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Old 04-01-2008, 01:57 AM
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Re: would 2008 be as rosy as wat some ppl said??

Originally Posted by tOmAski33 View Post
Not taking risks does not mean one is kiasi..
Not taking risks, afraid of this & that, if not kiasi, then what does "kiasi" mean? Purely afraid to die?

Losing job, no money, can lead to death. Losing this or that, to some pple who cannot see open or take failure, oso can lead to death!

Originally Posted by tOmAski33 View Post
Life is to complain a bit here and there but still goes on everyday...

Hopefully 2008 will be fatt for most of us.
Now I understand, life to u means complain here & there, n do nothing about it. So the Govt had to think & plan everything in life for pple like u!!! That's why they gotta be paid so high!

Sit there continue hope to fatt. Even going to the lottery outlet to buy lottery ticket is taking some action to "buy" some hope u'll strike lottery! Not doing anything at all, is totally no hope!!!
An idle mind is the devil's workshop


Wanna get married, but afraid of losing yr property, yr assets in the event of divorce? Quit SG, dun marry SG gal, yr ass is oso covered!!!

Talking Equality wif SG gals is like talking Communism wif Capitalists
Old 04-01-2008, 01:58 AM
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Re: would 2008 be as rosy as wat some ppl said??

Originally Posted by jng1103 View Post

*LOL* *LOL* *LOL* Whenever I walk by S11, I hear uncles/aunties grumbling about inflations, MRT fares increased, bla bla bla... I could visualize seeing u sitting with them in 20yrs time... *LOL* *LOL* *LOL* Dont worry, our garment will take good care of everyone, esp the bottom ones

Yes, I stole ur cheese, if u wanna ask *LOL* *LOL*
what 20 yrs time, maybe he's oredi regularly sitting there!
An idle mind is the devil's workshop


Wanna get married, but afraid of losing yr property, yr assets in the event of divorce? Quit SG, dun marry SG gal, yr ass is oso covered!!!

Talking Equality wif SG gals is like talking Communism wif Capitalists
Old 04-01-2008, 10:23 AM
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Re: would 2008 be as rosy as wat some ppl said??

With the I/R coming up, I doubt the garment will let the local economy turn sour. In fact they have stop some public projects from competing with the strong construction sector now. If anything, they will reactivate this project as fiscal policies to help the economy ..... at least thios will alleviate any sharp downtrun in world economy .... their salary aside ... agree garment hv done a good job since they came into power 40 years ago
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Old 04-01-2008, 10:33 AM
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Re: would 2008 be as rosy as wat some ppl said??

Meet some of PRC friend who I ask them to pronouce "Rosy" many can't turn their tongue round, instead they pronouce "Lousy" I think is might not be "Rosy" because it can "Lousy"
Old 04-01-2008, 05:08 PM
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Re: would 2008 be as rosy as wat some ppl said??

Originally Posted by avaritia View Post
With the I/R coming up, I doubt the garment will let the local economy turn sour. In fact they have stop some public projects from competing with the strong construction sector now. If anything, they will reactivate this project as fiscal policies to help the economy ..... at least thios will alleviate any sharp downtrun in world economy .... their salary aside ... agree garment hv done a good job since they came into power 40 years ago
u are putting yr bet, yr future, yr destiny in the hands of other pple, the SG Govt. Good luck!

SG Govt can't guarantee the economy will be prosperous, they can't guarantee u won't lose yr job. The business world & economy is getting more inter-connected & inter-dependant more than ever. A recession in the US or China, SGP won't be able to avoid a recession.

During recessions, it's always debating in Parliament about plucking a few feathers off the Golden Goose to tide over the difficult period, then return whatever $$$ used when the economy recovers. But MIWs are always unwilling to even pluck 1 feather!
An idle mind is the devil's workshop


Wanna get married, but afraid of losing yr property, yr assets in the event of divorce? Quit SG, dun marry SG gal, yr ass is oso covered!!!

Talking Equality wif SG gals is like talking Communism wif Capitalists
Old 04-01-2008, 05:55 PM
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Re: would 2008 be as rosy as wat some ppl said??

Originally Posted by 79Guards View Post
Nothing venture, nothing gain, guess when we reach a certain age like me in mid forties and no cert. wonder which employer will employ us. Sometimes just have to wait for company to retench us and hope they pay us an amount and at the same time try our luck on 4D and toto hopefully we can strike big money.
I sympathise wif u, I know several pple in similar situation as u. Tat's why I said even buying lottery is buying some hope. But, dun indulge or buy too much. Hope u are successful in using a small knife to saw big tree.
An idle mind is the devil's workshop


Wanna get married, but afraid of losing yr property, yr assets in the event of divorce? Quit SG, dun marry SG gal, yr ass is oso covered!!!

Talking Equality wif SG gals is like talking Communism wif Capitalists
Old 05-01-2008, 12:40 AM
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Re: would 2008 be as rosy as wat some ppl said??

Originally Posted by 84gunner View Post
what 20 yrs time, maybe he's oredi regularly sitting there!

*LOL* *LOL* It's a waste of time interacting with them cos all they know is grumbling. Yet end of the day, no actions taken. Typical bummers, I would say.

*LOL* *LOL* Aiya... why worried? garment will take care of them lor... didnt u know our garment is "robin-hoot" who robs the rich to help the poor? *LOL* *LOL*
Old 05-01-2008, 01:39 AM
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Re: would 2008 be as rosy as wat some ppl said??

Originally Posted by jng1103 View Post

*LOL* *LOL* Aiya... why worried? garment will take care of them lor... didnt u know our garment is "robin-hoot" who robs the rich to help the poor? *LOL* *LOL*
sornie lah, I forgotten, cos I quit SG several years oredi
An idle mind is the devil's workshop


Wanna get married, but afraid of losing yr property, yr assets in the event of divorce? Quit SG, dun marry SG gal, yr ass is oso covered!!!

Talking Equality wif SG gals is like talking Communism wif Capitalists
Old 05-01-2008, 02:32 AM
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Re: would 2008 be as rosy as wat some ppl said??

That why i don't vote PAP at all.They suck big time,but well they still won the election.Well when will singaporean back to their mind.Until the GOVT suck dry the money or more poor jump down the MRT
Old 05-01-2008, 02:47 AM
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Re: would 2008 be as rosy as wat some ppl said??

Different ppl would hav different thinking ...just hope dat things would really turn out be smooth all the way
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Old 05-01-2008, 05:41 AM
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Re: would 2008 be as rosy as wat some ppl said??

Just my 2 cents worth regarding switching jobs.

1. First have to evaluate whether there is a 'market' for your talents. If no, best stay put.

2. For certain positions, once you reach certain pay level, it will be difficult to ask for increment.

3. Dun be influenced by other's decision in the company. Human tendency is always 'to follow the crowd'. In companies, there are certain positions that are 'siong' and certain positions which are damn relax.
It is always about weighing your options. What you get ($) = What you sacrifice.
Just like some married female colleagues. They dun mind doing menial routine task everyday. Not much job prospects and increment little bit. But they dun mind as they get a nice balance between work n family.
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Old 05-01-2008, 08:44 AM
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Re: would 2008 be as rosy as wat some ppl said??

wat u see,might not be wat u get.
when see some of these ppl dress well & drive a expensive car,it doesn't imply that they r well off.
i hv a frd that earns >10k/month,but his monthly expenses are 2 much 4 him 2 handle.He is also struggling 2 clear the mouthly payments required 2 banks he owned $$.
most of the time,he still needs 2 borrow $$ fr his taxi dad.
talking abt well off pay...........................
2 many sg ppl r wearing a hat that is bigger then his/her head.
Old 05-01-2008, 10:17 AM
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Re: would 2008 be as rosy as wat some ppl said??

sigh.........have not been having bonus and salary for 10 years annual leave, no ph,.....this type of job who want?

as there is a saying, the pasture over the hill is greener and tastier...working class,think being a boss is fantastic vice versa being a boss say being employ, can switch off and dun have to worry about overall company progress just focus in their department can liao. how to balnace in life.?....

ok, 2008 give u guys some KANGTAU to huat.....IPO old chang kee available now at $ in heavy and let go at $0.40...HUAT HUAT HUAT arrrr.......rrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Old 05-01-2008, 10:34 AM
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Re: would 2008 be as rosy as wat some ppl said??

Originally Posted by fl_slayer View Post
sigh.........have not been having bonus and salary for 10 years annual leave, no ph,.....this type of job who want?

ok, 2008 give u guys some KANGTAU to huat.....IPO old chang kee available now at $ in heavy and let go at $0.40...HUAT HUAT HUAT arrrr.......rrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Are you serious, bro? How you survive without a salary for 10 years??? Are you the US Federal Reserve in disguise, printing money in your own backyard? I was just kidding on that.

I am just posting to add in my bit that IPOs are not necessarily a surefire money making scheme. With inflation shooting upwards, the basic materials to make your curry poks will cost more, then they will raise prices, the customers may be lesser... Outlook isn't too good at the moment. (I say "may be" because the opposite is happening for Bread Talk, bloody bread is so expensive but there's always a queue! $1.40 for a 'bah hoo' bread! That's almost the price of a loaf of bread, if am not wrong. Screw them, I'll eat something else.) Short Old Chang Kee!
Old 05-01-2008, 01:13 PM
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Talking Re: would 2008 be as rosy as wat some ppl said??

Originally Posted by airbrush View Post
2. Take less taxi as they are a killer. Access whether u really need a car, if not scrap the idea. If u think getting a car is the only way to get gals, it's time to venture to foreign land.

agree taxi are a killer now, last week when my friend and was discussing about taxi from T1 to home, we decided to share a cab, our flight was delay and we arrived T1 3am when our turn for taxi it was a merc, we check with the driver to make sure there is no different in fare before we board. The journey fro T1 to Dynasty Classic cost us $25.00 taking into consideration there is no ERP.
Nowaday most S'pore & Msia girls would require their prospective partners to own a car... they feel that only foreigners in S'pore take public transports.

With massive increases in taxi fares... we have no choice but not to cheong too late.
On sat night we are still able to catch a bus at midnight 12am.
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