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Old 01-02-2015, 12:04 PM
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SG Interest rates

Originally Posted by Nato17 View Post
The bank that gives me a lovely gift in 9 months on top of the highest interest. Hear that all you lonely RM managers out there? If you want a rich man's biz, you better offer good interest and a lovely gift in 9 months time.
Originally Posted by slyer View Post
U prefer to deposit your sperm in which sperm bank? The sperm bank which gives u highest interest rate?
The interest rates in Sg appears to tie to the strength of the USD and will move further up even in the absence of rate hikes from the US Fed Reserve. Many believes that the Fed is expected to raise rates in the second half of this year ... As the Singapore economy continues to slow and, with not much cost pressures, the SGD would likely to remain weak ... I envisage the USD-SGD exch rate would hit 1.34 by the 4Q15 ...
There's a dark side to male sexuality that operates on an intrinsically primitive level. Unleash it and you can't help but see evidence of raw, uncontrollable emotion ...

My Personal FR Thread:
Old 02-02-2015, 06:05 PM
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Max_Priest's Real Agenda/Max_Priest is Misconceived I

to samsters who r interested in my expose on Max_Priest's Real Agenda in SBF, pls read on...

to recap...Max_Priest contradicted himself n continued his debate/arguments wif me in the wrong thread...

Originally Posted by max_priest View Post
In fact I really can't be bothered when samsters or that above Omnia fella are skeptical about the credibility of my FRs as I am not paid to post FR ... If you trust my FRs & recommendations, good, you are free to proceed to try my recommendations ... Otherwise, juz ignore what I have written ... Simple as that ...

However, juz to set the record straight ... If the above fella has doubt in the credibility of all my FRs, and if he thought my FRs are all tainted with bias facts ... I would suggest he points up which part of all my FRs posted over the years were bias instead of merely making an unsound sweeping statement per se without valid & strong grounds to back his atrocious and rather immature campiagn here ...

For instance, Xiao Xiao @ 1608 who offered fantastic service to me but has not-so-good looking bod, I only gave her high points for her various services accorded to me & I gave her lower score for not having a nice bod ... Unlike some samsters who gave almost very high score for all departments for certain WLs even thought it was not true ... That I would say the FR is tainted with bias facts ...

Fei Fei @ 3033, I indicated that she has super nice bod by GL standard, and offered fantabulous services. Does anyone disagrees on these aspects?

As for Man Man @ WH06, she is really pretty by GL standard and she offers fantabulous full pkg CAT150 service to me. I still dare to say that her silicon implanted tits have softened quite a fair bit since the day when I first tried her ... It is well known to many that she is the undisputed No.1 WL in WH06 and many samsters and punters have experienced similar excellent service from her except that Omnia fella who indicated in his FR that he does not have a satisfactory session from her and find her too commericalized ... (That may be the sinister reason as to why he was looking for opportunity to "bite back" at her??) ... The list goes on and on ...

If one fails to get frenching from the WLs but I got it from them, you can't fault my FR because all discerning punters know very well that french kissing is something very personal to the PRC WLs ... Sometime one can do almost everything to a WL but not frenching ... That is something many cannot fathom ...

The fallacy of the above fella's argument is deductively unvalid and he is merely making a hasty generalization without sufficiently solid ground ...

Have a good Sunday everybody ...


Note: Unlike the above fella/some others, I dare to admit that my agenda in SBF is to help the WLs' businesses and to create an awareness of the existence of such WLs in GL ...
so i correctly told him n the rest of the forum that i am moving this debate/arguments to its rightful thread, which is in here...

Originally Posted by omnia View Post
oh quote yr apparent good buddy, Max_Priest, once again n prolly not for the last time, looks like i hv "tingled" yr nerve yet again

actually u r just like yr apparent good buddy, Max_Priest...luv to tell this forum that you do not want to waste any further time with me on these supposed childish matters...

Originally Posted by max_priest View Post

What I wanna say and uncovered have been said and clearly unravelled before everyone ... I don't think I wanna waste my time debating with him anymore since he will deny it to cover his ass anyhow ...

not only that...u then go on to state categorically tat u will only reply to Slyer's post....

but then as expected...u pathetically contradict yrself by now posting the abv lame totally misconceived rebuttal against me(in yr latest post) which is without any merit becuz it is based on totally flawed logic & assumptions(more on that later)...

now if in fact u "really can't be bothered when samsters or that above Omnia fella are skeptical about the credibility of my FR"...then why the heck continue wif this debate/arguments wif me, Max_Priest?!...u cant hv yr cake n eat it on this one, ok...!

Btw looks like u hv also contradicted yrself by continuing to post statements and comments that hv nothing to do wif this thread i.e. 1807...perhaps the 1807 okt uncle sld tku for keeping 1807 on the SBF they say in the PR trade...any news is good news!

Originally Posted by max_priest View Post
Bro, better don't get yourself involved in all these troll activities ... Sheer waste of your precious time and it is an absolutely childish act per defunct's post below ... Yes, I agree - "Lets focus on exchanging of intels ... Oops, which WLs in 1807 we should discuss beside Ling Ling?? " So you also came in here with an agenda to promote her, huh?


Note: Only to reply to bro Slyer's post ...
now as for my reply to the substance of Max_Priest's latest post abv...i am naturally going to take this specific debate/arguments to its more appropriate n rightful thread i.e.HOTTEST NEWS IN GEYLANG DAILY & to samsters who are interested in this matter, pls tune in to the HOTTEST NEWS IN GEYLANG DAILY & Gossips thread...

Finally, perhaps it is also worth repeating that this thread is for 1807 matters only, as correctly pointed out by Slyer abv...

PS...Max_Priest claims that his agenda in SBF is just to"support those WLs whom I thought they deserve my support"...and..."to help the WLs' businesses and to create an awareness of the existence of such WLs in GL" ...unfortunately he fails to disclose his real agenda in SBF...for starters, Max_Priest has already admitted, as of fact, that the WLs he writes about, know of his SBF persona, which would in effect taint the credibility of all his frs with imputed bias + conflict of interest...btw it also now appears that Max_Priest does not understand the meaning of the terms:IMPUTED BIAS ; nor CONFLICT OF INTEREST; nor BENEFITS
Old 02-02-2015, 06:13 PM
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Max_Priest's Real Agenda/Max_Priest is Misconceived II

Max_Priest's abv post wif his misconceived rebuttal contains nothing but flawed logic & assumptions...particularly wif all those sweeping grand statements of his that lack any foundation...

"Omnia is making an unsound sweeping statement without valid grounds ..."

"The fallacy of the above fella's argument is deductively unvalid and he is merely making a hasty generalization without sufficiently solid ground ... "

"However, juz to set the record straight ... If the above fella has doubt in the credibility of all my FRs, and if he thought my FRs are all tainted with bias facts ... I would suggest he points up which part of all my FRs posted over the years were bias instead of merely making an unsound sweeping statement per se without valid & strong grounds to back his atrocious and rather immature campiagn here ... "

FACT: i said IMPUTED BIAS + CONFLICT OF is v clear that Max_Priest has no clue what these 2 terms mean...

IMPUTED BIAS has already arisen in Max_Priest's case when he admitted that the GL WLs whom he writes about in SBF(via his frs) actually know about his SBF persona...becuz this wld put Max_Priest in a situation of personal emotional interest whenever he posts his frs on the GL WLs in SBF...

I shall deal wif the other more sinister factor which also constitutes IMPUTED BIAS in Max_Priest's case, i.e. his non-monetary interest of receiving or trying to receive non-monetary benefits fm the GL WLs in return for writing frs on them in SBF, in due course...

CONFLICT OF INTEREST has also already risen in Max_Priest's case for the same reason as abv i.e. personal emotional interest which cld possibly taint the credibility of his frs in SBF on the GL WLs who actually know about his SBF persona...

Also same as abv, I shall deal wif that other more sinister factor which also constitues CONFLICT OF INTEREST in Max_Priest's case in due course...

I suggest that fella Max_Priest go look up the meaning of those 2 terms...and...once he understands their true meanings...then perhaps he may wish to cum back wif a proper cogent logical rebuttal, if he can that is...

Which leads me on to Max_Priest's deafening silence viz his earlier admission that the GL WLs actually know about his SBF unlike of him not to rebut/reply/comment on this critical fact....but...just remain dead silent instead...why did the cat get yr tongue on this one, Max_Priest?!...

Oh yes and when Max_Priest said...

"In fact I really can't be bothered when samsters or that above Omnia fella are skeptical about the credibility of my FRs as I am not paid to post FR"

once again he has shown that he has no clue where i am cumming fm...same old misconceived flawed logic n assumptions by Max_Priest...

FACT: I hv never claimed that Max_Priest has been paid to post FR...what i said n shall continue to elaborate on in due course is whether Max_Priest's only true agenda is to just purely support the WLs without receiving or trying to receive benefits in return fm the WLs...

the key word/term here being BENEFITS...a word/term Max_Priest appears not to fully understand...

fyi Max_Priest, BENEFITS r not only just restricted to monetary/financial yr case BENEFITS r linked to you receiving or trying to receive RAW SEX fm the GL WLs whom you write about in SBF via yr frs, i.e. non-monetary benefits...

For those who r interested...stay tuned to find out more on whether Max_Priest's only true agenda is to just purely support the WLs without receiving or trying to receive benefits in return fm the WLs...
Old 02-02-2015, 08:09 PM
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Re: Max_Priest's Real Agenda/Max_Priest is Misconceived II

Originally Posted by omnia View Post

fyi Max_Priest, BENEFITS r not only just restricted to monetary/financial yr case BENEFITS r linked to you receiving or trying to receive RAW SEX fm the GL WLs whom you write about in SBF via yr frs, i.e. non-monetary benefits...

For those who r interested...stay tuned to find out more on whether Max_Priest's only true agenda is to just purely support the WLs without receiving or trying to receive benefits in return fm the WLs...
Resorting to FR to get raw sounds like desperate measure..

I believe a lot of samsters here have had nice creamy special without the need to pen a single word on any FR; and some even without asking..

Well, just sharing my humble opinion
Old 03-02-2015, 12:14 AM
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Re: Max_Priest's Real Agenda/Max_Priest is Misconceived II

Originally Posted by saabking View Post
Resorting to FR to get raw sounds like desperate measure..

I believe a lot of samsters here have had nice creamy special without the need to pen a single word on any FR; and some even without asking..

Well, just sharing my humble opinion

Handsome man like you can get it easily. My english no good cannot write swee swee FR to get raw so no choice ,pay more loh
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Old 03-02-2015, 12:36 AM
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Re: Max_Priest's Real Agenda/Max_Priest is Misconceived II

Originally Posted by baotohk View Post
Handsome man like you can get it easily. My english no good cannot write swee swee FR to get raw so no choice ,pay more loh
Bro, u summarized it very well
Old 10-02-2015, 02:08 PM
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Warm Regards
Old 13-02-2015, 01:18 AM
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So sorryu got zapped/Max_Priest's real agenda in SBF

Hiya buddy,

further to my reply to u... now gather that u got zapped by what appears to be that fella Max_Priest and/or'his 'gang'..

my sincere apologies that u got zapped just becuz u hv the guts n integrity to come out in the open to support me mate...

hope all is well wif u bro that fella Max_Priest and/or 'his gang'...u wanna zap then cum zap me lah...unlike u i don't lust for rep points

Originally Posted by Rawall View Post
Bro Omnia,
I supported your Genuine No Agenda Sharing initiatives and am interested to see the true colors of Max_Priest exposed.
Old 13-02-2015, 01:24 AM
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Max_Priest's Real Agenda

Originally Posted by saabking View Post
Resorting to FR to get raw sounds like desperate measure..

I believe a lot of samsters here have had nice creamy special without the need to pen a single word on any FR; and some even without asking..

Well, just sharing my humble opinion
i am surprised tat an apparent player in the GL scene like yr gdself wld make such general sweeping statements...?!

As u may know or ought to know...whatever each individual GL mm gives out(sex svc + gfe) to each individual customer, particularly when it cums to RAW SEX, depends on that specific GL mm's mood/feeling...

Actually i wld go even further to say tat just becuz a customer gets RAW SEX fm a particular GL mm during one sexual encounter, does not necessarily mean tat he will get RAW SEX fm her on every subsequent sexual encounter...human nature variables factor always lurks in the background....perhaps even yr own 'swedish compost' does not help u to bear fruit all the time?

i note Baotohk's insightful reply to u n agree wif Korean, tat Baotohk has summarised this issue well save for one minor point though...i do not necessarily agree tat being relatively "handsome" wld make iteasier to get RAW SEX fm the GL mms...perhaps wif some GL mms but definitely not all...again the human nature variables factor lurks in the background...

Originally Posted by baotohk View Post
Handsome man like you can get it easily. My english no good cannot write swee swee FR to get raw so no choice ,pay more loh
Originally Posted by korean View Post
Bro, u summarized it very well
Oh yes i think it also may be useful to repaste an earlier post of mine on this v same issue, tat btw was coincidentally in reply to an earlier comment also made by Baotohk...

Originally Posted by omnia View Post
Perhaps for those "easy" GL WLs...but as i believe u may know...there r various levels of difficulty in obtaining raw fm different types of GL WLs...and generally speaking wrt the more fair chio/syt/sexy/hot bod/tall ht/big natural boobs mms...these cats of GL WLs wld invariably be more selective in giving out raw...actually for starters they wld prolly be more selective in giving out vgd sex svc n vgd gfe in the first place...especially matters regarding natural high passion feeling; sensuous frenching/dfk; tonguefu; ar etc...

In any event, i am glad u raised this issue...becuz it shall in due course lead me on to revealing Max_Priest' real agenda in SBF...

However, what i wld like to say now is that it is obvious that there r afew stand out raw players in SBF(in this regard i exclude Max_Priest)...and to these said raw players'credit, they do not use SBF to obtain and/or try to obtain raw fm the GL WLs...instead they appear to use a whole host of conventional laying on the charm to $$$ to get raw...well good luck to them i say becuz they r upfront n direct in obtainting and/or trying to obtain raw fm the GL WLs + they r not using SBF for their own personal benefits(without being upfront & paying for it, unlike say the commercial pimps)...

For those who r interested...stay tuned to find out more on whether Max_Priest's only true agenda is to just purely support the WLs without receiving or trying to receive benefits in return fm the WLs...

PS...The samster who claims that his agenda in SBF is just to"support those WLs whom I thought they deserve my support"...unfortunately fails to disclose his real agenda in SBF...for starters, this samster has already admitted, as of fact, that the WLs he writes about, know of his SBF persona, which would in effect taint the credibility of all his frs with imputed bias + conflict of interest

Originally Posted by baotohk View Post
creampie too easy these days....maybe receive kickback?
Old 13-02-2015, 01:47 AM
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Re: Max_Priest's Real Agenda

Originally Posted by omnia View Post
i am surprised tat an apparent player in the GL scene like yr gdself wld make such general sweeping statements...?!
I always make general sweeping statements. But what to do. I clean the toilet all the time.
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Old 13-02-2015, 02:04 AM
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Exclamation Max_Priest's Real Agenda/My Main Objective

To carry on wif the latest instalment on my expose of that fella Max_Priest's real agenda in SBF..

I note Max_Priest recently cuming up wif another amusing pathetic post in the 'Yi Tiao Long' at Geylang thread...

Now before i go into the nitty gritty...i need to address one other issue first...Max_Priest made the abv post on9/2...but it is very interesting n curious to note that he made an earlier post in the 1807 thread.... on2/2 he said...

Originally Posted by max_priest View Post

I realize that this fella has turned himself into a troll recently ... Thanks for reminding me not to go down to the level of a troll ... Sheer waste of our precious time ...

oh dear...looks like i was right!...'tingled' yr nerve yet again!...why r u wasting yr so called "precious time" on me yet again, Max_Priest?! much so that u once again turn into the hypocrite that u r, contradicting yrself n becuming a troll as well!!

Now back to the nitty gritty...

Originally Posted by max_priest View Post
I am astounded that after posting the above "No Name" (无名) FR, so many brothers flooded my PM inbox ...

For those sincerely interested bros, apologies for the 无名 FR ... I have already replied PMs from those deserving bros ... The intent is to illustrate to certain pathetic & one-track minded samster(s) that I do not need to resort to posting FR to promote the WL in exchange for raw job and/or excellent services .. Neither do I need to pay extra, up the sessions or offer luxury gifts ... Believe it or not! 


Oh my...sorry to burst that huge over inflated deluded ego of yrs Max_Priest but tat lame gimmick 'No Name Fr' of yrs merely exposes yr pathetic desperation...!

More importantly n ironically u r actually helping me to achieve my Main Objective, that is apart fm exposing yr sinister unscrupulous unethical real agenda in SBF - which is u receiving or trying to receive RAW SEX fm the GL WLs in return/exchange for writing FRs on them in SBF...

So what is my Main Objective then? STOP u fm using SBF as yr personal platform(unpaid, Sammyboyfor please take note!) to facilitate yr sinister unscrupulous unethical real agenda in SBF ...

The fact that u had to resort to such a lame gimmick 'No Name Fr' actually shows that what i am saying is affecting n distressing u...!

More importantly, I am getting the word out to the GL WLs, present n future, viz yr sinister unscrupulous unethical real agenda in SBF...and i believe it is already starting to the present n past GL WLs who had been gullible enuff to fall for yr despicable mind games, well good luck to them...but i sense a momentum is building n i shall see to it that it continues to grow...

You see i told u previously via PM...most Samsters talk abt what goes on in SBF to the GL WLs, including those "sincerely interested deserving bros" u mentioned abv...n u can bet yr bottom dollar that these Samsters r now spilling the beans on u to the GL WLs n prolly their regular OKTs as well (who btw prolly already know abt yr sinister unscrupulous unethical real agenda in SBF by now)....

As for believing yr fantastical claims...i guess it all depends on whether Samsters fall into the same category as yr apparent good buddy, who once stoutly defended u in SBF by saying
Originally Posted by King.Cobra View Post
So what if this fella maxpriest raw, if he dun raw many ppl also raw, ya? I not as suave & handsome as Maxpriest but I also offer raw now N then by WL wor! 
...or they actually believe what some GL WL gems who did not fall for Max_Priest's devious mind games n refused to give him RAW SEX hv said and/or what some GL OKTs hv said...better still actually seeing him in person to judge for themselves!!

For those who r interested...stay tuned to find out more on whether Max_Priest's only true agenda is to just purely support the WLs without receiving or trying to receive RAW SEX in return fm the WLs...
Old 13-02-2015, 08:32 AM
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Interesting "war" going here.. I have never written a FR here but I believe most FR writers either:

1) implicitly or explicitly inform the WL that they would write a FR to help them get more customers (most not asking for RAW i think)

2) volunteer to teach the WL great loving making techniques to "boost" their skills and professionalism.

I believe both 1) and 2) are done upfront before the deed so that the FR writers can get a "good " experience to write about.

Any FR writers care to share if they did either 1 or 2 or both? IMO, only when the WL did not make a "special" effort to please the FR writer for a " benefit" (either transfer of love-making skills, publicity on SBF, extension of session or even $/gift) would qualify for an "agenda free" FR..

Perhaps, all FR writers should add the following categories in their FR.....

SBF FR Agenda known to WL: Yes/No
Extra session: 2 or 3
Gift/$/love making tutorial: Yes (details)
RTF count: 10 times?
Dude factor: eg 8/10 (the handsomeness of the FR writer)

Though i doubt bros here would declare the above.. haha it reduces the "power" of the FR.. but i still salute the FR writers for sharing.. i believe most FRs are about 70-90% true...though the bros who patronize the WL recommended in the FRs should always lower their expectations the light of these possible " agenda" or factors ..
Life sucks; but less with more fucks
Old 13-02-2015, 08:57 AM
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Re: So sorryu got zapped/Max_Priest's real agenda in SBF

Good morning bro Omnia,
To support a good cause, I'm not afraid of getting zapped. Bro Korean has once widely told me that I can always start fresh again, so it's no big deal.
All I wish for is for those sinister samsters to be exposed and put in shame, because I have personally heard from a WL about certain customers asking for raw in exchange for good FRs, and I have also experienced the pain of a WL who could not take the pressure of the limelight being casted on her by false FRs from sinister idiots with unknown agenda. This poor WL is unable to bear with the mistaken perceptions that her peers and other customers have on her after such false FRs are released here, for something she did not do and has never done, so finally she gave up her card and left our shores. To those sinister idiots who wrote crap in their FRs, whatever your motive is, you have caused a girl to give up her dream and pack her bags home in despair. Hope you idiots out there can live with this for the rest of your lives without karma catching up on you.

I am not good at writing and deciphering writings, therefore I give my full support to expose these sinister idiots, shame on them.

Originally Posted by omnia View Post
Hiya buddy,

further to my reply to u... now gather that u got zapped by what appears to be that fella Max_Priest and/or'his 'gang'..

my sincere apologies that u got zapped just becuz u hv the guts n integrity to come out in the open to support me mate...

hope all is well wif u bro that fella Max_Priest and/or 'his gang'...u wanna zap then cum zap me lah...unlike u i don't lust for rep points
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Old 13-02-2015, 04:16 PM
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Just a bit of fun on a lazy Friday afternoon. Here's my observation. There are 2 school of thoughts surrounding the raw punter based on our sharing.

1. They keep the rawable WLs to themselves and their inner circle via pm. That help to prevent long queue and also limit the exposure of the any possible disease...

2. Another group prefer to publicize the WL via FR hoping that they will stay on in GL for a longer period. Assuming the medical checkup are in place, they know they are safe as long the WLs are still working

So what is Max Priest 's agenda? No. 2

I am still wondering why is there a need to trade FR for raw activities when it is so rampant in GL
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Old 13-02-2015, 04:49 PM
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Originally Posted by baotohk View Post
Just a bit of fun on a lazy Friday afternoon. Here's my observation. There are 2 school of thoughts surrounding the raw punter based on our sharing.

1. They keep the rawable WLs to themselves and their inner circle via pm. That help to prevent long queue and also limit the exposure of the any possible disease...

2. Another group prefer to publicize the WL via FR hoping that they will stay on in GL for a longer period. Assuming the medical checkup are in place, they know they are safe as long the WLs are still working

So what is Max Priest 's agenda? No. 2

I am still wondering why is there a need to trade FR for raw activities when it is so rampant in GL
To achieve 2, punter can just write FR without disclosing his identity to the wl, and don't need to keep asking wl whether need him to write a fr for her. same for the case of food reviewers, most likely than not there is agenda too to disclose his identity upfront.

I don't think just spend only 150 or 300 bucks (no tips) will get raw sex for most of the wl.
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