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Re: Phillipines, Manila, Makati Happenings
1) don't show off expensive phone/jewellery - get a cheap phone for use outside the hotel 2) Travel light (that's me- others may differ) 3) avoid making friends with strangers who want to 'help you' or claim to be your hotel security/staff etc, and if they persist just walk back to the hotel - almost all of them are seasoned confidence tricksters, who will whack you in one way or other once you let your guard down - and a reward of 1,000 peso or more is great, vs doing nothing - 4) if you feel something is not right, including the girls looking very Under age, leave the place ![]() 5) always, for Fxxk Sake, always keep small change in one pocket - 50s and 100s, so if you need a favour from a security and need to tip him, in a bar/club or anywhere, to get you a meter taxi, you don't need to pull out your wallet, and you can one-up the taxi drivers in Manila who never ever have change, so if you give a 1,000 peso, don't expect anything back, even for a 100 peso ride. And the small changes come useful when somebody harass you and you are stuck, and haven't experience any escape process- give a 50 peso and swiftly disappear .. (I never did it, but I guess it may work .. ) 6) if you see a big group of fellows, sitting, congregating, unless it is day time, avoid them .. I stick to all 6 of above, if I am alone and drinking. If I am with one of my local friends, I don't mind letting my guard down .. for some real scams, that are not meant to scare you, but reality I personally know guys who had to give their iphone, watch and jewellery, in exchange for cops not pressing charges for buying viagra :P no kidding I personally know guys who met new friends, who took them to bars, and suddenly the bar bill for one beer was 10,000 peso - apparently it is consumable (you can drink for 10,000) but what can you drink for 10,000 and not get drunk ? I personally know enough guys who fell for simple tricks and lost wallets etc (not enough to write here .. and not meant to scare you .. ) Then again, the world favours the brave. I know friends who took chances, asked taxi drivers to bring them to casas, ended up in dorms where girls waiting for overseas jobs are being cooped up and you can pick what you want -I did that twice, but the driver was referred by somebody and my local friend tagged along with me .. - before i felt it not right - feels like buying meat really- and the travel is a bit scary driving through some very ulu ulu places, with squatters etc. I also know guys, who bravely chatted up strangers, and got rewarded richly (me too, at times did get lucky and other times, was made to look silly .. ) Go guts, no glory ![]() Then again, my threat level detector goes extremely high, only in Manila. In the Provinces, I take jeepney, go shopping alone, and go to bars alone, keep all my money in one wallet - stumbled out and taken taxi by myself, and never got taken advantage of or robbed (though you must know never to get into any gambling, drinking, or betting with locals .. ) Heck, in one of the islands, I was even sent back free to my hotel, because I spent 2000 peso there - in the empty place, and then the restaurant felt I was drunk, and the tricycle fellow the engaged refused payment, I had to call the front desk to force him to take the money. PS, sorry for the long winded post, again ![]()
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Re: Phillipines, Manila, Makati Happenings
Guess this thread is still active.
Decided to be adventurous and going to Boracay alone from 1st-5th June. Hope to get tips/hints from bros/sis here. |
Re: Phillipines, Manila, Makati Happenings
![]() anyway, since it is summer, be prepared to see the place flooded with people, and you 'may' have to compete to find a screw Again, beware of the extremely feminine Lady Boys .. ![]() ![]() What hints are you expecting, by the way ? Have you been to Philippines before, if I may ask ? If you are on an end-to-end package - i.e. Airport to resort, you have one less thing to worry
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Re: Phillipines, Manila, Makati Happenings
It's my virgin trip to Boracay. I thought that Jun - Sep is a low season? |
Re: Phillipines, Manila, Makati Happenings
Every rich kid, or every kid who thinks he / she is rich, or anybody for that matter, will be on "BACAYSION" (Vacation .. ) and in their culture, even the poor has to take a Bacaysion I was asking if it is your first time to "PHILIPPINES" itself ![]()
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Re: Phillipines, Manila, Makati Happenings
Thanks bro etsys for the detailed guide. Will keep that all in mind!
Now just doing some more reading and research with other friends on where to go. On the last day of my trip I may have the afternoon free. My flight is around 10pm so got some time to kill. Would you guys recommend going to Burgos during the day? Only downside is I might have my backpack with me. That's my only piece of luggage though. Prefer to travel light. 😁 |
Re: Phillipines, Manila, Makati Happenings
Yes, it is also my first to the Philippines.
Re: Phillipines, Manila, Makati Happenings
wait, and when are you going there ??
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Re: Phillipines, Manila, Makati Happenings
manila is not AC. I think during the day, Burgos is probably the ONLY SOLE place u can get some action. so, its not as if u have any OTHER choice for day time action. even then, prob 3 quarters of Burgos bars not opened during the day. ![]() wait, one more avenue. FLs. forgot about them. hehe. |
Re: Phillipines, Manila, Makati Happenings
hmmm, i wouldnt go boracay ALONE if i were u. too hassle to start looking there. imo, Boracay is best savoured with a partner u r bringing along, or maybe 2 partners . hahaha. |
Re: Phillipines, Manila, Makati Happenings
LA cafe is open 24 hours, by the way
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Re: Phillipines, Manila, Makati Happenings
Was at MBC a while back. Mixed crowd. Met one girl there with beautiful fair skin and amazing tits. A bit bah bah type but that just means more to grab on to. But was in a rush and only planned to do some Reece there. Regret not taking her. Maybe on my last day what I'll do is book a ST hotel near MBC and try my luck.
Re: Phillipines, Manila, Makati Happenings
oh yes, forgot about LA Cafe........actually day time action, mebbe the best bet is LA Cafe... ![]() |
Re: Phillipines, Manila, Makati Happenings
Philippines is actually a nice country if only the govt pay more attention to domestic issues rather than kissing American asses to fight against China over the Spratly islands. Spratly is a never ending political issue and should be solved at the govt levels and not escalate to street violence.
When things get overheated (eg during street protests, China flag burning etc) Chinese-looking guys should stay off the streets. The mobs dont differentiate whether you are S'porean Chinese, Taiwanese, mainland Chinese or whatever. |
Re: Phillipines, Manila, Makati Happenings
Kissing America's ass is not the reason for their economy to be in Shambles, the reason started from Marcos, who liberated 10 billion $ atleast (in 1980 estimate - maybe about 30 billion $ in today's currency?) and used the state resources as his private property, and gave away a lot of well performing state assets to his friends and family - and the successors never retrieved them - after all, all those who came after Marcos are from the same pile of Cr*p, though they pretend otherwise And Marcos put in laws to limit foreigners owning businesses, to protect his friends' interest and all who came after Marcos, only made those laws tighter, to protect the mega rich in Philippines There are many reasons why Philippines will never grow, in the next 10 to 20 years, and the above reasons are the primary reasons. And don't get too hoodwinked by the flag burning etc. There are hundreds and thousands, whose full time job is 'activists' and protesting and all is their way of making a full time, well paying job, and also a seat in the congress as Militant Activists etc, which in return guarantees a fair share of the pork barrel = more money to repeat the previous shows. No kidding Protesting is a money making business in PH ! Seriously. And so profitable is stopping the traffic, destabilising the economy and all the related pain that invokes on the country, but that's a way of life, and money spinner.
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