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Old 30-01-2013, 03:52 AM
arius3 arius3 is offline
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Re: girls in 1654A

Tip them. They already earn so much , wat for want to tip them. Most of them are not even quality.
Old 30-01-2013, 05:19 PM
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Re: girls in 1654A

Originally Posted by arius3 View Post
Tip them. They already earn so much , wat for want to tip them. Most of them are not even quality.
Yes, there was this one time at 1654A, an angpai joked with me and asked for a tip; she said other people tipped her, why didn't I do it too. I was like...WTF, why should I, and still I didn't.
I believe I did the right thing, and I still do today. But we mustn't flame other bros who tip too, I guess to each his own, it's their money anyway.
Happy bonking! : )
Old 30-01-2013, 05:30 PM
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Re: girls in 1654A

Originally Posted by Nato17 View Post
How to bao them when they are not in the flesh trade?
I don't know how to open mouth like that lei. Errr,

ME:Suck thumb correct?

Haiz... U need tuition in such things meh..?

Before asking if they could be baoed.. U need to break ice first mah..

Ok, whenever i am in China.. I like to hit on Hotel receptionists, Executive Lounge hostess, Restaurant waitress... Dress smart, smell good, smile, Ask stupid Qs like where to go for etc etc.. eat or sights or buy something, look at their response n eye contact.
It's pretty obvious with our "sexy" overseas accented mandarin they tend to find us mysterious. It's also obvious to them we are wealthier, generally their monthly wage is abt S$400-$800.
I like 5 star hotels with nice executive lounges, pick a good time to go when its less crowded.
After making small talk for awhile, ask if they are ok to do dinner/supper/clubbing. Be persistent.. actually.. be very persistent.
If they willing to go out with you.. ho say liao la.. anything goes.. see how u play your cards right? ( u quite the expert at such games)

Need me to elaborate anymore?
Old 30-01-2013, 05:43 PM
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Re: girls in 1654A

Originally Posted by geylangfc View Post
Haiz... U need tuition in such things meh..?

Before asking if they could be baoed.. U need to break ice first mah..

Ok, whenever i am in China.. I like to hit on Hotel receptionists, Executive Lounge hostess, Restaurant waitress... Dress smart, smell good, smile, Ask stupid Qs like where to go for etc etc.. eat or sights or buy something, look at their response n eye contact.
It's pretty obvious with our "sexy" overseas accented mandarin they tend to find us mysterious. It's also obvious to them we are wealthier, generally their monthly wage is abt S$400-$800.
I like 5 star hotels with nice executive lounges, pick a good time to go when its less crowded.
After making small talk for awhile, ask if they are ok to do dinner/supper/clubbing. Be persistent.. actually.. be very persistent.
If they willing to go out with you.. ho say liao la.. anything goes.. see how u play your cards right? ( u quite the expert at such games)

Need me to elaborate anymore?
no need. if big buffaloes like us still need help with this kind of secondary school skills in kao-ing char bor, then we're finshed. hehehe.
Old 31-01-2013, 11:52 PM
joncheong joncheong is offline
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Re: girls in 1654A

Originally Posted by Nato17 View Post
How to bao them when they are not in the flesh trade?
I don't know how to open mouth like that lei. Errr,

ME:Suck thumb correct?

I think the other kind of bao is more subtle.... Like making them your china-based gfs who receive monthly allowance from us ....not like bringing them out from the flesh trade for exclusive use by ourselves like what our fellow rich singapore bros who do in geylang
Old 01-02-2013, 01:37 PM
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Re: girls in 1654A

Originally Posted by cskcskcsk View Post
Yes, there was this one time at 1654A, an angpai joked with me and asked for a tip; she said other people tipped her, why didn't I do it too. I was like...WTF, why should I, and still I didn't.
I believe I did the right thing, and I still do today. But we mustn't flame other bros who tip too, I guess to each his own, it's their money anyway.
Happy bonking! : )
This is interesting. So is it a norm NOT to tip WL after a session? No WL has ever asked me for a tip, but I feel awkward to leave without giving them some tip (perhaps because I used to live in US for a long time). I normally tip 20% ($30), a little more if she worked hard.

Tipping is an individual choice, and everyone is free to do whatever they want. But I would like to know the "norm" here (because I don't want to be an idiot or an asshole ). How much do you normally tip (if you do)?

Old 01-02-2013, 02:07 PM
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Re: girls in 1654A

Originally Posted by thomas11 View Post
This is interesting. So is it a norm NOT to tip WL after a session? No WL has ever asked me for a tip, but I feel awkward to leave without giving them some tip (perhaps because I used to live in US for a long time). I normally tip 20% ($30), a little more if she worked hard.

Tipping is an individual choice, and everyone is free to do whatever they want. But I would like to know the "norm" here (because I don't want to be an idiot or an asshole ). How much do you normally tip (if you do)?

Totally understand that tipping is necessary in the US, because of the minimum wage system and all. In this part of the world, it's not 'mandatory', it's entirely up to individuals; so if you feel that your service provider has done an excellent job, or has gone that extra mile, you can if you want to. As for the amount, there's no minimum 10% either, any amount would suffice, so long as it'f from the heart. : )
Old 02-02-2013, 12:47 AM
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The last time I tipped was to Chu Chu ex-54A. I tipped her $200, she returned $100 saying too much.. . Sweet girl.
Old 02-02-2013, 06:37 AM
arius3 arius3 is offline
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Re: girls in 1654A

Originally Posted by thomas11 View Post
This is interesting. So is it a norm NOT to tip WL after a session? No WL has ever asked me for a tip, but I feel awkward to leave without giving them some tip (perhaps because I used to live in US for a long time). I normally tip 20% ($30), a little more if she worked hard.

Tipping is an individual choice, and everyone is free to do whatever they want. But I would like to know the "norm" here (because I don't want to be an idiot or an asshole ). How much do you normally tip (if you do)?

All these china gils are all money face. If u tip them u are stupid. A lot of them dunt give u service or bad attitude because all they want is money. THey arethe most con people. So dunt tip them. For those who tip, may who bao or tip $200, hope u get knock down by a car.
Old 02-02-2013, 11:51 AM
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Re: girls in 1654A

Originally Posted by cskcskcsk View Post
Totally understand that tipping is necessary in the US, because of the minimum wage system and all. In this part of the world, it's not 'mandatory', it's entirely up to individuals; so if you feel that your service provider has done an excellent job, or has gone that extra mile, you can if you want to. As for the amount, there's no minimum 10% either, any amount would suffice, so long as it'f from the heart. : )
Thank you for your kind comments. I know that tip is not necessary in Asia. As a matter of fact, I was grown up in Asia and lived in 4 different Asian countries. Thus I am fully aware I don't need to tip WL. Yet, even if it is not *required*, it is almost always appreciated. Even in Japan where tip is absolutely not required, I never met a girl who refuses it (and the service gets better next time with a generous tip ).

What I wanted to know is the "norm" here. If many folks give a tip to WL, I certainly don't want to be an asshole who doesn't. On the other hand, if only a few do, there is no point in tipping for average service.

Too much tipping can ruin the industry too. East Europe was wonderful in 90s. They were cheap and warm. But those stupid West Europeans (mostly Germans) and Americans completely ruined the minds of the girls there. Mesmerized by the beauty of the East European girls, those suckers paid too much and ruined the whole scene. Dumb asses....
Old 02-02-2013, 12:35 PM
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Smile Re: girls in 1654A

hey bro thomas, u're back! No, vast majority of custys i'd say at least 90% don't tip cat150s, nothing wrong with u tipping, i never have regardless of how good the session went, gals r happy either way. Errr, any bad experiences lately with grannies in gl to be avoided?
Cheers, Bong
Old 02-02-2013, 09:17 PM
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Re: girls in 1654A

This hse will closed on 9 - 12 Feb for cny! Gong Xi Fa Cai... Huat Ah!!!
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Old 02-02-2013, 09:23 PM
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Re: girls in 1654A

Have not frequent this hse for the last few months when all the AP left. after that goes to many hse now then i realized i have missed many new gems, thank to those ang pai left.
Old 02-02-2013, 10:48 PM
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Re: girls in 1654A

Originally Posted by enigma View Post
The last time I tipped was to Chu Chu ex-54A. I tipped her $200, she returned $100 saying too much.. . Sweet girl.
Don't BULLSHIT leh! Tua Pao will not make you Rich.
Can Fk a chick for $150, you willing to pay $350.
With this price, you can Fk two AP chicks together. Is that not more siok?
Old 03-02-2013, 10:39 AM
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Originally Posted by SunZhi View Post

Don't BULLSHIT leh! Tua Pao will not make you Rich.
Can Fk a chick for $150, you willing to pay $350.
With this price, you can Fk two AP chicks together. Is that not more siok?
Haha, believe it or not, it's your choice. I have long passed the stage of bullshitting here.

You know what, if you keep thinking how much you can save, that's probably why you will never build up rapport with the gals.
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