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Old 14-05-2012, 02:11 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by BoinKING View Post
came back from my 12 hours dugem party marathon..
9pm to 9 am.. nonstop dugem.. now everything I hear is dugem.. plus my friend chose to go to newton..

That's the most hardcore dugem joint in the whole of batam, possibly indonesia and the whole world..
What is dugem?
Old 14-05-2012, 04:06 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by The Milk Man View Post
Just a bit of caution to bros here......... I came back from Batam few days ago and would like to share my experience.....

he was stopped by the officer at the exit........ who took his passport and called another 2 officers to escort TL to somewhere.......
Personal experience:

1)My worker had to come to singapore to collect something as I am not free to come singapore. He went drinking the previous nite before. Next day still hangover, the officer took him in for urine test too. Lucky he did not take drugs, had a marking on his passport to indicate he was checked before.

2) More than 18 years ago, while I was still in the SAF, my man was caught taking drugs while returning from Malaysia. No questions asked. POlice hand him over to my boss( CO), straight away kena charged. He appeared very high, and that is how they spotted him.

3) 12 years ago, While cheonging in a disco w 3 other friends, one of them like to take pills, and that day, he was on pills will alcohol. I was there with another cewek. Half way thru the music, his cewek come looking for me, in my rooom. She said that my friend had collapsed while trying to walk. Immediately, the 2 of us( men), went down to the dance floor, took him into the hotel room. He is breathing ok, but cant walk. I took his blood pulse and it was 180 onwards. No questions asked, I immediately bought 3 cans of milk( white milk) and forced him to drink it down. We sent the ceweks away, after paying them the full sum. This method was taught by another friend of mine. It is suppose to calm him and "wash" away the effects of the pills. We stayed the whole nite with him to make sure he is ok. The next day, we sent him home. NEver to cheong with him again.

Just to add that there is new technology to check a person ever had drugs thru the hair. In the past, there exist medications to flush the chemicals from your body and the urine test cannot detect it, but with this one, no way you can run away. So, please dont take drugs. Not to forget police in Batam are always looking for chance to catch people for that.
I will have headache if I dont see a strange piece of pussy every day

Old 14-05-2012, 04:08 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by wala View Post
I dun like the idea of getting a cewek after she's high on obat, or letting the cewek get high while you booked her. But if happen some of you bros encounter a darn chio cewek and she was high liao, maybe you lan lan have to wait till she drops, or can try give her plenty of milk. Fresh milk or those in little small cans, could help abit. )
If they are high on drugs, you bonk and bonk, and she does not feel it at all. For men, chances are you cant cum. Take caution as STDs may spread very easily becos you are too high to note whats going on.
I will have headache if I dont see a strange piece of pussy every day

Old 14-05-2012, 04:13 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by S.B.Y.1 View Post
Simply just mentioned bRuR newyorker88 nick and sure get special diskouns

Newyorker88 is just a nick here. In massage places, I go by another name, and been using that name for a long time.
I will have headache if I dont see a strange piece of pussy every day

Old 14-05-2012, 04:21 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by tomcat007 View Post
then I have to go get a fake boob job and pretend to be a milf liao..
There are few with good boobs to try. KNN, so huge that you put your dick between them and ride. Feels much the same as the pussy, since it is warm. Only better if let her put the massage cream on ur dick.

Best position is to let her lie down, with your dick sandwich in between. Can cum easily on their face. Or you push upwards, you can suck it too( if she willing to)

If she ride on top with her boobs on your dick, effect not so good. It is tiring for her and the boobs movement is not coordinated as well.

Body massage? If their boobs are good, let her boobs do the job. while she get a work out.
I will have headache if I dont see a strange piece of pussy every day

Old 14-05-2012, 04:27 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by tomcat007 View Post
Plus my preference for syt, small size girls but sizable boobs mean most of the time when kena cewek with these stats,

Maybe one day we can go massage together... Oh, forgot.. You lone ranger one...
So far, the slimmest gal with big tits is lesynia from ala mayang massage infront of tropical asia massage( DC mall side, utama hotel area). Not SYT, but in her mid 30s?

All other are on the big side.

Those with good looks, big tits? You wait long long.... they are either a wife, or GF or mistress of some rich guy liao. If you want good ones, try Jakarta, where most gals work their first job as a WL before moving on to other parts of INdo.
I will have headache if I dont see a strange piece of pussy every day

Old 14-05-2012, 07:59 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by S.B.Y.1 View Post
Not potong skin but sembeleh semua ( chop off)
In ancient china, eunuchs punya didi have to be kena potong so that he will not disturb the emperor's concubines. The eunuch didi will have to be placed in a room with his name label on it. But once the eunuch wish to retire or stop working in the palace, he can then collect back his "daging".(hotdog)

What is the use of getting high pay serving the emperor but miss out the fun of sex. Therefore man should be contented to have a didi.
Old 14-05-2012, 08:47 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by ndnd View Post
itu sudah lama potong
dan potong lagi potong lagi

Long time no kabar from u, which pulau now?
Hmm...Jogj, Surabaya...
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Old 14-05-2012, 09:17 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by The Milk Man View Post
After dinner both ceweks want to go disco so all of us went to Pacific...... after some time inside my cewek came to ask for money to buy ubat.
yea my taxi driver also mentioned pasifik lots of ubat & tat place not safe. He volunteered to accompany me there if I want to go as I cheong alone.

Originally Posted by manilaboy2007 View Post bahasa no good..what is this thing call UBAT???
Ubat means medicine, so aka drugs.

Originally Posted by hornyboy1234567 View Post
Any bros here got driver to intro?? thanks
Bro I pm u a driver.

Originally Posted by junkie2807 View Post
Local calls were very cheap by our standards due to the currency rates and by using a special code "0101765xxxxxxxx"
I should buy it next time then. My cewek told me tat indon sim card is just 5k, is that true? I should get one to call her

Originally Posted by tomcat007 View Post
Hope this help. If you staying there, Sedona should be ....
Originally Posted by newyorker88 View Post
Across the road from Goodway is harmoni hotel.....
Thanks bro tomcat & bro newyorker, the info have been very useful to me Will write FR soon.
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Last edited by A+++; 14-05-2012 at 09:26 PM. Reason: quote
Old 14-05-2012, 09:47 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Xdecepticon View Post
Hmm...Jogj, Surabaya...
Tambah jauh aja
Come back to Riau
Jogy, eat veggi (i cant find lobang there)
Bandung, fun place (can find many nice lobang there)
Surabaya, heard happening place. Havnt got chance to go try..
Old 14-05-2012, 10:01 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by A+++ View Post
yea my taxi driver also mentioned pasifik lots of ubat & tat place not safe. He volunteered to accompany me there if I want to go as I cheong alone.
Next your driver may volunteer to test the obat see whether posionous or not.

Overall Pacific is not dangerous lah, much more safe then planet 1, 2, and 3.
No issue with going alone.
Bring driver there, maybe he will ask for obat like some driver does. but maybe not. if he did, never agree. Imagine when his obat kick just up and u ask him to send u back to hotel. His car will move like ferry...
Old 14-05-2012, 10:08 PM
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Originally Posted by A+++
I should buy it next time then. My cewek told me tat indon sim card is just 5k, is that true? I should get one to call her

Thanks bro tomcat & bro newyorker, the info have been very useful to me Will write FR soon.
5k rupiah but if I'm not wrong, not much pulsa (credit) inside and you need to top up the credit before using. Another thing about top up card in Indonesia is that, in Sg, we usually can pay lesser for top up card. For eg, $10 top up card can be bought at $8.50. But in Indonesia, you usually need to pay a bit more (like 2000 rp) for the lower value cards. But generally, if you're there, using their locally is much much more cheaper than using roaming.
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Old 14-05-2012, 10:10 PM
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Originally Posted by ndnd

Next your driver may volunteer to test the obat see whether posionous or not.
Probably not volunteer to test the obat, but might offer to help you finish your drinks so that you won't get too drunk from drinking.
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Old 14-05-2012, 10:15 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Reached harbourbay around 10am. Went straight to book return ticket b4 headed to hotel lai lai. Pak driver recommended hotel bahari which is next to hotel lai lai, went for a look, decided to go for hotel lai lai. Both hotel look old. Paid for 185k room with view at 4th level (no lift)

Walked out & saw sports massage nearby, kept walking till saw hotel Harmoni. Makan at KFC as there is not much nice food around tat area, & their KFC sucks. Time was still early so walked straight to Moonlight, which is just next to Blue Moon. Opt for 1hr massage. Quoted for 350k FJ but didn't take as planning for others.
Name: Int**
Looks: 7/10
Body: Tanned but sweet looks, small cup black small nips
Attitude: Good & very playful
Damage: 70K (1hr massage) + 150k (HJ + remove top)

Rest a while back at hotel, went to Massage 82 for cewek, saw some bros sitting inside picking cewek. There were 15++ ceweks by that time, ranging from 400k, 700k, 800k.....Picked a 20yr old at 800k within 2 mins was worried tat nothing left, saved the trouble going other joints. Cewek is new at batam so she doesnt want to go disko (saved the trouble again ) instead asked me to bring her for movie at Nagoya Hill.

Hotel Lai Lai quite old & cant access wifi at room, have to go to the lobby for wifi, so cewek recomend me to change for hotel Harapan Baru, which is opposite BCS mall (most taxis dont know tat place). Hotel Harapan Baru looks clean & new, price I cant remember but it's around S$30. Universal Massage (clean & always full of sporeans) is just 1 min walk from it.

Afternoon went to Blue Moon. A 30++ knocked door asking ok or not, I asked to changed for syt Came in a really SYT. but unfortunately she's clean, she recommend to get her fren to do extras for me (I'm willing to pay 1.5 juta for tat SYT).
Name: Mell*
Looks: 9/10
Body: 8.5/10 fair
Damage: 90k (1.5hr massage)

Any bros know whether can book cewek from these 2 joints? I tried to asked at the reception but they cant understand wat I was saying
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Old 14-05-2012, 11:21 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Comjuka View Post
What is dugem?

Blasting from 8 speakers in a small hall.

If want to pick up cewek go to diskoteks on fridays - Don't bring any valuables with you, put everything in your front pocket and make sure it's deep - whatever you can leave in your hotel safe and take a photocopy ID just incase.

On saturdays, the crowd is more of the odd job laborer than chicks - Sat work/Sunday off day, i think most ceweks get booking for saturday sunday so they are working unless you bring them out.

Actually from my own experience, this places are the safest (in terms of protection against harassment from corrupt polisi) - The establishment is already paying for the kopi money, nobody will disturb such joints - but bring someone local with you if you're not familiar and do not go if you are the kind who are kiasi.. because it takes a certain level of insanity to out in the middle of the night in an unknown country.

If die die nobody, sit near the bar or away from the bright lights so that nobody will notice you.

Just always beware of your personal belongings because you might be pick pocketed - other than that Indonesians are actually very friendly and fun people

This is my personal view, this comes with effect that I'm tanned skin and look like a malay/pinoy sometimes and I seldom dress more than an old T-shirt and Jeans plus I speak abit of malay - don't take it as a gospel.
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