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Old 14-07-2012, 04:02 PM
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Re: Mayflower KTV

Originally Posted by TonyCheong View Post
Like this better.
Can see clearly under the bright sun light on the 3rd level.
Ya bro, true! Even small pimples on their faces are visible now. Took a lot while to choose.

Old 14-07-2012, 04:24 PM
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Mayflower KTV

Originally Posted by player12345 View Post
Ya bro, true! Even small pimples on their faces are visible now. Took a lot while to choose.
Hahaha you must be at Mayflower KTV yesterday.

Those dinosaurs cannot make a living if the flower street is conducted on the 3rd level.
Old 14-07-2012, 04:35 PM
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Re: Events In CP

I'm at CP now till Wed. most MM have taken leave or not working. SN mostly closed and many thing not safe.

careful dont get into trouble and to play safe, get back those MM or SN girls that your have previously used b4 (if you have their number) they will be very happy to come straight to ur room cos most of them on leave.
Old 14-07-2012, 04:43 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by jameschong1 View Post
look at the way they unkat his balls in cp, like dogs calling their master all because they want free drinks from him. even the ktv girls spit on them behind their backs. damn siat suay us singapore man in cp.
sex crusader - yes the bangla workers in geylang can bring u for cruise and a screw later.
vertu worse than muthu the security guard in my building and prcsytlover - all the ktc girls look down on him & call him a dog - jou gou!
How do you know the ktv mms look down on prcsytlover and call him a dog?
What about Adidas?
Old 14-07-2012, 05:30 PM
farastein farastein is offline
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Re: Events In CP

Do most of the mm in the ktvs wear g strings/ thongs?
Old 14-07-2012, 07:34 PM
romanspa romanspa is offline
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Re: Events In CP

oh no... i'm worried... we are having bachelors night from tuesday...
everyone is flying in from different locations... can't imagine if we go there and sing "Partyworld"...
*** ***
Old 14-07-2012, 07:40 PM
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Re: Events In CP

ok... i shall wear burmuda, slippers, shirt and tie then....
*** ***
Old 14-07-2012, 07:44 PM
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Re: Events In CP

reporting live from cp.

things seem normal. most SN open and ktv as usual although some ktv changed their flower street location.

mayflower yesterday changed their flower street at the backyard garden and the lighting was good. can really see the meimei faces. u can see most pretty meimei were snapped up very fast.
Old 14-07-2012, 09:26 PM
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Cool Re: Events In CP

CP weather forecast (14/07/12)

SN: Raining

BBS/FL: Cloudy

KTV: Cloudy/Raining

*Storm not pass yet, Bros still to be careful.
Old 14-07-2012, 11:34 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by southchinafun View Post
Your little pc of info is of big help & great news to newbies going to CP next week.
Any attire standard if we cheong high end KTVs like Fuhao, can we go in jeans & round-neck T-shirt?
Interesting that MMs are encouraged to know each other by names - are we supposed to remember their names too? What's the reason?
Head so many in flower parade, how to rememeber?
I thought school holidays already over?
Old 15-07-2012, 12:18 AM
player12345 player12345 is offline
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Re: Events In CP

Today had the worst ktv session in YH. Almost all guests have no MMs due to many of them not reporting for work. Yes you.guessed it - no flower street today! Infact, It has already been non-existence since last week.

Many guests were really unhappy and demanded to leave. In the end, those without MMs left by paying a discounted rate. Really sad scene!

Then heard there was a minor raid ard 8+ and those MMs and even the DJs were not allowed to leave the room till is over.

Tml will be back to normal or so I heard cos normally raid will not be conducted during weekdays. But then again, nothing is guaranteed in CP ktv scene now.

So my advice to all bros going CP these few days - try to avoid Sat ktv session if u can. Ask ard whether flower street is active for your preferred ktv before going. Also tell yourself, ktv not the only entertainment in CP!

Old 15-07-2012, 12:32 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by romanspa View Post
ok... i shall wear burmuda, slippers, shirt and tie then....
555+ can dress whatever you like but as many of the bros here always say..You choose the MM the MM also choose you

My 2 cents worth is to dress up neatly so your chances of kanna put aeroplane is lower.
Old 15-07-2012, 01:04 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by FeiGohGoh View Post
There's seem to be conflicting informations about this yanda and I am not a bit surprised.

From HK, Malaysia and even US forums, people are saying so many different things...some say troops coming from Shichun....some say the start of this yanda is from gal got killed in sauna last month...and some say OY opened till 11pm on July 7th....

The only thing we can confirm is business is not as usual in CP as of this moment and people going there will experience some sort of inconveinence. Do conduct yourself in low profile and hopefully brudders already there will provide updated information of the situation.
Hey FeiGohGoh:
This is actually quite hilarious - you looking thru our forums for the latest up-date on Cp....and us from Hong Kong doing the same....scanning YOUR forum!! LOL!
Am sitting here in CP and I still cannot get the latest as am getting mixed signals!!!

Just wish you guys would use easier language for us to understand!
Kenapa selalu campur campuran!

Old 15-07-2012, 01:13 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by player12345 View Post
Today had the worst ktv session in YH. Almost all guests have no MMs due to many of them not reporting for work. Yes you.guessed it - no flower street today! Infact, It has already been non-existence since last week.

Many guests were really unhappy and demanded to leave. In the end, those without MMs left by paying a discounted rate. Really sad scene!

Then heard there was a minor raid ard 8+ and those MMs and even the DJs were not allowed to leave the room till is over.

Tml will be back to normal or so I heard cos normally raid will not be conducted during weekdays. But then again, nothing is guaranteed in CP ktv scene now.

So my advice to all bros going CP these few days - try to avoid Sat ktv session if u can. Ask ard whether flower street is active for your preferred ktv before going. Also tell yourself, ktv not the only entertainment in CP!

Yes, there ARE other "entertainment" in CP - but the problem is that all these are also quite Iffy at present! For sure I'd prefer to be caught just singing/drinkig at a KTV rather than in corpus delecti in a sauna buck nekkid! Or in a BBS and get locked in with the gals!

Yeah, I guess I could always "call in" - but who wants tapao without knowing what the Mommy is gonna send over?!

BTW - I notice that I'm still being moderated and my post do NOT appear right away.
- How much of a time delay is there for this moderation process i.e. when can I expect my post to appear?
- What do you have to do to get off this moderated status?
- Apologize for the newbie type questions - but I really am still clueless!
Old 15-07-2012, 02:21 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by player12345 View Post
Today had the worst ktv session in YH. Almost all guests have no MMs due to many of them not reporting for work. Yes you.guessed it - no flower street today! Infact, It has already been non-existence since last week.

Many guests were really unhappy and demanded to leave. In the end, those without MMs left by paying a discounted rate. Really sad scene!

Then heard there was a minor raid ard 8+ and those MMs and even the DJs were not allowed to leave the room till is over.

Tml will be back to normal or so I heard cos normally raid will not be conducted during weekdays. But then again, nothing is guaranteed in CP ktv scene now.

So my advice to all bros going CP these few days - try to avoid Sat ktv session if u can. Ask ard whether flower street is active for your preferred ktv before going. Also tell yourself, ktv not the only entertainment in CP!

Bro,,,I concur with you. I was also in YH this evening (Sat) and after 3 hours and a few batches of meimei, we only picked 2. A third meimei was called to sit after a mommy's relentless calls to various gals from other KTVs' and to some who did not turn up for work. Anyway, the usual anticipation of a fun night has already faded if not, lost. During this time, we have not ordered any drinks nor food. When we decided to leave at about 9PM, we asked the DJs' for the bill but not before asking them how are they going to bill us?

A manager came in and advised us to pay the minimum room fee (Not the minimum spending) which were the fruits, tissues, titbits - RMB372.00 + 2 DJ fee of RMB400.00. After the billed was settled, we left and went to NTY.

I am curious, may I know what did you pay for and how much did you pay?
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