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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 06-01-2012, 05:28 PM
limborock limborock is offline
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by radar View Post
Hi bros,

I am a newbie to pinay scene which i am very keen on after reading so much FRs from u guys. Anyway, i am too sick of PRC attitude and their tricks
So if any experienced bro going, can i also tag along?
Hey hey Mr Radar,

Welcome to the thread. As mentioned previously, there are bros from here going down to the pinay bars each day. So it a matter of getting the rite bro and the rite time.

If ur into cheonging during early hours. 7-8ish, then i think bro LLSC normally arnd that time. But now that he has conquered, dont know if he will still be going that often

Bro Mike2009 is quite active too. Always on a very secretive mission and for all u know, he alrdy has done 3-4 bars in one night.. But getting to know his schedule will not be easy mind u..

If ur into late nites (2330hrs onwards), then bro ilovejuagen is yur guy to contact. U can try PM him now in fact. Since he is on a mission now, im sure these few days, he will be quite active.

Relax, chill out places, try bro inluv07 (MIA quite some time now) and bro osamabinladen (hve not heard from him .. hmmm)

If u want a taste of hiong, havoc, down to earth hardcore stuffs, my man bro deededsilover and Bro KLGL (Mr g-string)

P/s: Pls dont think this is sabo-ing u guys. Just paving the proper channel for our new fren, since he is interested. Anyway bro Radar, i can only mention the respective PICs , BUT ultimately whether they have time or comfortable to bring u, is up to them.
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Old 06-01-2012, 05:50 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Yo yo bro limborock,

Thanks for ur advice and guidance. So how about ur chionging style and timing? I gotta see see which bro is willing to bring a newbie like me to venture
Old 06-01-2012, 05:54 PM
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FR for 5 Jan outing, fringe of town area

Met a fellow SBF bro (from a diff thread) at 8pm for some ice-breaker and talk abt upcoming trip next week. Been to this bar b4 last year but hvnt been there since.

When we arrived, only 2 gerls there. Cute SYT but Not to our liking cos the typical filipina look. Asked the mummy for more choices. She obliged, made a few phone calls and in 15mins, 9 more ladies arrived. None were CMI, all were gorgeous or presentable or cute.

Chose one slim lanky one in a red dress. she sat with me, made small talk and did not ask a drink till 15mins later told her to get one, since alrdy comfortable with her. (for me, when a gerl does not push me for her drink, i will be more than happy to give her one)

Got 5 shots of teq and carried on singing and playing pool. She started flirting with me at the pool table. Exposing her boobs thru her lacy top part of her dress when it was my turn to shoot. Hard to concentrate when u have a gerl exposing her top to u, licking yur ears, grasping yur balls while yur trying to aim a shot.

Tried to finish off the pool game asap so could fully concentrate on the gerl thereafter. Once done with pool, we moved on to the back of the bar. started frenching, she was all over me, groping here and there. Likewise, i did the same . Pulled down my zip, put her hand in, took my dick out and stroked it while caressing the balls in betwn. By then, the lower part of her dress was alrdy till her waist and exposing her g string towards me. I would hve tried to do a Bro-KLGL but didnt have any pocket to keep it in. so only moved my fingers, entering from her groin into her camel-toe. Wasnt that wet, only drizzling i guess, but soon it became a downpour after 10mins of continuous action. She end me up with a cum by HJ. Initially thought of going into the pvt rm, but since the bar had zero cust at that time and it was dark, so skipped the idea.

Basically, actions at this bar, same as 5th flr smoke place (Oh did i mentioned that this is a sister company?). In betwn actions, the gerls would drink up their shots and in total bought 3 LDs in my 2.5 hrs spent there.

I just did. So guess yest was the last for this week as will be flying to A.C in a couple of days and will need to have all the energy and liquid for the trip.

Oh yah, p-list no. 45 updated on this place.
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Last edited by limborock; 06-01-2012 at 06:04 PM.
Old 06-01-2012, 05:58 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

bro limborock,

all this actions for just 1 LD?

i also regular poster/camper at the AC thread.. will look forward to your FR from your trip..

how i love pinoys playland.
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Old 06-01-2012, 06:01 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by radar View Post
Yo yo bro limborock,

Thanks for ur advice and guidance. So how about ur chionging style and timing? I gotta see see which bro is willing to bring a newbie like me to venture
Mine depends sir, usually (with the exception of yest) starts after 11pm. I go out drinking abt 4-5 times a week and the places i decide to go are always last min. If u r ok with last min plans, then by all means, u can come along. Once a week, hiong places and the rest are a bit tone down ones. Sometimes tone down ones u only get hugs/kisses but sometimes inlcudes roaming etc. Depending on whr the place is.

Your modus operandi and depth of your pocket is also important in determining which place u like to start off with.

So if ur interested, drop a PM to anyone of us.
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Old 06-01-2012, 06:03 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl


If ur into cheonging during early hours. 7-8ish, then i think bro LLSC normally arnd that time. But now that he has conquered, dont know if he will still be going that often

u never know bro.. i like her company but i kc her but she cannot kc me. my big head still rules no matter what..

i might go down still but not so often la, already successful mah. maybe try the others along the stretch but dun let my kc gal see.
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Old 06-01-2012, 06:07 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by LLSC View Post
bro limborock,

all this actions for just 1 LD?

i also regular poster/camper at the AC thread.. will look forward to your FR from your trip..

how i love pinoys playland.
Sori. Total 3. Didnt mentioned earlier but alrdy edited.

Anyway, I did up a 4 days FR for my trip last mth, did u manage to read that?
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Old 06-01-2012, 06:13 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by limborock View Post

If ur into cheonging during early hours. 7-8ish, then i think bro LLSC normally arnd that time. But now that he has conquered, dont know if he will still be going that often

u never know bro.. i like her company but i kc her but she cannot kc me. my big head still rules no matter what..

i might go down still but not so often la, already successful mah. maybe try the others along the stretch but dun let my kc gal see.
Try to bring bro radar along if he does cheong arnd that time.. Bring him into the arms and let him experience the great GFE of the pinay ladies.

Simple advice for Bro radar, never believe what they say. Never feel any sympathy for them, not yet at least. and u will never look back from thereon.

Good luck Mr Radar!
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Old 06-01-2012, 06:20 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

bring him into the arms of the wonderful pinay - not in my arms

i will go and see your AC FRs now..

i miss AC, didn't have chance to go there for years already
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Old 06-01-2012, 06:38 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

juicy FR especially the 300P gal for the 3rd night, so lucky.. shiok hor..

i realised i read your FRs of AC before but never forgot it was you..

I miss AC even more, now i am scheming how am i going to end up there again and enjoy the heavens.
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Old 06-01-2012, 08:58 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by ilovejuagen View Post
The ger who played a lot of pool last night is not chubby at all leh. Bro ratincage, did u see wrongly or not? The pub quite dark leh.
actually this pub not so dark like some others around the same area. its consider bright already. hehe. i confirm i got the right girl la..will pm u her name.
i was there the same night u and limborock was there, i texted him but his phone went dead so i was there alone, enjoying myself. dont have to share with u guys. haha.
Old 06-01-2012, 09:17 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

heard that theres a new pub opened in the east, its actually an old pub that moved from another location in the east.
this is what i heard, not verified yet.
the new place is bigger and now much nicer than the old place, with about 15 girls in total. same LD style but now the interesting part is that this place has a stairs going up leading to ???
should make it down to check it out some days soon.
Old 06-01-2012, 09:39 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Old 06-01-2012, 09:40 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Old 06-01-2012, 09:41 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

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