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Old 10-05-2011, 07:49 PM
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Re: My auntie and I

camping here waiting for more..
Old 10-05-2011, 07:52 PM
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Re: My auntie and I

Originally Posted by grouchycabi View Post
Bro Hardcoremayhem

Thanks for your 7 precious points! Much appreciated. Yes, I did check User CP but some kind brothers upped me without leaving their names. So I didn't know who they were and how many points they gave me. Hence I wouldn't be able to return the favor one day when I could. Still I am happy that I can now post without having to be moderated, which means a delay of my post being read by bros here. I shall continue my story soon. Today needs to 'cool off' so no story else you guys will steam up! ;-)
bro, don't mention it!

I am loving your story because i am a lover of matured women in their 30-40s! and i am nearly my 30s liao! There is just something incrediably alluring about a matured woman with cruves...
Old 11-05-2011, 01:28 PM
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Re: My auntie and I

Looks like this story is going to break through the 500,000 views very soon.

Well done, TS.
Old 11-05-2011, 02:47 PM
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Re: My auntie and I

sexy auntie, I want too.
@#$%$#@ SJB1994 NOT MY VEHICLE NUMBER @#$%$#@
Life must have fun, so always take things easy.
Old 11-05-2011, 04:14 PM
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Re: My auntie and I

*salivating*... gambate TS!! :P~
Old 11-05-2011, 04:45 PM
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Re: My auntie and I

More More More
Old 11-05-2011, 06:34 PM
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Re: My auntie and I

Nice one Bro
Very interesting, camping for more.
Old 11-05-2011, 08:39 PM
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Re: My auntie and I

Originally Posted by erkianpeng View Post
Looks like this story is going to break through the 500,000 views very soon.

Well done, TS.
What did I say? 501,546 views already.

Solid, solid. Must learn from you TS.
Old 13-05-2011, 07:52 AM
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Re: My auntie and I

TS, u left all the campers in the boat.. Please bring us to the island.
Old 13-05-2011, 05:46 PM
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Re: My auntie and I

TS.. Pls be back soonnnnnn!!!!
Old 13-05-2011, 09:37 PM
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Re: My auntie and I

Dear Brothers

Please bear with me. I have been busy with my new business and as it is just taking off, I have a lot of things to take care of. I have received PMs from brothers urging me to quickly continue the story. One or two PMs even sound like threats. Please accept my apologies if I had kept you on the edge the past few days. As I told a bro who PMed me, writing the story is not just a simple case of typing it out and pressing "Submit Reply". I have to check my old diary to ascertain the facts, decipher my secondary school handwriting, search my memories, and then present the story in as titillating and interesting a manner as possible. I am sure you will understand that my priority is still my business which helps put food on my table for my family. But I will try my best to continue asap to thank the brothers here who have been so supportive.
Old 13-05-2011, 10:22 PM
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Re: My auntie and I

To continue:

After about 5 minutes, which seemed an eternity to me then, the elderly man said my auntie should be ok. He helped my auntie up and helped her to a seat. Then he returned to talk to his wife. My auntie thanked him gratefully. The gawking men started to move away. I felt relieved. In a funny way, I felt very protective of my auntie and wanted to punch up all the men and at that time, I was just a scrawny teenager. The short episode had shaken me to some extent. I felt a bit dismay too, thinking that I should have been the one rubbing my auntie's sexy white foot.

The boat had already started on its choppy journey to Tioman. The journey was fast. I watched one of the boatmen throw fishing lines into the sea and I remembered wondering how could he catch any fish since the boat was moving so fast. To my surprise, whenever he pulled up a line, there would be a fish about 5 to 6 inches long attached to it. It was amazing. I sat beside my auntie and most of the time, we just looked at the scenery of the open sea with squinted eyes. The sun was strong and burning and I could feel the heat on the back of my neck and my arms and legs. My auntie, after a short while, had retreated to a shady spot on the boat to hide from the sun. She was probably not used to the hot sun burning into her porcelain white skin.

At around noon, we arrived at a jetty. I was glad when our feet touched solid land. The boat trip, although not that long, was too choppy to my liking and I actually felt a bit woozy towards the end of the trip.The place was called Kampong Juara. It was a small village on a quiet side of Tioman and it was away from the main tourist areas on the west coast. It was a haven for travellers who prefer more secluded areas with gorgeous views and plenty of quiet breathing space. I could see the beach which was in pristine condition, unmarked by any rubbish whatsoever that you could see at Singapore's east coast park. The only eyesores were a few sea taxis and boats that dotted the water. I learnt from my auntie that a longhouse had been reserved for us. There was a guide waiting there for some of us. I noticed that the elderly couple were in our group. We were led to our longhouse. It was a 15 minute walk from the jetty. I had expected a long house literally. Actually the place my auntie and I would be staying was a small hut on short stilts. There were about a dozen of them. The elderly couple moved into one quite near to us.

I was disappointed the moment I climbed up the few steps and got into the "longhouse". It was quite bare, with a window that you have to push out. There was no bedb, only two mattresses on the floor, two pillows and blankets. We were expected to rough it out. We put down our gear and got out. The bathroom and toilet was a smaller hut just next to ours. There was a tap, a big water container and a scoop. That was it! I began to wish I had not agreed to follow my auntie on the trip. It had turned out to be a big disappointment.

But, little did I know then that the trip would turn out to be the most satisfying and edifying trip in my entire life as far as sex education was concerned.
Old 14-05-2011, 12:31 AM
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Re: My auntie and I

carry on bro
Old 14-05-2011, 01:31 AM
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Re: My auntie and I

Written and Sounded like my School Day literature .. just that this version is RA Version. Reminds me of ' House of 60 Fathers' ... Wonder if TS nickname is Tian Bao ...
Old 14-05-2011, 02:56 AM
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Re: My auntie and I

Setting up tent.. Cont please bro. Great story
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