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Old 01-12-2016, 01:18 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs

Originally Posted by BronzeGod View Post
Think they have an SYT looking girl there called xiaoyu (small fish). I've not tried but she looks interesting. I believe they should have newbies next week as you mentioned but apparently can't outcall or in call at this house anymore. I could be wrong but that's my understanding from talking with the helper on duty.
Cant outcall and cant incall......looks like they isolate themself from the rest of geylang
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Old 01-12-2016, 03:39 PM
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Originally Posted by BronzeGod View Post
I am sure they will realise the signs and symptoms of a fake FR after a while. For example, when keep claiming that the girl is selective in frenching, but they got passionate frenching etc

This is just one of the tell-tale signs.

After reading some FRs, you will be able to sense that the writer is selling the girl a bit too hard, or sometimes even selling himself as some great geylang lover, etc.

But I feel no harm done in my opinion, just let such writers continue living in their fantasy world and using the forum here to boost their own ego.

Everyone will know after a while that the FR is a fairytale de... Newbies also must learn through real life experience of getting tricked a few times by fake FR.....

They need to pay their school fees just like we did bah...
Maybe sometimes they do get some frenching and may not necessary be passionate as an exchange of promoting the wl lol

Aiyo being newbie kena conned b4 but I still hope we can help the newbies as much as we can to avoid wasting time, money n energy due to the fake FRs
Old 01-12-2016, 04:08 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs

I missed the Delphi Forum days...most of the FRs where like "matter of fact"...even when I was a noobie at that time it was quite easy to decide on the WLs to patronise after reading the FRs...nowadays I find them too narrating a movie gloomy day...the old man in me want to rant....
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Old 01-12-2016, 04:35 PM
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Originally Posted by ramon View Post
I missed the Delphi Forum days...most of the FRs where like "matter of fact"...even when I was a noobie at that time it was quite easy to decide on the WLs to patronise after reading the FRs...nowadays I find them too narrating a movie gloomy day...the old man in me want to rant....
I was still young during Delphi days so was not participated then, and I never cheong Malaysian wl before, but I believe their service are much much consistent compared to prc wl, so in the past u do not need to promote them too much, and u do not need to try so hard to get the benefits by promoting them as they r less selective?

I'm not sure there were more business/customers in the past but for sure the cost of living is much lower with the same 150 sing dollar notes, and cost of living nowadays in china is much higher (esp housing) than Malaysia, I heard the msian wl get the cut out of 150 notes more than prc wl too
Old 01-12-2016, 05:01 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs

Originally Posted by ramon View Post
I missed the Delphi Forum days...most of the FRs where like "matter of fact"...even when I was a noobie at that time it was quite easy to decide on the WLs to patronise after reading the FRs...nowadays I find them too narrating a movie gloomy day...the old man in me want to rant....
Nothing stopping people from writing matter of fact frs ... i guess less ppl are writing frs....sharing their experience....
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Old 01-12-2016, 05:11 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs

Originally Posted by comm View Post
Nothing stopping people from writing matter of fact frs ... i guess less ppl are writing frs....sharing their experience....
And the reasons for the drying up of matter of fact FRs is....
Old 01-12-2016, 07:20 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs

Originally Posted by comm View Post
Cant outcall and cant incall......looks like they isolate themself from the rest of geylang
Not a good biz strategy. It will be OK if the house has a long line of WLs. What happens if the WLs start to leave and they have a small number or none?
Old 01-12-2016, 09:29 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs

Originally Posted by Garfoo View Post
Not a good biz strategy. It will be OK if the house has a long line of WLs. What happens if the WLs start to leave and they have a small number or none?
For this particular shop (1820) which is somewhat different from other shops, they have an agreement with AV that they can't do outcall and in-call businesses ...
There's a dark side to male sexuality that operates on an intrinsically primitive level. Unleash it and you can't help but see evidence of raw, uncontrollable emotion ...

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Old 03-12-2016, 09:45 AM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs

Any oldbird bros can help?

went to 1651 and saw this chio gal walk past who look like this model i saw on the net

Anyone know her name?
Old 03-12-2016, 04:34 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs

walk past means wad ?? were u inside the house or outside the house
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Old 03-12-2016, 04:39 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs

Originally Posted by Kedryn View Post
Any oldbird bros can help?

went to 1651 and saw this chio gal walk past who look like this model i saw on the net

Anyone know her name?
Go to 1651, show the OKT the picture and ask lah
Old 03-12-2016, 05:55 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs

Good reply
Old 04-12-2016, 12:24 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs

Linda 1667 FR.

Had a good session with the buxom SaSa and still felt good after. So took a chance to go to my “to do” list. Quite a few names given to me and one of them was Linda.

Looks: 7.5/10 (Red lipstick. Made up. She made effort. I liked her look. When she smiled she was even more appealing.)

Body: 8/10 (Like this also. A nice ass where the cheeks giggled when I hammered her from behind. Bak bak type. My kind of body. C cup boobs I would think with nipples that grow thick when manipulated. )

Frenching: 0/10 (None at all. Her face didn’t come close and I didn’t try)

Bbbj: 8/10 (This girl can suck cock!! Full pressure and a great effort put. She did it for a while also. In the shower and on the bed. She started by using her hand also which I pushed away. She took the hint and sucked and sucked. )

AR: 9/10 (Whoa, she surprised me here as she started her service on the front so I thought she wasn’t going to do this. Then she did it and I nearly blew. She was into it and the feeling was fantastic. At the same time, she used her hand on my dick and that was insane. One of the best China girls doing this for me.)
Fj: 8/10 (Done with her on top, then me on top and then doggy. Good sound effects especially when I started going faster and harder at the end with me on top. I was hammering her pretty hard in doggy and her face was buried in the pillow and her ass was lifting up a little. This was nice hehe)

Overall: 8/10 (Good session and a repeat for me. Attitude on the girl is good also. At the end while chit chatting we got on the topic of what I like in bed. She then asked why I didn’t make my request as she could have done whatever I wanted! What a good girl. Linda is worth going to for her great service and attitude.)
Old 04-12-2016, 03:39 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs

Wow looks like now everyone is into house 1667 , first I saw Jiaqi, KK and now Linda, oh ya and Sisi too.

Haiz...Too bad I am already branded as AnNa's customer, or else this Linda really sounds interesting to try leh. I mean the Ar part really sounds interesting.
Old 05-12-2016, 03:46 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs


have not tried Ping Guo.
In this house, I tried Mozi and XuanXuan.
Mozi is good everyone knows with so many FRs with good ratings, and I agree with most of the them. 7.5/10
Xuan xuan is another surprised. She looks not bad, like GND, slim and long hair. Her service is good and she is very willing to please and learn what the Singaporean market needs. I had an nice bbbj and a great fj, so it's great satisfaction. Will RTF both with no qualms. At least a 7/10
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