Re: Events In CP
So long we are top of their qn and whatever they do outside so long they dun get caught by me or my friends, what's there to worry.. And if they dun burn a hole in my pocket can Liao. God knows how long she is going to last me anyway. 耳不听,心不烦 眼不见,嘴不馋 I call them, they come. That's the most important to me. And when I'm in cp, u better be in cp also. When I'm not there, u up in the moon I also dun care. Haha |
Re: Events In CP
Why settle for 2nd best when u can afford the best?! |
Re: Events In CP
Re: Events In CP
何必杞人忧天,杯弓蛇影。 I mean I'm already paying them more than normal, so why should I worry so much. They should be doing the job of rejecting the advance of other guys with maos and not me watching over their head. If u choose not to believe what they say, then my suggest is dun bao. Why make your self suffer over a gal and had to pay more. My take is, U pay, then choose to trust. Dun trust, better keep the maos warm warm inside ur pocket and wait for other mm to pass by. If suay suay she kana caught she eating outside.. Then it just means that 我们缘分以尽.. Haha It's time to move on to the next gals. Ps: this is not the only arrangement I have with all my gals just in case some others jump out and accuse that I also have gals working in KTV. And yes, I admit, some of my gals are still working in KTV. Cause my arrangement with them not the same. Haha! |
Re: Events In CP
Re: Events In CP
Someone withdrawing his money from bank and get it delivered lah......
当年的老爷 现在 快乐的自己 |
Re: Events In CP
U mean ur money?! Wow!!!
Re: Events In CP
Before their horn appear .... you might had been call up from someone up there asking for repayment ...... 现钱现货 , 心安理得 !
当年的老爷 现在 快乐的自己 |
Re: Events In CP
Not mine for sure cos i am still in sg ....... But i did saw these happen once
当年的老爷 现在 快乐的自己 |
Re: Events In CP
Good news for some bro ....... but not for me .
A new money changer at CK china town , $100 - 503rmb .......
当年的老爷 现在 快乐的自己 |
Re: Events In CP
True! Very True! This is what I was trying to say. If one has decided to bao a girl, one has to face any eventuality without difficulty. Whether trust should be in my equation, it is really disputable. Simply put! Want to bao! Prepare for anything. Both good and bad! Haha! Cannot face the music, do not do it.
Just a Retired Simple Man PuTonRen aka UFO_Man |
Re: Events In CP
YUP - I agree 100%.
I really do think it a travesty for any monger to take advantage of any WG's to get freebies. WG's are, by the nature of their profession, for the most part very emotionally deprived and soooooo easy to take advantage of. And IMHO, to get a freebie from a gal selling her body - welll... its just like stealing isn't it? and worse, its like stealing candy from a baby. Like I said, just IMHO and I do know that there are others who think otherwise - and that's OK...just not for me. Thanks SEAN - yup, I sometimes AM an old fuddy-duddy! |
Re: Events In CP
Looks like I gotta eat big bao Liao in cp. can't even see xiao long bao on Zhong yuan street! Maybe xiumai also can bar!
Re: Events In CP
And thus no matter how much I like a gal I bao, I still ALWAYS keep it at the back of my mind that whatever she and I feel for each other, how happy we are etc, that such happiness/relationship is predicated on $$ changing hands. And I would also make sure that the gal I Bao is also very aware of this - for these gals are also just human and I would hate for them to deceive herself/have dreams that all this was based on true love WITHOUT any consideration as to the money aspect. That would be too cruel to her - for in the final analysis, our relationship can never progress to any other stage than as a Bao'er and Bao'ee SEAN |
Re: Events In CP
Below info are taken from CP Government website. posted on 16/07/2012
Think this yanda is not going to be over anytime soon.. 我镇三打将全力挖掘“保护伞” 斩断“利益链” 常平镇人民政府公众信息网 www.cp.gov.cn 2012-7-16 常平广电站 记者从7月12日召开的三打两建工作会议上获悉,为深入推进三打两建工作,我镇将全力挖掘“保护伞”, 斩断“利益链。 镇委书记、镇人大主席陈桂明,镇委副书记、镇长唐耀文,镇委副书记周少华等镇领导班子成员,相关部门和 各村的有关负责人参加了会议。 会议首先传达了市“三打”专项行动领导小组扩大会议精神。根据会议部署,市“打欺”办要求三类镇街分别 完成打掉5个、4个、3个欺行霸市团伙;市“打假”办要求三类镇街从6月到省考核截止时间分别完成查办12 宗、9宗、6宗“打假”大要案;市“打贿”办要求中心镇街6至7月查办3宗以上商业贿赂案件。我镇属于甲类 镇街,任务最重。 为推进三打工作,下一步,我镇将在“挖伞断链”方面下功夫。重点通过加大问责力度,对“三打”工作不作 为或因工作不力而影响三打工作成效的部门“一把手”及分管领导实行问责,对一些影响大、性质恶劣的案件直接 移送司法机关及市纪委处理。公安部门将通过全力挖掘“保护伞”、“利益链”等职务犯罪线索,排查商业贿赂和 “保护伞”线索,并借用市纪委、市检察院等部门的侦查力量,有效提高办案效率。此外,我镇还将把打击商业贿 赂专项工作的开展情况纳入今年政风行风评议和“一岗一预防”两项工作的考核考评内容,通过实行额外加分和“ 一票肯定制”等激励措施,鼓励被评议单位积极挖掘商业贿赂和“保护伞”线索。(梁柱锋) |
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