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Old 14-05-2010, 09:31 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by rileyhale View Post
Moral of the story - If you like to bonk maids, be sure to bonk other people's maids, not your own.
Indeed, that's so true. Of course, if you bonk other people's maids, it's only right that other people bonk yours. Hehe.

Well, this phenomenon, I admit, is not new but in Singapore, I believe that it is only just emerging. Of course, personally I do not want it to be talked about and made a big deal of. I rather it be kept hush-hush.

Tomorrow, I'm meeting an Indonesian maid at the void deck. See what happens, 90% can up, esp. when she already invited me to come up to her house as her employers going overseas. But, that would break my 'no-entry' policy. Of course, it wouldn't be the first time. See how it goes.

And on Sunday, gonna meet up with my Milf pinoy maid, and try to persuade her to go to the hotel. She told me she's not ready. But hell, I've even cummed in her mouth in a public park. Oh well, she's a keeper, and I wouldn't mind foregoing the privacy of the hotel room, as long as I can get to have her for the rest of her tenure in Singapore.

Hrmm, it's been almost two years now since I've started maid hunting, and I've really enjoyed myself.
In the words of Barney Stinson - 'This is legend-...wait for it...-ary!'

Let us all swear by the Bro Code.
Old 15-05-2010, 09:36 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Hi bros...
Tomorrow is sunday..i will be at moon shine as usual "maid hunting"...anyway i tried to reply to all the PMs sent out by bros here...however SBF is lagging for the past few days so really difficult to log in...Tomorrow i ahve invited a few maids to join me there so feel free to join me...cheers bro....
Old 15-05-2010, 09:43 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Hi bros...
Tomorrow is sunday..i will be at moon shine as usual "maid hunting"...anyway i tried to reply to all the PMs sent out by bros here...however SBF is lagging for the past few days so really difficult to log in...Tomorrow i ahve invited a few maids to join me there so feel free to join me...cheers bro....
Old 15-05-2010, 10:06 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by magix85 View Post
My close buddy also made a similar arrangement. But he went to Batam to do a face-to-face interview. The maid has to do minimum chores only ... her job description can be summarize in one work ... Fuck!
Originally Posted by nukebomb View Post
Hey bro, mind to share wat's the cost?
Cost is the same like a normal maid. The diff is the monthly wage for the maid. It's a mutually agreed amount that's fair to both parties.

It's of course cheaper than what we'll spend going to ktv, etc, and we have a ready FB whenever we want.

The minus point is the 'fixed' cost (maid levy, paying for the food etc) and maybe some bros won't want to have the same FB everytime.
Old 15-05-2010, 11:06 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by magix85 View Post
Cost is the same like a normal maid. The diff is the monthly wage for the maid. It's a mutually agreed amount that's fair to both parties.

It's of course cheaper than what we'll spend going to ktv, etc, and we have a ready FB whenever we want.

The minus point is the 'fixed' cost (maid levy, paying for the food etc) and maybe some bros won't want to have the same FB everytime.
Bro thanks for yr info, thought of getting one but like you said the minus side is you only can have same FB, another more serious thing is wat happen if she unhappy with you, she can blackmail you, example she lodge a complain to mom tt you rape her, how?No matter wat agreement between both of you under the sillypore law you are not suppose to hv sex with yr maid, rite?
Old 16-05-2010, 02:32 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by nukebomb View Post
Bro thanks for yr info, thought of getting one but like you said the minus side is you only can have same FB, another more serious thing is wat happen if she unhappy with you, she can blackmail you, example she lodge a complain to mom tt you rape her, how?No matter wat agreement between both of you under the sillypore law you are not suppose to hv sex with yr maid, rite?
There's nothing that mentions sex. What the law says is that the maid cannot get pregnant in Sillypore as it's againt the work permit regulations.

If you read about the past cases where there's problem between maids and employers, we always find that its because the employers force themselves on the maid or they think that everything is FOC or they ill-treat the maid.
Old 16-05-2010, 09:29 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by magix85 View Post
There's nothing that mentions sex. What the law says is that the maid cannot get pregnant in Sillypore as it's againt the work permit regulations.

If you read about the past cases where there's problem between maids and employers, we always find that its because the employers force themselves on the maid or they think that everything is FOC or they ill-treat the maid.
I dun think is tt simple, is better to play safe than regret.
Old 16-05-2010, 02:19 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by nukebomb View Post
I dun think is tt simple, is better to play safe than regret.
You're absolutely right to play safe. It depends on the situation and each person's comfort level.

For myself, I got up at 11am this morning and had breakfast in bed. Nothing unusual in that, except that my breakfast was my myanmar maid.
Old 16-05-2010, 02:27 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Most important that dun get yrself into troubles.
Old 16-05-2010, 05:03 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by magix85 View Post
You're absolutely right to play safe. It depends on the situation and each person's comfort level.

For myself, I got up at 11am this morning and had breakfast in bed. Nothing unusual in that, except that my breakfast was my myanmar maid.
OIC Burma maid. So bro got any spare one, pls PM me, thanks.
Old 17-05-2010, 12:40 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

Hi is the Myanmarese maid like? Anything unique about their style?

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Old 17-05-2010, 03:46 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by nukebomb View Post
You let me think of what's happened more than ten years ago,
Most of them are in big group, that time at Sun you can see them at Lucky Plaza or opp the big piece of grassland, (later became Orchard MRT n later became ION.)
Ever try b4, but not so daring scare kena slap, Me ask : "can i be yr friend?", "Can i buy you a drink?"mostly bochap you, worst kena scold "GO AWAY", sibei jialat leh, dunno why like very so difficult.
But see the Banglala, Pino, Burma guys get them so easily, dunno why leh?
So you like very experiences

Bro, nukebomb, I sincerely understand your pain as I have been through that shit before , the only thing to solve this problem of yours is just to keep approaching and approaching till you get one . For my case I always approach a maid whenever I find a chance if she is alone and decent enough
She may not be pretty but body looks bonkable can already for me.
Which is why when we approach maids, our expectations cannot be too high all the time because in most cases there will be more failures than successes. I am being very frank with you here. It is a numbers gane seriously, don't take the rejections seriously, don't make it hurt your self esteem, always tell yourself this, if they reject , they are the ones who lose out not you as you will always find loads of opportunities along the way as long you keep trying .
Old 17-05-2010, 08:47 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by kengarou View Post
Bro, nukebomb, I sincerely understand your pain as I have been through that shit before , the only thing to solve this problem of yours is just to keep approaching and approaching till you get one . For my case I always approach a maid whenever I find a chance if she is alone and decent enough
She may not be pretty but body looks bonkable can already for me.
Which is why when we approach maids, our expectations cannot be too high all the time because in most cases there will be more failures than successes. I am being very frank with you here. It is a numbers gane seriously, don't take the rejections seriously, don't make it hurt your self esteem, always tell yourself this, if they reject , they are the ones who lose out not you as you will always find loads of opportunities along the way as long you keep trying .
So now you got wat 20,21,22,23, etc.
Old 18-05-2010, 12:24 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

hi bro kengarou.i am back..ahahha

juz blow by my favourite maid few days ago in the car. after that she give me some biscuit also which she buy from ntuc.hahaha... so kind of lucky that after free blow still got free food....
Old 18-05-2010, 04:13 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Hi bros...
I was at moonshine on usual i was alone at the bar...As i was drinking, a pinoy(6/10) approached me and started to talk to me(rubbish obviously)....after about 45 mins, she aske me if i want to go hotel...I was taken aback(not shocked as sometimes it happens)...but tis is a girl i hardly know...have seen her there a few times with different guys....I decided not to follow her but took her numer instead...however some matured(very) chinese man started to talk to her and eventually they left the disco together....I just made a "test-call" and true enough she anwered the phone...she is living in AMK....PM for her number...
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