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Old 31-12-2016, 01:08 PM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Originally Posted by Mr_don_juan View Post
I am part of the han Chinese race I support China that doesn't I support the CCP government and their wrongdoings.

I am respectful to my ancestors who descended all the way from Africa. We all came from ancestors in Africa. and if my history roots show that at one point in time, China belongs to Mongolia. Given historical records, it is only right that China should be returned to Mongolia. Tibet declared its independence from China in 1913. Once again, based on history, China should get out of Tibet and return Tibet its rightful independence. Also, at no point in history did the South China Sea ever belongs to Chinese people of China, Unlike Europeans who set up colonies and governments in various parts of South East Asia, China never had any form of government nor military control in the region.I don't think Singapore should even be a mediator or middleman on this issue because it is obvious that international laws have made it clear which parts of the sea belong to which countries and the latest ruling says it does NOT belong to China.

What Singapore doing is increasing the respect that people give to the Chinese race. They may be a small country, but they have shown that they are strong and stand up against bullies. China's actions on the other hand is a huge disgrace and a betrayal of the Chinese culture and to think it's propaganda media can't even count is truly a disgrace. The PRC propaganda says Singapore's population is 80% Han Chinese when in actual fact, it's only around 3/4 Chinese, the people in China are puzzled and pissed off because they are jealous that a tiny country like Singapore can be strong and stand up against bullying while a huge country like China with 1.36 billion people do not have a single man with balls and have to kowtow to USA. Trump farts in China's face and China can only whimper that he is inexperienced and rush to return the underwater drone they stole. They only know how to bully small countries like Singapore and keep their military vehicles. China is a disgrace and it is only right that Singaporeans are rejecting PRC whores who use fake pictures and have poor attitude and labelling us as a disgrace to the Han people and traitors against international peace.
Ur history obviously came from PRC propaganda. I've corrected the factual errors for your knowledge.
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SBF points can redeem free fuck is it? Why are people so obsessed?
Old 31-12-2016, 03:06 PM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Originally Posted by watmidoin View Post
Ur history obviously came from PRC propaganda. I've corrected the factual errors for your knowledge.
The PRC is successor to the Qing dynasty. So for very Long time China has been giving up its territories, the British seized Hong Kong and sold opium to the Chinese. Because the Central Govt is weak it's unable to protect the interests of its people for 200 years.

What Beijing is doing now is re exercising control over the South China Sea where china previously was too weak to control. In imperial times what Vietnam and Philippines are call tributal states. They will all offer gifts to the emperor. Because after ww 2 china was weak, the us navy patrol the South China Sea but that does not mean it doesn't belong to china.

Since China is back strong and powerful now , it only natural they are taking back territories what belong to them, to restore control over the seas and lands.

There are numerous archaeological remains on the Paracel Islands, some dating as far back as the Tang Dynasty (618 CE), showing that the Chinese were using the islands quite frequently. The earliest written record of the islands can be found in historical documents dating from the Song Dynasty (960 CE). The earliest written record of the Spratly Islands can be found in documents dating from the Eastern Han Dynasty (25 CE).

The tributal court of international law is setup by Japan, us and Nato used to control China. International law means US laws.

International law, who cares?
One mountain always higher than another

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Last edited by Mr_don_juan; 31-12-2016 at 03:26 PM.
Old 31-12-2016, 05:14 PM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Originally Posted by Koei View Post
After I read the comments after yours, I think you are still quite reasonable lol. So at least we can argue meaningfully. So btw I say again, no one lose any military equipment. It was shipped legally from Taiwan, to Xiamen and then to HK before coming back to S'pore. It is different from NSF losing gun or lose SAF laptop. If the travel doc not in good order, then why on earth S'pore govt own self slap own self face and say everything was done properly? We would have apologised and work with HK/PRC authorities to get them back. Then China can broadcast on their national tv and say stupid S'pore screwed up but we give them chance and warn them not to have improper papers again. And if you noticed, the PRC govt until now kept quiet. Now only HK media and some PRC media speculating on it.
We can discuss meaningfully on the topic but never attack each other personally . Everyone is entitled to his or her own views whether it is right or wrong . Sadly it is the worker who is always punished when things go wrong . As usual nothing happens to the management . That is what I am trying to highlight . The question every Singaporean should be asking now is if someone is unable to even protect the military hardware can they even be able to defend Singapore ? Wishing everyone a Safe and Happy New Year .
Old 31-12-2016, 05:16 PM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Originally Posted by sadfa View Post
My earlier post shows there's nothing garbagement can do. They're at China's mercy.

When China have enough fun, they'll TELL spore here's how to Solve the problem n take back yr vehicles

If garbagement still dare to tcss n say they've got standards etc. I bet China will damn dulan n bomb those nine junk vehicles

BTW after my post yesterday Obama kick out 35 Russian diplomats as retaliation. Not exactly the same but very close to wad I said. Take action against the embassy.

exchange points got doubt ma

It is really a disgrace when someone else is trying to control your foreign policy .
Old 31-12-2016, 09:28 PM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Originally Posted by SiaSuay View Post
We can discuss meaningfully on the topic but never attack each other personally . Everyone is entitled to his or her own views whether it is right or wrong . Sadly it is the worker who is always punished when things go wrong . As usual nothing happens to the management . That is what I am trying to highlight . The question every Singaporean should be asking now is if someone is unable to even protect the military hardware can they even be able to defend Singapore ? Wishing everyone a Safe and Happy New Year .
Actually if this issue does not end up with the Terrexs being returned to S'pore, then probably the management (S'pore govt) will be abit malun. So they will have to try their best to bring back our hardware. But if you read some netizens' comments, most of them agree that we are the victims and China is a bully. So probably not going backfire much but will give the WP an opportunity to come out all guns blazing in parliament.
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Old 31-12-2016, 09:43 PM
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Originally Posted by Koei View Post
Actually if this issue does not end up with the Terrexs being returned to S'pore, then probably the management (S'pore govt) will be abit malun. So they will have to try their best to bring back our hardware. But if you read some netizens' comments, most of them agree that we are the victims and China is a bully. So probably not going backfire much but will give the WP an opportunity to come out all guns blazing in parliament.
Don't need to read netizens comments to form an opinion or you're incapable of it. Hahaha gong!!

There's a reason why netizens are always quoted by media but u don't know why n Im not telling u.

And finally China may be the bully n doing illegal things but that doesn't mean garbagement don't fully deserve it. Now this wan confirm u don't understand. Not teaching u also. Hahaha . Sibeh ho chio . Knn
Exchange points funny ma
Old 31-12-2016, 09:44 PM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Originally Posted by Mr_don_juan View Post
The PRC is successor to the Qing dynasty. So for very Long time China has been giving up its territories, the British seized Hong Kong and sold opium to the Chinese. Because the Central Govt is weak it's unable to protect the interests of its people for 200 years.

What Beijing is doing now is re exercising control over the South China Sea where china previously was too weak to control. In imperial times what Vietnam and Philippines are call tributal states. They will all offer gifts to the emperor. Because after ww 2 china was weak, the us navy patrol the South China Sea but that does not mean it doesn't belong to china.

Since China is back strong and powerful now , it only natural they are taking back territories what belong to them, to restore control over the seas and lands.

There are numerous archaeological remains on the Paracel Islands, some dating as far back as the Tang Dynasty (618 CE), showing that the Chinese were using the islands quite frequently. The earliest written record of the islands can be found in historical documents dating from the Song Dynasty (960 CE). The earliest written record of the Spratly Islands can be found in documents dating from the Eastern Han Dynasty (25 CE).

The tributal court of international law is setup by Japan, us and Nato used to control China. International law means US laws.

International law, who cares?
You know that the Qing dynasty started to rot during Emperor Qianlong's final years? And during those years, the British, Spanish & Dutch were far superior in terms of military strength even when Qianlong's reign is said to be the Golden Period of China history. So if the PRC govt is trying to imitate the past monarchy dynasties, to go back to their glory days and win back their 'lost territories or gain control of the South China Sea, they will not succeed. Simple as that. The South China Sea's dominance involves too many countries and China's foreign policy recently has been quite dodgy and maybe also a little petty.

And China will NEVER be as dominant in this region like how they were during the dynasties' period. China's neighbours are not weaklings. South Korea has THAAD, Japan has F-15J & Aegis & their new state-of-art diesel submarines, Obama approved to sell more hardware to Taiwan & US's Pacific Fleet Command is still as strong as ever. So unless China is prepared to offend all these countries & also have to keep an eye on their puppet North Korea, it is pure stupidity to try to bully their way in this region.
No one can be trusted.
Old 31-12-2016, 09:52 PM
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Originally Posted by Koei View Post
You know that the Qing dynasty started to rot during Emperor Qianlong's final years? And during those years, the British, Spanish & Dutch were far superior in terms of military strength even when Qianlong's reign is said to be the Golden Period of China history. So if the PRC govt is trying to imitate the past monarchy dynasties, to go back to their glory days and win back their 'lost territories or gain control of the South China Sea, they will not succeed. Simple as that. The South China Sea's dominance involves too many countries and China's foreign policy recently has been quite dodgy and maybe also a little petty.

And China will NEVER be as dominant in this region like how they were during the dynasties' period. China's neighbours are not weaklings. South Korea has THAAD, Japan has F-15J & Aegis & their new state-of-art diesel submarines, Obama approved to sell more hardware to Taiwan & US's Pacific Fleet Command is still as strong as ever. So unless China is prepared to offend all these countries & also have to keep an eye on their puppet North Korea, it is pure stupidity to try to bully their way in this region.
Talking rubbish .
Don't know keep quiet.

U don't know what ppl doing behind the scenes n machinations. U think China will fight with everybody plus USA. Ignorant country bumpkin.

China or any country like even USA won't be sending aircraft carriers to park there n monitor. Not possible anyway even if use ten aircraft carriers

Ignorant clown.
Thank god u r not important or do anything important
Exchange points you talk alot of ignorant cock ma
Old 01-01-2017, 12:00 AM
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Originally Posted by SiaSuay View Post
We can discuss meaningfully on the topic but never attack each other personally . Everyone is entitled to his or her own views whether it is right or wrong . Sadly it is the worker who is always punished when things go wrong . As usual nothing happens to the management . That is what I am trying to highlight . The question every Singaporean should be asking now is if someone is unable to even protect the military hardware can they even be able to defend Singapore ? Wishing everyone a Safe and Happy New Year .
Defend spore ?
Can your rabbit defend yr house ma??

Dream on la. No fucking way.
Since there's no way sentosa will attack spore n any aggressor will b bigger than spore, spores doom is confirmed as long as garbage ment Is around
Exchange points confirm ma
Old 01-01-2017, 02:24 AM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Originally Posted by Mr_don_juan View Post
The PRC is successor to the Qing dynasty. So for very Long time China has been giving up its territories, the British seized Hong Kong and sold opium to the Chinese. Because the Central Govt is weak it's unable to protect the interests of its people for 200 years.

What Beijing is doing now is re exercising control over the South China Sea where china previously was too weak to control. In imperial times what Vietnam and Philippines are call tributal states. They will all offer gifts to the emperor. Because after ww 2 china was weak, the us navy patrol the South China Sea but that does not mean it doesn't belong to china.

Since China is back strong and powerful now , it only natural they are taking back territories what belong to them, to restore control over the seas and lands.

There are numerous archaeological remains on the Paracel Islands, some dating as far back as the Tang Dynasty (618 CE), showing that the Chinese were using the islands quite frequently. The earliest written record of the islands can be found in historical documents dating from the Song Dynasty (960 CE). The earliest written record of the Spratly Islands can be found in documents dating from the Eastern Han Dynasty (25 CE).

The tributal court of international law is setup by Japan, us and Nato used to control China. International law means US laws.

International law, who cares?
The PRC did not succeed the Qing Dynasty. Pu Yi abdicated to Chiang Kai Shek who became the president of the ROC (aka Taiwan). By your logic, the government in Taiwan is the rightful government of China. So under the One-China policy, governments around the world should be recognizing Taiwan instead of the PRC and Singapore is rightfully training in Taiwan because, by your logic, they are the rightful government of lands which were previously controlled under the Qing dynasty.

Also by your logic, archeological artifacts in Tibet are, well, Tibetan artifacts. Which means Tibet belongs to the Tibetans. China should fuck out of there. HuiZu artifacts are in Xinjiang. Once again, China should fuck out of there as well. In fact, various individual tribes in Yunan and other areas all have their artifacts in their respective areas. In other words, China should fuck off from all those areas also. Come to think of it, American artifacts are found on the moon! By your logic, the Moon belongs to the USA!

Also by your logic, countries which so much as sailed to other areas have claims to those areas. This means that Mongolia, Japan, Russia and various other countries which once held the entire China or parts of China have the right to retake those lands if they become strong again. They are all weakened after various wars. But when they become strong again, they should come back and retake all those areas which they lost due to defeats in wars.

Your fool's logic is simply one where the strongest take whatever land they claim. Even from China's point of view, it's an idiot's logic because it opens the backdoor for America or any other power in the future to take the whole of China by allying with the Mongolians. You disregard international law at your own peril. Don't come crying in the future.

China lost a judgement because it has nothing credible to back up it's claim. But all China knows to do is to cry, to blame that the system is unfair. All behaviours of a lousy looser. China's bullying of it's neighbours and kowtowing to the Americans are downright disgraceful. This is why nobody in the world will ever like China and will never ever respect China. Because it is nothing but a bully which takes from the small and bows to strong.

The one confirmed fact which is clearly shown to the world in 2016 is that China is a malignant bully and a huge disgrace to the Chinese race.
Old 01-01-2017, 06:56 AM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Originally Posted by watmidoin View Post
The PRC did not succeed the Qing Dynasty. Pu Yi abdicated to Chiang Kai Shek who became the president of the ROC (aka Taiwan). By your logic, the government in Taiwan is the rightful government of China. So under the One-China policy, governments around the world should be recognizing Taiwan instead of the PRC and Singapore is rightfully training in Taiwan because, by your logic, they are the rightful government of lands which were previously controlled under the Qing dynasty.

Also by your logic, archeological artifacts in Tibet are, well, Tibetan artifacts. Which means Tibet belongs to the Tibetans. China should fuck out of there. HuiZu artifacts are in Xinjiang. Once again, China should fuck out of there as well. In fact, various individual tribes in Yunan and other areas all have their artifacts in their respective areas. In other words, China should fuck off from all those areas also. Come to think of it, American artifacts are found on the moon! By your logic, the Moon belongs to the USA!

Also by your logic, countries which so much as sailed to other areas have claims to those areas. This means that Mongolia, Japan, Russia and various other countries which once held the entire China or parts of China have the right to retake those lands if they become strong again. They are all weakened after various wars. But when they become strong again, they should come back and retake all those areas which they lost due to defeats in wars.

Your fool's logic is simply one where the strongest take whatever land they claim. Even from China's point of view, it's an idiot's logic because it opens the backdoor for America or any other power in the future to take the whole of China by allying with the Mongolians. You disregard international law at your own peril. Don't come crying in the future.

China lost a judgement because it has nothing credible to back up it's claim. But all China knows to do is to cry, to blame that the system is unfair. All behaviours of a lousy looser. China's bullying of it's neighbours and kowtowing to the Americans are downright disgraceful. This is why nobody in the world will ever like China and will never ever respect China. Because it is nothing but a bully which takes from the small and bows to strong.

The one confirmed fact which is clearly shown to the world in 2016 is that China is a malignant bully and a huge disgrace to the Chinese race.
Chiang kai shek and his ROC government is the one who drew the 11 dotted line surrounding the South China Sea after which the PRC defeated the ROC in 1949 and revised it to 9 dotted line due to its support for communist Vietnam . PRC discarded 2 lines on communist northern Vietnam and hainan.

ROC retreated to Taiwan but still maintains their claim to the South China Sea and has stationed troops on the largest island of the Spratlys, Taiping Island.PRC then inherited its sovereignty as well as its claims on lands and waters. Taiwan has never disputed PRC claims on South China Sea.

In fact for past a century, China is one of the few governments who volunteered to cede its historic territories. For eg, Bạch Long Vĩ island was given to Vietnam. Today many mainland Chinese have already been accusing the current government for being soft or even traitorous to give up its territories.

In 1909, the Qing Dynasty Navy conducted a survey of the Paracel Islands, demonstrating that they were Chinese territory. The ROC navy used that survey and come up with map of the South China Sea in 1947 with an 11-dash line, including the current 9 dashes.

Let go back to date 220 AD –280 AD - Two famous Chinese books authored by Wan Zhen of the Eastern Wu State published during the Three Kingdoms, and a work titled Guangzhou Ji authored by Pei Yuan of the Jin Dynasties described the Paracel and Spratly Island . Yes 220 Ad, if u can find historical facts earlier than that let me know.

When China drew these dash lines, most neighboring countries were still colonized and there was no way for them to claim sovereignty like today.

The accusations that China is "not abiding by international law" and "undermining the rule-based international system" cannot hold ground because China made a clear declaration in accordance with the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) in 2006 to exclude compulsory arbitration on sovereign disputes.

If you ask me about the legitimacy of China's claims, it is certainly way more legitimate than claimants who weren't even there in the first place or were late to join in and yet try to claim it as their own.

One mountain always higher than another

Talk cock and fart all come through the same breath. TCSS and be Happy!

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Old 01-01-2017, 11:52 AM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Originally Posted by Mr_don_juan View Post
Chiang kai shek and his ROC government is the one who drew the 11 dotted line surrounding the South China Sea blah blah blah
Once again u r using fool's argument to claim things which do not belong to you. By your reasoning, the South China Sea claimed belongs to Taiwan. Not PRC. So fuck off. Using your own historical reasoning, people can argue against the idea of one China because historically, there are periods where China is broken up into many states. Using your own example, during the Three Kingdoms period, there were, well, three Kingdoms. So maybe we should be talking about the Three-China policy? Why stop and three. If we want to push it, there can be way more than 10 China all with some historical description and archaeological backing. And by the same logic, once again, China should fuck off from Tibet and Xinjuang. Your ugly inaccurate propaganda map should have a huge chunk chopped off from the west and of course none of those dots in the south. And your logic strengthens the case that the moon belongs to America because they stuck their flag there. In fact, America sent probes and described a lot of areas in Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. So by your logic, not just the Moon, but almost all the planets around our Sun belong to America. Is that what you want? I can keep going on and on and stick a dagger into each and every point you make but it's really tiring to argue against a fool who is brainwashed by propaganda.

The boundaries of nations shift all the time throughout history. If you try to use history to claim territory, you are opening up yourself for others to use history to split up your territory. That's the point I kept trying to make and I kept pointing out that China's claims are based on a fool's argument which can just as easily backfire.

China's ball-less bullying ways is the only clear thing which stood out for all to see. To bully the small and bow to the strong is a most disgraceful thing anybody can do. That's why people look down on China. You will never be really strong because your actions have made people despise China and history has shown us that eunuchs may enjoy temporary powers but will always be overthrown. Just like PRC whores are getting rejected because they use fake profile pictures, have fucked up attitude, smelly breath and stinky feet. Reject China's bullying. Reject fake pictures and lousy attitude. Reject PRC whores!

PS: Anyways, this is a sex forum and I'm here for the sex rather than trying to put sense into mood killers such as this PRC idiot who's doing a very bad job of pretending that he's a Singaporean. I'll leave the battling to whoever wants to waste their time and continue with this nonsense. SBF is for sex. Not PRC eunuchs.

Last edited by watmidoin; 01-01-2017 at 12:09 PM.
Old 01-01-2017, 07:04 PM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Originally Posted by Koei View Post
Actually if this issue does not end up with the Terrexs being returned to S'pore, then probably the management (S'pore govt) will be abit malun. So they will have to try their best to bring back our hardware. But if you read some netizens' comments, most of them agree that we are the victims and China is a bully. So probably not going backfire much but will give the WP an opportunity to come out all guns blazing in parliament.
If the Chinese government do not return the Terrex to the Singapore government it will be dam malu for the Singapore government . That is why I have been saying all along will the honourable Minister of Defense of Singapore take the responsibility ? It is always the small fry getting punished but not the top . You must ask yourself why the media is quoting the netcitizens ? In the first place do you really believe what the media is saying ? since most of the news were from the foreign media ? You can't really totally blame the Chinese as a bully ? You have to ask yourself why is China doing this to the Singapore government ? Of course there are many other issues that the Chinese government is not happy with the Singapore government .
Old 01-01-2017, 07:08 PM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Originally Posted by sadfa View Post
Defend spore ?
Can your rabbit defend yr house ma??

Dream on la. No fucking way.
Since there's no way sentosa will attack spore n any aggressor will b bigger than spore, spores doom is confirmed as long as garbage ment Is around
Exchange points confirm ma
Hahaha ... of course rabbit cannot defend my house . I need to use an Alsatian dog of a Doberman to protect my house. At least dogs know how to protect its master . Pay them millions they can't even solve a simple problem .
Old 01-01-2017, 07:10 PM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Originally Posted by zaplamparlarzap View Post

These are the bloody clones from the foreign media industry and oppo camps going online 24/7 365days trying to destroy and hoping to see our country "Singapore" to collapse !!!

Singaporean pls beware and help to spread this msg around !!!
You also a clone from the local media . Who would believe you . Dumb clone
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