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Old 29-08-2012, 08:31 PM
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Re: Baotohk is a big time bull shitter!!!

may i knw what the new girls names at 1654?
Old 29-08-2012, 09:05 PM
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Re: girls in 1654A

Originally Posted by BronzeGod View Post
You indian ah?
Why you blow my identity?
Old 30-08-2012, 09:00 AM
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Re: girls in 1654A

You guys are so stupid to pay so much money. Woman all look the same except bangali who looks like monkey.
Old 30-08-2012, 11:16 AM
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Re: girls in 1654A

Originally Posted by drekman View Post
You guys are so stupid to pay so much money. Woman all look the same except bangali who looks like monkey.
U know why have to fuck so many woman.......becos like to see all woman moan differently ,shake differently n enjoying the different facial expressions each n every woman have u cheapo saddist......u at home pcc also imagine sex with different woman becos u can't afford to come geylang so go home n practise more before u come out n comment...CLONE !!!!!
Old 30-08-2012, 01:49 PM
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Wink New CAT Schemes

Insightful bro...

However at the end of the day think any sort of scheme wld require the agreement of all the okts in gl for it to be successful in the long it stands, some hses already hv a 2 price scheme which appears to be spoil the market to a certain extent for the single price i think a consensus amongst all the okts of gl may be difficult to achieve??..

Originally Posted by joker88 View Post
As the saying goes .............



三等女人,飘洋过海 ---〉Singapore is one of the destination.

Perhaps the OKT can try charging $250 or $300 for 1.5 or 2 hours minimum per booking for PRC Div 2 WLs with vgood svc.
Although the rate is the same per hour but the WL need only serve 1 instead of 2 customers.
Customers can get better svc from a PRC Div 2 WL for that price.
Longer time will also enhance the overall experience with more detailed svc.
She need to serve less customers in this case.

Maybe you may think that this is a joke lah but I am the joker mah.....

Can ask the Whorelord, Genghis Cunt for some ideas lor.

Just my 2 cents ...
Old 30-08-2012, 02:44 PM
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Wink Good Insight

actually contrary to wat some 'seasoned' cheongster(s) may say, think u may hv made an insightful pt bro...provided we r talking abt customers who r not regular customers of tat particular house(s)...

All okts want a quick turnover n also fear tat the customer(unless he/she is familiar wif tat customer) cannot wait for their if there r no hse mms tat the customer fancies they shall prolly call the next available mms at other hses for tat customer...

the more customer centric okts like 1654A/58B, 2831A, 1606, 16W06, 1429, 2058, 1612 etc shall prolly try to match the customer's specs as best they can but naturally time inevitably becums the overriding factor n thus the customer may not get the 'best' mms wifin their specs requirement as the 'best' mms r normally busy at their own hse r at hses tat hv a closer connection wif tat hse...

Oh yes there r also cases where say one hse may not send its mms to another hse due to typical gl politics...for eg u will never get to c svc gem mm Xiao Ya(0819) n potential newbie gem Bing Bing(0819) at a certain popular customer centric hse...

Saying tat i think if i were new to the gl scene r not a regular of any gl hse...then i wld prolly pick Willies(2831A) r Oolongs(1429) to get the best feel of mms in gl...Willies becuz of his large customer base n the fact tat he does not hv tat many hse mms of his own so it is in his interest to call a wide variety of mms fm all over gl n fm there u can take yr pick...Oolong becuz of his Ipad wif quite a wide selection of mms pics fm all over gl!...

Originally Posted by BronzeGod View Post
No lah. Sometimes they just send over leftover stocks from other houses lor, like those kind you confirm won't choose.

And you have to reject a few times one, then the okt will realize he can't serve u leftovers. But some may get impatient before that.

Most importantly, not likely they recommend some babe way hotter than their own house girls lah.

So far this is what I noticed.
Old 30-08-2012, 03:35 PM
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Re: girls in 1654A

Originally Posted by besafe View Post
Why you blow my identity?
You said you're a big black bear... Only indians are black and hairy... So you gave yourself away lah...
Old 31-08-2012, 04:39 AM
baotohk baotohk is offline
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Re: Baotohk is a big time bull shitter!!!

Originally Posted by Alejandro88 View Post
Hey Big Time Bull Shitter!!!!

Have u gotta your fact right or you are still confused or are u a sadist actually?? Tell me who started to bark like a farking doggie here first and over at Wawa FL Masseuse thread first?? If you dun bark like a moronic doggie, u think I have the time to fark you?? If you are not jealous and vengeful, why u start this war without provocation?? U are actually a moron or you are confused like a grown up kid??

If you are not a bragger, u do not need to boast and tell the whole SBF community that you raw fark this and that WL! U dun need to boast that you have money and hence can fuck Wawa but others only receive HJ/BM. Understood Bull Shitter??

Get lost lah Big Time Bull Shitter! Dun tok cock and bull stories here lah!!!

Time to wakeup big time bull shitter or should I call you a kid in a grown up body? U are making a mockery of yourself!!
I need to learn barking from you since you are the doggie watching over this forum like guarddog.

Your job is to bark at anyone who disagree with your bullhshit.

You haven't even tried Wawa and you start parroting other comment and lashed it out on me. Still cannot accept the fact that i expose you for and you have to keep barking about it.

Raw sex exchange was for liked minded people and number collector is not welcome. It is nothing to be proud about. Not sure why you always claim that people is bragging.

Maybe your friends are all braggart like you and they take raw sex as their prized achievement.

Obviously birds of the same feather flock together.

Find a job and get a life. Guarding sammyboyforum and get recognized as an expert or senior can only raised for self esteem temporarily.......I hope you will wake up from your slumber soon
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Old 31-08-2012, 09:31 AM
spelitexterix spelitexterix is offline
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Re: Baotohk is a big time bull shitter!!!

any new frs for the new girls at 1654?
Old 31-08-2012, 09:41 AM
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Thumbs down Re: Baotohk is a big time bull shitter!!!

Big time sore loser, I am shock that you are still around trying to save your disgraced doggie face.

What should parrot ppl comments, it is a fact in Wawa thread over at H/C section that you are bull shitting and brag as if you are almighty that you fuck wawa but the rest only managed to get HJ/BM. What a laughing stock you are! Even her agent were laughing at you for your bull shit nonsense. Come on kid, perhaps you did fuck wawa but in your dream, izzit? U are still asleep or dreaming Kid, huh? Too much wet dream no good for u, kid!

If you have solid intel, you dun need to boast to the whole SBF community that you know which WL raw! Understood?? Obviously your intel is questionable!!!

Well, since when I guard SBF? I think your eyes need to be checked by an eye doc. There is another samster who guard SBF better obviously!

I dun need to prove to a bullshit doggie like u if I am a number collector or whether my intel is real as my buds and fellow samsters who PM me knoe where I am coming from. Unlike yourself, I dun tok bull and cocks stories and the worse is, you over brag too much!!!

Originally Posted by baotohk View Post
I need to learn barking from you since you are the doggie watching over this forum like guarddog.

Your job is to bark at anyone who disagree with your bullhshit.

You haven't even tried Wawa and you start parroting other comment and lashed it out on me. Still cannot accept the fact that i expose you for and you have to keep barking about it.

Raw sex exchange was for liked minded people and number collector is not welcome. It is nothing to be proud about. Not sure why you always claim that people is bragging.

Maybe your friends are all braggart like you and they take raw sex as their prized achievement.

Obviously birds of the same feather flock together.

Find a job and get a life. Guarding sammyboyforum and get recognized as an expert or senior can only raised for self esteem temporarily.......I hope you will wake up from your slumber soon
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Old 31-08-2012, 11:48 PM
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Re: girls in 1654A

Originally Posted by cumalot View Post
Actually, I did discuss with Garrick about creating a Cat200 or even Cat300 for the really special girls. I think the market is there. Just look at what they charge in FL Dome3. But Garrick is worried about the competition from the other houses. However, I am just one voice. If enough of the senior bros give him the assurance that we will support a Cat300, he might try to bring in 1 or 2 on a trial run. Anyway, 1654A is the only house with enough of a support base to do a pilot run. Once, it is successful, the other houses will follow. Most important is that the bros who promised to support Garrick on this matter must really do it, otherwise we are back to square one. Equally important, a Cat300 cannot be a disguised Cat150. So, we are talking about a girl who is above the Miko/Mei Hui standard.
good point bro, $150 gals are not too bad but could do better. for trial purposes, I will gladly go for the $200 gals to see how they are.
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Old 01-09-2012, 04:01 PM
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Re: girls in 1654A

Hello everyone, I have been away from Singapore for a while, and Please any one could update me with the latest list of girls in 1654A? Sorted service quality, please. Thanks alot.
Old 02-09-2012, 11:17 AM
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Re: girls in 1654A

Originally Posted by King View Post
good point bro, $150 gals are not too bad but could do better. for trial purposes, I will gladly go for the $200 gals to see how they are.
We are stuck in a "chicken-or-the-egg" situation. Which comes first ? The better quality girls won't come unless we pay more. But unless we pay more for better quality girls, they won't come. Sigh !

Reading through the various response, I think there is some misunderstanding about this. I am not talking about replacing the Cat150 for Cat200/Cat300. The Cat150 will continue to come as usual. But those girls who are confident of their looks, youth, body and service level, can ask to be on the Cat200 or even Cat300 list. At the same time, it is also up to the bros to decide whether that girl is worth the extra money. As usual, via this website, we will quickly discover those who are or who are not worth the extra money.

I look at it this way. Most of the time, I just eat at a foodcourt but once in a while, I want to eat in a restaurant. However, I rather eat in a licensed restaurant than an unlicensed restaurant (no matter how good the food is). If that restaurant food is lousy, word will spread quickly and they will close down soon. This means that the restaurant owner had better be sure that her food is much better than what we can get at a foodcourt.

What have we got to lose by trying it out ? But as I said before, we need senior bros to convince either Garrick or Willie to give it a try. I am just a lousy 2-pointer, lah.
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Old 02-09-2012, 02:05 PM
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Re: girls in 1654A

$150 $200 are all the same. All girls are the same. The $200 can also give you lousy service. Even $500 girls can land you in jail. Underage.
Old 02-09-2012, 04:49 PM
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Re: girls in 1654A

Originally Posted by cumalot View Post
We are stuck in a "chicken-or-the-egg" situation. Which comes first ? The better quality girls won't come unless we pay more. But unless we pay more for better quality girls, they won't come. Sigh !

Reading through the various response, I think there is some misunderstanding about this. I am not talking about replacing the Cat150 for Cat200/Cat300. The Cat150 will continue to come as usual. But those girls who are confident of their looks, youth, body and service level, can ask to be on the Cat200 or even Cat300 list. At the same time, it is also up to the bros to decide whether that girl is worth the extra money. As usual, via this website, we will quickly discover those who are or who are not worth the extra money.

I look at it this way. Most of the time, I just eat at a foodcourt but once in a while, I want to eat in a restaurant. However, I rather eat in a licensed restaurant than an unlicensed restaurant (no matter how good the food is). If that restaurant food is lousy, word will spread quickly and they will close down soon. This means that the restaurant owner had better be sure that her food is much better than what we can get at a foodcourt.

What have we got to lose by trying it out ? But as I said before, we need senior bros to convince either Garrick or Willie to give it a try. I am just a lousy 2-pointer, lah.
I don't mind to pay high premium if quality and service are top notch.
But I have to cut down the number of fk session per month accordingly.
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