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Old 24-03-2018, 01:24 PM
Papachubby Papachubby is offline
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Originally Posted by Amo33 View Post
She said someone with erectile dyfunction cannot fulfill her needs and wasting her time on this. She may be refering to someone here.
Haha.. fat ass still didnt get up after the 3rd hours. Wasting of money.
Old 25-03-2018, 09:32 AM
LousyTu LousyTu is offline
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Originally Posted by BronzeGod View Post
Which house got Yuki bro? Cat 150 PRC or???
Cat150 PRC. Got her at Tommy's. She said 隔壁的隔壁的隔壁。1606¿
Old 26-03-2018, 09:05 PM
Kingkong83 Kingkong83 is offline
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Another legend appear "Bei Bei L1667"

I came here to do a special thanks to BronzeGod, because he has been helping so much of our brothers here to do accurate rating for us!!! Always Rep+ for your BronzeGod.

After the legendary JinJin from 16w12 left, the girls seems like drop standard a lot. I have too high standard for body figure maybe, not only that service also very important.

A lot of months ago, reading lots of review this girl "Bei Bei" decided to give it a try. The first time i saw her, she doesn't wear any sexy revealing clothing to catch my attention. So I base on trust of the reviews from BronzeGod, and went to try. Once we enter the room, the experience is totally mind blowing.

And guys this is my FR.

Look:8/10 - She look pretty but not the wow type from the first time i see her, but the more RTF I found she have the guai guai, cute, xiao 女人 Girlfriend looks that i desire

Body:9/10 - After JinJin from 16w12, Bei Bei Figure is totally amazing... Small size, with healthy abs line, very slim with ass

Boobs: 9/10 - Her Boobs consider Big with C Cup maybe, usually a lot of Big tits is sagging with big nipples. Bei Bei have a very beautiful shape boobs with nice small nipples in her body frame. I love her boobs the most, legit very rare to see such beautiful firm boobs i keep grading it non-stop even FJ session.

Shower: 7/10 - Standard shower service, but with a surprising long hot water bbbj

HJ: 8/10 - She didn't perform any HJ during the foreplay, but she did perform during the shower while cleaning my didi. The HJ feeling is so different from the other girls, other girls like rubbing and cleaning very rough as if my didi is very dirty. But for Bei Bei her HJ during the shower feels so different, it's gentle and most importantly it feels like you are inserting your DiDi insert a very wet pussy.

BBBJ: 9/10 - Have to thank you for her professional skills, that she didn't perform any HJ during the foreplay, because she provide a super long BBBJ. I have to say a lot of new girls or old birds currently really give a very fast 5 min BBBJ and pop you the magic word “我们开始做了哦” Super turnoff... For RTF with Bei Bei for so many months her super long BBBJ service didn't cut corner. Sometimes i even need to stop her, before i CiM. I heard she provide CiM, but i didn't want to waste.

FJ: 9/10 - The details i leave it for you guys to explore, I just can say her moaning is natural which will make you more excited to make her moan more. Her expression is different is like you are doing with someone enjoy your FJ Sessions very much. Lastly, I think she knows hows to use her pussy muscle, because can't be her pussy feels so goods when there is so much customer looking for her. Her pussy is tight, not like others.

RTF: It's really very hard to find a gem who really provide $150 service, I been RTF for a few months. Hopefully these will helps most of the brothers here to understand good $150 service is.

1) She doesn't speak french but it doesn't matter to me. Because the overall service is the most important.
2) I guess she currently getting popular, it's a bit harder to wait for her for new brothers who wants to try her. My advice is Call for booking thru her shop or wait for her for the first time then get her wechat. She treat return customer very well

I am very sorry for the bad FR, it's really been a long years i didn't write a FR liao. Because It's really rare is find such a gem in geylang, and i hope she can work in geylang till her contract ends. So that i can continue to find her again, it's very hard to find good service in geylang nowadays. So hopefully it helps on your experience on finding a good gem.
Old 26-03-2018, 11:21 PM
BeastMaster BeastMaster is offline
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Re: GL 150cats FRs

Personal view

Being in the playing field for quite a while. E.g 0819 Ding Ding (past) was one of my favourite

I find service Bei Bei so so

I think Meng Lu is very pretty and with nice solid bods ... service is damned solid ...


Last edited by BeastMaster; 26-03-2018 at 11:22 PM. Reason: Wrong spelling
Old 26-03-2018, 11:51 PM
Stimsia Stimsia is offline
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Re: GL 150cats FRs

Think i will hibernate for the time being....

fav girls always went MIA fast...
Jia fei (just got to know her recently)
Xiao ni
Yang yang ...

Recent try low gfe
Jiajia ---
Xiao man --- pretty GND look but non frencher

All time favourite 2062 yoyo
Old 27-03-2018, 02:20 PM
ahha2011 ahha2011 is offline
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Re: Another legend appear "Bei Bei L1667"

Originally Posted by Kingkong83 View Post
I came here to do a special thanks to BronzeGod, because he has been helping so much of our brothers here to do accurate rating for us!!! Always Rep+ for your BronzeGod.

After the legendary JinJin from 16w12 left, the girls seems like drop standard a lot. I have too high standard for body figure maybe, not only that service also very important.

A lot of months ago, reading lots of review this girl "Bei Bei" decided to give it a try. The first time i saw her, she doesn't wear any sexy revealing clothing to catch my attention. So I base on trust of the reviews from BronzeGod, and went to try. Once we enter the room, the experience is totally mind blowing.

And guys this is my FR.

Look:8/10 - She look pretty but not the wow type from the first time i see her, but the more RTF I found she have the guai guai, cute, xiao 女人 Girlfriend looks that i desire

Body:9/10 - After JinJin from 16w12, Bei Bei Figure is totally amazing... Small size, with healthy abs line, very slim with ass

Boobs: 9/10 - Her Boobs consider Big with C Cup maybe, usually a lot of Big tits is sagging with big nipples. Bei Bei have a very beautiful shape boobs with nice small nipples in her body frame. I love her boobs the most, legit very rare to see such beautiful firm boobs i keep grading it non-stop even FJ session.

Shower: 7/10 - Standard shower service, but with a surprising long hot water bbbj

HJ: 8/10 - She didn't perform any HJ during the foreplay, but she did perform during the shower while cleaning my didi. The HJ feeling is so different from the other girls, other girls like rubbing and cleaning very rough as if my didi is very dirty. But for Bei Bei her HJ during the shower feels so different, it's gentle and most importantly it feels like you are inserting your DiDi insert a very wet pussy.

BBBJ: 9/10 - Have to thank you for her professional skills, that she didn't perform any HJ during the foreplay, because she provide a super long BBBJ. I have to say a lot of new girls or old birds currently really give a very fast 5 min BBBJ and pop you the magic word “我们开始做了哦” Super turnoff... For RTF with Bei Bei for so many months her super long BBBJ service didn't cut corner. Sometimes i even need to stop her, before i CiM. I heard she provide CiM, but i didn't want to waste.

FJ: 9/10 - The details i leave it for you guys to explore, I just can say her moaning is natural which will make you more excited to make her moan more. Her expression is different is like you are doing with someone enjoy your FJ Sessions very much. Lastly, I think she knows hows to use her pussy muscle, because can't be her pussy feels so goods when there is so much customer looking for her. Her pussy is tight, not like others.

RTF: It's really very hard to find a gem who really provide $150 service, I been RTF for a few months. Hopefully these will helps most of the brothers here to understand good $150 service is.

1) She doesn't speak french but it doesn't matter to me. Because the overall service is the most important.
2) I guess she currently getting popular, it's a bit harder to wait for her for new brothers who wants to try her. My advice is Call for booking thru her shop or wait for her for the first time then get her wechat. She treat return customer very well

I am very sorry for the bad FR, it's really been a long years i didn't write a FR liao. Because It's really rare is find such a gem in geylang, and i hope she can work in geylang till her contract ends. So that i can continue to find her again, it's very hard to find good service in geylang nowadays. So hopefully it helps on your experience on finding a good gem.

Agreed... jin jin.. best .. her looks and body.. even though she don't French... too bad, had yet enough before she left.. hiaz.. sad... her moan was so like little kitten ...
Old 29-03-2018, 08:09 AM
Bruce3563 Bruce3563 is offline
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Re: GL 150cats FRs

My current favorite is still Mai Zi of 1654A
Old 29-03-2018, 09:47 AM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs

Originally Posted by Bruce3563 View Post
My current favorite is still Mai Zi of 1654A
I thought you are infatuated with Bei Bei ? Recently spreading out so fast to other girls. Saw you post quite a few. BB must have lost some business from you from the way you earlier describe your experience and RTF to her
RTF Gals and working:
Old 30-03-2018, 04:13 AM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs

Originally Posted by Fat Fatt View Post
I thought you are infatuated with Bei Bei ? Recently spreading out so fast to other girls. Saw you post quite a few. BB must have lost some business from you from the way you earlier describe your experience and RTF to her
Haha, i have the same thoughts as Fat Fatt.
Always thought Bruce only interested in Bei Bei!
Old 30-03-2018, 07:14 PM
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Smile Re: GL 150cats FRs

Originally Posted by Fat Fatt View Post
I thought you are infatuated with Bei Bei ? Recently spreading out so fast to other girls. Saw you post quite a few. BB must have lost some business from you from the way you earlier describe your experience and RTF to her
Originally Posted by nutman38 View Post
Haha, i have the same thoughts as Fat Fatt.
Always thought Bruce only interested in Bei Bei!
Ya, I also tot so.

I tot he was infatuated with BB and he said he regretted writing and promoting BB.
Now BB long queue.

But then he still continue to write and promote her.

Haha ..................
Up Queue: ??

Please PM me if I had missed you out.
Old 30-03-2018, 10:16 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs

Originally Posted by joker88 View Post
Ya, I also tot so.

I tot he was infatuated with BB and he said he regretted writing and promoting BB.
Now BB long queue.

But then he still continue to write and promote her.

Haha ..................
He's a advertiser. He promotes whoever pays him.

So guess who is the payer this season?
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Old 02-04-2018, 05:23 PM
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Originally Posted by Fat Fatt View Post
I thought you are infatuated with Bei Bei ? Recently spreading out so fast to other girls. Saw you post quite a few. BB must have lost some business from you from the way you earlier describe your experience and RTF to her
Which house of Bei Bei”?
Old 02-04-2018, 05:28 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs

This Bei Bei from which house?
Old 03-04-2018, 12:34 AM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs

FR - Yeh Tze from L1429

Look:8/10 - Very attractive face and model-like figure.

Body:6/10 - Slender figure. Not much of an ass.

Boobs: 5/10 - Just barely an A cup I would guess.

Shower: 8/10 - Showered together. Some playful standing body to body soaping. Very affectionate from the start.

BBBJ: 9/10 - Best suction I've ever felt during a BJ. Like wow! Would given her a 10 if it was a little more sloppy and wild. She tickled the little guys, but no licking and sucking down their either. But seriously, the suction was amazing. If she really kept going, I might have exploded in her mouth, which never happens for me from BJ.

FJ: 6/10 - Overall just a little enthusiastic. And her moans were just too forced for me to feel as though she was into it.

RTF: It's gonna be a pass for me. She's a good one hit wonder.
Old 03-04-2018, 06:48 AM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs

Originally Posted by Smang View Post
This Bei Bei from which house?
BB is from 1667
Check with Bruce he knows more.
I have not tried any of their girls before
RTF Gals and working:
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