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Old 14-08-2020, 08:28 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

age 40+ , never managed to pull back skin to reveal head, no idea how I managed to get past all the pri and second school health checks.

single, gym-user, visits GL (pre-covid)

Got my cut yesterday.


Recommended 5 out of 5 stars. Address: 372 Bukit Batok Street 31, #01-386, Singapore 650372

Dr. Amir - Male Muslim Doc - as suggested by another bro, probably knows everything about cutting and healing. Take note he will have female muslim lady as assistant. Around $700 in total, including meds.

good conversation - probably 3 visits needed.

1. Consultation - 5 days ago
2. Cut - yesterday
3. Followup - 4 days after cut

Day 1 : After cutting, hurts like fuck. Day 2 is much better.

Pray and check you are not allegeic to Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), like aspirin or Nurofen cos the Doc's med is damm good.

I am mildy allergic so Doc taught me how to do a allergy test, basically take some portions of the recommended painkiller in small doses before cut.

For bros like me who have never exposed head , even for cleaning or sex, there is an added discomfort - your dickhead is virgin so very sensitive to ANY touch, including fabric.

Doc will tell you to wear baggy pants, no underwear after cut. I took a cab home, cos local anesthetic will wear off in 30 mins and I already predict pain will be severe.

Doc will give many meds, painkillers, sleeping aid, anti-inflammatory and anti-biotics.

Yes, hurts like fuck. Because I am single, I just bloody closed all windows and walk around naked. Best idea ever. If you have family members, no choice, need to endure the baggy pants.

Good news, day 2, there is MUCH less pain, in fact , almost none.

Important recovery notes from Doc:

1. At least 1 week full rest, 2 weeks recommended.
2. 1 month for full recovery
3. Bros with new baby heads like me will need 1 month for head to become less sensitive. (you don't want dick to go hard at slightest touch)

Why i went for cut?

- itch, possibly due to inability to clean dick properly, recurrimg issue
- whores prefer cut guys

Questions welcomed. Do not expect instant reply.

(Gym addict guys: I managed to get in a dumbells workout at home even on day 1. Just be careful. Expect not to be able to use gym for 2 weeks. Will update)
Old 17-08-2020, 09:36 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Originally Posted by pandab View Post
suddenly wanting the feeling of having a foreskin again
Why do you suddenly have that feeling if you do not mind me asking?
Old 21-08-2020, 07:33 AM
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For the Shang ring method, do I need to tell the doc what kind of cut I want? Or it is standard?
Old 22-08-2020, 12:50 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Originally Posted by Achieve View Post
For the Shang ring method, do I need to tell the doc what kind of cut I want? Or it is standard?
I was neither asked about nor offered different cuts or anything, so not sure if there’s such a thing for the Shang ring procedure.
Old 31-08-2020, 02:34 PM
cfkl77 cfkl77 is offline
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Hi bros,

Will be undergoing the knife at a public hospital, probably in a few weeks time. I've seen various posts saying that the low and tight style causes a great loss in sensitivity of penis.

Can anyone share what their style of cut is, and how sensitivity has been affected (I.e. Has sex lasted longer? Has sex been more pleasurable?) For ease of reference, there are four types: 1. High and tight 2. Low and tight 3. High and loose 4. Low and loose

Old 02-09-2020, 10:55 AM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Originally Posted by cfkl77 View Post
Hi bros,

Will be undergoing the knife at a public hospital, probably in a few weeks time. I've seen various posts saying that the low and tight style causes a great loss in sensitivity of penis.

Can anyone share what their style of cut is, and how sensitivity has been affected (I.e. Has sex lasted longer? Has sex been more pleasurable?) For ease of reference, there are four types: 1. High and tight 2. Low and tight 3. High and loose 4. Low and loose

I doubt if sensitivity is affected regardless of what sort of cut is performed. If anything it enhanced things based upon my own personal experience.
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Old 03-09-2020, 05:45 AM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Originally Posted by IAmAwesome View Post
Why do you suddenly have that feeling if you do not mind me asking?
Feeling of the skin rubbing on the head is different sensitivity.
My first masturbation in my teens was with foreskin , it was nice feeling.
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Old 03-09-2020, 11:02 AM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Originally Posted by pandab View Post
Feeling of the skin rubbing on the head is different sensitivity.
My first masturbation in my teens was with foreskin , it was nice feeling.
Exactly, I still mourn the loss of my foreskin sensitivity.
Old 03-09-2020, 11:25 AM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Originally Posted by Dekachin View Post
Great post... but I still prefer my uncircumsized cock...
Actually most ladies I asked (ONS/EX/ML) would prefer the feeling of circumcisized mushroom head.
Partners mostly mentioned they like raw feeling grinding the mushroom head inside.
Most partner or FL will like to stand by rifle inspection before doing BBBJ, no worries will pass easily as more hygienic.
Having a new musroom head, will have more sensitive feel...need to train... At start always cum easily as too sensitive.

But also don't do the surgery when too old as much more painful and healing takes a long time and a long absense from work...
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Last edited by guygaga; 04-09-2020 at 12:36 AM.
Old 03-09-2020, 11:35 AM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Originally Posted by cfkl77 View Post
Hi bros,

Will be undergoing the knife at a public hospital, probably in a few weeks time. I've seen various posts saying that the low and tight style causes a great loss in sensitivity of penis.

Can anyone share what their style of cut is, and how sensitivity has been affected (I.e. Has sex lasted longer? Has sex been more pleasurable?) For ease of reference, there are four types: 1. High and tight 2. Low and tight 3. High and loose 4. Low and loose

My Malay army friend told me do early is good else mid age later got diabetes or issues harder to heal and recovery.

Wish you all the best & successful... I had my one done at SGH... If I recalled my Surgeons was a Guy Doctor and Assistant was a Chinese Lady Doctor. Haha not sure if Guy or Lady surgeon is more experienced... Though
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Old 12-09-2020, 11:55 PM
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Anyone got PE improved due to circumcision?
Old 24-09-2020, 04:34 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Almost 40 years with foreskin, but still fine cos i still can pull back easily and wash. Doing the deed with foreskin on also, and can perform... cos when erect the skin gets tight at the ring area, feels like my mushroom is being suffocated...

Wanna ask if any method to loosen the skin rather than go for the cut?
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Old 25-09-2020, 10:26 AM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Originally Posted by kthan10 View Post
Almost 40 years with foreskin, but still fine cos i still can pull back easily and wash. Doing the deed with foreskin on also, and can perform... cos when erect the skin gets tight at the ring area, feels like my mushroom is being suffocated...

Wanna ask if any method to loosen the skin rather than go for the cut?
I've got the exact same problems, with a very tight foreskin when erect. I told the urologist of this and she said it's a clear indication that circumcision should be done.

Sought a second opinion from a good buddy on this and he said years of rubbing and tugging, pulling the foreskin back while masturbating, has helped to loosen the skin for him. Not so sure if this would apply to everyone
Old 29-09-2020, 12:23 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Just need some opinions. I have rather long foreskin and I removed it partly when young (parents decision).

When adulthood, the foreskin is still long and tight. I did not manage to retract it until few years back. The skin had been loosen up now but I am only able to fully reveal the mushroom head when I pull the skin back myself for cleaning or when I am 100% erected (still need to pull back and use the small head to hold the skin like a stopper if not it will cover the head again).

This comes a challenge when I use a condom, the skin keep covering up the head when I slack off during intercourse and I am not able to pull it back down due to the condom.

Should I go for circumcision? If so, what is the fast and painless method? I still live with my family and wish to do this discreetly.

Any advice appreciated.
Old 03-10-2020, 01:02 AM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Originally Posted by HotRod82 View Post
Just need some opinions. I have rather long foreskin and I removed it partly when young (parents decision).

When adulthood, the foreskin is still long and tight. I did not manage to retract it until few years back. The skin had been loosen up now but I am only able to fully reveal the mushroom head when I pull the skin back myself for cleaning or when I am 100% erected (still need to pull back and use the small head to hold the skin like a stopper if not it will cover the head again).

This comes a challenge when I use a condom, the skin keep covering up the head when I slack off during intercourse and I am not able to pull it back down due to the condom.

Should I go for circumcision? If so, what is the fast and painless method? I still live with my family and wish to do this discreetly.

Any advice appreciated.
remove it. u wont regret. i had the same problem as you. Long foreskin. Had it removed during NS. No one in my family know about this till today.

Mine was fast but not totally painless. Im not sure if the method used now has much lesser pain. other bros can advise on this.

Removing it will be the best decision you make.!
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