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Old 24-05-2012, 01:42 PM
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Re: Changing Times In CP

Originally Posted by dan101 View Post
The reason why we cheongsters go all the way to CP for the KTVs and become paying consumers, is because of the management's policy that the girls must go back with us.. if I want to sian girls, I might as well go Orchard Road instead.. FOC somemore..

Long time no see! Instead of Orchard Rd be XLG also can free, maybe got 补贴 some more !
Old 24-05-2012, 01:58 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by Willie View Post

Long time no see! Instead of Orchard Rd be XLG also can free, maybe got 补贴 some more !
Bro, long time no see too! Thanks for the lobang, where's the application form? hehe..

Originally Posted by unfit View Post
WAH bro how is Willie new Barbie and Si Ling huh...heard from buddies that damn cute n pretty huh...
Wah, daikor, few months no see only, change new 大嫂 already wor.. now got 2 somemore?

Life is like a ktv girls selection process, you never know if the next batch will be good or bad.

Cp is a dream, I have been asleep for way too long, it is time to wake up.
Old 24-05-2012, 02:52 PM
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Re: Changing Times In CP

Originally Posted by 香香很烦 View Post

Looks like yh is the one and only choice left. Rem changing with iceman and friends on my last trip there... QuAlity: magnificent. Attitude: professional, know what they are doing.
Quality : Magnificent..... of course lah.. that group of gals got "re-used" so many times by different bros... all SB liao....

Attitude : Professional..... of course lah.. we almost strip the YH gal naked, she also never complain... i think the DJ more scare.. haha...

Originally Posted by Vertu View Post
btw , i hate most is seeing DJ sitting down and start playing dice and drinking , wtf !
Oh no!!!!! when Taikor Vertu party with me in YH, I actually ask the DJ to sit down and play dice and drink with me.... didn't know i offended my taikor liao... sorry sorry....

But anyway, we suppose to have 2 DJs that night, when i decided to play with 1 DJ, I asked her to get me another DJ, so that we still have 2 DJs working... I learned this in Ouya, when the OY DJs were playing with me and didn't serve drinks to my taikor OYKing.... my dear oyking keeps throwing peanuts and dices at me..... haha...
Old 24-05-2012, 03:07 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by Fatso4u View Post
Hi Bro Willie, actually even in Yihao, the girls will chut pattern, but not as common as Ouya. For both side, if you choose the prettier and obviously more popular girls, they will choose their customers, even at the risk of being fined by mamasan if kanna complained. Sometimes it's not about choosing the prettiest, but choosing one that gives a positive signal that she'll want to go with you. They will more likely give you a good time rather than a dead fish or a flower vase during your session. Nothing spoils the mood more than paying someone to sit beside you and just act like you're not there!

To relate what my regular girls in YH and OY tell me, there are many ways they will choose pattern. If they don't like you, they will (1) say not convenient, even if no red tag, (2) Not bother to turn up in room. Sometimes if they have more than 1 customer, they will go to the customer rm they prefer most, and if kanna rejected, they will go to the next customer room. Once my friend had a girl that came in almost an hour late, and she said cos got the wrong room. My girl said likely it was because of the above scenario.

If they are forced to go (cos likely mummy record down rm number), they will (1) Make excuses to leave early, (2) act cold esp if you have other girls, and hope you will let them go early, or (3) push you to take the other girls. Many ways to deal with these kind of girls, as mentioned by many senior bros here.

How they choose is subjective, but girls have their preference. Of course if you are good-looking and young, then good chance of getting picked. For average joes like me, on the plump side, in 40s, they sometimes pick based on hygiene factors, like whether you groom yourself properly, got BO etc. My regular girls also tell me that nationality play a part, they have preferences on different nationality.

At the end of day, chemistry play a part whether you get a good session back in room. One girl from OY became my regular because the first time I picked her, she halfway requested to be excused cos she said her sister in trouble outside. I simply paid and let her go, and she was grateful didn't kick up a fuss. We exchanged numbers and met up the next day, and the next few days after that....I ask why she agree to keep me company, she said cos she felt comfortable being with me. Of course I kept her because she was good in bed. Got services that normally will not get from ktv girls

Of course the most obvious way to get the girls is to throw alot of 'Maos', those girls who chut pattern will not chut anymore.... but still no gurrantee of a good session in bed.

Personally, if i really want service, I'd rather go sauna. KTV girls more for company and gfe.
bro fatso,

thanks for using your virgin post to share your insights and experience, much honoured. like you , i am 40ish and a fatso, maybe worst also got BO. But I never had any problem in most other KTVs, except OUYA. I never believe in forcing the MM to go out if she doesn't want to, thats why I paid 300 for her to sit there until the end of the session....never even spoke 1 word to her.

but i have to disagree with you on the part about the MAOs, such attitude in OUYA is precisely the result of too much MAOs and too easy MAOs.
Old 24-05-2012, 03:10 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by Fatso4u View Post
Hi Bro Willie, actually even in Yihao, the girls will chut pattern, but not as common as Ouya.
i bet if u asked these gals where they were formerly from .... OUYA ...
Originally Posted by Icemanlow View Post
I learned this in Ouya, when the OY DJs were playing with me and didn't serve drinks to my taikor OYKing.... my dear oyking keeps throwing peanuts and dices at me..... haha...
u r lucky it's OYking .... if i am there, i'll throw the whole bottle at u ...
Old 24-05-2012, 03:14 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by dan101 View Post
Bro, long time no see too! Thanks for the lobang, where's the application form? hehe..

Wah, daikor, few months no see only, change new 大嫂 already wor.. now got 2 somemore?
I think they not referring to me lah. Probably the one-eyed willie from GL brothel. Used to visit his angpai Michelle, back in the early 90s - if it is the same willie. Me still having the same girl as the last time we met.
Old 24-05-2012, 03:19 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by adidas88 View Post
i bet if u asked these gals where they were formerly from .... OUYA ...
OUYA....phui, if I remember correctly, I only bonked 1 DJ from OUYA and thats all.
Old 24-05-2012, 03:36 PM
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Re: Events In CP

[QUOTE=adidas88;7254252]i bet if u asked these gals where they were formerly from .... OUYA ...

Adidas 88,

Sure there are a few of the gals from Ouya, saw a gal i previously sat with in Ouya after 1 year. She told me that some mummies from OY is working in YH now.
Old 24-05-2012, 04:10 PM
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Re: Changing Times In CP

Originally Posted by dan101 View Post
Yup, that girl who was carrying a lot of soft toys in Yihao lor.. but I must clarify that I am not the one who bought her the soft toys hor.. a Taiwanese bought her all those soft toys but still failed to bring her out, then she came to find me for her second tai..

Hehe.. next time we go DC you will TNN my girl?

Bro, I like your post on the demand-supply situation in CP, quite accurate..

But your suggestion quoted above very impractical leh.. later no girl want to choose me how? Liddat I every night have to pcc in CP?

The reason why we cheongsters go all the way to CP for the KTVs and become paying consumers, is because of the management's policy that the girls must go back with us.. if I want to sian girls, I might as well go Orchard Road instead.. FOC somemore..
I think I remember which gal u talking Liao.. The 3rd or 4th gal,which u pick and bring to our room right.. I remember she looks not bad but I can't recognizing her Liao.. Haha.. But her attitube really sucks... Heehee

Wow.. DC TNN.. Then I better hold my own balls better..

Knn.. Go all the way to cp and let KTV gals choose us just to ensure better ending.. Or even tomensure theres a ending.. Then stay back in sing better.. Or go sauna better.. Seow..

We are paying, and still have to let them choose us.. Knn.. Then they can choose all they won't.. They will not get a single cents from me.. I will choose those who are willing to work for their Mao.
Old 24-05-2012, 04:11 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by Willie View Post
OUYA....phui, if I remember correctly, I only bonked 1 DJ from OUYA and thats all.
Wow.. DJ.. So far I have only bonk KTV gals there.. Haha.. DJ there all kana bao by our king and c2b2..
Old 24-05-2012, 05:03 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Cannot generalise the girls in Ouya, I've had afew good encounters there, maybe lucky or I chose the right girls. Same with Yihao, I've had those that chut pattern, but generally less cos can complain to mummy. I heard it doesn't really work nowadays, cos the mummies who want to keep the popular and pretty girls in their stable will give them face,and take care of them.

I've a big issue with Yihao management though. Can forget about getting rooms on thurs to Sun, cos the managers prebook all the rooms, and release to the highest bidders. The minimum rate is ridiculous, and unless u willing to spend, or are a regular there, difficult to call and book In advance.

Anyway since I go YH for the girls, my regular told me next time just go YH flower street, pick the girls, ask the girls if they want to go out, and bring the girls for dinner and to other ktvs. If mummy ask what rm no, just give a bogus number. My girl even offered to introduce the mummy so can go choose before flower street, and dabao the girls out. Of course have to negotiate with the girls u pick first, make sure convenient and willing to go out.

I know some ktv quite strict, will keep pestering u for rm number before letting u in, but YH is so big can easily sneak in and look see during flower street.
Old 24-05-2012, 05:45 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by PuTonRen View Post

I am curious to know how much taller are you than him, other than a simple answer such as "I am taller than him!" Haha.....

Brudder PTR,

long time no c...good to c u posting again.
For some obvious reasons...i feel very short when i m at Oy....and i feel
very tall when i m at Yh.
With all these mms and mummies migrating to Yh from Oy, i hope
that YH will not end up like Oy.

Originally Posted by adidas88 View Post
maybe it's not even a human being ... it could be an animal ... like a dog or wolf ...

hahaha...many wolves here leh...u see them all everynight in flower streets.
Old 24-05-2012, 05:48 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by may_day View Post
Brudder PTR,

long time no c...good to c u posting again.
For some obvious reasons...i feel very short when i m at Oy....and i feel
very tall when i m at Yh.
With all these mms and mummies migrating to Yh from Oy, i hope
that YH will not end up like Oy.

hahaha...many wolves here leh...u see them all everynight in flower streets.
Paiseh bro mayday, i am not in CP when you are there, i was in SZ conquering coco park's MMs.. .. Have fun mate. Cheers.
Why so green and lonely?

(Thank you very much)
Old 24-05-2012, 05:48 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Brother may day,

Think the last time when we went to BanDao, it also sucks....
Old 24-05-2012, 05:54 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by dan101 View Post
Bro, you handsome and rich, of course no MM give you lousy service la. I always have trouble picking at Ouya, so whenever my daikors want to party there, I will bring sand with me.. The hardware there is good la but the software is bad (correction: not bad, but it’s out of my league)..

Just because mummy is around doesn’t mean that the MM will not choose customer. I even encountered this situation many times in MF (the flower street with the most pushy mummies). When the girl says she is not convenient but nv put red tag, I complained to the mummy and the mummy replied that the girl nv put on red tag just so as to increase her chances of sitting.. wtf.. of course I have none of it and die die drag the girl back..

The underlying problem with CP nowadays is that not just MM chu pattern, but mummy also chu pattern.. My girl told me before that sometimes mummies will pretend to fine MM in front of customers who complained about them, but after the customers left, the mummy and MM will 狼狈为奸, so you complain also no use.. unless you are the mummy’s regular customer or 大客 la, then the mummy will try to control the girls; or else the mummy will not hiu you..
Tell me which mm in ktv are scare of their mummy ????

Originally Posted by Icemanlow View Post

Oh no!!!!! when Taikor Vertu party with me in YH, I actually ask the DJ to sit down and play dice and drink with me.... didn't know i offended my taikor liao... sorry sorry....

But anyway, we suppose to have 2 DJs that night, when i decided to play with 1 DJ, I asked her to get me another DJ, so that we still have 2 DJs working... I learned this in Ouya, when the OY DJs were playing with me and didn't serve drinks to my taikor OYKing.... my dear oyking keeps throwing peanuts and dices at me..... haha...
Aiya you diff mah ..... you play with DJ , make them high than you will onz them ..... some pamper DJ and eventually 哭着回房打飞机

Originally Posted by Willie View Post
I think they not referring to me lah. Probably the one-eyed willie from GL brothel. Used to visit his angpai Michelle, back in the early 90s - if it is the same willie. Me still having the same girl as the last time we met.
Yes Bro willie, is the same okt willie from 1812 during the 90's when 米雪 was her ang pai and make him famous , he had moved to 2829 , than now at 2831.
当年的老爷 现在 快乐的自己
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