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Old 06-06-2022, 09:28 PM
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Re: Spoke to L16H51 last night, Geylang estimated to reopen next month in July

Originally Posted by ProfessorX View Post

Wonder how will the queue turn out when it opens. My guess is that the demand will be a lot more than the supply
Maybe there might be a quota system for the first few mths. Must look after the WLs. U know how many desperate bros are waiting for their long awaited drill fest. Some may even plonk a tidy sum to book one whole day of drilling nd naked sessions. Must look after the health of the WLs. If not they may not be able to tahan the amount of drilling each day!!
Old 06-06-2022, 09:29 PM
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Originally Posted by jadedsoul View Post
Desker ever got brothel before ? Any bros can confirm.. I tot only part time lady boys but that's like 20 years ago ?
Yes only few houses. Just like all RLDs, Covid made them closed. There all All MILFs, GILFs aged 50 years above. Last time used to go for the legendary Zarina, big boobs Malay MILF from Malaysia. She's known as the Desker Queen there.
Old 06-06-2022, 09:35 PM
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Re: Spoke to L16H51 last night, Geylang estimated to reopen next month in July

Originally Posted by ProfessorX View Post
I seem to have gotten zapped quite a bit for opening this thread about Geylang reopening.
Thanks for the info sharing
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Old 06-06-2022, 09:36 PM
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Re: Spoke to L16H51 last night, Geylang estimated to reopen next month in July

Originally Posted by harleyquinnz View Post
Maybe there might be a quota system for the first few mths. Must look after the WLs. U know how many desperate bros are waiting for their long awaited drill fest. Some may even plonk a tidy sum to book one whole day of drilling nd naked sessions. Must look after the health of the WLs. If not they may not be able to tahan the amount of drilling each day!!
should limit queue length and the number of slots one person can take at beginning
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Old 06-06-2022, 11:09 PM
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Re: Spoke to L16H51 last night, Geylang estimated to reopen next month in July

Originally Posted by jadedsoul View Post
Desker ever got brothel before ? Any bros can confirm.. I tot only part time lady boys but that's like 20 years ago ?
Yes... there were 3 legal brothels left that were operating there pre-covid. Deskar is a pale shadow of its glory days as during its heyday in the 70s there were 2 stretches of brothels consisting of more than 20 houses.

Not many locals patronise them as the WLs are mostly indian aunties from Malaysia. But there are gems too such as the indian muslim WL Zarina aka "Queen of Deskar."
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Old 07-06-2022, 12:22 AM
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Re: Spoke to L16H51 last night, Geylang estimated to reopen next month in July

Originally Posted by ProfessorX View Post
Wonder how will the queue turn out when it opens. My guess is that the demand will be a lot more than the supply
Hope we don't get Hello Kitty queues, or else the price sure shoot up fast!
Old 07-06-2022, 10:27 AM
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Re: Spoke to L16H51 last night, Geylang estimated to reopen next month in July

Originally Posted by John10Barnes View Post
Hope we don't get Hello Kitty queues, or else the price sure shoot up fast!
Best is to avoid during the opening couple of weeks. Probably, it will happen. can guarantee wanbao and mothershit reporter will go down there to camp during the first week. They already did that during middle of covid to interview those street walkers tranny.

The good old days where you see those pills and cigarette peddlers playing catching with police is back. Will always have those vietnamese look out at the overhead bridge or lorong opening.

It will be interesting with the new gym. Might become the new hotspot for the trannies to camp there.

Another thing is you not only have to fight for slots with locals, those bangalas and especially tiong workers need their dicks suck also. Bangala still have weekend pinoy girlfriends to blow steam off. Tiongs already gone berserk with threatening to throw themselves off the dormitory and chopping cases.

You will also likely see police deploying extra units to "handle the situation" , reopening can be rowdy, parking can be messy and that place will have those "friendly neighbours" complaining about drunk bangalas and tiongs behind those lorongs peeing.
Old 07-06-2022, 08:13 PM
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Re: Spoke to L16H51 last night, Geylang estimated to reopen next month in July

I thought L16H51 was all done when Lorna called it quits. So how can anyone speak to 1651?

Senior brudders, what's going on here?
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Old 07-06-2022, 09:18 PM
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Re: Spoke to L16H51 last night, Geylang estimated to reopen next month in July

Originally Posted by aki9 View Post's already happening.
Perpetual cat & mouse game
Simply Legalize, so that there can be better medical screenings
There are illegal activities happen around the island, like drugs etc, should the regulator just legalise it? If the SPAs which are located all over the island are allowed to provide sex service, making it accessible in all neighbourhoods, shopping malls etc. Then there would be no so called red light district, because everywhere is red light district. Imagine the backlash from the public.
Old 07-06-2022, 09:47 PM
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Re: Spoke to L16H51 last night, Geylang estimated to reopen next month in July

Originally Posted by GirthyPickle View Post
Best is to avoid during the opening couple of weeks. Probably, it will happen. can guarantee wanbao and mothershit reporter will go down there.
Canotbtahan oredi....i wear mask sunshade n cap
Old 07-06-2022, 10:03 PM
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Re: Spoke to L16H51 last night, Geylang estimated to reopen next month in July

Originally Posted by Ninja_Assassin View Post
Moi heard from Cantonment some GL applications have been "green light" in principle pending some further conditions to be fulfilled for final approval. Even so..... I dun tink they can start by July as the administrative matters need time to be processed. My guess would be September is a safer bet for GL re-opening.
OT but related matter...... 2 ex-PT OKTs have been approved to restart their brothels but the location is at Deskar road. One of them has oredi secured a unit a few doors away from the 3 existing brothels and is pending for AV approval for her WLs yellow card application.
The other OKT is in negotiation to rent another unit along the same stretch but not going smoothly as the landlord wants to be a partner in the brothel which is against AV T&C. He may have to look for another unit.
I thot the old timer petain gers can come over anytime as long as they hav not surrendered their yellow card. Do they hav to re apply?
Old 08-06-2022, 12:44 PM
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Re: Spoke to L16H51 last night, Geylang estimated to reopen next month in July

Originally Posted by GirthyPickle View Post
You will also likely see police deploying extra units to "handle the situation" , reopening can be rowdy, parking can be messy and that place will have those "friendly neighbours" complaining about drunk bangalas and tiongs behind those lorongs peeing.
U will see MP cutting red ribbon for re-opening too
It's a Great even GL has been a historic place of interests tat attract many visitors too

U watch for the news too anytime will shown but don't know when
Old 08-06-2022, 02:34 PM
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Re: Spoke to L16H51 last night, Geylang estimated to reopen next month in July

Originally Posted by ProfessorX View Post
Hey gu how's their reopening progress.

Sharing is caring, hope my little chat with them helps
My friend who rented out his shop to okt in geylang told me brothels in geylang will reopen in September 2022.
Old 08-06-2022, 10:12 PM
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Re: Spoke to L16H51 last night, Geylang estimated to reopen next month in July

Originally Posted by bonkning View Post
I thot the old timer petain gers can come over anytime as long as they hav not surrendered their yellow card. Do they hav to re apply?
First they need to find an OKT who is willing to be their sponsor.
Then that OKT will apply for the yellow card on their behalf.
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Old 08-06-2022, 10:38 PM
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Re: Spoke to L16H51 last night, Geylang estimated to reopen next month in July

Any status with Jln Suka? Jln Molek row where the famous H14 and a sintua there seems quiet
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