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Old 26-11-2012, 07:41 PM
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I do not even know why people want to bao them. They are all prostitutes.
Old 26-11-2012, 08:00 PM
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Originally Posted by Nato17 View Post
I where got gold mine. Gold mine are people like u. Where have you been anyway Bro Nakamitchi.
No gold mine so try n dig here dig there hope to find gold mine loh........and meantime practice gangnam strokes hard hard so dat can join in the fun this sat at MBS ,my sixth sense tell me a teski will appear at the stage out of nowhere but before door can be open suddenly a strong green light shine on the stage ........but take a closer look beneath the green beam comes a retarded chimp wrap with pampers n suck a pink colour pacifier mumbering non stop.....n someone slap the stupid chimp on his tail brain n laughing "Ha ha ha ha ha......"don't try to be play play with the master Joker,batman also give me 3points.......,wait i show u my true color then u know....gangnam Joker style...!!!
Old 26-11-2012, 09:29 PM
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Originally Posted by nakamitchi View Post
No gold mine so try n dig here dig there hope to find gold mine loh...............................mumbering non stop.....n someone slap the stupid chimp on his tail brain n laughing "Ha ha ha ha ha......"don't try to be play play with the master Joker,batman also give me 3points.......,wait i show u my true color then u know....gangnam Joker style...!!!
Did someone mentioned my name?

Anything that I can help?
Up Queue: ??

Please PM me if I had missed you out.
Old 26-11-2012, 09:45 PM
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Originally Posted by arius3 View Post
I do not even know why people want to bao them. They are all prostitutes.
Precisely. These women are meant to be used and discarded. Not kept and treated like treasures. Sheesh!
Old 26-11-2012, 10:17 PM
googlibong220 googlibong220 is offline
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wtf, working since 2000!? Bro nato, gal must've earned enuf to buy a BLOCK of condos by now, doesn't have to work for the rest of her life... Paiseh bro glfc, i may have come across as a bit harsh this am with my reality check, was a little irritated & engrossed in composing a pm to an otherwise rational & quite helpful samster bro deluded by his fave wl, a 4g angpai he knows receives expensive gifts & routinely gets block booked, convinced him he is the only guy she raws, talk about believing in fairy tales...
Old 26-11-2012, 10:24 PM
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Originally Posted by googlibong220 View Post
wtf, working since 2000!? Bro nato, gal must've earned enuf to buy a BLOCK of condos by now, doesn't have to work for the rest of her life... Paiseh bro glfc, i may have come across as a bit harsh this am with my reality check, was a little irritated & engrossed in composing a pm to an otherwise rational & quite helpful samster bro deluded by his fave wl, a 4g angpai he knows receives expensive gifts & routinely gets block booked, convinced him he is the only guy she raws, talk about believing in fairy tales...
I have seen a number of WL & FL who have been around a long time. A lot of them are like work and stop and then work and stop again. Some have made good investment decisions, as in buying property. However, some have totally wasted their youth. Those who did end up buying property early were the lucky ones. However, that is basically their only financial asset.

As for your pm, chill out on the guy. We have all been there one time or another. We all wish for miracles to happen. They just don't.
If you want to screw another man's wife, take a look at the consequences!
Old 26-11-2012, 10:59 PM
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Originally Posted by googlibong220 View Post
wtf, working since 2000!? Bro nato, gal must've earned enuf to buy a BLOCK of condos by now, doesn't have to work for the rest of her life... Paiseh bro glfc, i may have come across as a bit harsh this am with my reality check, was a little irritated & engrossed in composing a pm to an otherwise rational & quite helpful samster bro deluded by his fave wl, a 4g angpai he knows receives expensive gifts & routinely gets block booked, convinced him he is the only guy she raws, talk about believing in fairy tales...
Aiyah.. I don't get offended so easily. I was only reporting what I heard from the gals themselves. Well, generally.. Like what bro Nato17 said abt U can never take GL out of the gal even when she leaves GL.. I don't believe all of them would return to the skin trade. Perhaps 70-80% but not all.
Actually, I was wondering if I could have done Miko at that Zhongshan sauna to relive old times.. That's why I bothered asking her.. But since she says she's not.. I gave up on that idea.

Old 27-11-2012, 12:04 AM
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Originally Posted by geylangfc View Post
Aiyah.. I don't get offended so easily. I was only reporting what I heard from the gals themselves. Well, generally.. Like what bro Nato17 said abt U can never take GL out of the gal even when she leaves GL.. I don't believe all of them would return to the skin trade. Perhaps 70-80% but not all.
Actually, I was wondering if I could have done Miko at that Zhongshan sauna to relive old times.. That's why I bothered asking her.. But since she says she's not.. I gave up on that idea.

Actually, I think the figure is higher than 70-80%. I hear of a lot of fairy tales about WLs going back to get married. Yes, they do go back and some do get married, but over time, they go back to their old ways. It is an issue we cannot grasp but it has been proven time and again. The issue is how long before most of them return to the skin trade.
If you want to screw another man's wife, take a look at the consequences!
Old 27-11-2012, 02:33 AM
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Honestly speaking, i haf mixed emotions when a WL i visit regularly leaves.

Whether FL or GL WL, if she gave me above average svc and we clicked.. I would be very GIAN to ask for her ctc in PRC.. in the hopes of visiting her one fine day (of cos arrange wif her b4hand).

but on the other hand, if they say they got bf or hubby or watever.. I let it go. personally I feel that if reason given as got bf la, getting married la.. probably they DUN wan to c u.. or rather ME. so.. go look for better WLs or hope to find better ones.

but the curiosity in me beckons.. do senior cheongsters n bros here visit FLs and GL WLs when they go back? I mean.. do they really WANT to see u? let alone spend time and fcuk wif u?

on the point of gals returning to the skin trade.. it is not uncommon for them to go back to this very lucrative and easy trade. The beginning wud be hard on most women.. but once u get used to it.. it's jus biz.

I haf read research on human behaviour that if u can get used to something, and it is not too hard to do.. better if you also enjoy doing it.. u will not get away from that kind of work easily.

Look at gals who do adult videos.. most nvr leave the adult industry.. with the ones who dun do vids will end up doing strip tease or more.

I guess it's cos the gals dun bother to learn other skills.. it takes mre time to learn other transferable skills.. eg, accounting, another language, plus.. the money may not come quicker.. u do a trick.. if not in legal brothels.. u get the money straight away.. no waiting.. spending money in less than 2 hrs.

now.. can any gal resist that allure of fast cash?

but i do wish them well.. tho a side of me wants those GEMs to stay around longer.. if they really haf someone that can take care of them.. and haf a family.. i wish them the best.

however.. if they say kena bao.. i just tell them.. for how long? cos when bao period over.. I bet 100% they will be back in the biz. ppl who bao the gals wan easy and unlimited access to the gals.. some even going to the extent of making sure the gal is HIV free (sending her to doc for hiv screening).. and then RAW all the way.. until they get sian.. or they feel the gal not worth spending any more money on.. then they just let go.

once the gal who got baoed is "free".. guess wat? she is not receiving any more cash.. so.. Im sure she'll JUMP back into the skin trade.

haiz.. only the very smart ones.. or those wif smart bf or frens will do investment n not waste or squander on clothes, bags, gambling or any other things.

Bro nakamitchi.. u got pm.
Be Cool! Relax and have a fun time! But remember to be safe too!

Nice Number, thanks bro A- 1288
Old 27-11-2012, 07:40 AM
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Originally Posted by baotohk View Post
I have to agree. Once the girl is used to easy money by offering herself, she will continue to do it.
Agreed, unless married to rich bloke which is rare.

Once earned easy money, hard to quit.

Originally Posted by Tension68 View Post
Whether FL or GL WL, if she gave me above average svc and we clicked.. I would be very GIAN to ask for her ctc in PRC.. in the hopes of visiting her one fine day (of cos arrange wif her b4hand).
I have met up with some FLs at their homeland, but only those really chio ones and can click.

Go over few days for holiday and also to visit her for a good time.
Old 27-11-2012, 08:05 AM
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Originally Posted by TheGreenLantern View Post
Unfortunately there are many richie rich taokays who dun think that way wor! $$$$ to them is cheaper than the PRC WL pussies!
There are rich towkays because these people are crooks that keep raising prices. Just like china goods. do not know y their good keep rising and rising. china are all corrupted and crooks.

As for block book, it has to be reported to the AV. It is not legal and the the girls will get into trouble and okt will close down. It has to be reported to the AV.
Old 27-11-2012, 11:04 AM
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Originally Posted by arius3 View Post

There are rich towkays because these people are crooks that keep raising prices. Just like china goods. do not know y their good keep rising and rising. china are all corrupted and crooks.

As for block book, it has to be reported to the AV. It is not legal and the the girls will get into trouble and okt will close down. It has to be reported to the AV.
Is block booking really illegal? I mean, obviously this has been going on and AVs do have access to OKTs' book. So, if its really illegal, why aren't they doing anything?
Old 27-11-2012, 11:49 AM
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Originally Posted by sinthia90 View Post
Is block booking really illegal? I mean, obviously this has been going on and AVs do have access to OKTs' book. So, if its really illegal, why aren't they doing anything?
I think the books only show the time the girl go in and not what time they come out. The timing they come out is not recorded from what I noticed. But I could be wrong.

So if a WL goes in at say 1pm until 10pm with only one customer, the books will not write 1-10pm w customer A, for example. It will just simply put 1pm, xiaohua, house number and yellow card number, I believe.

Senior bros may like to add on and clarify on the above too.
Old 27-11-2012, 11:54 AM
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Originally Posted by Tension68 View Post

but i do wish them well.. tho a side of me wants those GEMs to stay around longer.. if they really haf someone that can take care of them.. and haf a family.. i wish them the best.

however.. if they say kena bao.. i just tell them.. for how long? cos when bao period over.. I bet 100% they will be back in the biz. ppl who bao the gals wan easy and unlimited access to the gals.. some even going to the extent of making sure the gal is HIV free (sending her to doc for hiv screening).. and then RAW all the way.. until they get sian.. or they feel the gal not worth spending any more money on.. then they just let go.

once the gal who got baoed is "free".. guess wat? she is not receiving any more cash.. so.. Im sure she'll JUMP back into the skin trade.

haiz.. only the very smart ones.. or those wif smart bf or frens will do investment n not waste or squander on clothes, bags, gambling or any other things.

I do not agree that people who bao a gal is because of rawing the WL. A lot of factors come into play. Let me give you an analogy for example in Texas Hold'em. Your hole cards are AAs. You assume that you have the best cards. That is totally correct in a sense. The point is they are the best starting hands. However, at the turn or at in the river, you can get beat by even a tripe of 2's or a set of 3's.

Likewise, you are saying that WLs who get baoed will have their financial support cut off once the guy gets bored. But you have not factored in that a lot of these WLs lie a lot. Remember the cardinal sin of cheonging? Do not believe in what these WLs tell u? How many brothers here have been lied to anyway versus how many get out because of baoing? I think the numbers would tell a different story.

The point here is. Sometimes, in our quest to be Mr. Nice guy, we tell that WL hey stay on he may not be able to help you if he leaves, may actually be that one fairy tale you actually fuck up, don't u agree?

No offense just that I do not agree that is all.
If you want to screw another man's wife, take a look at the consequences!
Old 27-11-2012, 12:38 PM
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There was an excellent thread a few years ago about former PRC KTV gals & street-walkers with an unverifiable stat: only 10% gals don't return to the sex trade within 1 year, & out of that 10%, only 10% stay out after 5 years ie only 1% actually live out the fairy-tale! The ones who get married eventually divorce, the ones who set up biz eventually fail, etc. Too hard to resist the lure of easy money...

I'm actually in contact with 3 ex-GL WLs who all claim not to have carried on whoring, which I've verified over several long weekends in China, no $ involved, but I did bring them gifts of perfume/cosmetics. That said, who knows what they're really doing on weekdays when I don't meet them? They also claim that I'm the only S'porean guy they're in touch with, which I really doubt

ZW- average WL left in June last year after working for more than a year, got cheated out of most of her $ by her family, now working in Guangxi selling insurance, moonlights selling clothes. Overcame her hatred of men & considered returning to the sex trade in May, but was told by her pals in Shenzhen she's too old she's only 26!

CP- angpai left in Feb this year after working for less than a year, gave some $ to her family but left enough to buy a house & reno, recently got married in Sichuan. Still has deep distrust for men, believes her hubby will eventually cheat on her & says I can still see her

JF- average WL left in June this year after working less than a year, made enough to buy a house in Hunan but not reno, now working in Guangdong garment factory. Developed a fear of men & still has nightmares of S'pore customers. Told me she stays in touch with me for her kid's sake just in case she can't return some day to S'pore as a peidu mama, hopes I'll keep an eye on her kid if so

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