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Re: Events In CP
for those bros who are in cp, it is expecting to have rain tomoorow and next tuesday...
今起三天广东大部大到暴雨 可能有龙卷风 2012年04月15日08:07 南方都市报 粤中北今起将再迎暴雨 南都讯 记者石静莹 南都记者昨日从省气象局获悉,受暖湿气流和弱冷空气的共同作用,预计,未来几天广东降雨频繁,并伴有雷电、 短时大风、冰雹等强对流天气。具体预报是受弱冷空气和暖湿西南气流的共同作用,今天到明天广东中北部地区有 大到暴雨,并伴有雷电、短时大风、冰雹、龙卷风等强对流天气,南部地区有中阵雨局部大雨。后天广东西北部、 中部偏西地区、西南部阴天有大雨局部暴雨,其余地区有中雨。 广东省气象局首席预报员梁健告诉记者,目前还无法确定什么地区会出现冰雹,“按经验来说,广东省对于冰雹的 预报,大概能提前三十分钟左右。” 气象部门提醒,未来几天我省降水和强对流天气明显,要注意防御城乡积涝、山洪泥石流、滑坡等灾害,并注意防 御雷电、冰雹和短时大风等灾害及强对流天气可能引发的工棚、临时构筑物、户外广告牌、树木等倒 塌。 强对流天气可能致龙卷风 羊城晚报讯 记者颜英报道: 一场强降雨伴随强对流天气上周影响广东之后,周五夜间强降雨云团减弱消失, 14 日全省雨势暂歇, 气温上升。然而, 从15 日开始, 新一轮降雨伴强对流又将在粤中北部发生, 除了雷电、短时大风、冰雹,局部地区还可能发生龙卷风。 4 月汛期,降雨往往伴随雷电交加。 上周四到周五, 全省先后有37 个市县发布了暴雨黄色预警信号, 5个市县发布了冰雹橙色预警信号, 除了众多城市出现的大雨到暴雨外, 部分市县录得8至11级的雷雨大风、短时强降水等强对流天气, 韶关、清远和广州花都等地都下了大颗的冰雹。到14日早晨,随着强降雨云团减弱消失, 上述市县的预警均已解除, 周六大部分地区雨水暂歇。但是,下一轮降雨和强对流天气则迫不及待地到来。 根据气象部门的预计,15日到16日,受弱冷空气和暖湿西南气流的共同作用,广东省中北部地区 有大到暴雨, 并伴有雷电、短时大风、冰雹、龙卷风等强对流天气;南部地区有中阵雨局部大雨;17日, 广东省西北部、中部偏西地区、西南部阴天有大雨局部暴雨,其余地区有中雨。 上周五曾出现强降雨伴局部地区冰雹的广州市,周六以多云为主, 15 日白天, 天气不稳定的情况将加剧, 全市多云转雷阵雨; 15 日夜间到16日白天, 阴天有大到暴雨; 16日夜间到17日, 有中到大雨。 广州:今晚至明天大到暴雨来袭 新快报讯 记者 曹洪梅 报道 昨天,广州市局部降下阵雨,其强度远小于前天;今天,天气稍微缓和些,以多云为主,局部会有雷阵雨落下,气 温变化不大,最高温徘徊在30℃左右。今天晚上到明天,天气又要发生大变,各区普遍有大到暴雨出现,温度也 会随之小幅下降,最高温介于26℃左右。 4月16日-17日,雨势有所收敛,但各区仍普遍有大到中雨,最高温度仍然持续在26℃左右。 全省天气大致如此,随着强降雨云团南压并减弱消失,全省各地昨天转为多云间阴天。今天起,到17日中北部地 区又将有一次大雨到暴雨的降水过程,并伴有雷电、8级左右短时大风等强对流天气,南部地区有中 到大雨。 广州天气 今天:多云转雷阵雨 气温:23℃~30℃ 明天:阴天,有大到暴雨 气温:22℃~26℃ 深圳:19-21日有大雨到暴雨 预计15日多云可见阳光,有短时阵雨,24-31℃,天气较闷热;16-17日转雷阵雨,19-21日有一次大雨到暴雨降水过程,并伴有雷暴。深圳市气象台14日16:05发布。
---- next cp trip: sometimes in august ---- The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed. |
Re: Events In CP
After 2 months of 沉船 and much moolahs spent, I am finally ready to let go of the ktv girl I met in CP. Never regretted every minute of it. We made glorious love at least 3 times a day. And on my recent trip, on the last day, I was practically spermed dry ! Will be back in CP in August. Maybe another new girl, another episode of "sinking ship"?
Cheers. |
Re: Jia Yi (Tao Yuan) KTV
You will never walk alone...This is Anfield! |
Re: Events In CP
maybe CP will get flooded again ....but this time, it's water ...
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Re: Jia Yi (Tao Yuan) KTV
Hello, great to see useful information in this thread even for whatever reason you post. Thanks. Indeed Jia Yi being the first ktv i ever cheonged in CP, brings back good memories. The girls (looks and attitude), the eager to please service, etc... and how I would (together with many others) camp outside the toilet to view the girls coming out with proper lightings compared to MF...
I just visited Virgin KTV yesterday (Sat) due to the crowd in CP (meaning other KTVs outside my spending power), gosh I need to keep away from CP for a while... Quick FR: Virgin KTV: Number of girls... don't bother to even count. Not many. Some gems but mostly not available. The joke is some will be available if they cannot sit after a few rounds of room screening. One girl I eyed, became available after I told mummy I don't want because she is on red. But can only ST since BF coming back on Sat... Costs is lower than the big 4 KTVs. Strongly not recommended for cheongsters unless you bring sand to the ktv as precaution. The selection of songs surprisingly quite good, comparable to Ouya and Yihao. Also the discipline level in this ktv seems good. Non-FR comments: All these talks about off forum behaviour or opinion of one samsters either openly addressed or hidden attacks, please keep me out of it. I made my peace already. People living in glass houses should not throw stones. People who claim they never post off forum behaviours or off forum opinion of one, better check their postings again. Not only FGG is the smart ones around (no offense FGG to quote you) to realise who one is posting about when making fairy tales or story telling. Anyhow what happened in the past is history, let's move on or at least allow me to move on. Cheers. Quote:
Re: Events In CP
I am still impressed by the vast collection of photos. You even have photos of floods. Salute you man!
Just a Retired Simple Man PuTonRen aka UFO_Man |
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Re: Events In CP
stay in virgin hotel, go to virgin sauna, cheong in virgin ktv and now promote virgin ktv gals .... ![]() ![]() Quote:
it was one hell of lifetime experience for me .... sexciting, exciting and wetciting .... ![]() Quote:
it's probably is uncle coolmanks passion ... ![]() |
Re: Events In CP
Hmmm...Bro Adidas is the NEA or PUB Officer In Charge of CP huh...hee hee
whoremongers never die cos they just reunite in hell ![]() |
Re: Events In CP
the highest proportion of households with $million assets. One in every 6 households that is. below quote..." Singapore seems modest by some measures: Median income among working households was only about S$5,700 (about US$4,500) in 2010, according to the Singapore Department of Statistics. Yet in this small island nation of only 5 million, known for extravagant shopping, high-end restaurants, and draconian chewing-gum laws, nearly one in every six households has more than $1 million in assets, making it the densest population of wealthy households in the world, according to a new report by Boston Consulting Group. While China and India are driving wealth creation in Asia, Singapore also grew at a fast pace. The number of millionaire households in Singapore jumped about 38.6 percent in 2010, to 170,000, from nearly 123,000 in 2009, according to BCG data. The country has had the largest proportion of millionaire households for several years, and the share continues to grow: Singapore's millionaire households increased to 15.5 percent of total households in 2010 from 11.4 percent in 2009. Another factor driving wealth: Singapore's investor scheme, which grants permanent residence to certain investors, says Tang. According to the website of Janus Corporate Solutions, people can "invest [their] way to Singapore permanent residence" by investing more than a certain minimum in a new business startup or Global Investor Program-approved fund or in expanding an existing business in Singapore. More Money, But Higher Costs With this wealthy population comes a relatively high cost of living. In a 2010 cost-of-living survey of 214 cities by consulting firm Mercer, Singapore is the 11th most expensive city in the world for expatriates, on a par with Oslo and more expensive than New York City. Mercer also gave Singapore high scores in its 2010 quality-of-life study of 221 cities: It was the top-scoring Asian city, followed by Tokyo. . Singapore has already led with the highest proportion of millionaire households for several years. With the Asia-Pacific region's share of global wealth expected to increase to 23 percent in 2015, from 18 percent in 2010, Tang says, "the trends seem to be in Singapore's favor." Here are the countries with the highest proportion of millionaires: No. 1: Singapore Millionaire households as a share of country's total households: 15.5% Number of millionaire households: 170,000 2009 ranking: 1 Singapore is home to the world's greatest concentration of millionaire households. Deloitte expects that by 2015, it may surpass Switzerland in per capita wealth among millionaire households. Singapore is Asia's eighth-most-expensive location, according to ECA International. No. 2: Switzerland Millionaire households as a share of country's total households: 9.9% Number of millionaire households: 330,000 ",,,,unquote |
Re: Events In CP
Since even CK said that it is a 'honor'......how to refuse.
Subject to 'T' only. Yeah T meaning timing only; and not T &C , as Cash would never be a prob when honor is involved.
無業游民 |
Re: Events In CP
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Till date i still do not know how they get those figures... If household assets include the other family members houses, car etc maybe.. If not, living in a 4 room HDB driving a normal car, how to be millionaire in asset?
Just a BUDGET Choingster ![]() |
Re: Events In CP
K no problem as I am sure you did not mean it to be malicious.
But the same cannot be said of the other character. Esp his post with rgds to "the self proclaim cheapo". It is an underhanded, malicious post containing false info with design to mislead. Though the 'cheapo' was not named; it is clear who (he hope ) that other will think It was referring to. Anyway for the last 2-3 years I have probably spoken with him less tan 5 words. So that character could not have hear anything directly from me. Furthermore, everyone here know that for the last couple of years I have been organising these LDC party. The only "other people" party that I attended recently was FGG, before that......was SBX and that was quite sometime back already. Then is was a "Panda" party at OY that is like in prehistoric already. Now since I rarely attend other people party....so what there to complain... ...maybe I was complaining that the ldc was too expensive .....becuase Mayday drinks too much. ![]()
無業游民 |
Re: Events In CP
This is CK passion lah.
無業游民 |
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