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Old 24-10-2014, 11:16 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by banana81sg View Post
So around BCC no special service message ah
Try elsewhere for better fun.
I will have headache if I dont see a strange piece of pussy every day

Old 24-10-2014, 11:51 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Kent_do View Post
Bro nono1973,
Kudos to you for taking the trouble to write good and interesting posts be it summary or "detail summary"...hahaha.
Its so thoughtful of you to go too such length to guild newbies and any other bros interested to cheong BTM.
Thank you bro,as much as i try to sum up my trip,i also try to give brief details so that bros who plan to visit Batam 1st time or new can become independent. The whole platform written is like this,the places i have tried,how i get there and then how another person can follow how i get there just thru reading. And lastly,what to expect...even tho this may varies for different people under different situation even when they are at the same place as me due to different preference/circumstances.

A place that is no fun for me could be another bro's heaven. Regardless of how nice or bad others says the place was,one has to physically try it out to really feel. Sometime,a player's attitude plays an important role too. I often see people who brings the "i have big money here that i can spend and i am a big fuck" attitude to other countries,and they end up badly (matter of time)..some even never live to tell the story. Examples are everywhere in the Sillypore's news.

Originally Posted by newyorker88 View Post
These desiel are added with other oils/water/kerosene . Not recommended for cars. With motor cycles. If you buy those with even lower quality, your motor cycle may not even start.
Ok,thx for informing...i was a boatman during NS time,we were using something called POL which is pink in colour for our Assault Boat back then and our diesel oil that power Pulau Sudong and Pulau Pawai base's generator was in yellow. I didn't know they can add water into the diesel and yet the engine can still work. In the long run even if it does work for the car or motorbike engine,i guess it wouldn't be healthy for the engine either.

Originally Posted by Psam View Post
On my last trip, the girl from sedona attempt to ride me raw.. scared the shit out of me, Don't know if raw is the normal practise but CD is a must for me.
Maybe becos goldbird knows i am regular there and has a reputation for using CD,and as words gets around in the joint by the girls,they will prompt me for CDs everytime i book them...i don't know,just guessing here.

I understand how you feel ,cos it scares me as much in my last trip too.

Originally Posted by Heil Hitler View Post
Steer clear of this gal named Rini from Happy Massage 8. Also, the papi seems to quote a lot less than the mami when it comes to booking.
Thank you for the heads up,bro.

Originally Posted by Psam View Post
thanks for the update! good for planning my 3rd trip.
Currently no kaki and don't like to travel alone, might just go for a day trip.
You are welcome,bro. Actually i prefer to travel alone,no restriction,more privacy,can make new friends easier need to be bound by another fren becos of difference in preference,no need for further discussion on where to go. The only bad i find is no one's watching your back if it's a solo trip,so one still need to remain vigilante at all time. I prefer a more relaxing 3D2N tho...and one day i might try

Batam is not just about fuck,sleep,wake up eat,then fuck again and so on...there are many places to explore,eg Temples,places of interest etc. I am still eyeing at Montigo Resort at Nongsa

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Old 24-10-2014, 01:30 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Ok ,Part 3 and hopefully it's the last instalment...and sorry to all for being long-winded.

At 6 pm,my girl arrived with an ojek who collect 20k from me. I was totally shock becos the girl i saw was the same person i booked,but with reddish eye and very messy hair....totally looks like she just woke up. The best part,she brings NOTHING with bag or anything...just herself and a packet a L.A Red cigarette (some more w/o In my heart i was thinking,this time really siao liao...confirm 100% no good service,and likely to request to go back in the middle of night or something close to that. Damn sua sia...

In the room,i ask her take a bath and when she comes out of the bath room,still look so tired and shack out,ask me want to "make love",i immediately tell her not now...ask her go ahead and sleep 1st....and before she does,i check with her if she needs to buy anything,she says no need and i ask her how about cigarette,then she signal to me,ok...note here that she don't speak English,we were signalling each other using sign language and we didn't even get to intro ourselves to each me,it's a total 1st sign of disaster,and she went to sleep while i do my work and watch TV. I offer one of my bigger sized T-Shirt for her to wear as she wears basically nothing to sleep.

At 730pm,i woke her up a bit to ask her if she wants dinner,she says not hungry and went back to sleep AGAIN. I leave one of my room key,some money on the bedside and left for dinner to the food court beside Queen8933. On my way back,went Formosa's nearest provision shop to buy her a packet of L.A red and some drinks. Went up to my room and she is still asleep,damn it! She does look cute when she is sleeping tho. I didn't take a photo of her but i found a photo that has 70% similarities to her as below :

Plz note that the photo above is only illustration

This girl can really sleep...from the time she arrive,bathe and lie on bed to sleep which is around 630pm and she wakes up only at If i am horny on that night,i'd have send her back...but LUCKY I Cos at 1130 pm after she wakes up,wash up and come on to bed with me,she was a totally different person. Told me she was 19 year old,not married and no baby before. And the best part,only work in this joint/line for 2 DAYS!!! (google translate) At this point,i know i got myself a raw gem,she pushed me down on bed while we were chatting and starts her caught me by surprise and she bbbj me for a long 5 to 10 mins,and 1st time i see a batam girl who is so young and yet so pro-active....not the shy shy type.

Again,bad things always happen twice...this girl tries to ride me w/o CD on,and i have to stop her,and this time in triple quick time i grab a CD from bedside and put on....her bbbj already given me a ultra hard-on so i need to put on helmet fast.

She ride me for a good 10 mins before i explode in CDs for round 1.

Round 2 happens in the middle of night (3am) when i hug her to bed while she grab on to my dick to This is my 1st time in Batam a girl would be hardworking enough to do bbbj for the round 2 and then ride on me again w/o me asking for it...this time round i finish her in missionary but i lasted longer this time and we went to bed after wash up at around 430am.

3rd round was morning around 7 am,when i was still sleeping and she bbbj me to wake me up and put on CD for me , ride on me until i cum. She said she was in a rush as it was 8 am and her driver is coming to fetch her.

Now come the BEST part...she rush off w/o asking for tip!! I have to rush to the lift with my hotel room door open (i was half naked as well) to pass her 200k tip. Yes,i tipped her 200k and she was shock and at the same time look very happy. I think she deserve the 200k as she has provide the very BEST service in all my 9th trip to Batam. I gave her a pack of 3s CDs and explain via google translate that is is VERY DANGEROUS not to put on CD when making love and advise her accordingly. She's 19 ,ignorant,nice cutie (but naughty) girl that deserve to at least know her own safety should come 1st in her every transaction.

My overall review : 9.5/10 (i believe she would have given me AJ if i asked since she so obliging) ,she has a pair of firm bouncy C-cup boobies too (no sag at all),nice to hold. Very obedient but naughty in the sense she will pull my cheek and chin at times...given the fact that i am older than her parents. But i do have the BEST bonk with her.

No need to ask me for her name cos i usually don't ask the girls for it. And as for if i will answer is No. She's too young even at 19 and i have a "do not stick to same girl rule" for myself. Well,she is from Sailor Moon's stable,and i am sure Sailor Moon got many other sisters I'm now looking forward to going to Batam in Nov and Nov is just another week away.

Ok,back to my summary...after my BEST bonk left,i went back to room and rest a bit,wash up and then head for the FREE breakfast in the hotel. After breakfast,went back to room to sleep and woke up later to go walk walk around the area. I saw Bridge Massage & Reflexology yesterday (16th Nov) when the contractor was putting up their advertisement sign board so decide to go there to test water.

The shop looks clean,everything looks so new...i look at the menu to see what they have :

Again,this time i really am not expecting any special service or intended for one as their whole concept is nearly exactly like Relax Massage which DO NOT OFFER special service. Well,end of the day,as mentioned earlier,i go a HJ at 100k which i bargained down from 150k. I believe i can still bargain down further but i hear in this thread 100k was kind of the market rate liao and don't wish to bully people by pushing them too hard. Special 100k comes with FULL ROAMING,top and bottom. And i was 101% satisfied.

RTM,definitely YES! Since so near Formosa Hotel.

After massage was offered ginger tea,pay up 80k at counter and left a "very very" happy man.

Went back hotel room,wash up,pack up and rest a bit.Checked out at 110pm and meet my unreliable driver at 115pm at lobby before we head to Harbour Bay where i left for Batam to Sillypore. My thoughts at the moment when i left hotel was ,how i wish i am able to stay 1 more

End of my 9th Trip to Batam.

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My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

Old 24-10-2014, 02:38 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by KohOnly21 View Post
Bro you forgot about this place P******?

Oh ya for bros interested in playing bowling in batam can go to bcs, you can find the bowling alley inside the arcade. If i remembered clearly, the cost of 2 pairs of socks, rental of shoes, 1 game 2 persons is 50k rupiah.
Ya, i been there before. So far, to what i know that is the only bowling center in batam.


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Old 24-10-2014, 03:05 PM
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bridge massage

Bro Nono1973 - 80k massage is a one-hour oil massage?
What good is an army if it doesn't march off to war?
Old 24-10-2014, 03:50 PM
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Re: bridge massage

Originally Posted by Heil Hitler View Post
Bro Nono1973 - 80k massage is a one-hour oil massage?
Yes,bro...the only BAD part about this new massage shop i should complain on is,the masseur uses TOO MUCH oil for the 1 hour massage,like no need can be easily wash off later after a bath) And massage isn't piano type. Communication is my only barrier. Massage girl look is around 6/10 Milf,has boobs about the size of Santa Claus belly.

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Old 24-10-2014, 04:52 PM
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Re: bridge massage

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Yes,bro...the only BAD part about this new massage shop i should complain on is,the masseur uses TOO MUCH oil for the 1 hour massage,like no need can be easily wash off later after a bath) And massage isn't piano type. Communication is my only barrier. Massage girl look is around 6/10 Milf,has boobs about the size of Santa Claus belly.
Hahaha! I like the way you put it. Cracks me up. Thanks!
What good is an army if it doesn't march off to war?
Old 24-10-2014, 09:27 PM
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Re: bridge massage

Originally Posted by Heil Hitler View Post
Hahaha! I like the way you put it. Cracks me up. Thanks!
HalO Mas Heil Hitler
KliK sInI >>>IndO C3W3
Old 24-10-2014, 09:50 PM
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Re: bridge massage

Originally Posted by S.B.Y.1 View Post
HalO Mas Heil Hitler
Halo Pak President! Long time no see!
What good is an army if it doesn't march off to war?
Old 24-10-2014, 11:34 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Ok,after briefing bro W,we checked in and went thru the whole procedure according to 1st time Batam Walk-Through Guide on my signature. On the ferry,with bro W's consent,we decide to share taxi booking for the whole day which is gonna cost us 300k rupiah(150k each) and i explained to him Booking girl will cost us 100k or more if we go by taxi too. The reason i gave him was it's his 1st time to Batam after 8 over years,he may wish to see most of the Batam's booking joint which he is unlikely to be able to walk to. He agreed and i message my most unreliable driver.
Thanks for sharing yr guide,bro.

I have a question here,does all drivers in Batam all charge the same price for whole day booking?If not,care to share what r their price range like ?

Thx in advance.
Old 25-10-2014, 12:55 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by banana81sg View Post
So around BCC no special service message ah
Not exactly around BCC, but there is a massage place opposite BCS (where you can find eatern food court, etc..) that called 69 massage or something with 69. That place you can even FJ. The room was not bad oso. I been there once. Gal was so so (look is around 6, boobs are saggy), but pussy is very tight. She gave me better service than the so called gold-class gal from Octopus. A lot cheaper as well.

Bro nono, next time you come to Batam, drop me a PM. By any chance I'm free, I think we can meet up for some chatts and foods. I lived here for few years, but I found more useful information from your post than from my own experience. LoL..
Old 25-10-2014, 10:24 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by newyorker88 View Post
Prices of HJ starts at 100k, 200K for FJ. rates for MILF in batam in general

If you go Formosa, Kings massage, the ladies there are well know for chopping carrot heads. many Foreigners go there, and they know they can chop. If you speak indo, and convince them as a local, they don't dare.

Try elsewhere, especially those more run down ones, their rates are lower for specials.
Thanks for informing,bro. I have never knew that 100k hj is even possible until i see bro nono's latest share, as he definitely confirm cannot pass off as batam locals.

As more cheongsters knows that Kings massage masseur are ripping off their customers on their special service charges,they will be more likely to have more physical intellectual customers over time. Not going to be ambitious,but let's see if i can try to get 150k in my next vacation to batam island at Kings.

Last edited by iicycold; 25-10-2014 at 10:36 PM.
Old 25-10-2014, 10:29 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post least you give a 7/10 which is above average...bro W gives a 5/10 for his media corp SSYT in terms of service,which is much worse. But bro W did mention to me,girl with a tight pussy makes a man cum i totally agree with him. His SSYT has a super tight
Hahaha...i agree with 1 thing bro W say. Super tight pussy does make a guy cum fast. My girl was petite & 19. No problem to cum thrice for me,but she's just a bit lazy but at least willing to please. Can see her put in a lot of effort. If got chance,next time will try to go same timing with u,can see more things ma.

As advise by u on that day,i don't tip more than 200k. She didn't even ask for tip,i still tip her accordingly.

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
New massage place called Bridge Massage and Reflexology. Standing between lucky plaza and formosa...i can see Nagoya Hill shopping Mall,i walk towards Nagoya Hill Mall..look on my right while walking there after taking about 200 steps (before crossing the road towards Nagoya Hill Mall),and i see Bridge Massage.

My 1st 100k HJ in Batam with FULL ROAMING and i am SO HAPPY with it. It's so near to Formosa Hotel and will surely RTM in future trips.
Thx for sharing,this place is worth a try on my next vacation to batam.

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Very detail sharing here! Thx,bro.
Old 26-10-2014, 07:52 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Any recent FR's for P.P.Banana?

Do they open on Wed night or just Thu/Fri/Sat?
Old 26-10-2014, 11:54 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by cezaroz View Post
Any recent FR's for P.P.Banana?

Do they open on Wed night or just Thu/Fri/Sat?
If you go to PP Banana, please beware of the manager whom i feel is the prettiest among all including the bar girls & dancers.

She will chop you on your lady drinks. Her tactic is to refill your girl drinks even it is not finished while you are busy socializing.

LT there 1 to 2.5 juta.
Time in Paradise is up. Looking forward to the next trip soon.
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