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Old 28-09-2022, 12:11 AM
semj semj is offline
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Re: Great Bonks (STRICTLY for sponsored gal only)

Axo - Blackpink (1s/45min, Night, visit past 4-5 day)

Disclaimers, Info + My Prefrence & Bias about my FR
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Cover as much detail as I can to be useful as possible, everyone looks for different things. hope it help make more inform choice
but keep in mind ultimately it is still through my own experience & view. I try my best to keep netural, state fact & detail
Can't provide info on EVERYTHING (sometime never notice or will forget some details)
Given score, if any, is rough guide. Everyone have own way in measure ratings. Especially thing like how chio or sexiness. I write more description for reader to judge
no cover up, no sugar coat, no exaggarate. but apologize for any lapse in judgement.
While I try provide accurate detail, I have to enjoy my session too, end of day, I am there as a bonker, not a recce personel
Please note location, area may or may not change any time, any day, or even within the same day. It is hard to predict. More experience bro will know this fact well

My Prefrence & Bias (to help you get a feel & to gauge my FR)
-Season Foot solider (can't comment on parking), 15min walk to me is acceptable
-Natural lover, size don't matter. Dislike enhanced
-I DO NOT know how to judge boob size accurately. I don't bring measuring tape to bonk stated boob size is what it FEEL LIKE TO ME
-lenient with body hotness/sexiness. Average is enough to turn me on. Generally am slim lover but open to different types, even meaty or abit of tummy I ok
-non smoker, sensitive to smoke breath
-I am not long laster. Each round of actions roughly 10-15min for me
-BJ not my thing, usually skip, even CBJ
-Not into AR, anal or anything related to the pangsai hole
-generally not very adventureous, my need are very basic
-3 Most Important criteria for me: GFE/FE/Attitude/Engagement, FJ/Passion, Cuddle - Everything else can be below average I will still rate good session
-I really really dislike it when girl immediately push me out upon cumming. That ruins the whole FJ. I need at least some time stay inside to savor the moment & enjoy the after-cum feeling
-My cuddle expection is high. For me equally important as FJ
-beside these 3 I quite chin chye, not demanding. so some might find me abit lenient on things

Full Detail Version
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OKT & Location
Booking/At location: super fast response, smooth process
Location/Distance: G area, 10-15min walk from mrt
Discreet: Need to reg
Room: Average space & vibe, not new - adequate clean. Aircon: Working
Shower: Private, Heater working. Decent space, not new but clean
Other Places to Fuck On: None
Mirror: Should be one at counter/table area
Bed: Single
Towel: Full size thick clean & absorbant (8.5/10) 👍
Thai Tan: None, fair. Vid tone is accurate
Skin (Body): For Look - smooth. For Touch - very smooth 👍
Boob: Est B to B+, Natural 👍, firm but soft to touch, tight no sag, beautifully proportion. no/minimal areola
just fair round smooth skin into perky light brown nips. overall incredibly hot & sexy (8.5/10) 👍
Body (Height/Build): Petite side, slim not skinny. Vid accurate. Body quite Tight
Body (Details): Arms slimmer than vid ad, general no tummy, have waist curve, Overall is hot
Hair: Shoulder length, black
Tattoo: Yes some
Below Shave: Yes
Hygiene: Clean
Fragrance: Neutral, no smell

Looks/Pic Accuracy: (now everyone look like model. All pics must auto discount, esp the perfect complexions)
Ad Accuracy: Mostly quite accurate, water bottle one most same to me.
Ad the vibe have some SYT feel, but real life she is more classy lady-like type
Real Life (Face/Look/Vibe): Pretty, classy lady type look. Abit stern, after warm up very chio when smile
Real Life (Details): Discount complexion abit, but still quite smooth not much blemish at all.
Sharp feature, pretty nose, eyes & overal face shape. Everything about her is pretty in classy kind of way
Real Life (Age Feel by Look): around 24 (This is very subjective, YMWV - your milage WILL vary)

Personality: Match her look, quiet with air of class but not cold type. Reserved but still adequate chatty.
Vibe/Overall Feel: Young OL or business/insurance agent vibe
Overall Age Feel (Look+Vibe): still around 24 despite her mature vibe,
feel she is actually on younger side (This is very subjective, YMWV - your milage WILL vary)
Shower Together: Yes, decent service
Foreplay: She dive right to catbath & BJ, when I reject BJ she was confuse at first but then
understood & accomdate to my preference of slow start. Do my usual snuggling then slowly increase up 👍
French: Light but not hesitant so still got feel. Neutral breath. Her lip was tender & sensual,
I like the way she kiss as well, it arouse me enough to caps on
Smoker: No
BJ: Didn't try, she offer
Paint: Didn't try
Finger: Didn't try
Below Wet: She use ky for me
AR/CIM/COB: Didn't try
PSE: Nil

Position: Her riding is quite good, plus really enjoy seeing her body & beautiful boobs bouncing ontop me
Passion: Not in this category
Wildness/Intensity: Decent, 7.5/10 add moan it enhance up to 9/10
Responsive: Yes, mostly through moan
Moan: 9/10 👍👍 highlight of the whole FJ. The moment her mouth open I lost focus on everything else.
never heard a more perfect moaning voice. knncb sensual. Sweet but sultry, tender but lustful all at the same time.
Her voice just arouse a intense yet satisfy feeling deep inside of me. Increase my heartbeat, set my soul on fire.
Don't know how else to describe but fuck, I thoroughly enjoyed every second of it
Even now recall the sounds she make still give me a mini-adrenalin rush
Pussy: Fairly tight, enjoyable texture
During Orgasm: SOP
After Orgasm: SOP but allow stay inside acceptably long 👍

Cuddle Note My cuddle expection is sky high. To me equally important as FJ
Didn't have much time left after actions, but I request to cuddle as part of foreplay, it was decent
Massage: Never ask, never try
Language/Comms: Seem quite good english, speak with abit of slang, didn't need any translate
Last Week: No
Lighting: adequate 7/10
Play Handphone: No
I'm ok with play handphone, More important is if the attention is still on me, or totally distratced

Service/attitude (I generaly remain quiet, passive, don't initiate or engage, step back see where the girl brings me)
Commercial: Abit, but she was friendly & welcoming.
Service: Decent, no complains. Quite obvious she isn't new to this, quite experienced
Attitude: Good, no problems
Engagement: Good, was mostly engage on me through my whole duration, physical or by talking
Conversation: Good, she can initiate & maintain conversation pace

GFE: Nil
Note I separate service/attitude & GFE. No GFE doesn't mean bad service or attitude. Can also have great service but no GF feeling

Shorter Version
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OKT & Location
OKT super fast response, smooth process. G area, 10-15min walk from mrt, need to reg
Room average space & vibe, not new - adequate clean. Shower actually has decent space
Full size thick clean & absorbant towel (8.5/10) 👍

No tan, fair. Vid tone accurate. Skin looks smooth, very smooth to touch 👍
Boobs est B to B+ Natural 👍, firm but soft to touch, tight no sag, beautifully proportion.
no/minimal areola just fair round smooth skin into perky light brown nips. overal incredibly hot & sexy (8.5/10) 👍
Petite side, slim not skinny. Vid accurate. Body quite Tight. Arms slimmer than vid, general no tummy, have waist curve, Overall is hot
Pics mostly quite accurate, water bottle one most same to me. pic vibe have some SYT feel, but real life is more classy lady type
Normal face abit stern, after warm up very chio when smile, slight discount complexion but still quite smooth not much blemish at all
Sharp feature, pretty nose, eyes & overal face shape. Everything about her is pretty in classy kind of way
Personality match her look, quiet with air of class but not cold type. Reserved but still adequate chatty
Have young OL or business/insurance agent vibe. Despite her classy mature vibe, she still feels on younger side

Shower together with decent service. She dive right in to catbath BJ but realize my preference for slow start & accomadate ot it 👍
Light french but not hesitant so still got feel. Neutral breath. Lips was tender & sensual, I like the way she kiss,
arouse me enough to caps on. As usual didn't try bj. She used KY, but pussy fairly tight enjoyable texture.
Sex was decently intense, riding esp quite good, enjoy seeing her body & beautiful boobs bouncing ontop me
Highlight of the whole FJ - her moaning. The moment her mouth open I lost focus on everything else.
never heard a more perfect moaning voice. knncb sensual. Sweet but sultry, tender but lustful all at the same time.
Her voice just arouse a intense yet satisfying feeling deep inside of me. Increase my heartbeat, set my soul on fire.
Don't know how else to describe but fuck, I thoroughly enjoyed every second of it.
Even now recall the sounds she make still give me a mini-adrenalin rush

After Action/Cuddle ?/10 Note My cuddle expection is sky high. To me equally important as FJ
Didn't have much time left after actions, but I request to cuddle as part of foreplay, it was decent

Slight bit commercial but was friendly & welcoming. Decent service, obvious she isn't new to this, quite experienced.
Good attitude, never play phone at all, good engagement level. Initiate conversation & maintain it well.

Highlights: No tan, if you fair lover, this will fall under hightlight
Incredibly beautiful set of natural b/b+
Her moaning voice. Crazy sensual & arousing. Sweet but sultry, tender but lustful all at the same time.
Good: Full size thick clean & absorbant towel
Very smooth skin to touch
Pretty & classy lady look
Good light frenching, at least I enjoy the way she kiss, tender lips
Riding felt good, especially in view of those pair of hot boobs
FJ intensity was decent, decent after-orgasm moment
Not Bad: Body adequately hot/sexy
Decent service/attitude with adequate engagement & conversation
Cuddle was alright
Acceptable: Acceptable room
Improvements: Not ideal need to reg
Lowlights: -

Personal favorite is her moans. If that was all the session had it would have been acceptably enough for me
Combine with a pretty face & decent service, made it overall a very good session.

Last edited by semj; 30-09-2022 at 03:48 PM.
Old 28-09-2022, 12:35 AM
Unicornfan Unicornfan is offline
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Re: Great Bonks (STRICTLY for sponsored gal only)

FR for Sally tarma from Poseidon

Place discreet. Easy to park
Booking straight forward.

Practically got a good session.

Lots of tongue fighting from both ladies.

Looks wise almost the same as posted. Both girls are friendly and svc oriented. No rush and having both worked on my tool is heavenly!

Will rtf as the feeling is right.
Old 28-09-2022, 01:30 AM
Philip888 Philip888 is offline
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Re: Great Bonks (STRICTLY for sponsored gal only)

Sky from Pimp

Saw sky and straight texted okt whether 12am have slot anot for 2shots. To my surprised was told first blood if no slot before my timing.

Location was great, towel big and new. Parking or foot soldier easy to get to there.

Knocked door and indeed Sky herself opening up and welcoming me. Can say 9.5 out of 10 from the picture. Enhanced D cup boobs but sensitive.

BBBJ was fantastic and she keep blowing. 69, fingering, painting (Shaved anyway) all allowed.

After shot she will cuddle with u and auto massage. Very service orientated.

She can understand abit of english and seemed like a shy person.

FJ was great and no complain from her at all.

Overall a very good session and the only bad point was the bed. Abit too soft for old man knee when pumping her.
Old 28-09-2022, 01:35 AM
Victoralpha Victoralpha is offline
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Re: Great Bonks (STRICTLY for sponsored gal only)

Nikki from Black Caviar

Location: easy to find.

Okt. Friendly and accomodated to my requirements.

Looks: 9 looks just like the picture. A darker tan type my favourite type.

Body: 8. Meaty and curves all at the right place, nice ass also. Enhanced boobs . Gym toned body. She was great

BBBJ: 9 she has good suction. Sucked on my balls too. Took her time .

FJ: 10 she is a real beast in bed, tight and wet pussy, while allowing deep hard penetration. She’s a loud moaner as well in bed. I cummed pretty fast on my first round. The second round i couldnt let go quickly. I was tired finished with HJ.

GFE: 7 i feel she could have cuddled me and made me feel like a king.

Rtf: maybe but she is worth a try. Too many gems out there to try.

Set back. There are no towels.. i used a huge paper towel to wipe myself.
Toliets is small and old.

Other than that left a happy man. Thanks OKT
Old 28-09-2022, 01:58 AM
jerjeromel jerjeromel is offline
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Re: Great Bonks (STRICTLY for sponsored gal only)

Originally Posted by SexyStars View Post
Where u saw this bro? They Re-Opening should be tomorrow your news fast sia... SA told u ar? Or their buddy Empire/Galaxy?
haha, the chat group changed title to angel aura and introduced new FLs but initially didn't post any WhatsApp link.. but they edited alr.
2025 HIT!
Pink - Tiirak
Heyna - SD
Gina - TA

Mini - SD
Old 28-09-2022, 02:10 AM
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Eizen Eizen is offline
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Red face Re: Great Bonks (STRICTLY for sponsored gal only)

Originally Posted by semj View Post
Axo - Blackpink (1s/45min, Night, visit past ?-? day)

Disclaimers, Info + My Prefrence & Bias about my FR
( Click to show/hide )
Cover as much detail as I can to be useful as possible, everyone looks for different things. hope it help make more inform choice
but keep in mind ultimately it is still through my own experience & view. I try my best to keep netural, state fact & detail
Can't provide info on EVERYTHING (sometime never notice or will forget some details)
Given score, if any, is rough guide. Everyone have own way in measure ratings. Especially thing like how chio or sexiness. I write more description for reader to judge
no cover up, no sugar coat, no exaggarate. but apologize for any lapse in judgement.
While I try provide accurate detail, I have to enjoy my session too, end of day, I am there as a bonker, not a recce personel
Please note location, area may or may not change any time, any day, or even within the same day. It is hard to predict. More experience bro will know this fact well

My Prefrence & Bias (to help you get a feel & to gauge my FR)
-Season Foot solider (can't comment on parking), 15min walk to me is acceptable
-Natural lover, size don't matter. Dislike enhanced
-I DO NOT know how to judge boob size accurately. I don't bring measuring tape to bonk stated boob size is what it FEEL LIKE TO ME
-lenient with body hotness/sexiness. Average is enough to turn me on. Generally am slim lover but open to different types, even meaty or abit of tummy I ok
-non smoker, sensitive to smoke breath
-I am not long laster. Each round of actions roughly 10-15min for me
-BJ not my thing, usually skip, even CBJ
-Not into AR, anal or anything related to the pangsai hole
-generally not very adventureous, my need are very basic
-3 Most Important criteria for me: GFE/FE/Attitude/Engagement, FJ/Passion, Cuddle - Everything else can be below average I will still rate good session
-I really really dislike it when girl immediately push me out upon cumming. That ruins the whole FJ. I need at least some time stay inside to savor the moment & enjoy the after-cum feeling
-My cuddle expection is high. For me equally important as FJ
-beside these 3 I quite chin chye, not demanding. so some might find me abit lenient on things

Full Detail Version
( Click to show/hide )
OKT & Location
Booking/At location: super fast response, smooth process
Location/Distance: G area, 10-15min walk from mrt
Discreet: Need to reg
Room: Average space & vibe, not new - adequate clean. Aircon: Working
Shower: Private, Heater working. Decent space, not new but clean
Other Places to Fuck On: None
Mirror: Should be one at counter/table area
Bed: Single
Towel: Full size thick clean & absorbant (8.5/10) ��
Thai Tan: None, fair. Vid tone is accurate
Skin (Body): For Look - smooth. For Touch - very smooth ��
Boob: Est B to B+, Natural ��, firm but soft to touch, tight no sag, beautifully proportion. no/minimal areola
just fair round smooth skin into perky light brown nips. overall incredibly hot & sexy (8.5/10) ��
Body (Height/Build): Petite side, slim not skinny. Vid accurate. Body quite Tight
Body (Details): Arms slimmer than vid ad, general no tummy, have waist curve, Overall is hot
Hair: Shoulder length, black
Tattoo: Yes some
Below Shave: Yes
Hygiene: Clean
Fragrance: Neutral, no smell

Looks/Pic Accuracy: (now everyone look like model. All pics must auto discount, esp the perfect complexions)
Ad Accuracy: Mostly quite accurate, water bottle one most same to me.
Ad the vibe have some SYT feel, but real life she is more classy lady-like type
Real Life (Face/Look/Vibe): Pretty, classy lady type look. Abit stern, after warm up very chio when smile
Real Life (Details): Discount complexion abit, but still quite smooth not much blemish at all.
Sharp feature, pretty nose, eyes & overal face shape. Everything about her is pretty in classy kind of way
Real Life (Age Feel by Look): around 24 (This is very subjective, YMWV - your milage WILL vary)

Personality: Match her look, quiet with air of class but not cold type. Reserved but still adequate chatty.
Vibe/Overall Feel: Young OL or business/insurance agent vibe
Overall Age Feel (Look+Vibe): still around 24 despite her mature vibe,
feel she is actually on younger side (This is very subjective, YMWV - your milage WILL vary)
Shower Together: Yes, decent service
Foreplay: She dive right to catbath & BJ, when I reject BJ she was confuse at first but then
understood & accomdate to my preference of slow start. Do my usual snuggling then slowly increase up ��
French: Light but not hesitant so still got feel. Neutral breath. Her lip was tender & sensual,
I like the way she kiss as well, it arouse me enough to caps on
Smoker: No
BJ: Didn't try, she offer
Paint: Didn't try
Finger: Didn't try
Below Wet: She use ky for me
AR/CIM/COB: Didn't try
PSE: Nil

Position: Her riding is quite good, plus really enjoy seeing her body & beautiful boobs bouncing ontop me
Passion: Not in this category
Wildness/Intensity: Decent, 7.5/10 add moan it enhance up to 9/10
Responsive: Yes, mostly through moan
Moan: 9/10 ���� highlight of the whole FJ. The moment her mouth open I lost focus on everything else.
never heard a more perfect moaning voice. knncb sensual. Sweet but sultry, tender but lustful all at the same time.
Her voice just arouse a intense yet satisfy feeling deep inside of me. Increase my heartbeat, set my soul on fire.
Don't know how else to describe but fuck, I thoroughly enjoyed every second of it
Even now recall the sounds she make still give me a mini-adrenalin rush
Pussy: Fairly tight, enjoyable texture
During Orgasm: SOP
After Orgasm: SOP but allow stay inside acceptably long ��

Cuddle Note My cuddle expection is sky high. To me equally important as FJ
Didn't have much time left after actions, but I request to cuddle as part of foreplay, it was decent
Massage: Never ask, never try
Language/Comms: Seem quite good english, speak with abit of slang, didn't need any translate
Last Week: No
Lighting: adequate 7/10
Play Handphone: No
I'm ok with play handphone, More important is if the attention is still on me, or totally distratced

Service/attitude (I generaly remain quiet, passive, don't initiate or engage, step back see where the girl brings me)
Commercial: Abit, but she was friendly & welcoming.
Service: Decent, no complains. Quite obvious she isn't new to this, quite experienced
Attitude: Good, no problems
Engagement: Good, was mostly engage on me through my whole duration, physical or by talking
Conversation: Good, she can initiate & maintain conversation pace

GFE: Nil
Note I separate service/attitude & GFE. No GFE doesn't mean bad service or attitude. Can also have great service but no GF feeling

Shorter Version
( Click to show/hide )
OKT & Location
OKT super fast response, smooth process. G area, 10-15min walk from mrt, need to reg
Room average space & vibe, not new - adequate clean. Shower actually has decent space
Full size thick clean & absorbant towel (8.5/10) ��

No tan, fair. Vid tone accurate. Skin looks smooth, very smooth to touch ��
Boobs est B to B+ Natural ��, firm but soft to touch, tight no sag, beautifully proportion.
no/minimal areola just fair round smooth skin into perky light brown nips. overal incredibly hot & sexy (8.5/10) ��
Petite side, slim not skinny. Vid accurate. Body quite Tight. Arms slimmer than vid, general no tummy, have waist curve, Overall is hot
Pics mostly quite accurate, water bottle one most same to me. pic vibe have some SYT feel, but real life is more classy lady type
Normal face abit stern, after warm up very chio when smile, slight discount complexion but still quite smooth not much blemish at all
Sharp feature, pretty nose, eyes & overal face shape. Everything about her is pretty in classy kind of way
Personality match her look, quiet with air of class but not cold type. Reserved but still adequate chatty
Have young OL or business/insurance agent vibe. Despite her classy mature vibe, she still feels on younger side

Shower together with decent service. She dive right in to catbath BJ but realize my preference for slow start & accomadate ot it ��
Light french but not hesitant so still got feel. Neutral breath. Lips was tender & sensual, I like the way she kiss,
arouse me enough to caps on. As usual didn't try bj. She used KY, but pussy fairly tight enjoyable texture.
Sex was decently intense, riding esp quite good, enjoy seeing her body & beautiful boobs bouncing ontop me
Highlight of the whole FJ - her moaning. The moment her mouth open I lost focus on everything else.
never heard a more perfect moaning voice. knncb sensual. Sweet but sultry, tender but lustful all at the same time.
Her voice just arouse a intense yet satisfying feeling deep inside of me. Increase my heartbeat, set my soul on fire.
Don't know how else to describe but fuck, I thoroughly enjoyed every second of it.
Even now recall the sounds she make still give me a mini-adrenalin rush

After Action/Cuddle ?/10 Note My cuddle expection is sky high. To me equally important as FJ
Didn't have much time left after actions, but I request to cuddle as part of foreplay, it was decent

Slight bit commercial but was friendly & welcoming. Decent service, obvious she isn't new to this, quite experienced.
Good attitude, never play phone at all, good engagement level. Initiate conversation & maintain it well.

Highlights: No tan, if you fair lover, this will fall under hightlight
Incredibly beautiful set of natural b/b+
Her moaning voice. Crazy sensual & arousing. Sweet but sultry, tender but lustful all at the same time.
Good: Full size thick clean & absorbant towel
Very smooth skin to touch
Pretty & classy lady look
Good light frenching, at least I enjoy the way she kiss, tender lips
Riding felt good, especially in view of those pair of hot boobs
FJ intensity was decent, decent after-orgasm moment
Not Bad: Body adequately hot/sexy
Decent service/attitude with adequate engagement & conversation
Cuddle was alright
Acceptable: Acceptable room
Improvements: Not ideal need to reg
Lowlights: -

Personal favorite is her moans. If that was all the session had it would have been acceptably enough for me
Combine with a pretty face & decent service, made it overall a very good session.
Repped, I love your FRs! Think our tastes and opinions align, I'm catching Alice before she leaves tomorrow, following your previous FR and will try this girl Axo after probably. Cheers bro.
Tried (2023)


Tried and Gone
L365 - Maserati
PL - Nat, Nanny, YY
Queens - Casilyn, Jess
DessertThai - Jenny
Casanova - Summer
BP - AXO (RTF-ed!), Aries
Seduction - AM, Coco
LFT - Mabel, Indy
K88 - Buddy
CF - Maylin, Game
FG - Miki
FS - Naomi
GLX - Miso
GMC - Moshi

Last edited by Eizen; 28-09-2022 at 02:16 AM. Reason: wording
Old 28-09-2022, 02:15 AM
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Re: Great Bonks (STRICTLY for sponsored gal only)

Originally Posted by HumbleDude View Post
Just finished with Summer (Casanova)

OKT : Prompt and responsive

Location : Inaccessible by foot. Not near mrt, 10 mins from nearest bus stop

She likes to joke before the deed,makes a lot of corny jokes.

Shower and play a bit, start with some light kissing. She doesn't like to fondle her tits, says its ticklish. Proceed to bed, she wanted to service me first, start with licking my nips, then blowjob, nothing spectacular. Went 69, less than a min, she say cannot alr. Lie down on bed and wanted kiss she gave light kisses and keep wiping her mouth with tissue. Wanted to paint, went for less than a min, she said ticklish wanna fuck. Went missionary and kissed lightly then she said she don't want to kiss anymore and keep avoiding. Went doggy banged for less than 5 mins, got no mood and quickly end.

After the deed she went toilet to wash up, came to room to put moisturizer, went back toilet came out a few times, all without saying anything. The atmosphere turned cold all of a sudden. She told me that's it go shower, asked if she want me to wash, told her no need since she alr wear her clothes. Joked a bit then went off. In total less than 25 mins in and out.

In summary, session felt very commercial, zero Gfe when the deed starts and after. Luckily I only booked 1 shot.

Maybe she Ord mood alr, but all those past reviews abt her, I experience none of it.

So, if you guys are willing to pay for a pretty girl with very low Gfe, she's the one for you.
Damn, shag bro. Likely ORD mood, my experience seemed vastly different from yours (went more than a week ago)

She was super friendly and talkative and smiley the entire way, ate her out, sucked/played with nipples for at least a few minutes each with no resistance.

From what I talked with her previously, quite a few dudes tried to sneakily fuck her raw or something similar, maybe she's worn out from the entire ordeal. Not defending her, just thinking of possible reasons for your experience
Tried (2023)


Tried and Gone
L365 - Maserati
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Old 28-09-2022, 04:08 AM
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Re: Great Bonks (STRICTLY for sponsored gal only)

BB from Sexamazon

Fair and pretty girl and hardworking. Abit on the size...i like it cause it is nice to touch.

Very friendly, location accessible for own transport but i keep worrying the entrance is so near to downstairs😂

RTF: sure!!
Old 28-09-2022, 07:42 AM
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Re: Great Bonks (STRICTLY for sponsored gal only)

Innova from Lust365

Okt: First time using this stable. Prompt, friendly and efficient. Verification process smooth and easy. Replied to my queries adequately.

Very Happy

Location : Central East. A bit of a distance from the nearest mrt but bus stops are close by. CP easily accessible.

Very Happy

Venue : Safe easy access by following Okt's swift instructions. Very small apartment. 2 rooms, later found out Camry was in the other room, pity did not get to see her but did get to hear some sexy laughter and piak, piak piak through the thin wall, lol.

Innova's room is very small but clean. Bed is quite large and comfy though. Shared shower, lacks privacy but since only 2 gals not so bad and seems manageable on the privacy issue. Shower is small but still ok for 2. Towels provided are fresh, clean and quite large so no need to BYOT.


Looks : Sweet pleasant GND looker. Irl Innova resembles the above 2nd, 3rd and 4th advert photos the most, but the above advert photos seem to be quite heavily PS/Filtered by around 35%-40%. Imho think Innova looks more mid-late 20s rather than a 23yo as advertised. She is also not fair as in the above advert photos but has a typical thai tan. Has a shapely nose, soft lips and a long soft tongue.

Stats limited match.

Quite Happy

Boobs: C+/D cup. Big, sexy, shapely round, firm, enhanced but seasoned so quite soft. Nice to fondle and squeeze. Small brown nipples. Innova's sexy shapely round firm big boobs silhouette is well highlighted in the above 1st and 4th advert photos.

Stats just about match.

Very Happy

Body: Really hot, sexy, shapely body made better by her big firm round tits. Almost S shaped perhaps. Her bum is slightly flat though but juicy and still very nice for doggie and cowgal bounce.

Tallish and slim with little fats if any. Around 165cm+ height and 46kg weight. Skin is smooth and tight. Has some ink on her back, a tattoo on her upper right back and a tattoo on her right bum. Pussy is well trimmed, neither tight nor loose and no smell.

Highlight was when Innova first stripped off her dress and I got to see her hot sexy slim firm tight tally busty body in its full glory for the very first time!

Stats just about match.


Services : Ticks All the boxes as advertised plus added bonus of a solid professional massage. Smiley, friendly, polite and sweet. Great attitude and aims to please. First time in Sin but has previous skin trade experience in Taiwan and Japan. Speaks passable english so easy to build up a rapport.


Helps undress, even shoes and socks. Same for putting back clothes and shoes.

Very nice spontaneous passionate sensuous kissing, frenching and DFK throughout the session, with hands caressing, skin to skin contact, eye contact.

Soapy raba shower with french/DFK, light soapy boobs fuck, sexy grinding both pussy and bum. Wiped me down nicely with towel afterwards.

Played background music in the room to lighten the mood.

Solid long wet slurpy BBBJ. Various sexy positions. Very good slow licks of balls, shaft and cock head. Suction good and almost reaches DT. CIM was very nice after a long slow sensual wet BBBJ during round 2.

FJ must give Innova credit for working her ass off to make me cum during round 1. Accommodating to any position and she made the effort during cowgal riding and squat pumping to make me cum after quite a long time. Very nice high facial features, soft moans and she squeezing her big tits when she was on top added to the extra spice.

Solid professional massage, made me relaxed, refreshed and rejuvenated after the FJ.

Stats more than match.


GFE: Polite, warm, sweet, smiley, friendly gal. Easy to talk to since she speaks passable english. High Gfe but more towards a FWB vibe. Obedient and a real trooper when it comes to FJ and BBBJ. Also not a time-watcher.

Very Happy

Conclusion : If you are looking for a typical thai tan sweet pleasant GND looker with a hot sexy slim firm tight tallish busty body who provides excellent services with an added bonus of a solid professional massage and high gfe along fwb lines, then you would not go far wrong in considering Innova for your next bonk.

PS. Imho based on current D1 market conditions, think Innova's sweet price point might be more acceptable at $180/90/2 rather than $200/90/2. And perhaps CIM should be included in the base price as well and not added in as an extra.
Old 28-09-2022, 07:55 AM
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Originally Posted by KagawaBVB View Post
+66FL I never see any FR from this company, I really eyeing for Rosey.

Please let me know if this company is ok?

I tried to book this Rosey a month back .. not the same person .. rejected and okt reassigned another girl who is more acceptable
Old 28-09-2022, 09:33 AM
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Re: Great Bonks (STRICTLY for sponsored gal only)

Nim (The Pimp)
27/9 @ 10pm

Location: Excellent. Actually not my first time but it is probably the best I been to.
OKT: Fuss free, very precise and direct with instructions. Asked my queries very directly and integrity. No BS.

Nim lives in Bangkok, works in a high tier club for a living without much sex work, more to entertainment and stuff. She can look aloof or shy whichever way you see it but once ice is broken, I realised she is a nice humble lady who can sometimes be very shy.

Looks: My type of pretty, minor blemishes only, likeness to her posted pics at least 90%

Body: I like slim ladies and Nim's lovely slim, fats free body meets my criteria.

Pussy: Nim is low mileage since she has not been overused in her line of work, Clearly enjoys being painted and stimulated. Shy she might be but doesnt suppress her euphoria once her G spot is toyed with.

Boobs: They are enhanced but can pass off as the real stuff, soft to the touch and the shapes are pretty balanced. Equally sensitive when I licked them, she didnt stop me from going on and on tbf. As I was working on them, I slid my hand onto her pussy and it was already wet.

Kiss / Frenching: Light frenching and mainly kisses when my mouth moved towards hers. The feel was like making out with a shy innocent girl.

FJ: She enjoy sex. No black face nor rush, I took a long time to work my soldiers out into the condom and she was fine with it. bonked her in several positions, best in my opinion was her cowgirl, solid relentless movements and a bonus point, look at how my dick was bringing her to ecstasy at her own comfortable pace.

GFE: Shy like a innocent girlfriend, can feel there is no pretence, Nim is as genuine as they come and plus point, its always nice to have a pretty sexy lady to cuddle with especially when my own body shape is not exactly the kind of desirable fighting fit type.

This session is a 8.5/10 for my experience.
Will 100% RTF, Nim is worth the damages and beyond.
YMMV but if you share the same taste as me, choosing Nim wont go wrong.
Old 28-09-2022, 10:01 AM
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Re: Great Bonks (STRICTLY for sponsored gal only)

Any stables operating out in the East apartments, any kind bros pls share and pm me. Looking for a regular nearby place for my bonks which I am used to before Covid. Kam sia in advance.
Old 28-09-2022, 11:15 AM
Mibuichizoku Mibuichizoku is offline
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Re: Great Bonks (STRICTLY for sponsored gal only)

Originally Posted by tanhenry13 View Post
Any stables operating out in the East apartments, any kind bros pls share and pm me. Looking for a regular nearby place for my bonks which I am used to before Covid. Kam sia in advance.
How East is the East you're looking for? LUST operates out of apartments in the G area, though their beauty filter usage is often something like a 20-30% discount.
Old 28-09-2022, 11:23 AM
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My experience was the same as yours bro. And mine was like a few weeks ago.

Originally Posted by HumbleDude View Post
Just finished with Summer (Casanova)

OKT : Prompt and responsive

Location : Inaccessible by foot. Not near mrt, 10 mins from nearest bus stop

She likes to joke before the deed,makes a lot of corny jokes.

Shower and play a bit, start with some light kissing. She doesn't like to fondle her tits, says its ticklish. Proceed to bed, she wanted to service me first, start with licking my nips, then blowjob, nothing spectacular. Went 69, less than a min, she say cannot alr. Lie down on bed and wanted kiss she gave light kisses and keep wiping her mouth with tissue. Wanted to paint, went for less than a min, she said ticklish wanna fuck. Went missionary and kissed lightly then she said she don't want to kiss anymore and keep avoiding. Went doggy banged for less than 5 mins, got no mood and quickly end.

After the deed she went toilet to wash up, came to room to put moisturizer, went back toilet came out a few times, all without saying anything. The atmosphere turned cold all of a sudden. She told me that's it go shower, asked if she want me to wash, told her no need since she alr wear her clothes. Joked a bit then went off. In total less than 25 mins in and out.

In summary, session felt very commercial, zero Gfe when the deed starts and after. Luckily I only booked 1 shot.

Maybe she Ord mood alr, but all those past reviews abt her, I experience none of it.

So, if you guys are willing to pay for a pretty girl with very low Gfe, she's the one for you.
Old 28-09-2022, 11:48 AM
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Re: Great Bonks (STRICTLY for sponsored gal only)

Originally Posted by jerjeromel View Post
Does anyone know of a stable called angels aura? Can’t find their WhatsApp anywhere.
old stable... had a few gems back then..

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