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Old 11-03-2017, 01:32 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs

Originally Posted by stan12345 View Post
GO and see house 1649 even worse.
OKT of 1667 is rude and insensitive to customers. He ignored my questions of the availability of his girls and was more interested in his headphone games. I just walked out and boycotted this shop from then on. No big loss to me.

Last edited by Sgoh; 11-03-2017 at 02:45 PM.
Old 12-03-2017, 09:00 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs

Originally Posted by BronzeGod View Post
Sometimes I'm surprised at the attitude of some okt. Economy is bad, business is bad, and still want to show attitude to customers and not run their shop properly.

*shakes head*
I would like to share this experience with all bros. Will not mention WL's name so as not to break her rice bowl. Before the session began, the WL told me she was due for a medical checkup in 3 days time and so cannot do BBBJ. I find it strange and believeable. First time I heard of such an excuse. Previously, heard of ulcers, sore throat, etc but never this. Any views, anybody?
Old 12-03-2017, 09:07 PM
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Lightbulb Re: GL 150cats FRs

Originally Posted by Garfoo View Post
I would like to share this experience with all bros. Will not mention WL's name so as not to break her rice bowl. Before the session began, the WL told me she was due for a medical checkup in 3 days time and so cannot do BBBJ. I find it strange and believeable. First time I heard of such an excuse. Previously, heard of ulcers, sore throat, etc but never this. Any views, anybody?
This is because DSC will check her mouth and throat as well

She is taking preventive measures
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Old 12-03-2017, 09:16 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs

Originally Posted by unfit View Post
This is because DSC will check her mouth and throat as well

She is taking preventive measures
Pardon my ignorance. Will the MO know that she was doing BBBJ in the past few days? Also, I am sure other WLs also go to DSC for checkup and none have come up with this excuse. Pse enlighten. Thanks.
Old 12-03-2017, 09:22 PM
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Lightbulb Re: GL 150cats FRs

Originally Posted by Garfoo View Post
Pardon my ignorance. Will the MO know that she was doing BBBJ in the past few days? Also, I am sure other WLs also go to DSC for checkup and none have come up with this excuse. Pse enlighten. Thanks.
She just worried to catch something from customers
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Old 12-03-2017, 10:08 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs

Originally Posted by Garfoo View Post
I would like to share this experience with all bros. Will not mention WL's name so as not to break her rice bowl. Before the session began, the WL told me she was due for a medical checkup in 3 days time and so cannot do BBBJ. I find it strange and believeable. First time I heard of such an excuse. Previously, heard of ulcers, sore throat, etc but never this. Any views, anybody?
I have never heard this excuse until last year. There are certain house where the girl like using this excuse recently.

New trick to avoid BBBJ I guess?
Old 12-03-2017, 10:34 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs

Originally Posted by BronzeGod View Post
I have never heard this excuse until last year. There are certain house where the girl like using this excuse recently.

New trick to avoid BBBJ I guess?
Hi, Bro BG, that's exactly my suspicion. The WLs go for a checkup every month. If they keep to this logic, that means they will not be doing BBBJ most of the time.
Old 12-03-2017, 10:51 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs

Originally Posted by Garfoo View Post
Pardon my ignorance. Will the MO know that she was doing BBBJ in the past few days? Also, I am sure other WLs also go to DSC for checkup and none have come up with this excuse. Pse enlighten. Thanks.
Hi bro,

Long time didn't see you around in SBF ...

Am very busy recently but managed to find time to pop in to see anything interesting. Saw your above post and I think I should weigh in on this matter ....

FYI, BBBJ is believe to be one of the reasons that leads to throat infection according to the DSC Doctors. If WL is diagnosed with throats infection on the first time, she would be given a first warning and let off but she will be on the bench for at least 7 days to ensure the viral infection is eliminated before she could resume work. If the WL is diagnosed with throats infection the second time, I am afraid her yellow card would be terminated involuntarily and she will need to depart as a result.

If you notice, many WL disappeared abruptly without reason is primarily due to this issue. OKT would not tell u the true of their departure unless u belong to the inner circle. There were many WLs from L16 who suffered from throat infection the second time in the past, and a few of them were ang pai. Don't ask me who were they as I do not wish to name them.

The WL who refused you with BBBJ may have made a valid excuse and she may have been already given a first time warning. Hence, she does not wanna risk being sent home. One WL from a shop in Westerhout road will never offer BBBJ because of this reason.
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Old 12-03-2017, 11:17 PM
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Originally Posted by BronzeGod View Post
I have never heard this excuse until last year. There are certain house where the girl like using this excuse recently.

New trick to avoid BBBJ I guess?
I had tried many CAT 150 most of offered BBBJ without any problems except one WL she is tired and was told to fuck her once i entered the room.
The session was totally ruined and i never RTF again😡
Old 13-03-2017, 07:22 AM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs

Originally Posted by max_priest View Post
FYI, BBBJ is believe to be one of the reasons that leads to throat infection according to the DSC Doctors. If WL is diagnosed with throats infection on the first time, she would be given a first warning and let off but she will be on the bench for at least 7 days to ensure the viral infection is eliminated before she could resume work. If the WL is diagnosed with throats infection the second time, I am afraid her yellow card would be terminated involuntarily and she will need to depart as a result.

The WL who refused you with BBBJ may have made a valid excuse and she may have been already given a first time warning. Hence, she does not wanna risk being sent home. One WL from a shop in Westerhout road will never offer BBBJ because of this reason.
Yup agree here. Had a regular before. Got busted once for throat infection. She was pretty careful after that.

The girls just want to carry on working. So some of the more careful once will stop BBBJ and other perks a few days before their inspection. I don't feel it is unreasonable on their part.

100's of girls in GL. If the one you see doesn't give you want you want, move on. She has a right to take care of herself also.
Old 13-03-2017, 03:22 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs

No point forcing a WL to provide a service she is not comfortable with. Be it French , BBBJ,, AR, Painting, etc.

A lot of service depend on chemistry. Force will just ruin the session and waste your $150.
Old 13-03-2017, 04:07 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs

Originally Posted by unfit View Post
This is because DSC will check her mouth and throat as well

She is taking preventive measures
How frequent these WL go for DSC checkup?
Old 13-03-2017, 05:51 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs

Originally Posted by SunZhi View Post
How frequent these WL go for DSC checkup?
Once a month, wl could go to either DSC or one of the approved private clinics in Geyland for tests.
Old 13-03-2017, 10:55 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs

Originally Posted by max_priest View Post
Hi bro,

Long time didn't see you around in SBF ...

Am very busy recently but managed to find time to pop in to see anything interesting. Saw your above post and I think I should weigh in on this matter ....

FYI, BBBJ is believe to be one of the reasons that leads to throat infection according to the DSC Doctors. If WL is diagnosed with throats infection on the first time, she would be given a first warning and let off but she will be on the bench for at least 7 days to ensure the viral infection is eliminated before she could resume work. If the WL is diagnosed with throats infection the second time, I am afraid her yellow card would be terminated involuntarily and she will need to depart as a result.

If you notice, many WL disappeared abruptly without reason is primarily due to this issue. OKT would not tell u the true of their departure unless u belong to the inner circle. There were many WLs from L16 who suffered from throat infection the second time in the past, and a few of them were ang pai. Don't ask me who were they as I do not wish to name them.

The WL who refused you with BBBJ may have made a valid excuse and she may have been already given a first time warning. Hence, she does not wanna risk being sent home. One WL from a shop in Westerhout road will never offer BBBJ because of this reason.
Hi, Bro MP, haven't see you for a while also. Thanks for the detailed explanation. Makes the situation a bit clearer. The WL did apologise and I just got on with the session. She is out to make a living and I won't force her to do something she doesn't like. Cheers
Old 13-03-2017, 10:57 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs

Originally Posted by stan12345 View Post
I had tried many CAT 150 most of offered BBBJ without any problems except one WL she is tired and was told to fuck her once i entered the room.
The session was totally ruined and i never RTF again😡
In my case, she went through the whole routine and offered to massage me at the end. So, I guess she had a valid reason like some Bros explained here.
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