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Old 20-10-2011, 11:45 AM
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Re: Vietnamese WL

Originally Posted by KangTuo View Post
I am sure you will not do the above. You will

1) ask her go check up ..She will show you angry face, say thngs like you don't trust her... blar blar.. Then your heart will be soften and follow her.

2) Visit her house not hotel .. she will tell you house too far, not accessible, hotel better becoz can bonk bonk... Then your heart will be soften and dick hardern and follow her wish.

If you really planned to dump her, do it now and cut off all ties rather then wanna find out more. I bet you just want to be sure that she really "xao" you before you let go...
you kana KC-ed deep deep already...
Totally agree.

Better still dun go.

If you heart pain about the air ticket money, PM some of the senior bros in HCMC to show u around... you will forget about her in no time..
Why are guys more rational? Becos they have 2 heads.
Old 20-10-2011, 12:01 PM
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Re: Vietnamese WL

Originally Posted by KangTuo View Post
I am sure you will not do the above. You will

1) ask her go check up ..She will show you angry face, say thngs like you don't trust her... blar blar.. Then your heart will be soften and follow her.

2) Visit her house not hotel .. she will tell you house too far, not accessible, hotel better becoz can bonk bonk... Then your heart will be soften and dick hardern and follow her wish.

If you really planned to dump her, do it now and cut off all ties rather then wanna find out more. I bet you just want to be sure that she really "xao" you before you let go...
you kana KC-ed deep deep already...
This is truely what i also think will unfold
Old 20-10-2011, 12:05 PM
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Re: Vietnamese WL

Originally Posted by BBSS View Post
Just want to know why VB always say they dun have a bf when ask. Be it on the road like some sales gals or some working gals
I don't know about sales gals or decent gals. But for vbs working in pub/ktv, they will definitely say no bf even if have. So that the customer will have more interest in them and spend more money on them

My recent vb (my teacher), showed the whole world my photo in her phone, tell customers that I am her bf. Some see me fetch/send her daily. Slowly one by one customer stopped looking for her in the ktv she worked in. I told her that she should not tell the truth to all her customer especially those who tips her alot. So she called/sms them say she no more bf already. breakoff already. These customer came back to look for her again and spend more money to try hook her to hotel. I also seldom fetch/send her from/to the doorstep of the ktv she worked.

Why vb never tell the truth of whether the got bf or not is becoz of us guys

Originally Posted by BBSS View Post
And also what is the difference when gals dun go out with customers? I went to a ktv in vietnam, my viet friend make it easier for us and ask the gals to be separated to go for sex and not go for sex. Those dun go really dun go meh? I have doubt.
vb work in ktv/pub also got a choice to choose the customer they wanna go hotel with. So dun go do not mean will not go.

reason for not going:
1) got b/f and very in love with bf at the moment.
2) big aunty visit
3) not pressure by family to bring back money yet
Old 20-10-2011, 12:24 PM
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Re: Vietnamese WL

Originally Posted by sgchionger View Post
The 2k already given already when i posted before.
However i am keeping my eyes open now, i going on friday 21 oct to meet her and parents in HCM, she say vinh city(her mother hometown) a lot mosquitos so her mother come over.
Not like they come over i can understand them, my viet command is equal to non existence.

This is the 3rd time she came singapore, the time i met her is her 2nd time in sg. She still cant speak a word of chinese yet, now can hold simple chinsese conversation.

She back in HCM already and i ask her today.
" so i stay where ar? "
She say we will all stay in hotel, why stay in hotel when she got a house in HCM. Her husband at home issit? So she and her parents gang up cheat me huh?

Once i saw her phone smses from a viet no with "bx" in some messages. Then i quarrel with her, magically the phone was "lost" the next day cos she say she got drunk. She explain its ben xe meaning downstairs because her brother dont have mobile phone so need use phone at car park? However that does not explain the sms, u can send sms but need use phone downstairs?

She is pregnant( this is why i am hurrying to bring her to do a check up and see how many weeks old) now i think cos tenderness of the the breast is occuring. She told me she will abort the baby since i told her my parents dont like having a baby before marriage. Yes i did her raw during the stay she is here as i went for check ups 2-3 months later after i 1st bonk her. During her stay here, she was at the beck of my call, i could meet her and pick her up any time i want. She dont need to go hotel with customers as her tips quite ok already. Oh when i have sex with her, she dont seem to have mentruation even once. Well we have sex 1-2 times per week but is mostly she initiate and ask me go hotel so i cannot cfm if she is pregnant already before i did her.

Question is
1)if she is after PR status, why dont see insist to keep the baby.
2)if she is after money then too bad i wont give her anymore, she for iphone saying want to contact me skype. i told her i no money and job little money. i tested her by saying i go take from my parents to buy for her. She refuse saying if got money then buy, dont have nvm, dont force myself without hesistating. why does she react in this way? how could someone come here 3
times and not highly educated be so scheming. I do not know whether she is lying or truthful.

Any advice bros? Maybe like hiring a translator to see loopholes with parents meeting and bring her to hospital check up see how many weeks pregnant?
bro,seem like your small head rule your big head and do raw and let u think she is having your baby.If u are a responsible man do something for her cos u make her pregnant (if the baby is really yours and insist on a DNA test to proof that is yours)If it turn out that is not yours,then good for u,u can leave her if u want to

U suspect a lot of things cos u dont know her well and u really dont know their culture.Let say if she really lie to u but it turn out that baby was yours after DNA test,what will u do?Will u marry her?

No point hiring translator cos they 'speak their own language'.In vietnam,any thing u think is impossible can be possible.Advise to u is start to talk to her and understand her.U really need to spend some time on her and think with your big head
Old 20-10-2011, 12:49 PM
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Re: Vietnamese WL

Originally Posted by Golden question View Post
Cos is normal to say like that,no boyfriend,no husband,no marry but ?????

those gal is working inside ktv or your viet friend's friend?
well from what i know,the ktv over there can be cater to friends to sing song but also can turn into girl accompany u type,it depends on what customer want
I like you wat you say. No BF, No ongxa, no marry but maybe have baby. haha

Oh, that is the ktv that my friend brought us to.
Cos he knows some of my friends need to release at night so he ask the gals to stand in 2 rows. 1 row are those that can go out. The other row is those that dun go out.
Old 20-10-2011, 12:52 PM
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Re: Vietnamese WL

My recent vb (my teacher), showed the whole world my photo in her phone, tell customers that I am her bf. Some see me fetch/send her daily. Slowly one by one customer stopped looking for her in the ktv she worked in. I told her that she should not tell the truth to all her customer especially those who tips her alot. So she called/sms them say she no more bf already. breakoff already. These customer came back to look for her again and spend more money to try hook her to hotel. I also seldom fetch/send her from/to the doorstep of the ktv she worked.

Why vb never tell the truth of whether the got bf or not is becoz of us guys

Bro, totally agree what you say. I think that is the reason why they say no bf. My friend tio short by 1 sales. Want to go there again. lol.

vb work in ktv/pub also got a choice to choose the customer they wanna go hotel with. So dun go do not mean will not go.

reason for not going:
1) got b/f and very in love with bf at the moment.
2) big aunty visit
3) not pressure by family to bring back money yet[/QUOTE]
Old 20-10-2011, 02:33 PM
ilovedoggie ilovedoggie is offline
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Re: Vietnamese WL

Originally Posted by KangTuo View Post
I am sure you will not do the above. You will

If you really planned to dump her, do it now and cut off all ties rather then wanna find out more. I bet you just want to be sure that she really "xao" you before you let go...
you kana KC-ed deep deep already...
couldn't agree more. bro sgchionger, just forget about her. no matter whose the baby is... just ask her to abort it if she really pregnant. no point checking DNA or what bcuz it would only bring u more cost. unless u tell me she's the one... but are u sure? think with your big head.
- The weakness of our heart is our most formidable enemy -

- Close your eyes and walk with your heart -
Old 20-10-2011, 02:43 PM
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Re: Vietnamese WL

Originally Posted by KangTuo View Post
I don't know about sales gals or decent gals. But for vbs working in pub/ktv, they will definitely say no bf even if have. So that the customer will have more interest in them and spend more money on them

My recent vb (my teacher), showed the whole world my photo in her phone, tell customers that I am her bf. Some see me fetch/send her daily.

Why vb never tell the truth of whether the got bf or not is becoz of us guys
xaooooo nhieu nhieuuuuuuu...

but it's true bcuz these gals work on KC game to earn money.

Originally Posted by KangTuo View Post
vb work in ktv/pub also got a choice to choose the customer they wanna go hotel with. So dun go do not mean will not go.

reason for not going:
1) got b/f and very in love with bf at the moment.
2) big aunty visit
3) not pressure by family to bring back money yet
4) still virgin and got money already... so if u offer $2k to buy her virginity then ok. they think they are geisha?! yuck...

maybe they will go out when they met some customers who are dep trai and noi chuyen hay qua like kt and jack.

actually my experience w the west side is that some girls really dun wan to go out lam tinh with customers. in fact quite a number of them dun wan to do it... all of them got bf? yea usually those i go lam tinh with are those who say "moi ngay phai lo kiem tien cho me va gia dinh cua em"
- The weakness of our heart is our most formidable enemy -

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Old 20-10-2011, 02:53 PM
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Re: Vietnamese WL

Originally Posted by lugi View Post
Totally agree.

Better still dun go.

If you heart pain about the air ticket money, PM some of the senior bros in HCMC to show u around... you will forget about her in no time..
he alrdy vomit out 2k... so what is air tix to him now?

yea pls go to hcmc and lam tinh at least 2-3 times a day with different gals. i can bet with my small and big head that u will totally forget about her... at least that's what happen to me when i hv some lam tinh trip overseas

i can tell u at night when u c those pimp on motorbike then u ask them. one cheapest ST i ever got is US$25 nia! but u need to do it at their KS which is $5 and it looks like a haunted early 50s hotel.

u nego with them see if $30 can do it at your KS instead. chuc ban may man nhe!
- The weakness of our heart is our most formidable enemy -

- Close your eyes and walk with your heart -
Old 20-10-2011, 04:04 PM
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Re: Vietnamese WL

Originally Posted by ilovedoggie View Post
he alrdy vomit out 2k... so what is air tix to him now?

yea pls go to hcmc and lam tinh at least 2-3 times a day with different gals. i can bet with my small and big head that u will totally forget about her... at least that's what happen to me when i hv some lam tinh trip overseas

i can tell u at night when u c those pimp on motorbike then u ask them. one cheapest ST i ever got is US$25 nia! but u need to do it at their KS which is $5 and it looks like a haunted early 50s hotel.

u nego with them see if $30 can do it at your KS instead. chuc ban may man nhe!
bro,u dare to follow the pimp on their motorbike for your lam tinh session
brave leh u
Old 20-10-2011, 04:18 PM
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Originally Posted by sgchionger
The 2k already given already when i posted before.
However i am keeping my eyes open now, i going on friday 21 oct to meet her and parents in HCM, she say vinh city(her mother hometown) a lot mosquitos so her mother come over.
Not like they come over i can understand them, my viet command is equal to non existence.

This is the 3rd time she came singapore, the time i met her is her 2nd time in sg. She still cant speak a word of chinese yet, now can hold simple chinsese conversation.

She back in HCM already and i ask her today.
" so i stay where ar? "
She say we will all stay in hotel, why stay in hotel when she got a house in HCM. Her husband at home issit? So she and her parents gang up cheat me huh?

Once i saw her phone smses from a viet no with "bx" in some messages. Then i quarrel with her, magically the phone was "lost" the next day cos she say she got drunk. She explain its ben xe meaning downstairs because her brother dont have mobile phone so need use phone at car park? However that does not explain the sms, u can send sms but need use phone downstairs?

She is pregnant( this is why i am hurrying to bring her to do a check up and see how many weeks old) now i think cos tenderness of the the breast is occuring. She told me she will abort the baby since i told her my parents dont like having a baby before marriage. Yes i did her raw during the stay she is here as i went for check ups 2-3 months later after i 1st bonk her. During her stay here, she was at the beck of my call, i could meet her and pick her up any time i want. She dont need to go hotel with customers as her tips quite ok already. Oh when i have sex with her, she dont seem to have mentruation even once. Well we have sex 1-2 times per week but is mostly she initiate and ask me go hotel so i cannot cfm if she is pregnant already before i did her.

Question is
1)if she is after PR status, why dont see insist to keep the baby.
2)if she is after money then too bad i wont give her anymore, she for iphone saying want to contact me skype. i told her i no money and job little money. i tested her by saying i go take from my parents to buy for her. She refuse saying if got money then buy, dont have nvm, dont force myself without hesistating. why does she react in this way? how could someone come here 3
times and not highly educated be so scheming. I do not know whether she is lying or truthful.

Any advice bros? Maybe like hiring a translator to see loopholes with parents meeting and bring her to hospital check up see how many weeks pregnant?
Bro sgchionger

If she say she pregnant, she will ask u buy test kit n bring over. I think she will be more kenh cheong than u cos u r her ticket out of wet nam.

My advise get out, before u get hurt further both financially n emotionally. Money spend can earn back, it is the emotion part that is killing. It will take a long long time to heal.

Like bro hurrican say all u have is a number, wat if 1 day u call n all u get is a "vi ve vi roi canm hom men nah nhat".

Vb is very good at kc game, it is the vb culture. Money first, love is nothing. Do remember, a vb love n body can be traded for money
Old 20-10-2011, 05:18 PM
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Re: Vietnamese WL

Originally Posted by Golden question View Post
bro,u dare to follow the pimp on their motorbike for your lam tinh session
brave leh u
i didnt follow on his bike.

it's actually a taxi uncle asked me and friend want to bom bom and gal gal bcuz we came out from Dmax with disappointed faces.

then he brought us to some god-know-where area. and the girls and the pimp come by motorbike and nego with us. the girl is a SYT and got slutty face haha... then the taxi uncle drive us deep into some slum area and there's a dark ks with dimmed lights. we paid the pimp and the ks receptionist and go up to the room to lam tinh. the room... trust me looks like a 50s deco. the furniture all looks like pre-viet-war type. super scary i tell u...

but i just close my eyes and bonk... nice though... 19 yo(she claimed) SYT.
- The weakness of our heart is our most formidable enemy -

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Old 20-10-2011, 06:48 PM
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Re: Vietnamese WL

Originally Posted by KangTuo View Post
If you really planned to dump her, do it now and cut off all ties rather then wanna find out more. I bet you just want to be sure that she really "xao" you before you let go...
you kana KC-ed deep deep already...
fully agreed...

Originally Posted by lugi View Post
If you heart pain about the air ticket money, PM some of the senior bros in HCMC to show u around... you will forget about her in no time..
fully me and if happen to be my schedule...i bring you go dreamland...sure better quality than your existing...

Originally Posted by KangTuo View Post
I don't know about sales gals or decent gals. But for vbs working in pub/ktv, they will definitely say no bf even if have. So that the customer will have more interest in them and spend more money on them
recently found a few decent VB also told me no ban these also xao nhieu nhieu huh...

Originally Posted by ff40 View Post
Like bro hurrican say all u have is a number, wat if 1 day u call n all u get is a "vi ve vi roi canm hom men nah nhat".

Vb is very good at kc game, it is the vb culture. Money first, love is nothing. Do remember, a vb love n body can be traded for money
cam on rat nheiu...

me always xao nhieu nhieu with VB...hihi...kc trap them...
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Old 20-10-2011, 07:23 PM
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Re: Vietnamese WL

Thanks to all Bros for the advice esp Bro Volcano.

I am going over with my friend and his viet gf. They going back for her birthday party.

i met my friend and his viet gf(non wl) again today.
the gal told me she originally plan to cheat my friend money but see he so sincere then drop the idea in front of him. lol.
She say gals by right should be touched if you treat them nicely(prob apply to non wl)

They suggest i bring 1k cash max and pass them 700 to keep and my passport. Handphone bring along the cheap cheap 1.

I am not going to spend a cent on her already. The only thing i still cannot let go is the "BX" sms in her hp. I once saw a long hair guy pic on her hp 1st time she came but she delete the photo on the 2nd time i met her at ktv. This i want an answer, whether i trick her or convince her to tell me, i will do it.
Old 20-10-2011, 07:27 PM
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Re: Vietnamese WL

Originally Posted by sgchionger View Post
I am not going to spend a cent on her already. The only thing i still cannot let go is the "BX" sms in her hp. I once saw a long hair guy pic on her hp 1st time she came but she delete the photo on the 2nd time i met her at ktv. This i want an answer, whether i trick her or convince her to tell me, i will do it.
dun bother to will sure end up unhappy even she answers truthfully becuz the truth is always ugly and unacceptable...
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