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Old 13-04-2011, 12:33 PM
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Re: getting naught with wife's sister

Originally Posted by whiteangelcsh View Post
There's only one donts.

DUN play in ur own courtyard.
agree agree agree....and again agree
Old 13-04-2011, 03:56 PM
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Re: getting naught with wife's sister

Originally Posted by fendy View Post
Bro TS

Mai cheong ang teng !!! this urge of yours if fuc*ing dangerous especially in Singapore.

If she turns and report, you lose everything ... somemore cried rape you kena rotan and years to come, your children will bear all the shame having such a old man like you

bro , think with your big head not the small one.

just pay $50.00 at Gland if have urge , dont kill your and your children future
Yes, very good advice to heed not worthwhile the effort and more to loose than gain in the end
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Old 13-04-2011, 04:18 PM
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Re: getting naught with wife's sister

Two word of Advice
The difference between COMPLETE & FINISH

People say there is no difference between
But there is !
When you marry the right one, you are COMPLETE
And when you marry the wrong one, you are FINISHED

And when the "right one" catches you with the "wrong one", you are


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Last edited by ah rat; 13-04-2011 at 04:33 PM.
Old 13-04-2011, 05:01 PM
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Re: getting naught with wife's sister

TS, fantasying about your SIL is one thing. Doing her is a totally different thing.

While she has a good figure or teases you at times, it doesn't mean she is ready to have sex with you.

Besides, think of your wife. Why did you marry her in the first place? Surely there must be a good reason. Don't break her heart, your newly formed family and her family just because of your lust.
Old 13-04-2011, 05:10 PM
bawuveron bawuveron is offline
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Re: getting naught with wife's sister

Originally Posted by ah rat View Post
Two word of Advice
The difference between COMPLETE & FINISH

People say there is no difference between
But there is !
When you marry the right one, you are COMPLETE
And when you marry the wrong one, you are FINISHED

And when the "right one" catches you with the "wrong one", you are


I like this 1.
Old 13-04-2011, 10:20 PM
santomobile santomobile is offline
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Re: getting naught with wife's sister

Originally Posted by ah rat View Post
Two word of Advice
The difference between COMPLETE & FINISH

People say there is no difference between
But there is !
When you marry the right one, you are COMPLETE
And when you marry the wrong one, you are FINISHED

And when the "right one" catches you with the "wrong one", you are

TS, It's better to be a COMPLETE one than a FiNISHED one, and It's much better not to be a COMPLETELY FINISHED one. So don't start the fire.
Old 13-04-2011, 11:45 PM
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Re: getting naught with wife's sister

Such fantasies are really normal la.

If u think with heart, of course all bros will tell u, "DUN DO IT IN OWN BACKYARD".

If the dickies thinking... actually, u may ask wifey if she ever fancy letting u do sis, and maybe together with her???

Nothing venture nothing gain. Maybe u can unravel a deep unknown secret and TIO BEH PIO!!!

- now that is my dick's 2 cents worth!
Old 14-04-2011, 01:50 AM
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Re: getting naught with wife's sister

Originally Posted by aerogun View Post
Say you guys have this really strong urge to get naughty withn your wife's cute sister - how would you go for it? The do's and the don'ts? Any experience to be shared here?

As for myself, I'm in the midst of getting flirty..wife's sister is currently staying with us to look after my baby boy. It's really arousing to see her in short pants and you're all alone with her..oops,sorry for the perverted attitude
Say I may have the strongest of urges to do the thing you describe, but given that this is going to be very damaging to the relationship between husband and wife, the wife's relationship with her sister, the sister-in-law's relationship with her family, not to mention the possible branding of major a**hole and sl*t to the husband and the sister-in-law... I might as well go burn my privates... since I am so interested in playing with fire..

And judging from the response thus far, most of the bros here would agree it isn't worth the sh*t to be even thinking about it in the first place...


1) Wake up your idea.
2) Do some other stuff to relieve such stupid thoughts.
3) Prepare for divorce and more ugly things should you think that you are that lucky to be able to do the deed and get away with it... The odds of winning 4D is much higher... Though the chances of your sister-in-law crying rape is even higher..

1) Don't even think about it if you value your marriage and good name... One jerk ever tried his luck and still had people cursing him 5 years after the incident..

Hope the advice from everyone in the thread here about not doing it gets to you.. Take care.
Old 14-04-2011, 09:40 AM
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Re: getting naught with wife's sister

I too have fantasies of my SIL too since I married my wife. For yrs, sometime, I even have wet dream of her, glimpse of her nipple or bush when wearing short and loose Tee. Occasionally brush each other by accidents but never never ever wanting to go further. I wont jeopardise my family for my small cock head idealistic.
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Old 14-04-2011, 02:04 PM
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Re: getting naught with wife's sister

the way I see it, regardless of all the bros telling you to NOT do what you intend to do, I get the feeling from your posts that you are going to go ahead anyway. The tone of your posts didn't really sound like you were asking for advice rather than validation to seduce your sister in law. The bros telling you to back off only served to strengthen your resolve to do the dirty on your sister in law.

You have probably made up your mind what you're going to do. Your character is so weak that you cannot see your SIL in a sisterly or familial fashion that you have to have sex with her.

So, do what you will, regardless of what we say here in the forum. But please remember, you will have to be ready to accept ALL the consequences of your actions. Are you ready to bear the responsibility of the devastation you will cause in the lives of the loved ones around you?
Old 14-04-2011, 03:02 PM
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Re: getting naught with wife's sister

aerogun - i am here to listen to your twisted stories... if u like to continue.
I agree with the bros here, you are playing with fire and u are twisted.

But who is not twisted in their minds here? Are there any saints here? Or are they pretending to be saints here?

If you are upset with the remarks here, u may PM me to tell me your stories in private. I am all ears to listen to you so that you don't have to be run down by all these "saints"....

U know there are a lot of pretense here.... pretends to be saints, pretends to be doing right, etc. And yet, they are married and still here seeking FBs or visiting GL gals. If they are not interested in your stories, they will not be here reading your thread in the 1st place right?

I admire your courage to venture into the new horizon of risk. And rather then just simply reading stories and stories of lame and mundane reports of their experiences with maids or gals from GL that is so brainless and unchallenging, i will rather listen to your stories.... its filled with suspense and thrill.

So please continue your stories here or you may PM me for your updates and we can share.
Old 14-04-2011, 11:56 PM
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Re: getting naught with wife's sister

TS aiyah very simple lah.

You want to fuck her so badly is it? But confirm got repercussions cannot fuck.

Blowjob? Like one bro mentioned, if never follow up with intercourse, becomes an offence.

So how?


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Old 15-04-2011, 12:37 AM
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Re: getting naught with wife's sister

Never eat and shit at the same place....
รอผมกลับมานา.....raawM phohmR glapL maaM

To all the bros who have upped me, thanks a lot! Will find opportunity to up (not literally) you back.
Old 15-04-2011, 12:39 AM
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Re: getting naught with wife's sister

Yeah, agree totally dun eat and shit at the same place. My camp last time got one Sergeant fucking 2 of the admin gals there....In the end kanna posted out cos they found out he was two-timing them. Not a good thing to anger women...
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Old 15-04-2011, 03:46 PM
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Re: getting naught with wife's sister

guess can only do it while still gf, not when is wife lor...
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