). Highlight as one bro mentioned before is that she is very tight. Usually I have problem with the second shot but not in this case. I skipped the message as I not a message kind of guy and we spend the time between shots cuddling and talking through the help of translator app (her grasp of the English language is limited). From what I learned, her parents are farmers and she helped out when she is in Thailand and that she is in this to earn the extra cash to support her family. Anyway, the only thing that prevent her achieving a perfect 10 is that I don't think she like to french. I don't think she will refuse but I just don't like forcing it especially when I can tell that they are uncomfortable with it.
Old 03-02-2017, 10:25 PM
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Re: Great Bonks

Tried Cherry from PornStars stable a few hours ago,

Location is beyond Eunos area. Most advisable way is to take MRT as per googleMaps.

Body: 9/10 (hourglass figure) (skinny arms, skinny legs, flat tummy) (tanned)
Face: 7/10 (Thai look; prettier when make up is done right and when hair is straight than wavy)(Last picture is closest)
Boobs: 11/10 (heavenly; for boob-lovers)
GFE: 10/10 (she treated me like her BF and no less)
BBBJ: 10/10 (great!!!)

Negative Points: No painting, no 69 and only a little bit of fingering. Tries to avoid French kiss but will do once she starts to warm up.

Overall great bonk! Her boobs are lovely - not the sagging type of boobs so the 36D was well worth it especially when shes on top. This complements her hourglass figure. Which is perfect for doggy style.

Her BBBJ is ok. Her BBBJ becomes great if she is pleasured at the same time - this works well for me. She will try and please you and accomodate different positions. However, her fave position is on top. If you make her cum in this position, she will stay there and grind you until you melt. And if she likes you, she will make sure to cum as well. Will definitely place her in my list of to-return-to.
great success!
Old 04-02-2017, 12:44 AM
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Re: Great Bonks

Originally Posted by wobbly59 View Post
Any bros remember Ploy from wonderland is prev under what name ah?
She is previously from Emmanuelle if not wrong.
My late FR for her (PLOY)

Last time round she was here I missed my chance to book her. This time round no time wasted, booked her 5pm 02/02/17. Okt is prompt and responsive. head down to location. Told to wait for awhile. i'm ok with that as location wise got coffeeshop nearby and plenty of parking space. 10mins later received instruction to go to the place. I was hoping she would look exactly like the live photos, door open my hope gone down. She was 75% alike to the live photo. I think she lose some weight. Oh well, never expect 100% alike to live photos when go chionging.

The room is spacious, air-con sibeh power and toilet is shared. But before we can start, she explained why the delay to me. The Bro before me BANGED her without paying. To tat bro seeing this, Come on la FLs come a long way here to earn $$. You bonk her so hard until she complained pain yet you no stop. end of session yet you no pay, kns I hope karma strikes ya.

Anyway to the business, Shower is short as I took mine before coming. back in the room she strip down to birthday suit. body wise 7/10 skinny with A cup boobs, not for boobs lover. SOP cathbath, BBBJ and kissing/ slight tongue fight received. FJ only 1 position due to pain, missionary, thanks to the BRO before me drilled her hard. only manage to 1 shot in 15mins, 2IC cant response for 2nd shot partly im a boob lover. The rest of the session was cuddling and topping up her prepaid phone. GFE 6.5/10. GFE department can be improve. sadly for me, what happened to her before my session greatly affected the GFE. Feel more pity her than to bonk her.

Disclaimer: One man's meat maybe one man's poison. Above FR is strictly my observation.
Zap with balls. Dun hum ji hide one side and zap, fuggen keyboard warriors.
Old 04-02-2017, 01:04 AM
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Re: Great Bonks

Disclaimer: One man's meat maybe one man's poison. Above FR is strictly my observation.[/QUOTE]

Bro , she stomach have scar mark ?
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